
          A principios de 1970, Luther Ingram y Mack Rice, que eran compositores de canciones para Stax Records, escribieron una canción lanzada por los Staple Singers titulada “Respect Yourself” (Respetate a Ti Mismo). La letra era: Si le faltas el respeto a todo el mundo con el que te cruzas, ¿cómo demonios crees que todo el mundo está dispuesto a respetarte? Si a ti no te importa el hombre con la Biblia en su mano, simplemente quítese del camino y deje que el caballero haga lo suyo. Tú, una clase de caballero, quieres todo a tu manera. Quítate la sábana de la cara, chico, es un nuevo día. Respétate a ti mismo, porque si no te respetas a ti mismo, a nadie le va a importar, respétate a ti mismo.

Todo el mundo quiere respeto de una forma u otra. Algunos lo consiguen a través de estilos de vida criminales imprudentes. Otros por logros académicos o incluso notoriedad política. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista de Dios, que al final es el único punto de vista que realmente cuenta, ¿cómo ve Él el concepto de respeto? ¿Podemos honrar a alguien sin respetarlo? Esa es una pregunta que todos, como individuos, debemos luchar por resolver.

¿Son las personas en general dignas de honor? No en el sentido de venerarlos, o de tener respeto por ellos, sino de reconocerlos como alguien de valor porque Dios los ama y dio su vida por ellos. ¿Podemos honrar a alguien y, sin embargo, no encontrar prácticamente nada en él digno de respeto? ¿Parece un poco descentrado pensar que alguien puede comportarse de una manera que no sea respetable pero que, sin embargo, sea llamado honorable? Parece una paradoja decir honorable, pero sin respeto en la misma frase, ¿no?

“Respeto” en Romanos 13:7 es en el sentido de dar reverencia a aquellos que ejercen poder y autoridad. La idea hebrea de respeto significa “levantar”, entre otras dos implicaciones. “Levantar la mano” mientras se hacía un juramento era una muestra de respeto y una señal externa de buena conciencia, confianza y favor. “Levantar los ojos” también era una metáfora de tener respeto.

Estoy pensando en el “respeto” como un subconjunto bajo el honor, excepto que estoy teniendo problemas con la idea de honrar a alguien por quien realmente tengo muy poco respeto. Puedo “respetar” la posición de alguien en un cargo público, pero no encuentro respeto por ellos como persona en mi corazón. Creo que en la forma en que la gente ve el honor, limitan su pensamiento a un “comportamiento respetuoso”, como ser educado, cortés y tener buenos modales, y creo que eso es bastante limitado. Cuando era joven aprendí modales a una edad temprana, más o menos. “Qué niño tan simpático”, decía la gente, lo que significaba que aprobaban mi comportamiento. Bueno, supongo que felicitaciones para mí por ser “un niño agradable”, en la opinión de ellos!

El honor es diferente. En la forma en que el Señor lo usa, el honor viene cuando reconocemos el valor de alguien, no significa que aprobemos su comportamiento, sino que nos estamos comportando de una manera que transmite que tiene valor. Creo que tal vez el respeto se centra en el comportamiento, como hacer “lo correcto”, mientras que el honor viene del corazón. El respeto reconoce la conducta de una persona, mientras que el honor atribuye valor. El respeto enseña modales y la frase aparentemente flexible “comportamiento adecuado”, por lo que supongo que también deberíamos preguntar sabiamente, ¿”comportamiento adecuado” según quién? El respeto conlleva la idea de ser como un vapor, y puede subir y bajar, pero el honor enseña algo más profundo. El respeto puede hacernos quedar bien ante los demás, pero el honor “construye los lazos ocultos que proporcionan fuerza y unidad”, que es mi deducción al mirar las letras hebreas. El comportamiento respetuoso es incompleto en sí mismo. Enseñar respeto no es suficiente. A medida que “El Respeto” sube y baja… El “Honor” tiene peso y gloria. Una cosa es obedecer al diputado por respeto a su cargo, pero otra es honrarlo porque lo conoces como amigo.

Cuando la elección de alguien se deshonra a sí mismo y avergüenza a otro, ¿es también alguien que no recibe respeto hasta que sus acciones sean tratadas y rectificadas correctamente ante el Señor junto con aquellos que fueron heridos por sus acciones? Cuando alguien ha caído en adulterio, se menoscaba y se deshonra a sí mismo, avergüenza a la otra persona, degrada su testimonio, arroja sombras sobre las personas rectas con las que tiene comunión y transgrede el pacto de sangre con el Señor. El respeto por ellos se desploma a cero. Después de que Dios los haya llevado a través de su tiempo oscuro de reconciliación y restauración, su testimonio no debe ser uno de su perdición, sino más bien dar respeto y honor al amor y la liberación de Dios… la atención se centra en la redención de Dios más que en su desgracia.

Tanto el honor como el respeto tienen su lugar. Cuando los niños son pequeños, aprenden un comportamiento respetuoso, pero a medida que crecen, como padres también debemos desarrollar una respuesta de honor del corazón. Es bueno enseñar un comportamiento respetuoso, pero es importante que no nos detengamos ahí. El honor agrega una dimensión más profunda a las relaciones y nos ayuda a abordar los conflictos en las relaciones, es como un rasgo de carácter en lugar de solo respetar a alguien por posición y título.

En Marcos 15:43, dice “José de Arimatea, un respetado miembro del concilio, que también esperaba el reino de Dios, se animó y fue a Pilato y le pidió el cuerpo de Jesús”. La palabra “respeto” se usa en el sentido de ser honesto y ordenado, y de Alguien con una conducta intachable.

Pablo escribió a la iglesia de Roma para que “Paguen a todos lo que se les debe: impuestos a los que se deben impuestos, rentas a los que se deben rentas, respeto a los que se deben respeto, honra a quien se debe honra”. Cada alma viviente tiene valor, o de lo contrario Jesús no habría muerto y resucitado de entre los muertos por los pecados del mundo, pero no todos se comportan de una manera que les debamos respeto. ¿Te das cuenta?

Cuando las Escrituras dicen que Dios no hace acepción de personas en Deuteronomio 1:17 y Hechos 10:34, no significa que Él piensa que todos somos escoria lamentable para ser tolerados, sino que Él no está impresionado con la posición, el título, la autoridad personal y el poder carismático de alguien. Nuestra posición y título aquí en el mundo no es lo que nos hace ganar nada con Dios. No oye a un director general por encima de un conserje, a un financiero mundial por encima de un obrero de construcción. Un juez justo se ocupa de las causas, no de las personas. Por ejemplo, si se promueve a alguien a una cátedra por la razón, que es la causa, de que tenga suficiente conocimiento, consideraríamos esa “causa debida”, no cuánto apreciamos a la persona. Pero, si promovemos a esa persona por favores, carisma o poder personal por la razón de que es esa persona en particular, entonces hay respeto por la persona. Un juez justo se ocupa de las causas, no de las personas. Todo el mundo tiene valía y valor, pero no todos se comportan de una manera digna de respeto.
¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

Mercy And Forgiveness

i met a young man the other day, covered in tatoos, quiet, life in turmoil and chaos … in trouble. Across his neck he had the words “Expect No Mercy”. The tattoo reminded me of the words of someone who carries a never ending offense; someone who possibly has experienced from someone important in their lives in the past, some sort of condemnation, and it just stuck to him and wouldn’t let go. He learned the “no mercy” lifestyle somewhere. Maybe he learned he should never expect mercy for his life, actions, or reactions, and as a result he should give no mercy. Where do we learn such things?

We treat each other pretty terribly sometimes. i’m thankful, so thankful that God Almighty extends mercy to us. i’ve begun to think that if a man doesn’t know mercy, he probably doesn’t know forgiveness either. The Hebrew word for mercy denotes God’s compassion which spares us from destruction or similar dismal fates. If God did not extend us mercy and forgiveness through Christ, we would all be doomed from before we were born, but because of God’s mercy, there is hope. Jesus Christ gave His life and was resurrected from the dead due to love, and also for mercy’s sake for a dying world with no hope of life. Because of the mercy of God, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we “may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”.

Are you offended? Offended people carry a tit-for-tat posture, they tend to have no mercy for themselves or others. And what is worse, they seem to be good with walking around offended, day and night. They tend to be angry, unfulfilled, sensitive people, generally speaking. Many of them seem to be the most insulting, demeaning, crude, and crass people I’ve ever met. They think nothing of insulting others and putting them down, but say something to them about their attitude, friend you better watch out because offended people seem ready to bite anyone who challenges them. They’ve always got a growl in their throat about something. i believe, in the end, it comes down to ego, selfishness, and a sense of entitlement.

Do you carry the throwing stones of offense in your pockets, those extra handy throwing stones which fit your hands just perfectly? Haven’t you ever wondered exactly who helped you pick out those handy throwing stones? Well, it wasn’t God, i can assure you of that.

Amazing as it sounds, offense has facets, which i call faces and there are four faces of offense:

  1. Number of offenses

Men might forgive some, but are not prone to forgive with much repetition.

  1. Number of offenders

Men may pardon one or a few, but the greater the number of offenders the less inclined men are to forgive.

  1. Kind of offense

Men limit what sort of offenses they forgive, as long as it doesn’t cost them much and it would be to their advantage.

  1. Degree of offense

People will forgive an offense if it is small enough to not be of any injury to themselves. Many seem to feel that they don’t mind anything that happens as long as it doesn’t happen to them.

And who are the Friends of Offense: bitterness, anger, confusion, casting shadows, and vilifying others. They come to visit but then won’t leave, and the more they stay, the more entrenched they become. Do they live at your house? Did you invite them in one day when they came to visit but now they won’t leave?

Eph 4:31 “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.” In the Message Bible translation, Hebrews 12:15 points out that the seeds of offense grow, “weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time.” How does your garden grow?

People who carry an offense, don’t know forgiveness as God has extended it to them, and as a result there is not much mercy in them for themselves or anyone else. No mercy means a life doomed to condemnation. We can either stand on mercy or stand on condemnation, but you can’t be in both camps at the same time, the bitterness will tear you in half.

i want us all to know that “God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he’s rich in love. He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.” “So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves.” OH, how he loves you and me.

Mercy … that sounds like something i want. How about you?

A Garland Of Praise

Isaiah 61:1-3, “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful garla nd of grace instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified.”

In our season of grief, difficulty, possibly even working through catastrophic circumstances, i believe God has a word for you and you, yes you can be healed everywhere you hurt. If you’re sad and that sadness just invades your waking and sleeping, God can heal your sadness by the Blood of Jesus, and not only can He heal your sadness, but He’ll give you the courage and strength to get up off your sick bed and re-enter the land of the living.

i’ve wondered exactly why many folks think Jesus died for their sins,… it seems many times that’s as far as anyone thinks about it, He died for my sins and it stops there … was it only a salvation thing so we don’t have to go to hell like having fire insurance?  …  just – saved from our sins?. i believe, if we’ll take the Lord seriously, He wants so much more for us than that. He wants us to enjoy the road home and not just be Eyore all the way home. One lady said, God wants us to be whole, not full of holes.

This is Outposts, cool jazz and contemplative conversation that makes you say, “hmmmm…”, something smooth for the late night people, or maybe those on their way to work. i suppose some are sitting up late in their big arm chair, pondering the things which occurred today, or maybe the things which didn’t occur today. Others are just late night people, they seem to function better after the sun goes down… i have no idea why, your reasons are your own. Then there are the people who are up late because you can’t sleep … .stuck in that grey place between awake and asleep, that place …  where nothing hides, tossing and turning like a fish out of water. What’s on your mind that you can’t sleep?

i believe so so many folks are in pain, real pain. We may have learned to live with it, and some truly tolerate pain better than others and have learned to wear a good face, but it doesn’t mean the pain isn’t there. For years, i was in pain and i had no idea why, how it got to be there, or even what it was about … i gave it no identity and as a resulti was always acting out with no thought of questioning any of my actions.

When i had cattle, i grew to know they are usually pretty good down to about -25 … on particularly cold days i would chuckle to myself because their faces looked like they were saying, “Boy it sure is cold” and the other one would say, “Yea, it sure is but i don’t know what to do about it.” They’d munch more hay and just roll their big eyes around, appearing to think about being cold but clueless as to what to do about it. That was me when it came to pain … just clueless what to do about it. Our topic is beauty for ashes like a garland of grace … and the gold the Lord brings out in us when it appears all is burned to the ground.

In my little life, i know something, maybe not much according to some, but this i know, i can’t play hide and seek with my difficulties and expect them to simply go away. Just because we don’t deal with stuff doesn’t mean it’ll just disappear.

The Lord wants us to be more than survivors. In the last program it was mentioned that one day while out for my afternoon walk, the Lord made me to know that i was only surviving when i was supposed to be prospering. He said, “How is it you have fallen to only surviving when you should be prospering?” It was a good question, and at the end of His question there came a feeling like the earth plates in my heart were moving, repositioning themselves to align better with God. You know what i mean?

Here’s a question, if you knew it could happen, would you be willing for your circumstances to be your message and ministry?

John 6:12-13, “And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.” So they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves left by those who had eaten.”

i don’t know about you, but there have been terrible times when i felt like my entire life was just broken little pieces, just fragments. In John 6:12-13 i hear the Lord calling me to bring even my broken fragmented life to Him. He has healed the broken hearted and opened wide the prison doors and has the power to deliver forever more. We’ve all heard that God does more with nothing than we can do with something, and even if we’re sure we are on the negative side of zero, God can do something with even that.

i’ve got a few ideas of who i am, but i’ve got tons of ideas about who i’m not and i reckon it’s good to give Him not only who i am, but also all that i’m not … take it all captive.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says to take our thoughts captive. That word “thoughts” there in Greek means all your perception, purpose, all your academic thinking, and even your disposition, take it all prisoner by the word of God, and that’s not just the negative stuff either, that’s ALL of it, even the good things, take them ALL captive, like holding a prisoner of war at spear point.

We can’t be afraid to reveal to the Lord even the smallest details of our lives, you know, it’s not like He’s surprised. i believe God knew exactly what He was getting into when each one of us came in the door of the house by the Blood of the Lamb.

There is no time the Lord ever regrets forgiving your sins and transgressions. i believe the Lord has more hope for me than i have for me, and certainly more hope for me than any of my friends or relatives. i was the little boy who was never supposed to live past the age of seven, according to our neighbors. i was a dangerous kid, not because i was mean or tough, but i was so vastly ignorant of the repercussions of my actions, it’s the truth, my parents didn’t expect me to survive childhood.

i figure, if you are the meek, poor, wounded, depressed, if you’re the fearful, sad, conflicted, shamed and disqualified, if you’re the bankrupt and blind, one of the lost and unfortunate ones, you are exactly who Jesus came for. You are the very one He came to get eye level with. He was crucified, died and rose from the dead for you. You are the very one God came to rescue.

You and I both know what happens to unprocessed emotions: they get stored. i can’t remember who said it but they said, “What’s buried alive never dies.” That’s the truth. We’ve gotta deal with stuff, we can’t just bury it, or compartmentalize it and stuff it somewhere. Some folks compartmentalize their griefs so well, they can, with all confidence say they are “fine…totally fine”, but below street level all the wounds which have been buried are still active, affecting all they do. Honestly, I don’t see the Lord as someone who just throws “lessons” at us in the form of casualty, catastrophe or suffering as if we are hamsters just running on a wheel. But I do think we are all able to choose to have the power to mine gold from even the darkest of situations.

We need to be honest with ourselves and the Lord. Yea, i know we have to be people of faith, and faith will get us through, and by faith i am healed, but so many in leadership have gotten so they are dealing with other people’s stuff, but they’re not dealing with their own, even to the point of denying they even have woundedness going on. Believe me, if you’re in church leadership long enough, you WILL get hurt, sheep bites are painful. But i don’t think we should be wounded healers. Telling ourselves if we had enough faith we shouldn’t even be going through those things. If we feel like we can’t be honest over things, if we feel like we can’t bring our problems into the light, it’s the truth, everything we hide has power over us. That’s why a couple programs ago i made a call to deal with the hidden things in our backyard where no one can see, which is a metaphor for saying everything we hide has power over us.

That, by no means, says we should just dump all our dirty laundry onto anyone who comes along, we need to be a little more discretionary than that. But you’d be surprised how much help there is in having a safe person to simply verbalize things with. i call it “talk therapy” We need to talk about the things which hinder us so hell can’t continue to hold it over our heads anymore, making us a slave to what is hidden and compartmentalized.

We spend a lot of energy keeping things hidden. It reminds me of having a bicycle which only turns in one direction. Oh, you’re peddling and balancing alright, but you aren’t going anywhere. Every time you hearken back to a former time about the time so-and-so did that, or such-and-such happened, or you remember the disappointment or anger of a past thing that happened, get off that bicycle and deal with what’s holding you back.

Many years ago, i was angry and so disappointed it seemed life was just going in circles. i distinctly remember waking up one day and making a clear decision that i was not going to allow the past to keep dragging me backwards into a dark corner, getting suckered into a fight in the dark, and that from there on out, i was going to look up instead of down, afterall, when you’re always looking down, all you can see is the ground.

i was drawing a line in the sand that enough was enough, that’s it, i’m not looking back, obsessing about the past anymore, sitting in the middle of nowhere wishing i could just get a glimpse of destiny. i believe it’s a fact, we can’t do anything about what’s past, what’s done is done, but we can do a lot about cooperating with God about what’s ahead.

2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come.”  Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life, be renewed in the spirit of your minds, put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Let’s get motivated about that!

Philippians 3:12-14, “…but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Friends, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

“Press” is one of the key words i’m interested in. It means to push forward, pursue, take action, campaign and advance on. It’s not a timid, passive term, it is a verb that is present, active, indicative, meaning it is in the now, we are the ones doing the action, and it’s a statement of fact. Take note of these words also, “make it my own”, which is a now verb, “Forgetting what lies behind” as in the now, and “straining forward” is present tense, meaning now. Do you see it? Now, now, now!  In order to press onward, we’re going to have to learn to do it, even when we’re hurting, even when all odds say we should just quit, even when our closest friends tell us to just give up on our faith. We’re going to have to learn to do the right thing even when the wrong thing seems more just. You know, it’s always the right time to do the right thing, and we need to do it until doing the right thing just becomes second nature to us ‘cause doing the right thing is just the natural inclination of our heart. That’s called enduring and it’s one way of resisting the devil so he’ll run away, screaming into the distance, driven backwards into his own gates.

Friends, we need to know who we are in Christ and stop getting our identity from how we look, who we know, the job we have, what we own, what others say about us, and what spectacular things we may have done or not done. It’s been said before on this program, i don’t believe most of us really know what to make of ourselves, nor do we seem to know how to talk about ourselves. God wants to define us, and if we wait until some religious body defines us, we maybe waiting all our lives. God is our constant defining moment, now, now, now.

i don’t know about you, but i’m not satisfied to merely go to Heaven when i die. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a wonderful thing, of course, but i just don’t believe Jesus Christ, the son of God Almighty, died for me so i can just barely get through, just surviving, (Eeyore voice) “i guess everything will be great when we get to Heaven, but we’re just doing the best we can with what little we’ve got in the mean time, barely scraping through. i’ll probably enter Heaven with the faint smell of brimstone on me, but at least i’ll be in Heaven.”

          Jesus said He came that we would have life and have it more abundantly. Now listen, that doesn’t mean we won’t have problems, it doesn’t mean we won’t struggle, it doesn’t mean we will never weep over situations, or, that everything is just going to be moonbeams and merry-go-rounds either … but it does mean, by the blood of Jesus, we have a right to not be wounded all our lives, to not bleed all over everything over past hurts, we have a blood bought right to not get mired in the clay of what someone did to us.

You wouldn’t believe how often hell has come to me and told me i would never have anything more than a second-rate life, doing second-rate things, for second-rate reasons. It reminds me of the kids in high school who got D’s on their report card. They tended to do D things with D people going D places for D reasons yet were never able to lift up their heads enough to see that there was so much more life than what they had.

i am determined to not let the wounds of my past dictate the steps of my future, and to stop the bleeding of old hurts. The past belongs in the past, which is why it is past. Let … it … go.

Let us be reminded of God’s promise in Isaiah 61:7-8, “Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy. For I the LORD love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.”

That’s joy, which is rejoicing and gladness with a shout in the middle … and that’s an everlasting joy too. The Lord rewards those who diligently seek Him and i must add that i have sought the Lord at His request for lo, all these years and i believe and am assured i am living in the reward. He didn’t persecute me for my wrongs, He corrected me to a better heading. He didn’t prosecute me as in a court of law, He took me to a place to heal the wounds which drove me off the deep end. So much of my life i’ve had to do things afraid. What is it one preacher says, “If you’re afraid, go forward afraid…go with God anyway. Go forward with Jesus and tell the truth, even if your voice shakes!”

If He did it for me, He’ll do it for you too. We don’t have to be wounded all the days of our lives. There is a choice to be made there. What do you want? Do you just want to make it through the muddle in the middle, merely surviving life? Regardless of all my confidence, i can safely say, from hard won experience, no one, nowhere, is able to run their lives by themselves. We can’t, simply can’t do it alone, as in “are not able”. There is no way anyone can escape the gravity of earth, the pull of this world, on their own. i have been abandoned, rejected, made to be isolated and isolated myself, and felt overwhelmingly alone, but through it all, God has been there, He and i have pressed forward, in the now, every step of the way. Regardless of who doesn’t like me, disagrees with me, won’t return my calls, or feigns to be my friend yet doesn’t speak to me at church or on the street, i have determined i am going on with God no matter what or who.

Check out another of God’s promises, Isaiah 54:4, “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; Neither be confounded, for you will not be put to shame; For you will forget the shame of your youth.” i love the part where He says, “neither be confounded” … meaning to not let yourself be insulted, offended, or wounded to the point of nearly bleeding to death. And then He says, “you will not be put to shame or disgraced,” basically meaning the Lord will lead us in a path which we don’t have to suffer the loss of honor due to humiliation, not that we will forget the stupid stuff we did when we were ignorant and young, but the shame of those days will be resolved unto strength, maturity, and faith. Friends, now there’s the word of the Lord to cling to.

i know of a fellow who was reminded by the enemy of all the dumb stuff he did as a young man, reminded so often it just seemed to be a probability that’s the way the rest of his life was going to go. He began to believe he was as terrible as hell would have him believe he was. He called me on the phone and asked me straight out if i thought he was a failure, and with all power i answered, Absolutely not, never, in the name of Jesus. The Lord said in Isaiah 54:17, “no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”

Hell will bring against us all of our don’ts, won’ts, can’ts, and should’ve’s as judgments lodged against us to wound us to death, but God says we have the power, by the blood of Jesus, to refute those accusations because we are the children of light, servants of the most high God who sets our feet on firm footing and leads us beside still waters, meaning He is faithful to bring us to His Shalom. Even if your life is burned to the ground and there’s nothing but ashes and soot left, God knows how to build again, so from the sludge of a burned out life, new life springs forth like gold sticking out of the ground.

Stand up church, it ain’t over till it’s over. You may be down, but you’re not out. i’ve not heard the bell yet, so get up and fight. 1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” Think about it.

Stand up church, get to your feet. Your catastrophic circumstances are not the end of things, it is the beginning of excellence in Christ, it ain’t over till it’s over, and it’s not over yet. i know a man who has struggled with addiction, crime, and incarceration almost all his life, but then when Jesus took hold of him, things begin to change. Yes, he relapsed because that was his best self-medicating coping skills, yes, at first he still played out his criminal habits because that was all he’d ever known. But little by little, he became less and less of an addict, committed fewer and fewer crimes, and every time he got knocked down, he kept getting back up, and getting back up, determined to apprehend Christ, the prize who lay before him. Over time he got good at falling down and even better at getting back up, every time he got back up he was standing longer and more upright. The farther he got from addiction and crime, the less he was inclined to see himself as a failure with no hope. In him grew a hope that in Christ he really could be a son of the Most High, and he really was be an overcomer.

It’s great to be on the path, but we must actually move our feet. C’mon, let’s get on with it. There’s no time to sit and moan about old things that have passed away to the point we become inert. If we’ve nearly fainted in the heat of battle, weary from the pounding of life, Jesus is our refreshment. We don’t have to keep bleeding, we don’t have to keep weeping. There’s a choice there. John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Jesus came to give life to us over-the-top, more than we could imagine, better than our idea of good. We are called to do more than merely survive, and notice, Jesus used the word “abundantly” and we should take that seriously. True the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but my Jesus stepped into the middle of all that and said, “I am here, and that ain’t happening to whomsoever will come to me.”

Come go with me, let us press on to know the Lord, for He will come, He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rains watering the earth. Be strong and courageous! Roll on little doggies, roll on happy trails. Amen!

Throwing Stones

John 8

Jesus was in the temple teaching, as usual, and then came the Pharisees with a woman who was taken in adultery (where was the man? Also, how is it they just “happen” to be there to catch her?). i have read that they brought her to the 1st porch which is at the 6th step, which is the number of man, in order to try her case, but i don’t know if that’s true. But, trying to snare Jesus, they asked Him what He thought. He told them that anyone with no sin should cast the first stones, and from the oldest to the youngest they left.

By law, they were right. By law, they could indeed stone her. By law, they brought her to the temple for judgment and the carrying out of the sentence. The Hebrew word for judgment means “to level the hand at, as in aiming the finger”.

The Lord says to me: “There should be no enemies within the Body. None.”

If our hands are filled with stones to throw, then we can’t have our hands full of what God has for us. As long as we’ve got a throwing stone in our hand, that stone is taking up space where God’s provision should be. Many times, by law, i am right to be angry with someone or i rightly should suspect them of something tricky. By law i am not wrong to aim my finger at that person and “tell it like it is”. By law. My right. Demanding what is fair, by law. Mercy for me, justice for you! But in the Body of Christ, there are NO enemies. None.

Did they keep a special box of stones at the temple in order to mete out justice? A fair sized box on the left and right side of the porch labeled ‘Throwing Stones”?!? A box of stones that someone went out and handpicked … just the right circumference and feel. Hmmmm, how handy. A box labeled “Throwing Stones” that just “happen” to be handy for those that felt an offense toward those “law breakers”. The enemy is sure to help us to know right where the best stones to throw are kept. Let me encourage us all…drop your stones! If your hands have stones to throw in them, you are actively denying yourself the provision you’ve been praying about. Want to know what it is that restrains you? God will be glad to talk to you about that, but one of the first things He’ll ask of you is to…drop the throwing stones. Even if you are right, DROP THE STONES!

That chip on your shoulder is contagious, drop the stones!

Quit being offended and drop the stones. If you feel that you’re always defending the way you feel or why you do what you do, you might not only have stones in your hands, but some extra’s in your pockets … just in case. Drop the Stones!

So there should arise in our minds an excellent question: Who made sure you were able to put your hand on that throwing stone? Got a big fat aught with your church family? Ask the question: Who made sure you knew all about it? Who told you that? And who made sure you could lay your hands on the very best throwing stones? Drop the Stones!

Jesus never defended Himself that i can find. i’ve concluded that a main reason Jesus didn’t defend Himself is because He was not Offended. And if anyone in all creation had a reason to be offended, it was Jesus. But yet He was not offended, therefore He did not defend. If there is no offense, i believe there is no reason for a defense. In meeting people that are always busy with a defense, i find them to be the proud owners of throwing stones … they actively hold an offense. Jesus told Peter to put away his weapon … NOT put it away for now as if it was OK to possibly pick it up later when it more suited his purposes, but “put away your offense”. Jesus told Peter to disarm! Drop the stones!

If you’ve ever had a stone thrown at you and been hit, it hurts. Alot, and it’s hard not to retaliate. Put away your offense, drop the stones in your hand, God would like to fill your hands with something else, and as long as your hands are full of Stones to Throw, they can’t hold anything else. Disarm. Drop the Stones!

Let us take God as our defense, and receive the shelter who has been offered to us. i will,  i will go hide in Jesus.

Thanks for listening, i’m Social Porter for Living In His Name Ministries.

Slackness Idleness And White Noise

Why do we study God’s word? Is it to gain information so we’ll know about Him? Maybe we do it so we can truly know our Redeemer. Is it so we can say we read the Bible? Is it for the reason to know God, or to understand what He’s got to say? How much study of the Bible is necessary in order that we would understand God’s intentions, taking note of how He uses His words, including verb tenses, the hidden meanings in nouns, adverbs, and adjectives? Do we take note of His use of words like, and, therefore, if, or, but, and “then”?

This broadcast maybe a little prickly, but the truth is i don’t believe we spend enough time studying the word of God for ourselves. We often depend on someone else to dig out the information, and wait for someone else to explain. Maybe we study God’s word for all the reasons above. For better or worse, either way, you’d be surprised at the people who claim to be believers who know so very little about the person who gave them life, who teaches the way to conduct themselves, and gives us a heads up about the days and seasons to come.

All of that “not knowing” makes us vulnerable to the winds of misinformation, susceptible to corrupt doctrine, wavering faith and confused loyalties. And when asked a question about what we believe, how we came to that conclusion, and why it’s a good idea, you’d be surprised at the lack of an answer for the reasons of our faith. Sure, many can give a general answer, but if we dig too much deeper, there comes a peculiar reply i call “white noise”. “White noise” is a product of idleness, slackness, or a general lack of interest maybe, if we were honest. “White noise” is often accompanied by the sound of crickets, blank stares, possibly even a rebuke as to why you ask so many questions, accusing you of being an “interrogator”. That’s called deflecting when we don’t want or can’t answer and we put blame on the other person to shift the focus.

What is behind the “white noise” we often hear from the church? Even people who were once vocal about their faith and practiced what they believed as a testimony to the world of the living Savior, Jesus Christ, many of them seem to have become silent, have simply gone home and are often reluctant to give a good report of their faith in God. What is up with the “white noise” in our mouths?

Colossians 4:6, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

Why do i take the time to find definitions for scriptural concepts and words? For me, it’s because i find, all too often, i don’t know what God means, and in me is a burning desire to see beyond our English translation, which often uses the same word for many things, and frankly, it’s confusing. i pass them on to you so that you may be drawn into a deeper understanding of the heart of the Father.

Let us not let “idleness” and “slackness” be part of our testimony. Truly, i believe we, often, don’t have a reply and don’t understand God’s heart because it’s simply too much trouble to find out, or we’re convinced we can’t know and we’ll get it wrong.

Proverbs 10:4, “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” To be slack means “not taut or held tightly in position, lack of work or activity,” but in this case it is a word which, majorly, means someone who feigns to do one thing, but is actually doing something else, there’s an element of deception in it … and in a minor sense it is someone who has little and is often hungry because they’re simply not applying themselves.

One view of that scripture is about someone who pretends to give to the poor, but doesn’t, who appears to pursue the Lord, but is only about the show, who loves to make an appearance in the high rooms where big decisions are made and loves to “walk in long robes”, but it’s all only a show. How many of us approach scripture and understanding the heart of God this way? We appear to be pursuing Him, but when no one is looking we would rather sit and stare … we are idle, sometimes nearly comatose on the measure and mechanism of grace, not being all that interested in the Lord or His values. Is our slackness a conscious decision upfront? i don’t know but probably not, but i can say it is a spiritual poverty that comes on those of us in the body of Christ who live this way.

This kind of slackness isn’t just not being motivated … the first letter of the Hebrew word for slack is about our head, it’s the twisted thinking in our head which makes this kind of slackness a purposeful thing. Additionally, due to the way the word is spelled in Hebrew, it is indicative of an element of deception which begins with a choice … what we believe drives the rules we live by, motivating us to make choices, creating life actions. Did you get that, what you believe rules you, you don’t rule what you believe. i’ll say it again: Beliefs create rules to live by which produce choices, and due to our beliefs, our choices make actions, for good or bad. Search it out for yourself, don’t take my word for it.

The kind of slackness of Prov10:4 is driven by what’s in our head, meaning our heart is being led by our head, which opposes the right order of things. When our flesh is given power over our spirit, that to you is sin.

i might be mistaken, but i believe the Laodicean church of Rev3 was like that. In their slackness, initially there was deception. Rev3:14-17, “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation. “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Oh, how i wish you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.

i would imagine if we were able to have a conversation with someone of the Laodicean church, at some point they would run out of anything to say and the words of their mouths would, at some point, turn to white noise. How many of us today, don’t study? Oh sure, we’d like to and we know it’s a good idea but we simply… don’t … we would like to fast but we get no further than just thinking about it, we imagine ourselves to be hot because we go to church at a happening place but we are not honest with ourselves.

In John4:16, when Jesus asked the woman to go get her husband, He wasn’t trying to impress her that He knew stuff, He was asking her to be honest, to simply be honest about her situation. Isn’t the Lord asking the same thing of us today, to be honest about the lives we lead where no one can see? Do you do the things you do in secret, in the dark, because you don’t believe God sees you, or is it because you don’t care if God sees you? And believe me, an honest reply to either question is piercing!

Through our own lukewarmness, born out of reliance on the world to make life bearable, not to prosper in the Lord but to live a bearable life, many have become poor, wretched, blind and naked … and i sorta doubt many folks even know.

As i was walking one day, out for my daily walk, the Lord said to me, “You are to be doing more than surviving, you are to be prospering. Why have you fallen to being satisfied to merely survive?”  He was speaking to my becoming a “ho-hum, low slung basement dweller”, satisfied to have one light, hanging in the middle of the room because it was just too much trouble to do anything else, satisfied to merely survive. Truthfully, sometimes we all just get tired, but we must get up. It is not enough to survive, we are supposed to be prospering. Now there is another great topic to explore: what is your idea of “prospering”?

Deuteronomy 7:10, “He will not be slack with one who hates him. He will repay him to his face.

This is a different kind of “slackness”. It is spelled different than the word for “slack” in Proverbs 10:4. This word begins with a letter of intent, the sound you make before you make a sound, and ends with a letter which speaks of the head, meaning this kind of slackness is initially a heart issue and our thinking just follows along without challenging our spirits lazy indifference. “Indifference”, now there’s a word we really need to think about. The same word for “slack” in Deuteronomy 7:10 is also used in Isaiah 5:11, but “slackness” as is used in Deuteronomy 7:10 is more about God who does not delay recompense to those who hate Him …  it is the same sense of slackness spoken of in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” God is not tardy, slow, or lethargic in His promises to recompense goodness for goodness, or judgment where judgment is necessary. Obviously, some count on God’s good nature to hold back the tsunami of passive, soon to be active, judgment which is to be visited upon people who refuse to repent, despite the longsuffering of the Lord. Do you see it? Not “can not” repent, but “will not” repent.

The same word used in Deuteronomy 7:10 is also used of having slack jawed indifference spoken of in Isaiah 5:11 “Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who are slack, late into the evening as wine inflames them!”, though they are both the same Hebrew word in Deuteronomy 7:10 and Isaiah 5:11, and it is still laziness, there is an attitude in the word which counts on God to not allow them to suffer the repercussions of their actions, and they’re counting on it. Either way, God is not lazy to keep His word, and for those who are slack, every sin needs another sin to cover it up, and the Lord is not slack to do what He says. To count on the Lord being slack in His promises, i believe, at it’s core, is unbelief that the Lord will really do what He says. It is an encouragement for us to not grow fat and forget our Creator. He is not slack in His intentions toward us and we are not to be slack in our intentions toward Him.

For those who count slackness, somewhere in their heart they believe it’s ok to not be accountable for their actions until they are on their death bed because their life of rebellion is too sweet. They don’t come to the throne of grace too often, they see no problem with not being involved with other believers, and they are rarely seen waiting at Wisdom’s gates …  in their heart is unbelief that God will really allow them to have the results of their actions.

And when their house burns to the ground, they will cry, “Why would God do this to

me?” It is not the active hand of God’s judgment, but the passive judgment of sin. Iniquity, transgression, and sin really do have results, and God really will allow those results to be visited upon us if we absolutely insist on being slack, doing things our way. Simply put: If we insist on being slack, the Lord, at some point, will allow us to have what we want.

A woman asked me once if i thought God would allow her to marry the wrong man … i hesitated because i felt my answer would hurt her feelings nor would it be the answer she wanted to hear … i didn’t want to answer. The Lord’s answer was, “Yes, He will, but He’ll be with you every step of the way and will cause all your situations to work together for good because you are numbered among them who love Him.”

           The rain comes down, and washes all the walls, the roof is leaky, the weather is rough, and loosens the architect’s most skillful work.

Ecclesiastes 10:18, “Because of laziness the building decays, And through idleness of hands the house leaks.” This is the only verse in the Bible where the word for “idleness” occurs in this form. The verse portrays the image of a house which falls into ruin for lack of needful repairs. It speaks of the decay that, we can guarantee will overtake a kingdom whose rulers are given up to avoidance of exertion, and excessive indulgence in pleasantries, or what Paul called “dissipation” in Ephesians 5:18. As to ourselves, when we neglect to attend to maintenance and repairs which require our attention, like prayer, reading the word of God, studying to understand what the Lord is talking about, and participating in theological studies, if we don’t practice these things, our own house, our own heart and mind will soon be revealed as rafters which are sinking, timbers starting to sag, and a leaking roof where the cold drip has a knack of always dripping down your back. We each require maintenance. Some who are idle and slack, might say about their leaky roof, “Oh, it’s raining, i can’t fix it now.” And when it stops raining they say, “Oh, it’s not leaking anymore, there’s no point in fixing it.” When we don’t study the word of the Lord for ourselves, we don’t have our own answers, meaning we mostly have someone else’s answers, and that simply won’t do. If our pockets are full of someone else’s answers, living on someone else’s revelation, when we are pressed to answer a question of our faith, from our mouth will come white noise, confused answers, and muddled replies.

Church, we must do the work ourselves to know God. You can’t get into Heaven based on my relationship with Jesus. Everyone must enter of their own merits based on if they know Jesus, and will receive a reward born of the diligence of your own life. You can not fly with my wings, you must have your own.

i have become pretty convinced, so much of the white noise from the church in America is a result of not having tended to their own spiritual well being.

Amos 6:3-6, “ … Who sing idly to the sound of stringed instruments, And invent for yourselves musical instruments like David; Who drink wine from bowls, And anoint yourselves with the best ointments, But are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.”

When scripture mentions the phrase, “to drink wine from bowls”, it is an idiom meaning, “Those who could typically careless about the troubles of others, who’s ultimate interest is their own pleasures…oh, they make a good face and “ooo” and “ahh” appropriately, but as far as extending themselves to help, it’s just a vacuum, white noise and the faint sound of crickets. Friends, i do believe it is a great offence to God when his church is in affliction and we are not grieved about it, nor do we take it seriously. So many seem more interested in their house in the cul-de-sac, the place at the lake, their comfort and being at ease, possibly at the expense of others. The longer our hearts are at ease, and we lounge on our high-end furniture, anointing ourselves with the best perfumes … the longer we spend time learning to sweep our long robes in the presence of dignitaries, but yet our lives are sagging due to hands which do no maintenance, our mouths become filled with white noise. Where are you oh sleeper, arise from your slumber, wake up and get to your feet. And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

Those who are slack, practicing idleness, not just a one-time thing, more than just an event, but as a lifestyle, they are glad and celebrate a thing which is nothing. They make themselves happy with an illusion that no real evil is going to happen, though there is no solid ground at all for that sort of confidence. Without Jesus, there is no firm foundation to trust in that would support any weight. Through our lack of maintenance, even the footings of our buildings are brittle. We have said, have we not taken up worthy pursuits? But there is no value in those self-centered trivial pursuits. We who lounge and put on a good religious face, good rule keepers and rule makers, we say we have come to the congregation with great dignity and dominion, we have pushed our enemies down and lifted up our victories, all this by our own strength, our own skill and courage, our own wealth and even our military force. Who should we be afraid of? Surely not God himself.

Prosperity and success seem to often make men secure and haughty; and those that have done much think they can do anything, anything without God, maybe even anything against Him and get away with it. If we trust in our own strength, we sing for gladness in something that is nothing.  More than likely, most have not said this with their lips, totidem verbis – or “in so many words”, but it was the language of their hearts and of their actions, and that’s a language God understands very well.

This is the time in history when it is not enough to simply go to church, listen to someone else tell about Jesus, hand in a tithe and call it good enough.

Again, going to church on Sunday morning is not enough. Did you know, according to a national survey from the Barna Group, it revealed that only 16%  of church goers actually read their Bible every day, and only 32% read their Bibles once each week. Of those who go to church, only 37% agree that reading and studying the Bible have made a significant difference in their lives. i think a really good question is: Could it be that the 37% who believe the Bible makes a difference in their lives are among those who read their Bible every day or at least once a week? Maybe the 63%  who don’t see a difference in their lives are merely going through the motions of attending church and giving a tithe, but may not be reading the Bible or applying the teaching of the Bible to their daily lives throughout the week. Maybe it does NOT mean that the Bible is not effective to change a life, but that it is only effective if you read and study, and that requires time and discipline!

i read a short little story about a little boy who asked, “Dad, did Grandpa make you go to Sunday school and church when you were my age?” His father answered, “He sure did. We went every Sunday.” The boy said sadly, “Well, I bet it won’t do me any good either.” It is not enough to just go to church. We must apply the Bible to our everyday lives, we must ask the Lord to open our eyes to see Jesus, that He would give us understanding, and maybe even ask the Lord to inspire us to even be inspired, to give us the want to to even want to. Friends, we simply must pursue Him. The days we live in are very, very dangerous.

If out of all the people at your church, less than 10%  are tithing enough to do 100% of the work, what is going on with the other 90%? And if the leadership inquires of the remaining 90%’s slack, idleness towards supporting the ministry in time and money, at first it’s white noise, then it’s an angry reply, something about it being nobody’s business what they do with their money, and then comes the deflecting from their own responsibility by then accusing the leadership of being money hungry, then comes white noise again.

We as a people talk a good talk, but when an inquiry is made concerning what others actually like about church, suddenly it’s white noise. There will always be someone to point out what’s wrong with Church, but c’mon then, ask the question: What do you want from church? And be honest. Most all the people at church will say they know and love Jesus, but if they are asked what is it you love about Jesus, they have a very general reply. If you ask a little further about that general reply, suddenly it’s white noise. If you ask people about the foundations of their faith, they’ve got a generalization about how they got where they are, but if you ask further about the details, suddenly it’s white noise. It’s not suppression of the rest of the story, it is a vacuum as to the rest of the story.

i’ve come to a three word conclusion about white noise. Mouths which are filled with white noise, more often than not, it is largely because… they … don’t …  know. i took 2 years to do a survey, gently asking folks those questions. The frequency of “white noise” as an answer was shocking to me.

i love doing social experiments, so for the last few years i’ve been asking people, “How do you know about Jesus?” Not because i’m being nosey or because i think i’m right and you need to know how right i am and how wrong you are, (not at all!), but because i’m making the opportunity to testify of God’s goodness in their lives. Most smile and reply a typical short story. Yet, when i ask the next logical question, “What was it that persuaded you that the gospel was the truth?”, There came white noise, blank stares, shuffling feet, and the look in their eyes that says they need to be somewhere else. White noise. So i’m asking you, is there white noise in your life? Why is it there and what are you gonna do about it, because it ought not to be? Is it too much trouble to know the reason for the white noise, is it inconvenient to discover what we believe, how we came to that conclusion, and why we think it’s a good idea? This would be a good time to … think about it.


Luke 14:6, “And they could not reply to these things.” That means there was white noise, just no reply, not would not reply, but could not reply.

Colossians 4:6 again, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” In order to have speech that is gracious, seasoned with salt, we need to be cognizant of grace in our lives, and do the work necessary to be seasoned with salt, in other words, have a working understanding of the Father’s heart and of scripture. i didn’t say anyone had to memorize miles of scripture, but to have some understanding about where you’re coming from. An old fellow told me once that i needed to look behind me occasionally … i asked him why, and he said so i would always know where i’m coming from. Funny, but serious too.

Jesus answered, Peter and John answered, Simon answered, Ananias answered, Rhoda answered, Paul answered, the tribunal answered, Festus answered, and ultimately God answers, not only has answered, past tense, but will answer, future tense, and once God has spoken it doesn’t stop being said. There is no white noise in the mouth of the Lord. He may hold His peace for a better time to reply, but it is never white noise. What is up with idleness, slackness and white noise from the general population of Christians? What will we as individuals do about our own idleness, slackness, and white noise?

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts, every day is a new day, every evening is pleasant, and peace flows abundantly for those who would have it.

Why do we study God’s word? Is it to gain information so we’ll know about Him? Maybe we do it so we can truly know our Redeemer. Is it so we can say we read the Bible? Is it for the reason to know God, or to understand what He’s got to say? How much study of the Bible is necessary in order that we would understand God’s intentions, taking note of how He uses His words?

Let us not be vulnerable to the winds of misinformation, susceptible to corrupt doctrine, wavering faith and confused loyalties by applying ourselves to knowing Jesus through reading our Bible, prayer, and taking the time to sit with God. I say, no more white noise, or idleness, but be diligent to know how to give a good reply to anyone who would ask. Amen?

Take your time this week, breath man breath, we’re almost home. Have a good conversation with your neighbors, and learn to smile when greeting people, even if you don’t like them much.

Drive carefully, and go with God, it’s the best thing you’ll ever do. Amen.

Reference Points And Patterns

When i was growing up, my mother made almost all of our clothes for the entire family. i saw with my own eyes, that there were times when what she made didn’t work out …  i remember walking into her little sewing area and seeing her unstitching things which didn’t measure up to the pattern. One year all of us kids agreed to do something extra special … we mowed lawns, picked beans and corn, cut tobacco, baled hay, and helped neighbors with projects, all so we could buy her a new sewing machine … a really nice one for the time period. In all of her time of putting together pieces of carefully cut cloth, mending shirts, and making new clothes, what i remember more than anything was the boxes and boxes and stacks of patterns, and on those patterns, somewhere there was always a reference point so the sewer would know how to orient the pattern on the cloth.

How important is a reference point and a pattern? Some very talented people can make clothes or create tailored things, it would appear, without much of a pattern, but we can rest assured, somewhere in their past, they followed a pattern so often, that the reference point and pattern was memorized, and burned into their mind.

The universe was framed from the reference point and pattern of God’s wisdom and character, Proverbs 3:19-20, “By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew.” The Lord gave the universe a gridwork of divinity and holiness to lean against and to brace upon. He, Jesus, IS the reference point and pattern. He IS Torah.

Without a reference point and pattern to build by, a house could easily turn out to be as crooked as the crooked man who walked a crooked mile, who built a crooked house and had a crooked smile. Jesus is the universal point of definition and the straight line of orientation, by which all things are set straight and the deeds of men and angels are judged.

So, here we go … if you’re on your way somewhere, then steady on my friend, lend me your ears, tap your fingers, and let these words sink down into your heart.

All through scripture, God has made sure we have a reference point and pattern to fashion ourselves, our conduct, character, and conversation. From cover to cover, our Bible is a pattern of how to pray, what to pray about, and how things go when we don’t pray. In Luke 11 Jesus gave us a pattern of how to pray; the Bible has patterns of how to take action and what happens when we take no action; there are patterns of devotion and deceit, fruitfulness and fruitlessness; patterns of what life should and should not look like. A pattern is more than a one-time event, like saying it isn’t the one cookie which makes you fat, it’s the lifestyle, or pattern of cookies that does us in. Our God IS a God of contrasts.

In God’s wisdom, He knew we would need someone and something as a reference point and pattern so we would know when we were going in the right direction and doing the right thing. He gave us many reference points and patterns for us to gauge against for us to be oriented.

Not only did the Lord, who lives forever, give us reference points and patterns in His word for us to live by, but He designed and handed us references in all the heavens and the earth. God is the inventor and perfecter of the concept of a map and compass. An example would be the North Star. For thousands of years, it has been a standard reference point for navigation. The pattern of the rest of the stars in relation to that all important star are all there in order for us to get and keep our bearings. The yellow and white lines on the roads we drive are there as a reference point, indicating what is our side and what is not. Road signs are a pattern and reference point so we know where we are, how fast to go, or not to go. Buoy markers are a reference point and strike a pattern to follow for boats and ships. Here’s one, light houses – now there’s a huge reference point for sea faring folks to know there is danger, or as a shining light in the dark showing the way home. Are we any different than those light houses? Didn’t the Lord give it to us be like a lamp set in a dark place?

Patterns are described as a relationship between objects in which one object acts as a means by which to connect to another object. The first object in this relationship is said to refer to the second object. i figure when it’s just one point, it is a reference point, but when there are two or more reference points in relationship with each other, there is a pattern. That is why i refer to Jesus as the reference point and standard of the universe, and His character, motivations, and actions are the pattern we are to follow.

Recently, my wife ordered a jeweler’s scale which is accurate out to two decimal places. When we put a battery in it and tried to use it, it was wrong, obviously and glaringly incorrect. Sometimes when things don’t go well, it is wise to read the directions you know …  so … after we read the directions, we realized we needed to calibrate the little electronic scale, and to do that, we needed a reference point. In our case, we needed to calibrate the scale with a 500g standard, not 502, not 488, but exactly 500g. In this little exercise, i realized, again, the value of an accurate reference point and the impact of that reference point on all that follows. The quality of our pattern is no better than the quality of our reference point, and if we’ve got a skewed reference point, the patterns are skewed also. Similarly, if your reference point is exact, then your pattern is going to reflect the rightness of your reference point.

With the rise of individualism in America today, it is popular to say that truth is subjective, in other words, it’s the truth according to me and whatever i decide, meaning my opinion (the subjective truth) becomes my reality (my objective truth). From God’s perspective, if we are our own reference point then we are still slaves to sin and death …  in that case all our thinking and living will be no better than our reference point of sin and death.

i don’t know about you, but i need a righteous reference point of someone besides myself. i can not be my own reference point and pattern. That would be like saying “i am my own mother and father, my own beginning and end, and i will pray to myself and answer myself.” That’s absolute madness, but yet the more ungodly our nation gets, the more prevalent that kind of stinking thinking becomes. That lifestyle and thinking is destined to die because of the origins of its birth, meaning it is born of ourselves. If we are our focus and do the Burger King-thing, living out the idea of “Have it your way”, we will die without Christ.

Our nation’s judicial system was founded on the Lord and the Bible as the reference point and pattern for right and wrong and how to righteously divide the two amongst the people. In the end, our God will still be the reference point and pattern, whether anyone likes it or not. Philippians 2:9-11 “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” We can choose the Lord as our reference point and pattern and live, or we can choose ourselves and die. What’s it gonna be?

Within the Hebrew word used for “pattern”, as seen in Exodus 25:9 there is a reference to inside and outside of the house. Interestingly, it is a word the Lord uses which He has built in the reflection of the family unit, not a reflection of rule keeping, or a reflection of punishment, or judgment, but of the family, and you know, God is allllll about the family, from the beginning. Interestingly, the word also points to the effort of arm and hand in worship. So there it is, God’s primary idea when He uses the word pattern is a picture of three things, the family, the house where the family lives, and worship of God as a lifestyle of the family in the house. Jesus, the Mighty One who first breathed is our living example, our model of how to choose and live.

What or Who is the reference point and pattern in your decision-making machine concerning how to choose and live? What or who governs your appetites? Whoever stands at the helm of your boat has incredible influence concerning where that boat goes, so i must ask, “Who is in your wheelhouse?” We need a reference point and righteous pattern if we are to weigh things properly and come to Godly conclusions. So i’ll ask again, and hopefully, you’ll take it seriously and ask yourself, “Who is in your wheelhouse”.

The reference point for the entire universe and all the living and dead, is the Lord Himself, and He is sufficient and enough. If our best standard by which all standards are calibrated with finite accuracy, how much more the Lord is infinitely more exact. He is the very definition of the definition of the standard of the standard of the reference point, world without end.

We need … the world needs the reference point and pattern of Jesus Christ. We are to reflect Christ for He is our reference point. He is the reference point of first mention when the Lord spoke of the pattern of the Tabernacle in Exodus 25; Jesus is the reference point in the example of the Menorah. The Lord was David’s point of reference, and He gave David the plans, or patterns for how things were supposed to go. 1 Chronicles 28:11-12, “Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the porch of the temple, its buildings, its storerooms, its upper parts, its inner rooms and the place of atonement. He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind for the courts of the temple of the LORD and all the surrounding rooms, for the treasuries of the temple of God and for the treasuries for the dedicated things.” i mean, the pattern of things listed in 1 Chronicles 28 which the Lord laid out for David is incredible, and i believe all those patterns, with God as our reference point, is for us to build on, not to abandon.

This is amazing. Look at what it says at 1Chron28:19, “All this,” David said, “I have in writing from the hand of the LORD upon me, and he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan.” The Lord not only gave David a vision of it, but David was motivated by the Spirit of the Lord to write it down so the work could be accomplished … not to mention he also understood it.

The same applies today. The Lord is our reference point, pattern and understanding so the work of the Lord can be accomplished.

A business model is a pattern to build after, and there are many business models to create from in this world. A business model, or pattern of doing business, determines the way a company “does business” with its customers, partners and vendors. For us as believers, having Jesus as our reference point and pattern gives us a system of righteous guidelines to build life by which are focused on and directed toward each other and then outwardly toward the world, defining the way we “conduct ourselves” with family, friends, acquaintances, and the world. Without Jesus as our reference point, we have no choice but to accept something or someone else as our standard, or worse, to accept ourselves as our standard, and that is sure death in the end … a total dead end. No man or thing can be a good reference point for us because everything without Christ is under the penalty of death due to sin. When Jesus is NOT our reference point and pattern, it’s like having death as your point of reference … yea, isn’t that attractive?

Jesus is like the north star for us to navigate with … as long as we can see Jesus we’ll never lose our way home. In astronomy, His name is written in the stars. He is our beacon and light house, and all through scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, everything points to Jesus, the Messiah, Savior, Lord and God. Jesus IS Torah. In the O.T. the name of Jesus, “Yeshua”, occurs 78 times as salvation, help, deliverance, health, save, saving, and welfare.

Everything points to Jesus.

One of God’s attributes which He shares with us is the pattern of Himself, and by that pattern we have life, direction, reconciliation, and a justified position.

In Christ and through Christ, we have been supplied the means to satisfy all our needs. Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Having Jesus as our universal reference point and using the pattern as the Lord has described for us through out the Bible, suddenly we find ourselves rich in social, economic, moral, ethical, and cultural value … God-value, and He is more precious than gold and rubies. Revelation 3:18, the Lord says, “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.”

John 8:12 “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””

Without Jesus as our reference point and pattern, we are no better than a boat untethered to a secure place, going where ever the wind and sea will carry us. Without Jesus as our reference point and pattern, we have no anchor, no direction, and no definition.

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the deck area overlooking the Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the rivers edge, and every evening is pleasant.

Letters, words, and definitions of all languages were God’s idea. i believe they were given to mankind firstly, in order that we would communicate with God and secondly, so we would communicate with each other. It seems to me if Jesus is our point of reference and pattern, we would want to know Him more intimately. after all, i’m speaking of someone who is so important that we, as people, have divided time according to His birth, B.C. being an abbreviation for “Before Christ,” and A.D. an abbreviation for “anno Domini,” which is Latin for “in the year of our Lord.”

What or Who is the reference point and pattern in your decision making machine concerning how to choose and live? What or Who governs your appetites? We need a reference point and righteous pattern if we are to weigh things properly and come to Godly conclusions. Let Jesus be your north star, your all encompassing reference point and pattern.

Be strong and courageous this week, visit someone in need and let them know they aren’t forgotten. Drive carefully and put into action the compassion of God. Amen!


                    ¡Ting! ¿Escuchaste eso? Escucha de nuevo, “¡Ting!” Ese es el sonido en el Espíritu cuando el Señor nos da ideas. “¡Ting!” Ah, ahí está de nuevo. No es grande, no es una roca en tu sala de estar, sino el sonido del Señor que nos pasa sueños y visiones, como semillas plantadas en nosotros que crecerán hasta convertirse en cosas fructíferas en su tiempo. (¡Ting!)

Cuando era un niño pequeño, un niño muy pequeño, mi papá decidió que sería bueno para mí comenzar a aprender a jugar con la pelota de beisbol. Me consiguió el guante más pequeño que pudo encontrar y salimos al patio trasero, él a un lado y yo al otro. No tenía ni idea de lo que se suponía que debía hacer, ya estaba encantado de estar afuera con mi padre, pero no tenía idea de lo que vendría después.

Lo recuerdo como si fuera ayer. Me dijo algunas palabras extrañas, como: “Te voy a tirar la pelota y tú tratas de atraparla”. No tenía ni idea de lo que quería decir con “tirarte la pelota” y no tenía ni idea de cómo iba a hacer una cosa extraña llamada “atrapar”, ni estaba lo suficientemente coordinado como para atrapar nada. Me lanzó la pelota con cuidado y, por supuesto, la pelota me golpeó el pecho y cayó al suelo. Luego me dijo algunas otras palabras en otro idioma extranjero como: “ahora tíramela a mi”. Esto siguió y siguió hasta que comencé a tener la idea de algo tan simple como “jugar a la pelota”. Con el tiempo, aprendí a tirársela y jugar con él, y creo que tenemos que aprender a jugar con Dios. ¡Ting! Ahí está de nuevo, ese sonido de Dios lanzándonos la pelota.

Sabes, si el Señor no se revela a Sí mismo a nosotros, simplemente no lo veremos, después de todo, ¿cómo te relacionas TÚ con Dios? Digamos. ¿Cómo te relacionas con Él? Dios nos da ideas de sí mismo para que podamos identificar. A menudo son pequeñas, como una hoja que flota en el viento frente a nosotros, ideas que Él sopla a través de nuestra mente. Sigue pasando las ideas frente a nosotros, hasta que un día, ¡Ting!, comenzamos a tener la imagen. A veces tengo que reírme para mis adentros cuando escucho a otro creyente decir: “Oye, se me acaba de ocurrir esta gran idea”. Se te ocurrió, ¿eh? ¿Todo por ti mismo? ¿Realmente?

El Señor nos habla en lugares inverosímiles y en momentos inverosímiles, y tenemos que mejorar en el juego de la pelota. (¡Ting!) Tiene la extraña habilidad de inspirarnos con ideas que utilizan nuestros talentos sin importar dónde estemos.

George Friedrich Händel fue un músico y compositor alemán, y personas poderosas le pagaron para que compusiera música para celebraciones, producciones musicales y adoración. Una de las obras más famosas de Händel, El Mesías, trata sobre la vida de Cristo e incluye orquesta, coro y solos. Händel escribió El Mesías en solo 24 días durante el verano de 1741, solo en una habitación. Un sirviente escuchó a Händel decir: “Pensé que veía todo el cielo delante de mí y al gran Dios mismo”. Cuando escuchamos el “Coro del Aleluya”, también podemos sentir que estamos vislumbrando el cielo. Apostaría cualquier cosa, todo comenzó con una pequeña melodía, en algún lugar de su cabeza, y se hizo más fuerte, y sintió una pequeña motivación creciente, y más clara, hasta que fue predominante y presente. Después, un día, tuvo otra gran idea: escribir la música. ¡Ting!

¡Presta más atención al Señor que a Facebook o Instagram! Para mí, Dios tiene mucho que decir y realmente me gustaría escucharlo. ¿Recuerdas aquella vez que tuviste la pequeña idea de llamar a fulano de tal, y cuando lo hiciste, se sintieron realmente animados? (¡Ting!) Así es, fue Dios quien te lanzó la pelota. ¿Qué tal esa vez que tuviste la idea de sentarte al lado de ese niño en el autobús, y fuiste amable y estabas genuinamente interesado a pesar del viaje corto? (¡Ting!) Así es, era el Señor el que te lanzaba la pelota. ¿Recuerdas aquella vez que tuviste la idea de llevar a unos amigos al cine y fue un gran momento? Sí, (¡Ting!), es muy probable que haya sido Dios quien te haya dado la idea. Hubo un momento en que de repente tuviste la idea de enviarle a alguien una tarjeta de felicitación y escribir algunas cosas bonitas en su interior, y mucho más tarde descubriste que la estaban pasando mal y ese poco de amabilidad pudo alegrar su día. (¡Ting!)

Ahora bien, no TODAS las ideas son ideas de Dios y, es la verdad, necesitamos practicar un poco de discernimiento. Solo estoy diciendo, oye amigo, Dios se está comunicando con nosotros, ¿estamos prestando atención? No todas sus comunicaciones suceden en la escala de un gran letrero publicitario con luces brillantes. Si fuéramos honestos, ¿no le hemos pedido todos al Señor que nos hable, tal vez incluso admitiéndole que no entendemos, así que ¿podría Él hacer que las palabras o la visión sean más claras? ¡Seguro! Creo que hay otro lado de eso que dice que también tenemos que estar más interesados en prestar atención y mirar un poco mejor a nuestro alrededor. Sus oportunidades abundan. ¿Estás escuchando y con los ojos mirando? (¡Ting!)

En una nota de despedida, enviar mensajes de texto, redes sociales, ver televisión o jugar juegos de computadora pueden robarnos Sus oportunidades y robar mucho tiempo, y ¿no sabes que al enemigo le encanta que estemos tan ocupados con todo lo que no sea el Señor, que perdemos oportunidad tras oportunidad? Estar en posición de jugar pelota con Dios (¡Ting!) es un regalo, y si pierdes la pelota, no dejes que te afecte, “Supongo que, ahora que he perdido las oportunidades de Dios, Él ya no vendrá a tocar a mi puerta. Bueno. Supongo que iré a pararme bajo la lluvia”. Vamos, hombre, inténtalo de nuevo, inténtalo e inténtalo y inténtalo, porque eventualmente, te volverás bueno atrapando la pelota e incluso podrás devolverla. Dios no es frágil y no podemos huir de él. Nadie tiene ese poder. ¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi