
         In much of scripture the word “imagine” is used in reference to the wrong which men dream of. If we were honest, i believe most of us imagine domination, manipulation, we imagine control, seduction, surrender and gain at the other persons expense, or whatever comprises the vanities of men. But God, oh, there’s that phrase again, but God, is the originator and designer of imagination, and it was never meant to be such a dark thing as most of us may use it for. When we would rather think on the preferences of the Lord rather than what we can consume upon ourselves, suddenly our imagination can become the exclusive providence of God and the enemy has no control.

What would the Lord have us to imagine, if we were to possess a sanctified, dedicated, exclusively-for-God’s-purposes-dream-machine? What would we imagine? In order to discuss the idea of “imagine” from God’s perspective, we’ve got to be willing to entertain the idea of “what if”, in a righteous way, of course. So let’s play. “What if” as in “what if God is really who He said He is?” If He is, then we’ve got to do something about all our “yea but’s” which restrict and constrict our understanding of God. So, it’s a good question, “What IF God is really who He said He is?”

Imagine, in another “what if” scenario, YOU are really who God says you are. If we’re going to play the “what if” game, then, in this case, we’ve got to take the entirety of the New Testament as being relevant and true. We need to get over the old, “I’m just a poor old sinner man” teaching, calling ourselves worthless, resolving our internal conflicts in order to see ourselves as valuable. Valuable enough that the King of the Universe would not only die and then live again for us, but that He also, ALSO, by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, has freed us from our sins and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father. i understand that all that goodness may be more than some can bear. At some point though, we must begin to see things as God sees them without the overlay of poor teaching. What the Lord has to say is infinitely more important than men.

What if you and i traded our regrets for God’s possibilities? How would our lives look if the disappointments and regrets didn’t bind us up and dictate how we conduct ourselves towards family, friends, and the rest of the world?

What if what Jesus said in Matt24:30 is true? Just try and imagine how that’s going to go. When the amazing Son of God appears, and in that instant all the people of the earth will see Him coming in the clouds, the hearts and minds of people everywhere will suddenly realize they were wrong, and God was right and there is no challenge to that. He is SO God and we are SO not.  Imagine how that will impact all politics and all other religions. Any kind of atheism will be wrong, and right there before their eyes will be all the reasons why everything they did NOT think about God were wrong. If we think mankind is doing a giant cover up about things now, i say, we ain’t seen nothing yet. On that day, darkness won’t just be wrong, it will be SO wrong, and God won’t be merely right, He’ll be SO right..

What if you find out one day, all the things you missed out on, which God had for you, were not attained, all because you insisted, heels dug in insisted to do things your way? Maybe we should ask the Lord to show us where our plans have swept us in another direction other than His, and what can we do to get back on track with Him?     What if the Lord opened your eyes to see that all the things you think you’re such a failure about, weren’t actual failures in His book, but doors which opened more clearly to God’s plan of your destiny? Rock bottom may seem a terrible place, but you know, it also looks like a great place to start a foundation. Donald Miller wrote that, “All the trees are losing their leaves and not one of them is worried.” They don’t see losing their leaves as a failure, but as the changing of the seasons to be more beautiful in what’s to come.

What if we choose to NOT believe in God and do what He says? In 1Kings18:21, Elijah asked a question which i think is still very relevant, “How long will you go limping around at the fork in the road, sitting on a fence? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word.” Regardless of the world’s view, there are only two perspectives, God or the devil, and we can easily see that by rejecting one we automatically choose the other, and there are no alternatives.

What if we really believed, trusted God to do what He says, and took Eph3:19 literally?  That you may really come to know, practically, through experience for yourselves, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience; that you may be filled, through all your being, unto all the fullness of God, having the richest measure of the divine Presence, a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!

What if we prayed with real audacity, not being afraid to talk to God and ask Him for anything? Just imagine the possibilities that would open up. Can you imagine what it looks like to actually do something with all your heart? Do we do anything with “all your heart”?

In 1Chron4:10, Jabez cried to God saying, “Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me! And God granted his request.” That’s not just a vision of owning property, or being the big-time leader of a big-time congregation, with everyone knowing your name. See it as a prayer of asking God to expand your vision and dreaming, beyond what is presently in your field of view. Imagine! Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. Dreams and imagination are God’s idea, they are His invention and He gave us the power to dream and imagine. Ask Him to help you make room for the “more” of God.

What do you think?

The Horrible Four

Thanks for tuning in. i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, it is no accident that, as you were channel surfing, you stopped here. Hopefully you’ll sit a while with me to look a little deeper into the word of God, inspiring you to look further than simply seeing just paper and print. Sure, haven’t we all sort of been uninspired to even look further than the pulpit at one time or another. i think everyone suffers from a heart full of “don’t want to” occasionally, and for different reasons. Truly, people get tired and lose interest for a multitude of reasons. Often we well understand the good reasons to give pursuit to the Lord, but we just get tired of the chase and sit down, hoping God will re-invigorate our hearts, raise up our passion and inspiration towards Jesus, who was and still is passionate about our wellbeing, in hot pursuit of everyone who even might believe in His name. The son of God knows that if we don’t cling to Him, we have no other possibility but to cling to death, and i find that a very unattractive option, don’t you?

Here lately, i’ve had a thought which says, “i can’t think of too many things more frustrating than spending my time doing something which produces nothing.” i used to be the most frustrated person you ever met. i spent a lot of effort, i mean real physical and emotional capital trying to get somewhere that ended up being nowhere, and as a result, i was weary, frustrated, and short tempered. Sure, i’d wear the happy face at church, “Good morning! Praise God! Amen brother!” and i’d sing the songs with joy and a smile, raising my hands, closing my eyes in imaginary bliss…but inside, i was a mess.

How many of us have spent time on the phone with some company representative trying to square up a billing error, only to be run around and around and around. We labored to accomplish something, all that explaining, and talking, only to be no further along with possibly even fewer answers than when we started. Indeed, it is very frustrating spending time doing something which produces nothing.

Guilt, anger, fear, and blame produce no good fruit. i think we’ve really got to stop doing things which go nowhere and do nothing. All four go in a circle, and i bet you could ask anyone who is constantly assailed by the “horrible four” if they are tired of it all and they would answer, “Yes! i am exhausted!”

There are some things, we as the church, really need to talk about, and i don’t mean just hear a good sermon, i mean sit down in small groups and discuss more than once. There is a great conflict in the body of Christ these days that needs resolving, and it’ll take more than just doing church once per week to bring resolution. Are you up for those conversations? i don’t mean the kind of meeting where someone in amazing authority points out the faults of others, that just makes everybody mad and never solves any conflict. But the sort of conversations where we are honest with ourselves and look to the Lord to help us overcome our hurdles. Do you understand what i’m talking about?

So, forward we go into the program to discuss, in brief, guilt, blame, anger, and fear, the horrible four and the value of looking up to God instead of down to the ground.

           Some of us are not only worn out, but maybe even physically ill from living life under the back-breaking burden of the horrible four – guilt, blame, anger, and fear. There are no pills or drug therapies to actually solve any of the four. The medication may knock off the sharp, cutting edges, but it doesn’t mean the root problem has been resolved. A medical doctor may attempt to give a diagnosis and then prescribe pills, but in the end, all things remain the same. Drugs don’t resolve it. Did you know that approximately 40 people, every day, die from taking prescription pain and/or psychotropic medications? And yes, the estimate is “every day”, and yes, i think that number is highly likely very conservative.

And how different are the crash symptoms when quitting the use of prescription meds as compared to suffering from guilt, blame, anger, and fear? The horrible four are powerful, and may very well be even MORE powerful than prescription medication.

When the horrible four have a firm grip on our soul, they can present as sleep disturbances, like alternating between insomnia, sleeping too little, or hypersomnia, sleeping too much. There are other evidences of their grip on us … eating too much or too little, anxiety and irritability, panic attacks, fatigue, we often just can’t seem to feel happy, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Interestingly, those are the same crash symptoms when someone stops taking psychotropic medications.

You may think i’m kidding around some, but absolutely not. i’d like us all to seriously consider to think carefully, and ask the Lord to help us start living a life which produces good fruit, to be more effective, and stop the wheel spinning caused by the horrible four.

Up until the last few weeks have i done much research into understanding a particular character from 2 Samuel 9 whose name was Mephibosheth. What an amazing example of guilt, blame, fear, and maybe even the anger of frustration this fellow represented. The attitude the man had towards himself was so destructive. Not only did Mephibosheth suffer from poverty of spirit and soul, but he also lived in Lo-debar, a sad, poverty-stricken place with a name which meant “no pasture”, “no word” or “no communication”, just a dead-end sort of place which went nowhere and did nothing. i would guess Lo-debar was probably a very frustrating place to live. i bet that if Mephibosheth lived in these modern days, some doctor would recommend he take psychotropic medications to deal with his guilt, blame and fear, not solve the problems, but suppress the problems, “oh, and be sure to make an appointment for next weeks so we can monitor how you’re doing”, yet nothing would actually be resolved.

The chapter opens with David asking if there was anyone left around to whom he could show his kindness for Jonathan’s sake, with the idea of kindness being the extended hands of grace and unfailing mercy of God.

It is evident that David wasn’t doing kindness for Mephibosheh because he deserved it, and in the same sense the Lord is kind and gracious to us, not because we deserve it but for the sake of Jesus. It is because of Jesus we have favor and blessing, not because we are so worthy, not because we went and got it because of our personal merits, but for the sake of Jesus, the Lord extends us abundant life. He ardently practices forbearance towards us, meaning He allows us all to continue to live that we might repent. His kindness leads us to repentance, for the sake of Jesus. And in a prophetic gesture, David was extending kindness and grace to Mephibosheth like Jesus would extend kindness and grace to all mankind.

David’s servant told him there was one son of Saul around, but he was crippled in his feet, in other words, Mephibosheth didn’t have it all together, he had problems more than just his attitude in addition to have a physical malady. i think the young man could have asserted himself and claimed his right as a son of Jonathan, but instead, he just camped out in Lo-debar and the spirit of Eeyore lived with him day and night.

Incredibly, when Mephibosheth came into the king’s chambers, he fell on his face, saying, “here i am”. David commanded, in vs7 saying, “I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table.” The young man’s attitude spoke volumes. In vs8, Mephibosheth’s words spoke loudly, he said, “What is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I?”

God is extending us all salvation and redemption, yet like Mephibosheth, we have an “i’m no better than a dead dog” attitude toward ourselves? Why? Where’d that come from?

           We cannot earn favor. When we are kind, merciful, or graceful to people, it is us giving to them what they have not earned or deserve. Similarly, when the Lord extends those same blessings to us, it is Him giving to us what we cannot earn and do not deserve. i’ve met more than a few really religious people in my years, and i can tell you they are all just tired inside from trying to deserve God’s goodness.

Do you believe your wellbeing is directly connected to your ability to get it right? i realize that is a kind of pokey question, but c’mon, be honest, what do you really believe and how did you come to that conclusion? For years i was convinced that i needed to get life right in order for the Lord to bless me, and if i wasn’t as blessed as i thought i should be, in my eyes, i had some sort of hidden sin holding me back, at least i was told that was the problem, and it seemed like a noteworthy possibility at the time.

i had no idea what that hidden sin would be. Oh, don’t you know i spent my days confessing stuff i hadn’t even done in order to try and cover the l-o-n-g list of potentially hidden sins i had taken special note of. And even then i would think to myself, “What if i’m guilty of stuff i can’t think of, which would mean i can’t confess it, and that means God still won’t bless me! What am i going to do?!?! What am i ever going to do?!?” i’m not saying we shouldn’t strive to do the right thing, of course, but if we think, somehow we’re going to get life right enough to make it to the next level, as if we’re in some video game, and we are wrong. God doesn’t see it that way. And if all things come to rest at the feet of God Almighty, King of the Universe, then we really need to see things from His perspective.

Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

i think, and this is just what i think, many of us need to leave out of our Lo-Debar and start knocking on the king’s door asking for what is ours by the blood of Jesus. i’m going to God in Jesus name, not my name, in Jesus name. My name never set anyone free, my name never delivered anyone, my name never drove off demons, and even less, my titles are worthless in Heaven. (My Titles) i believe people who need a title to operate are people who need to own something.

Listen up, you have every right to do everything God has asked and empowered you to do, in Jesus name, meaning you don’t need a title to accomplish God’s bidding. If the Lord said to do it, then you have God’s endorsement to accomplish the request of the King. If God made you an appointment, He will also make the provision to accomplish His request.

People need other people to have a title, yet God didn’t ask anyone to have a title in order to accomplish His appointment. If He told you that you can do something, then you can do it because He said so.

As long as we are only dating God, we don’t have the strength of His name, only when we are committed to His purposes do we get the power of the Name of Jesus.

Isaiah 53:4, “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;”, and vs10 says, “Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.”

Jesus bore our griefs, and made an offering for our guilt, and the will of the Lord shall prosper, SHALL prosper in His hand. We need not carry around the “i’m just a dead dog” attitude, defiled by shame, burdened by the millstone of guilt which is hung around our neck.

Let us declare, in the mirror, while looking ourselves in the eye, that we are the righteousness of God in Christ, even while we feel guilty, shameful, stupid, angry, or afraid. Let your mouth join with God in His declarations and promises. It is true, we can’t do anything about the events of our past, but we certainly can do something about cooperating with God concerning the future. Amen?

Hebrews 5:13, “…for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.” Many years ago i attended a small rural church and there came a need for an additional deacon. There were two men that applied for the position. One had been a believer for 30 years, and the other about 10. When the church board made a decision, they picked the man who had been walking the walk for 10 years. The other fellow was furious, absolutely furious, and wanted to know what the deal was, after all, and these are his words, “i have been a Christian for 30 years, and in light of my long standing, why did the board pick the guy who “only” had 10 years in Christ?” Well, the board was reluctant to answer because they knew it would hurt the mans feelings, but he insisted, insisted they give him an answer. So, they did. They told him, “It’s a point of maturity. Yes, you’ve been a believer for 30 years, but you’ve been a 1 year old Christian for 30 years.” By that example of a real situation we can draw a very important question: Some of us have been at this a long time, but were we just marking time, being religious? What a waste of time, and there you have it, spending our time doing something which produces nothing, like living in Lo-debar with an “i’m just a dead dog” attitude. Have we gotten down to business with God, doing the work of being honest and being honorable? You know, i really believe God is raising the bar on honor, and with honor comes respect and dignity. And of special note here, respect and dignity are two different words in both Hebrew and Greek.

With an elevated position comes leadership, and with leadership comes the constant crossroads of divine power or corruption and righteous leadership has to choose to be kingdom builders instead of empire builders. Before dignity should be honor, God given honor, in that God given honor is grace as a door of life, and as God grows honor in us, He gives dignity to lead well. Self-gotten dignity, a platform of our own making, that manufactured persona which requires an “image management program”, is possible, meaning dignity before honor is probably the idea behind pride goes before a fall. If we’ve been at this for a while, and our concern is far more focused on our elevated position and significance, but we have neglected honesty and being a person of honor, that is the very definition of being religious.

Maybe this is part of what Paul was addressing in Hebrews 5:12, “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God …”

Let’s stop living by our feelings and start living by what we know down deep in our heart. There is inherent power in the word of God, it doesn’t necessarily change the way we appear, and it may not change our feelings right away, but it does change the foundations of our heart which influences everything else about us. Never, never let your state define your standing. i may feel undone and frazzled today, this week, or for the last few months, but that doesn’t change my standing in Christ. I know i have been made right with God by the power of His word and the blood of Jesus, and even if the devil comes pounding on my door, intimidating me to cower, whispering defeat and depression through the windows of my house….am i going to believe the God of the Bible, or am i going to believe my feelings? Are you going to assume you’re worthless and no good, just a “dead dog” because it’s how you feel, or are you going to grab your Bible and believe what God says?? Much of the time how i feel is of low importance, not of “no importance” because “feelings” are part of life, but not nearly as important when compared to what God has to say. i know i’ve been made right with God by the blood of Jesus Christ. i believe emotions are important, but when emotions grip our very being, especially when they come out of woundedness and brokenness, we can easily be swept to a whole new depth that can challenge our everyday life of staying encouraged. Never let your state define your standing.

Somehow, we find it easy to justify feeling guilty, afraid, fearful, and angry, especially guilt and blame. With just a little self-examination and honesty, who doesn’t see that they are guilty of missing the mark, and are to blame for feeling blamed? i was brought up, in my early years as a Christian, to think it was necessary to at least feel guilty about myself a little. The unspoken teaching was “what kind of self-respecting believer doesn’t feel guilty about themselves somehow?” And the moment you start trying to not feel so guilty and blamed by declaring God’s promises about yourself, along come someone to set you straight, reminding you how your armor is slipping a little and they are just the special one to make sure you get it right. Oh, it’s true, you could have gotten it right but you didn’t and that special person felt it was their mission to make sure you get it right. Presto-change-o, guilt and blame have just found a way back into your life. Then comes the fear we’ll never be right enough to be right with God, and then comes the wave of anger, born out of the frustration of just going in circles, the frustration of spending time doing something which produces nothing. Boom! Back to Lo-debar on a rocket sled!

An amazing number of people walk through each day with the millstone of guilt, blame, and shame around their necks. Maybe we have not done the things we should have, or, we’ve done things which should never have been done. Truly, we cannot undo the past, and the memory of our own hurtful deeds can cause a lifetime of pain. For many, the seemingly harmless sins and offenses of our youth can weigh on our consciences forever and in the mind of others. Those same conflicts of our youth stick like super glue. Don’t you know the enemy uses offense to wound us all and we are so very available.

The burden of blame, shame and guilt is crushing. Within blame, there is an accusatory thrust who’s nature is to surround and bind our minds and hearts. Blamed and shamed people tend to blame and shame other people, and if there is no one to blame, they shame and blame themselves, even though there are no grounds for it. OH, how well do i know this! Our downward spiral needs to stop and we must stop the bleeding.

Hebrews 5:13-14, “for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”

Read your Bible and spend time talking to God. We’ve got to know God’s word and have a working relationship with Jesus, exercising our powers of discernment which trains us by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. “Trained” is a key word there. It means “to make of sound mind, to fill the hand, to be set apart dedicated to learning a particular skill through practice and instruction over a period of time”. Yea, i like that definition!

As we’ve said before, if we’re not being trained in grace and the word of God, what are we being trained in? Trained in how our guilt can be more effective, trained in letting fear get a better grip in our lives, trained in how to justify our anger, trained to be more exact with our aiming finger of blame? You may laugh, but that is what the enemy will train us in if we let him.

Ask yourself, where does all that ungodly training go eventually? Play the whole movie. Does that training add up to God’s training? It is all spending our time doing something which produces nothing, nothing but more of the same. Are you tired of it yet? Are you exhausted from living a life in the grip of the “horrible four”, blame, guilt, fear, and anger? What does God say? We have to put on righteousness and stop bowing down to feelings. When you wake up in the morning and all that ugliness is in your ears, speak the word of the Lord, right out of your Bible and change the inclination of the day ahead. Once we start deflecting the love of God, our only recourse is to take up with the world’s standards to prove to ourselves we are unlovable and have no value, and that never ends up in a good place. Put on righteousness. In light of that, if Christ is our armor, how did you take that armor off in order to put it back on? And why would anyone want to take it off anyway? Think about it.

Let us extend our hands to those who are hurting. Get your hands out of your pockets and put to good use the grace and kindness God has given you.

Isaiah 52:7-10, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” The voice of your watchmen—they lift up their voice; together they sing for joy; for eye to eye they see the return of the LORD to Zion. Break forth together into singing, you waste places of Jerusalem, for the LORD has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem.” The LORD has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Wow!

For a large part of my life i think i was just mad, ”It’s not fair”, “Why couldn’t i just be like other kids”, “They owe me for all the stuff that i didn’t get”, “i’m just mad and somebody is going to pay!” That’s living in the downward swirl of being a certifiable victim which goes nowhere and does nothing. Friends, we don’t live by feelings, we live by the Word of God. i just have to do this and that because they did such and such to me. Yea, that’ll teach ‘em! Listen, that was then, this is now and what is past needs to stop being so powerful in your now. Let your past be past and stop revisiting it just so you can taste all that bitterness and hurt again. Stop being such a victim. Surely you don’t really need all that drama again, so cut it out! You know, chances are good you weren’t the only one wounded, let it go and start breathing again.

i was just mad, wounded, guilty, blamed, and angry, until … i met Jesus who said i’ll make you one of my own, I have done what is more than fair and you can have it all. It doesn’t matter what you didn’t get or didn’t have if you’ve got God in your corner. Some of us need to get over what didn’t happen in our childhood and get on with what the Lord has laid out as our destiny. C’mon, get over it. Again, we can’t do anything about the history of our lives, but we certainly can do more to cooperate with God concerning our future, and take off that necklace of blame, guilt, fear, and anger. It never helped or encouraged you. Put on Christ who is our peace, strength, and hope and never allow yourself to wear the adornment of the horrible four again. Amen?

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts, cool jazz and contemplative conversation, just for you, right where you sit, where ever you’re sitting.

Be strong and courageous this week. God’s got training available for everyone who wants to participate. Get to know Jesus and study your Bible, the Lord will never steer you wrong.

Learn to relax and breath, speak life to yourself and others, and we’ll meet again soon. Amen, and amen.


En tu tiempo de oración, ¿practicas para defender el caso de otro? ¿No hiperventilando con muchas palabras, sino abogando por su causa ante el Señor?

Proverbios 23:10-11, ” No cambies de lugar los linderos antiguos, ni invadas la propiedad de los huérfanos, porque su Redentor es fuerte; Él defenderá su causa contra ti.” Otra forma de ver a alguien que defiende una causa se ve en la palabra “defensor”. No “litigar” sino “abogar”. La idea de un abogado, como alguien que defiende una causa, en hebreo es una combinación de dos palabras, la primera es “luchar con” y la segunda es “contender por una causa”. Hay una lucha involucrada. El espíritu de la palabra “abogado” es diferente al de “litigar” en el sentido de que “litigar” significa argumentar dentro del proceso judicial insinuando que una persona tiene razón y la otra está equivocada. De ninguna manera estoy diciendo que vamos delante del Señor como el que tiene razón y Dios está equivocado. ¡Nunca! Pero lo que estamos haciendo es más como una intercesión, dando a conocer las necesidades y hablando con Dios acerca de por qué pensamos que nuestra petición ante Él es una buena idea… no es que discutimos con Dios cuando abogamos.

En 1 Juan 2:1, Juan usa la palabra abogado en el sentido de alguien que consuela además de abogar por la causa de otro. Interceder puede ser un poco más agresivo, pero sigue siendo una forma de abogar. La palabra griega en inglés para “abogado” es en el sentido de una “persona llamada para ayudar, convocada para dar asistencia”, lo que nos da el significado de “ayudante en la corte”. A pesar de que no hay una referencia clara a nuestra defensa en los tribunales, la idea sigue siendo, más o menos, en tonos legales. Parecería que ser un abogado por otro, es parte de lo que Pablo estaba escribiendo en Gálatas 6:2: “Sobrellevad los unos las cargas de los otros, y cumplid así la ley de Cristo”.

En Job 16:1-2, cuando el escritor dijo: “He oído muchas cosas así; miserables consoladores sois todos vosotros.”, la palabra “consoladores”, en hebreo, se usa en el sentido de alguien que intercedería y abogaría por mi causa ante el Señor, que obviamente los amigos de Job eran mucho más litigantes negativos sentados en el estrado de los fiscales, que defensores positivos.

He notado de mí mismo, durante mi tiempo de oración, que no quiero quedarme atascado en la repetición de memoria, “bendícelos Señor”, “ayúdanos oh Dios”, “sánalos Señor”, una y otra vez por falta de palabras. No estoy diciendo que esas no sean cosas buenas para orar, porque lo son. Lo que yo estoy diciendo es que me gustaría ser un mejor defensor, abogando por la causa de los demás de manera más efectiva, usando palabras que marquen la diferencia.

Cuando Dios le dijo a Abraham en Génesis 15:1 que Él era su escudo, la palabra “escudo” se usa en el sentido de un “protector”, un abogado que contiende por la causa de otro. En Deuteronomio 33:29, el Señor es declarado como el “escudo de tu ayuda, y espada de tu triunfo.” Él es la personificación de un escudo y una espada para nosotros, un escudo como alguien que intercede para ayudar, y como una espada que divide la verdad de la ficción, definiendo la victoria. En el proceso de pecar, creo que nuestros sentidos se ofrecen a razonar con nosotros sobre la delicada delicia de nuestro deseo, como un empleado manipulador influiría en el jefe para obtener lo que quiere. Eso es manipular, no abogar.

Jesús fue y es un abogado de los pecadores ante Dios, y me gustaría ser mejor en la defensa de aquellos que están encerrados en una prisión oscura de su propia creación, e incluso de aquellos que están, por consentimiento, en la cama con maldiciones con las que han estado de acuerdo, pero se preguntan por qué la vida no es mejor de lo que es. En 1 Juan 2:1-2, el apóstol escribe: “…tenemos un abogado para con el Padre, Jesucristo el justo.  Él es la propiciación por nuestros pecados, y no solo por los nuestros, sino también por los pecados de todo el mundo.” Él es nuestro defensor y consejero legal, y es suficiente para cualquiera que necesite un ayudante y un escudo. Esto no es universalismo, que sostiene que Él murió por todos, arrepentidos o no, ni es solo una “expiación limitada”, lo que significa que Él solo murió por una élite, unos pocos elegidos. Como nuestro abogado, Él es también nuestra propiciación, es decir, por Su sangre en el Calvario, Él satisfizo el justo requerimiento de justicia de Dios. “El que no conoció pecado se hizo pecado por nosotros, para que nosotros fuésemos hechos justicia de Dios en Él.” Jesús es nuestro propiciador, nuestro Defensor de entre los muertos, a la diestra del Padre donde intercede por nosotros ante el trono celestial. Por lo tanto, como nuestros defensores, estamos seguros de esa intercesión, de esa justificación, de esa satisfacción.

Si Jesús es tu abogado, tú también, sí, TÚ, has sido empoderado para abogar por los que te rodean. Si sabemos que Dios nos escucha en todo lo que pedimos, sabemos que tenemos las peticiones que le hemos pedido. Pienso en un abogado como alguien que hace peticiones, que apela a la autoridad suprema en nombre de otro con respecto a una causa en particular. Podemos hacer un mejor uso de nuestro tiempo de oración. Dios nos dará palabras para marcar la diferencia si estamos dispuestos a extendernos, consistentemente, a favor de los demás. Te lo garantizo.

¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi.

Personal Holiness

Purity is one of God’s attributes, and concerns the necessity, and power of living a consistent and repeatable life of being unmixed and undiluted with the world… a life of our being the same in private as we are in public … consistent and repeatable.

To quote Hannah Tatum Whitall Smith, who lived from 1832 to 1911, “Some Christians seem to think all the requirements of a holy life are met when they are active and successful in Christian work. Because they do so much for the Lord in public, they feel a liberty to be ugly and ungodly in private. But this is not the sort of Christian life I am depicting. If we are to walk as Christ walked, it must be in private as well as in public, at home as well as abroad; and it must be every hour all day long, and not at stated periods or on certain fixed occasions. We must be just as Christ-like to others as we are to our minister, and just as upright in our home as we are in our prayer meeting.”

Maintaining a pious face only where others can see us is called a lie, or being an actor merely impersonating a believer in Christ.
She continued saying, “An angry, worrying, gloomy, doubting, complaining, demanding, selfish, cruel, hard-hearted, self-indulgent, sharp-tongued or bitter-spirited Christian may be very earnest in his or her work, and may have an honorable place in the church; but they are not Christ-like Christians. They know nothing of the realities of true Christianity, no matter how loud their professions may be.”

We should not just be a distant light in the darkness in people’s lives, we should be the soft light of grace up close and personal. And if we’re going to let our lights shine up close and personal, let us allow the Holy Spirit to resolve our worldly hearts of sourness, bad language which reflects our heart, fault finding, ignorance, and a downcast countenance. If we will let Him, God will fill us with aspects of courtesy, insight, grace, and salt. We are not monotony on two legs you know, we possess the very life and light of the universe in our hearts.

Our external conversation is born from our internal conversation, and i think we need to ask the Lord to redeem our internal narrative, which is where our conflict resolution begins. All our wars and conflicts where we are directly involved, have all started with ourselves before they oozed out to the world around us. Within everyone there is a conversation going on, we may not be aware of it, we may not want to admit it or admit to the contents of that internal narrative, but it is there. The Hebrew word for conversation draws a picture of a well worn path, or a path which is worn from constantly being walked on, and when in groups, it draws a picture of marching together, or, a conversation, like people who are going somewhere together. Together, meaning, on the same road, going in the same direction, on the same side of the road, at the same speed. “Together” … do you get it.

1 Peter 1:15-16 “…but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”

i believe it is true, the Lord is interested in what we do and the details of our lives, but more than any of that, He is interested in us, our character  …  God’s interest in our how and why is always far and above what we do.

Of course the Lord has a destiny and a service outlined for you, but, and this may seem difficult for some ambitious believers to appreciate, God will burn your ministry to the ground in order to retain His relationship with you. Jesus did not die for your ministry but for you. You are more important to Him than your ministry; you are more important to Him than the great plans you’ve got; you are more important to Him than the flowers, good book reviews, public notice, titles, positions, Facebook likes, or your ambitious achievements. Nothing, nothing, nothing can separate you from the Love of God and He is confident in His ability to love you back from the brink of destruction.

Revelation 4:8, “And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”  Wow! So, day and night they never cease saying “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” i think back to all the times i’ve quoted this during worship and praise, and only now am i thinking to myself, do i have anything even close to an understanding of what i’m saying? Don’t get me wrong, it’s the truth and it’s right, but my question is about myself and do i understand? Hopefully by my questioning myself, you will be inspired to also question yourself about similar matters.

God’s holiness. What does it mean when we say God is holy?

You know, over the years i’ve heard myself say a lot of stuff that, often, i’m not too sure just exactly what i meant. Yea, i sounded real spiritual to myself and others, but when i tried to explain some of my high-sounding, fancy theology, i sometimes, if not often, fell short. Do you know what you believe and why? And i don’t mean parroting someone else. i mean we do the work to pull apart our theology and get a clue as to how we came to our conclusions.

One time, a young man and i, the young man being a new believer, were painting a house. i was holding his paint bucket as he leaned out to paint the bottom of a chimney, three stories up. As i watched him brush paint on, i saw some of the sky blue paint drip onto the shiny new chimney flashing. i pulled a rag out of my pocket and handed it to him, requesting he wipe the brush drips off. He twisted his head around and said, “Why? Nobody is going to see it.” In my all knowingness, i drew myself up into a religious pose and smoothly said, “It doesn’t matter if anyone else sees it, we see it. Where’s your integrity?”  He whipped his head around so fast i thought his eyes might slide out of their sockets, and while giving me a quizzical look, he asked, “What’s integrity?”  Then i heard the Lord ask me, “Yea big boy, what’s integrity?” i realized in a flash how many christian-eee, spiritual words and phrases i used without comprehension. Many times, i had no real clue as to what i really meant, or it totally lacked practicality, no one could relate to it, and walked away feeling misunderstood, not realizing it wasn’t them who didn’t get me, it was me not being clear in my own mind.

As an example, when you’re troubled and you go talk to an elder maybe. Their advice is, “Just give it to God.” Don’t get me wrong, it really is good counsel. Over the years i think i have learned to “Just give it to God”, but think about that advice…oh yea, it sounds great, but how do i give a problem which i can’t hardly describe, to someone i can’t see, and then “let go” of something i can’t hold. Uh-huh. Often easier said than done. Though it is truly right counsel, how do you explain to someone what that means and how to do it?

So, in our case this evening, we’re speaking of personal holiness, more specifically, purity, how we put that in motion, and what exactly do we mean?

When purity is part of our character because it’s part of God’s character, there flows in us a naturally occurring shine, a high polish oozes from our pores and we are made bright. And you’ve gotta know, we don’t get that high shine from doing the rules, it comes from being in love. In the Hebrew spelling of the word purity, or personal holiness, it is obvious, with a bit of what i call, digging and sifting, to see that purity encloses honor for with purity comes honor, and humility comes before honor. Inversely, with loss of purity, is loss of honor. With our choosing and possession of purity there is stainlessness, cleanliness, and innocence. These may sound like high sounding words, but i’m describing Jesus, AND, wonderfully so, i’m describing Christ in us. 1 Peter 1:15 “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.”

Jesus is manifested in brightness and purity, He is unsullied by moral wrong, and is undiluted and unmixed with this fallen world. Jesus is our living example of purity. Ephesians 2:2 reads that this world operates according to the prince of the power of the air, the devil’s very life expression is one of binding and being bound which goes on forever. Purity in Christ breaks the bonds of sin and the anchor of darkness – like the sun rising, it shatters discord and confusion from the east, breaking the grip of night which is a twist on the light.

God created this world we live in, and in it’s new born state, it was created with the vertical and horizontal lines of divinity, a divine grid of reference. Within the divine IS purity, which is why the offense of sin is such an affront to personal holiness. His rightness of character, God’s personal holiness in and of itself is liberating.

Within the Hebrew word for purity, twice there occurs the idea of choice: the choice to be free or not; the choice to return or not; the choice between greatness and degradation. In the same spelling there is God’s guaranteed redemption for anyone who wants to return to the Lord and enter the courts of the King as a heroic penitent. Whether or not to employ personal holiness, ahhh, that is a choice.

Purity, and personal holiness is a vacuum in the church today. It is easy to simply go the way of the world – watching movies we know we shouldn’t let in our eyes, letting our conversation easily degrade, allowing corrupt communications out of our mouths and into our ears which wound our conscience and inspire our loss for the relish of righteous things. There is such thing as shame in the sense of humility in a good way, shame being the currency of honor – as in purity and righteous shame. BUT … It is easy to dress and act in ways which stupefy and discredit us, that is shame in a bad way, and has nothing to do with humility, other than to be humiliated. i say anyone who has no shame in the daylight, has been handled too much in the dark, making our conscience to be like bruised fruit.

Do we prefer personal holiness, or do we concede and capitulate to the world and sin because we don’t care if God sees us or maybe because we don’t believe God sees us? We shouldn’t practice personal holiness just to please God, but because we want to be like Jesus, and that we have a higher vision than simply not getting caught and being a pleaser. Again, we don’t shine because we keep the rules, we shine because we’re in love with Jesus.

The Lord said we can possess personal holiness through Christ. God called us to holiness in Christ Jesus and did not call us to capitulate in the face of the call of hell, which is to be as impure and unholy as we want as long as it makes us happy. In Christ, we can do this! Romans 8:37 “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

The desire and yearning for the Lord is something He plants in our hearts, and is one of the foundational corners of our passion and loyalty to God. Purity is never grim, stiff and cold. Within our church culture there is an idea of purity which is born out of a false sense of legalistic morality that is erroneously called godliness. Being legalistically moral is not purity – it is not so much about conduct as it is our heart posture, or how we lean in our heart towards God. And i don’t mean we should just sit back and be irresponsible for our behavior and actions … we must pursue personal holiness, for it is key to overcoming darkness.

Practice, practice, practice is imperative. Practicing our personal holiness, puts feet to our commitment and applies the teaching of Jesus. It is in our daily practice where the skill of being pure is developed. As long as the idea lingers in our head that if things go wrong, we’ll just revert to our old behavior, as long as going back is an option in our mind, we are still in danger of acting like Demas. 2 Timothy 4:10, “…for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world…” For me, going back is not an option. And how about you?

We were not born with a natural inclination to purity … in fact, with the exception of Christ who was sinless, every man, woman, and child which breaths and has breathed air was born into a fallen state. Romans3:23-24 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Purity, personal holiness, the practice of Godliness is gotten by our living a focused relationship with Jesus. It requires loyalty, reading God’s word, being consistent and repeatable, and making our outward face match our inward face. It requires prayer, prayer literally meaning, “i cannot but God can.” Practice means we put God’s word, and the teaching of the Holy Spirit into action. If you’re in a situation that is going south, practice your ability to choose righteousness and walk away. Your so called, friends, may deride you later for walking away while they were getting loaded, but i can assure you, anytime we stand up and do the right thing for the sake of holiness, darkness is driven backwards. 1 Timothy 4:8, “For physical training is of some value, but holiness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

It’s not that we, of ourselves, are able to attain purity, but through Christ, for it is a gift from God. 2 Corinthians 3:5, “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”

Here’s an “Oh by the way” to consider, although the power and implementation for purity and a Godly life comes through Jesus, the responsibility for developing and exhibiting that character is ours. i’m by no means saying any of us can live a pure and godly life on our own, i’m simply saying we must practice God’s word and live it out in our everyday, work-a-day world. We choose, and true, there are many things we do not choose, like our hair color, where we were born, who our parents were, etc, etc. But the development and implementation of purity and godliness, that is something which is within our power to choose to do.

As was mentioned earlier, within the Hebrew word for purity, there is the idea of the right to choose, and choosing godliness is a learned thing. i was born with all the faculties i needed in order to do wrong, to choose poorly, and to be an excellent and consummate failure. But once i met Jesus, and He radically changed my life, i had to learn to choose differently. Let us learn to choose more wisely and make better choices. Ephesians 4:22-24, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Listen, don’t be surprised if temptation comes knocking at your door. God has a way of allowing us to be in situations which exercise our character. If we are not increasing in godly character, we are going backwards, for in the spiritual life nothing stands still.

In a book by Jerry Bridges, “The Practice of Godliness”, he says that conduct produces character, and character produces conduct. Character also determines actions. What we do, we become, who we are, is we do. Conduct is always feeding character, and character is also always feeding conduct.

Friends, you can do this by the power and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was chastised for our peace, He was wounded for our transgressions, and by His stripes we are healed. Do you have a vision to loose the captives and break the chains of chaos which bind people in darkness? Start with godly character. It begins with you, in your heart, in submission and obedience to Christ. Let Jesus develop your character. i never said it was comfortable or pleasant, but in the long run, the development of your purity, your personal holiness in Christ breaks the bonds of sin and the anchor of darkness  …  like the sun rising, it shatters discord and confusion from the east, breaking the grip of darkness in the lives of others. Think about it.

The promises of God toward the truly humble are breathtaking! If you think living a life of purity and holiness is impossible, remember Matthew 19:26, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

The Lord is the administrator and enabler of the power in those who have faith to be holy as He is holy. He promises to be with us, to cherish and honor us, to give us mercy and grace beyond the vanishing point for new beginnings, and to lift us up making us strong, firm and steadfast in His name.

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts.

Purity is one of God’s attributes, and concerns the necessity, consistency, and power of living a consistent and repeatable life of personal holiness…being the same in private as we are in public … consistent and repeatable. Hebrews 12:14 “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Take His yoke upon your shoulders, relax and breath, pray for your neighbors this week, and above all, know that Jesus loves you and will never forget you or leave you behind. Amen!


i think for most of my life, i didn’t know words to communicate with. i often left people wondering what in the world i was talking about, not to mention my own frustration at wondering why i felt so misunderstood. Our intentions are communicated in words as well as actions and if we only act, not allowing anyone our words, the silence of our mouths propels the exclusion of others, the very relationships we desperately need.

When we want to communicate our ideas and thoughts to others, we’ve got to learn to communicate, to position ourselves as someone others want to engage with. We must learn to articulate “utterance”. The listener only actually knows what’s going on in our minds when they hear us express ourselves in audible words. If we don’t give them words then we are subject to them filling in the blanks with only what they’ve imagined, which may not go too well if you know what i mean. Sure, we can surmise and maybe even accurately speculate what’s going on with someone, but when they actually put words to it, ahh, then we’ve got something to go on. We may have the impulse to direct someone to turn left or right, or ask a friend to deliver food, but it’s really not enough to simply grunt at people and point, we must communicate our thoughts to them.

With God, He has a number of individual ways through which He communicates His will. When His will is carried out, it is described as His “utterance”. One utterance from Him caused light to come into being. Another produced Heaven and earth in all its fullness, and yet another generated animal and human life and so on and so on, you get the picture.

There is a difference between God’s utterances when He presented the 10 commandments, and when He inclines His heart toward us. i’ve been told that the 10 commandments had to be heard, which involved a “crescendo of sound”, which even to this day, we all hear and are still moved. Many times the Lord doesn’t “speak” to us with vocal chords, mouth, and tongue, but He “speaks” in the sense that a voice and words are heard, as in saying, “He made me to know”. When we speak, our voice only runs just so far before the momentum of our breath just falls to the ground. When God speaks, it doesn’t stop being said, whether it’s through circumstances, or actual vocalization, it does not cease. We can pretend we are powerful enough to set prophetic markers in the earth, but without His voice, our markers quickly fade and fall.

i believe that at the time of creation, there was no need for anyone to “hear”, and it’s the truth, no human being existed that was capable of hearing. So, in light of that, His utterance was simply that His will became reality. His answer, whether by vision, provision, or direct reply is an “utterance”. Incidentally, “vision” is seeing, insight, and understanding, and PRO-vision is anything He gives which supports the advancement of the vision. His appointments and biddings are His utterance. His promises and pronouncements are His utterances. The Lord’s subduing of enemies, His teaching, telling, and ideas communicated to us are His utterances. God is not silent, i believe it is us who aren’t catching His drift.

In Psalm 62:11, it says “God has spoken, twice i heard.” The Hebrew word for “spoken” doesn’t mean words given once in the past tense, or as a plural verb, but in the sense of dual action, it is spoken and then comes again unceasing. The word “heard” is used in a complimentary sense that God’s utterance was heard and heard again. Like saying, God said, He very said, and i heard, then i really heard what i heard. In Genesis 1:3, when the Lord uttered, or spoke, the idea that His speaking is also a calling. Whatever the Lord calls, becomes. God’s voice is the ONLY voice to which all things obey.

More than a few times i’ve felt powerful and very spiritual, and in an effort to prove my power to myself i walked outside, and in my most commanding voice, i uttered, “Mountains, be thou removed into the sea.” Of course in my very best King James English in order to sound as authentic as possible. i was taking it seriously what Jesus said in Matthew 21:21, and i was feeling pretty full of myself. Upon yelling that at the mountain, well, nothing happened. In my heart i found myself think, “Yea, i didn’t think so.” Years later, the Lord spoke to me, “me” being slightly self-important, thinking more highly of himself than i should, and asked me why i thought the mountain didn’t move. i had to reply, “Only you know Lord.” He made me to know that it was because His voice was not in my voice for that occasion, and the mountain only responds to His utterance. Oh.

What do you think?


In your prayer time, do you practice to plead the case of another? Not hyperventilating with many words, but advocating their cause before the Lord?

Proverbs 23:10-11, “Do not move an ancient landmark or enter the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is strong; he will plead their cause against you.” Another way to see someone who pleads a cause is seen in the word “advocate”. Not “litigate” but “advocate”. The idea of an advocate, as someone who pleads a cause, in Hebrew is a combination of two words, the first is “to grapple with” and the second is to “contend for a cause”. There is wrestling involved. The spirit of the word “advocate” is different than to “litigate” in the sense that to “litigate” means to argue within judicial process implying one person is right and the other is wrong. By no means am i saying we go before the Lord as the one who is right and God is wrong. Never! But what we are doing is more as an intercession, making needs known, and talking to God about why we think our petition before Him is a good idea … arguing with God is not what we do when we advocate.

In 1 John 2:1, John uses the word advocate in the sense of someone who comforts in addition to pleading the cause of another. To intercede might be a bit more aggressive, but it is still a form of advocating. The Greek word in English for “advocate” is in the sense of a “person called in to help, summoned to give assistance,” which gives us the meaning of “helper in court.” Even though there is no clear reference to our advocating in court, the idea is still, more or less, in legal tones. It would seem that being an advocate for another is part of what Paul was writing about in Gal6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

In Job 16:1-2, when the writer said, “I have heard many such things; miserable comforters are you all.”, the word “comforters”, in Hebrew, is used in the sense of someone who would intercede and plead my cause before the Lord, which obviously the friends of Job were far more negative litigators sitting at a prosecutors bench, than positive advocates.

i have noted of myself, during my prayer time, that i do not want to get stuck in rote repetitiveness, “bless them Lord”, “help us God”, “heal them Lord”, over and over for lack of words. i’m not saying those are not good things to pray, because they are. What i am saying is that i would like to be a better advocate, pleading the cause of others more effectively, using words which make a difference.

When God told Abraham in Genesis 15:1 that He was his shield, the word “shield” is used in the sense of a “protector”, an advocate who contends for the cause of another. In Deuteronomy 33:29, the Lord is declared as the “shield of your help, and the sword of your triumph.” He is the personification of a shield and sword for us, a shield as one who intercedes to help, and as a sword dividing truth from fiction, defining the victory. In the process of sinning, i believe our senses offer to reason with us about the delicate deliciousness of our desire, like a manipulative employee would influence the boss in order for them to get what they want. That is manipulating, not advocating.

Jesus was and is an advocate for sinners before God, and i would like to be better at advocating for those who are locked in a dark prison of their own making, and even for those who are, by consent, in bed with curses they have agreed with, yet wonder why life is not better than it is. In 1 John 2:1-2, the apostle writes, “…we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.  He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” He is our defender and legal counsel, and is sufficient for any who would be in need of a helper and shield. This isn’t universalism, which says He died for everyone, repentant or not, nor is it just “limited atonement”, meaning He only died for an elite, select few. As our advocate He is also our propitiation, meaning by His blood on Calvary, He satisfied God’s righteous requirement of justice. “He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Jesus is our propitiator, our Defender from the dead, at the right hand of the Father where He intercedes for us before the heavenly throne. Therefore, as our advocate, we are secure in that intercession, in that justification, in that satisfaction.

If Jesus is your advocate, you also, yes YOU, have been empowered to advocate for those around you. If we know God hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we have asked of him. i think of being an advocate as one who petitions, who appeals to the Highest authority on behalf of another with respect to a particular cause. We can make better use of our prayer time. God will give us words to make a difference if we’re willing to extend ourselves, consistently, on behalf of others. i guarantee it.

What do you think?


          A principios de 1970, Luther Ingram y Mack Rice, que eran compositores de canciones para Stax Records, escribieron una canción lanzada por los Staple Singers titulada “Respect Yourself” (Respetate a Ti Mismo). La letra era: Si le faltas el respeto a todo el mundo con el que te cruzas, ¿cómo demonios crees que todo el mundo está dispuesto a respetarte? Si a ti no te importa el hombre con la Biblia en su mano, simplemente quítese del camino y deje que el caballero haga lo suyo. Tú, una clase de caballero, quieres todo a tu manera. Quítate la sábana de la cara, chico, es un nuevo día. Respétate a ti mismo, porque si no te respetas a ti mismo, a nadie le va a importar, respétate a ti mismo.

Todo el mundo quiere respeto de una forma u otra. Algunos lo consiguen a través de estilos de vida criminales imprudentes. Otros por logros académicos o incluso notoriedad política. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista de Dios, que al final es el único punto de vista que realmente cuenta, ¿cómo ve Él el concepto de respeto? ¿Podemos honrar a alguien sin respetarlo? Esa es una pregunta que todos, como individuos, debemos luchar por resolver.

¿Son las personas en general dignas de honor? No en el sentido de venerarlos, o de tener respeto por ellos, sino de reconocerlos como alguien de valor porque Dios los ama y dio su vida por ellos. ¿Podemos honrar a alguien y, sin embargo, no encontrar prácticamente nada en él digno de respeto? ¿Parece un poco descentrado pensar que alguien puede comportarse de una manera que no sea respetable pero que, sin embargo, sea llamado honorable? Parece una paradoja decir honorable, pero sin respeto en la misma frase, ¿no?

“Respeto” en Romanos 13:7 es en el sentido de dar reverencia a aquellos que ejercen poder y autoridad. La idea hebrea de respeto significa “levantar”, entre otras dos implicaciones. “Levantar la mano” mientras se hacía un juramento era una muestra de respeto y una señal externa de buena conciencia, confianza y favor. “Levantar los ojos” también era una metáfora de tener respeto.

Estoy pensando en el “respeto” como un subconjunto bajo el honor, excepto que estoy teniendo problemas con la idea de honrar a alguien por quien realmente tengo muy poco respeto. Puedo “respetar” la posición de alguien en un cargo público, pero no encuentro respeto por ellos como persona en mi corazón. Creo que en la forma en que la gente ve el honor, limitan su pensamiento a un “comportamiento respetuoso”, como ser educado, cortés y tener buenos modales, y creo que eso es bastante limitado. Cuando era joven aprendí modales a una edad temprana, más o menos. “Qué niño tan simpático”, decía la gente, lo que significaba que aprobaban mi comportamiento. Bueno, supongo que felicitaciones para mí por ser “un niño agradable”, en la opinión de ellos!

El honor es diferente. En la forma en que el Señor lo usa, el honor viene cuando reconocemos el valor de alguien, no significa que aprobemos su comportamiento, sino que nos estamos comportando de una manera que transmite que tiene valor. Creo que tal vez el respeto se centra en el comportamiento, como hacer “lo correcto”, mientras que el honor viene del corazón. El respeto reconoce la conducta de una persona, mientras que el honor atribuye valor. El respeto enseña modales y la frase aparentemente flexible “comportamiento adecuado”, por lo que supongo que también deberíamos preguntar sabiamente, ¿”comportamiento adecuado” según quién? El respeto conlleva la idea de ser como un vapor, y puede subir y bajar, pero el honor enseña algo más profundo. El respeto puede hacernos quedar bien ante los demás, pero el honor “construye los lazos ocultos que proporcionan fuerza y unidad”, que es mi deducción al mirar las letras hebreas. El comportamiento respetuoso es incompleto en sí mismo. Enseñar respeto no es suficiente. A medida que “El Respeto” sube y baja… El “Honor” tiene peso y gloria. Una cosa es obedecer al diputado por respeto a su cargo, pero otra es honrarlo porque lo conoces como amigo.

Cuando la elección de alguien se deshonra a sí mismo y avergüenza a otro, ¿es también alguien que no recibe respeto hasta que sus acciones sean tratadas y rectificadas correctamente ante el Señor junto con aquellos que fueron heridos por sus acciones? Cuando alguien ha caído en adulterio, se menoscaba y se deshonra a sí mismo, avergüenza a la otra persona, degrada su testimonio, arroja sombras sobre las personas rectas con las que tiene comunión y transgrede el pacto de sangre con el Señor. El respeto por ellos se desploma a cero. Después de que Dios los haya llevado a través de su tiempo oscuro de reconciliación y restauración, su testimonio no debe ser uno de su perdición, sino más bien dar respeto y honor al amor y la liberación de Dios… la atención se centra en la redención de Dios más que en su desgracia.

Tanto el honor como el respeto tienen su lugar. Cuando los niños son pequeños, aprenden un comportamiento respetuoso, pero a medida que crecen, como padres también debemos desarrollar una respuesta de honor del corazón. Es bueno enseñar un comportamiento respetuoso, pero es importante que no nos detengamos ahí. El honor agrega una dimensión más profunda a las relaciones y nos ayuda a abordar los conflictos en las relaciones, es como un rasgo de carácter en lugar de solo respetar a alguien por posición y título.

En Marcos 15:43, dice “José de Arimatea, un respetado miembro del concilio, que también esperaba el reino de Dios, se animó y fue a Pilato y le pidió el cuerpo de Jesús”. La palabra “respeto” se usa en el sentido de ser honesto y ordenado, y de Alguien con una conducta intachable.

Pablo escribió a la iglesia de Roma para que “Paguen a todos lo que se les debe: impuestos a los que se deben impuestos, rentas a los que se deben rentas, respeto a los que se deben respeto, honra a quien se debe honra”. Cada alma viviente tiene valor, o de lo contrario Jesús no habría muerto y resucitado de entre los muertos por los pecados del mundo, pero no todos se comportan de una manera que les debamos respeto. ¿Te das cuenta?

Cuando las Escrituras dicen que Dios no hace acepción de personas en Deuteronomio 1:17 y Hechos 10:34, no significa que Él piensa que todos somos escoria lamentable para ser tolerados, sino que Él no está impresionado con la posición, el título, la autoridad personal y el poder carismático de alguien. Nuestra posición y título aquí en el mundo no es lo que nos hace ganar nada con Dios. No oye a un director general por encima de un conserje, a un financiero mundial por encima de un obrero de construcción. Un juez justo se ocupa de las causas, no de las personas. Por ejemplo, si se promueve a alguien a una cátedra por la razón, que es la causa, de que tenga suficiente conocimiento, consideraríamos esa “causa debida”, no cuánto apreciamos a la persona. Pero, si promovemos a esa persona por favores, carisma o poder personal por la razón de que es esa persona en particular, entonces hay respeto por la persona. Un juez justo se ocupa de las causas, no de las personas. Todo el mundo tiene valía y valor, pero no todos se comportan de una manera digna de respeto.
¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi