Notas Malas y Muy Malas

El Señor quiere que reconsideremos nuestra actitud en espiral descendente acerca de nosotros mismos. No me refiero a enaltecernos en orgullo, ser arrogantes y jactanciosos de lo grandes que somos, sino a ser levantados por la bondad de Dios, que es humillante y edificante al mismo tiempo.

Cuando fui a la escuela secundaria, dentro de la cultura de la escuela secundaria en general, había todas estas pequeñas subculturas. Estaban los atletas, los aspirantes a atletas, las chicas populares y las aspirantes a chicas populares, las personas intermedias que no eran populares o impopulares, simplemente no distintas. Y luego estaban los escalones inferiores, algunos eran niños granjeros que solían ser niños bastante buenos pero duros como los clavos, y luego, sí, y luego estaban los que encontraban identidad en los modelos de tipo hippie. Llevábamos pantalones vaqueros acampanados, a veces nos negábamos a lavarnos y fingíamos rebelarnos contra la autoridad. Es decir… Hasta que la autoridad tocó a nuestra puerta, entonces rápidamente nos escondimos detrás de nuestros padres, a quienes previamente les dijimos a las personas que los odiábamos. No sacábamos buenas notas, no hacíamos los deberes, actuábamos como si nos molestara la clase, la lectura, el aprendizaje o cualquier cosa que sintiéramos una imposición. Yo era uno de ellos. Tuve muchas notas malas y pocas muy malas, y las usé, exteriormente como una insignia de rebelión, pero internamente estaba continuamente aplastado por la deshonra de mis malas calificaciones. Es un milagro absoluto que me haya graduado. Tal vez los maestros solo querían que me fuera, no lo sé. Me sentía estúpido, y poco a poco me convertí en lo que sentía. Me veía a mí misma como una persona “con notas Malas”, yendo a lugares “Malos” con otras personas “Malas”, teniendo conversaciones “Malas”, haciendo cosas Malas” por razones “Malas”. Operaba en una plataforma “Mala” y “Muy Mala”, y no tenía ni idea de muchas cosas. Oye, solo quería encajar en algún lugar, y era más fácil encajar en el fondo de nuestra pequeña subcultura.

Más tarde en la vida, cuando llegué al fondo de todo, en general, como alcohólico y drogadicto, conocí a Jesús. Bueno, déjame decirte, sí, me cambió la vida, pero Él no cambió mi mentalidad de víctima y todo mi dolor de inmediato. Poco a poco, aprendí a hacerme responsable de mis actos. Centímetro a centímetro la vida comenzó a cambiar, hasta que un día tuve la brillante idea de descubrir cómo Dios me veía, y quiero contarles lo que Él me dijo. Descubrí que Dios, en realidad, tiene mucho que decir sobre lo que piensa de nosotros.

Una de las primeras cosas es “eres apreciado y atesorado”, valioso. Él nos dio Su aliento para que pudiéramos respirar y nos creó a Su imagen y reflejo. Él sabe el número de cabellos en tu cabeza, y dice que eres más valioso que los gorriones, lo suficientemente valioso como para que Él diera Su vida, y eso es decir algo. Él te ha coronado, sí, contigo, con gloria y honor y te llama el pináculo de la creación. Sí, sí, sí, sé que sabes que fracasas, hijos de la ira y la corrupción, pero en impresionantes gestos de amor Él nos dio el creer en Cristo si queremos salir de la muerte y el morir con toda la caída de lo que pasa en el medio. Nuestro estado de gracia caída no tiene la última palabra. La gracia lo hace.

Él dice que ya no somos huérfanos, solos en la oscuridad, retenidos en una celda hecha solo para delincuentes violentos, sino que Él los llama Suyos.

Bien, ahora lo que sigue es realmente importante, así que vamos a ponerlo en práctica en nuestra cabeza. Si le has pedido al Señor que se haga cargo de tu vida, entonces realmente necesitas saber… Él dice que tú… EresNuevo. Lo viejo ha pasado y lo nuevo ha llegado. Ya no eres un esclavo de la maldad de carácter y sin peso como una sombra. De nuevo, si tu has creído en Cristo como Señor, entonces Dios dice que ahora tu eres justo a Sus ojos… No señor, no hay condena para ti.

Y como si eso no fuera suficiente, Él te dio Su Espíritu Santo para que no tengas que vivir bajo tu propio poder y oscuro entendimiento, y Él está contigo, ¡Dios está de tu lado! El Señor promete que te guiará a toda la verdad, y todo significa todo. Él también promete ayudarte a hacer lo que Él dice, e incluso, sí, incluso te da poder para hacer Su obra. Él no dijo que simplemente cambiarías, ¡Él dijo que serías transformado! Usted puede decir: “Bueno, simplemente no lo estoy viendo.” Bien, entonces pidámosle que abra tus ojos para verlo a Él y que te vea a ti a través de Sus ojos. Pregúntale a Él, ¿qué tienes que perder?

Dios no solo tiene tanta confianza en Su capacidad para llevarte a donde necesitas ir, sino que incluso te la ha dado para que sigas adelante de una manera que sea digna de tu llamado, representándolo en todo lo que Él es. Oh, sí, Tú, eres un ciudadano del Cielo y un embajador de Cristo.

Ahora, puede que no creas todo eso. Tu puede decir: “Soy tan indigno, no merezco tanta bondad.” ¡Tienes razón! Pero ¿no somos afortunados de que el Señor no nos haya preguntado si pensamos que somos dignos, simplemente dijo que lo somos y no nos preguntó si estaba bien?

Deja que esto se meta profundo en tu cabeza. La forma en que Dios te ve reemplaza la forma en que tú te ves. No eres un esclavo, no, no, no, y si crees que lo eres y “Así son las cosas porque soy tan malo y estoy muy lejos“, el Señor se acerca a ti diciéndote: “Amigo mío, no tiene por qué ser así. He hecho un camino para que seas libre“.

¿Qué te parece? Considera, la vida puede no haber funcionado bien, hasta ahora, creyendo que “soy solo una persona con “notas malas” y “muy malas”, así que estoy un poco resignado a vivir una vida con “notas malas” y “muy malas”…. ¿por qué no arriesgarse con Dios y hacer algo diferente?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter con el Ministerio Viviendo en su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

The White Duck – Slavery

My alarm was set for 6:30 A.M. i had been awake off and on during the night but at 6:30am i was absolutely dead to this world asleep. Amazingly, i should have heard the automatic “click” of the alarm kicking in, but in that instant instead of a “click” for the alarm, i heard a man start to speak from the radio, he was telling a story, almost as if it was all prerecorded and at 6:30am was set to play. Exactly at 6:30am, i heard the man began to speak saying:

“There once was a little boy and little girl who lived in town. One day the mother came and said she was going to leave them with their grandparents on their farm for several days while she and dad took a little time for themselves. The children, of course, were ecstatic and thought this to be a wonderful thing, after all, it was always an adventure at the farm.

They stayed the first night and were up by first light. The little girl went with the grandmother and the little boy went with the grandfather. The first thing the grandfather did was to take the little boy out to his workshop where he made an old fashioned sling shot; he used the fork of a tree, some innertube rubber he had cut into strips with his Barlow knife, and a little piece of leather from an old pair of shoes for the sling. The boy was amazed his grandfather was so inventive and imaginative, and couldn’t wait to test it out. That morning the boy went all over the farm finding rocks just the right size and aiming at everything his eye could see. But, unfortunately, he hit absolutely nothing and he wondered at King David and his abilities with a slingshot.

As lunch approached his grandmother called for the children to come in and eat, and as the boy got closer to the back door of the old farm house, there at the back door was granny’s favorite white duck, just – standing there. He figured since he’d not hit anything he’d aimed at all morning he had no worries of even getting close to the duck. As he let the rock fly from the slingshot he saw the rock go straight as an arrow to the duck and killed it dead. It didn’t even twitch. Just dead. Instantly. The little boy went into a panic, quick grabbed the duck and ran behind the wood pile, weeping while piling leaves on the carcass trying to cover over this terrible thing. He felt the pressure of someone looking at him and turned to see his sister, peering at him with a small, smug little smile. He said, “Oh please, please, please don’t tell granny! i’ll do anything but please don’t tell granny!” The sister realized her opportunity and with an air of confidence she agreed.

When they went inside for lunch the grandmother asked the little girl if she would help get lunch together, and the girl said, “Well granny, i think Bobby would rather do that.” The boy enthusiastically agreed and went quick to help with lunch. After lunch the grandmother asked the sister if she would help pick up the lunch stuff and clean up wherewith the girl said, “I think Bobby would much rather do that than go outside and play.” And again, the boy agreed and leapt to help the grandmother. This went on and on through dinner and to bed time.

In the morning the grandmother called the children for breakfast. As they came to the kitchen they could smell the coffee brewing and bacon frying, it was delicious to their senses. The grandmother asked the boys’ sister if she would help with breakfast. And, of course, the girl said, “Oh, I’m sure Bobby would much rather help than me”, but this time the boy, who, by now, was worn to a frazzle with the burden of his secret, broke and wept bitterly saying between sobs, “Oh granny, i’m so, so sorry. Yesterday i went all over shooting at everything with the slingshot Grandpa made me and i didn’t hit anything. When you called us to lunch i saw your favorite white duck at the back door and i was so sure i wouldn’t even come close, but that time i hit what i aimed at and i killed it. i’m so sorry granny! i’m so sorry i killed your favorite duck, i didn’t mean to!”

The grandmother got down in front of the little boy and took his face in her two hands and looked at him with the eyes of kind wisdom and said, “Oh…I know. I was standing at the kitchen window. I saw the whole thing and forgave you the moment it happened. I was only wondering how long you were going to allow your sister to make you a slave to it.””

God sees me. Always. There is nothing about me God doesn’t see. Nothing. There is nothing my eyes see that God’s eyes can’t see, and there is no darkness deep enough for me to cloak my deeds from Him. He sees me in my most nakedness.  He even knows what i think about when i am most vulnerable and exposed behind a closed door. He knows.

The Lord asked me a question once, He said, “You know those things you do in the dark when you think no one can see? Yea, those things. Do you do those things because you don’t believe I can see you, or do you do those things because you don’t care if I see you?”

Underneath it all – is it unbelief or jaw-jutting rebellion? Probably both together. i don’t like this question. Hard question there, but only hard because i don’t like it.

i so didn’t want to answer because all my answers were not good…hmmm, so which is the lesser of two very uncomfortable answers because one of the two, as previously stated, if not both, are true. So, while i stumbled around trying not to answer what must be answered and, in fact, is already answered by my lack of an answer, God makes me to know another question, “If I have forgiven you, cast your sins as far as east is from west and I remember them no more, who is it that keeps reminding you of all the things you ever did? And how long will you allow him to continue to make you a slave to them?”

This day, i’m asking you the same question: If God has forgiven you, who is it that keeps reminding you of all the things you ever did, and how long will you allow yourself to be a slave to them?

Thanks for listening, i’m Social Porter with Living in His Name Ministries.

The Day Of Stars

There was the grandest of all grand parades right down the middle of Glory Land! The endless crowd of the redeemed of the Lord were waving banners, people were jubilant and laughing, confetti of some sort filled the air, horns were blasting in one huge continuous celebration. Somewhere there was a brass band playing parade music. The light was just perfect… there were no shadows anywhere. Marching right down the middle of everything, were these glowing, shining individuals… some walking, some riding, some hovering… many in various types of clothing… everything from togas to 1700’s style jackets, stockings, and trousers, and more.

It was the “Day of Stars” when all the stars of the Heavens which guided sailors and adventurers across continents, and inspired mankind to dream, believe, and imagine where given special notice in Heaven. The “Day Of Stars” was the day all of Heaven gathered to honor the lights in the universe whom God had made and given them their place, gleaming night after night everywhere. The Lord gave it to me to see as a witness of the joy to come when we get home.

The vision happened during worship as i was looking out a window thinking about Jesus… the music had ebbed into a musical interlude, when suddenly i felt myself slip into an “between place” and i saw the scene as previously described. It was beyond words in that glorious moment of watching the Lord parade the stars done the streets of gold. i got to meet the north star, a portly fellow in Dickens’ style coat and tails with mutton chop sideburns and a round face which seemed to always be laughing. He was jolly and gracious and i thanked him for being such a central part of God’s plan. i met Casper, and Leo, the whole Aquarius crew, Rigel and others…all still glowing a ghostly glow with the star light God had given them. The only way to describe their voices is to say it was silver (i know that’s strange but the closest thing i can think of is sound that is a color), and when the bright ones spoke it was like a    rang in my head.

Friends, the canopy over the earth is a sky of wonder, something to be marveled at, which lifts us above the gravity barrier of worldly preoccupation.

When righteousness and faithfulness come together in a summation, there is a God-powered inclination to bring something into being with the consequence that it’s existence is a certainty. The Lord, from the beginning, gave man the stars, born of righteousness and faithfulness, as a certainty that our way was not one of being aimless and lost, but as a sign He would not leave us directionless.

Gen1:16 says… out of God’s infinite imagination, He made the stars, the moon, the planets and all bodies in the heavens above us for our wonder and comfort. He saw the need in man’s heart for celestial beauty, like stars, so in His mercy He created them for us.

Ann Taylor wrote, “Then the trav’ller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. In the dark blue sky you keep, And often thro’ my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye, Till the sun is in the sky.”

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the deck area of a rural cafe overlooking the Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the river’s edge and every evening is pleasant. This evening’s topic is about an amazing vision i call the “Day of Stars”, what God has built into the idea of the stars, and where we are in it all.

On a side note as a companion to this evening’s topic, the general idea of beauty was another one of God’s incredible ideas… He has made beauty all around us if we’re interested enough to grasp it. i’d like to lose myself in God’s imagination and thinking… He is the very essence of beauty. The concept of beauty is studied in art and culture, we experience beauty in our perception of things which can rouse feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Beauty is in the taste of a favorite food, the texture of silk, the smell of flowers, excellent music, the lingering kiss of a lover on a warm evening somewhere…it is in the sunrise, sunset or in the stars at night. It is all God’s idea in how to meet the needs of the heart of man. It is brilliant… just brilliant.

Dream, believe and imagine…the universe is indeed a vast place just waiting for us to let the Lord invigorate us to see His wonders in the landscape of Heaven. i’ll be right back.

Genesis 1:16-18, “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.”

Some of us get stars in our eyes, meaning we are mesmerized, excited or hopeful about the future and we imagine success and fame. To be star or moon struck means to show irrational behavior, especially of a romantic or sentimental nature, or to be made sick as if by the influence of the moon or the stars. In Greek, the word for “epileptic” or “lunatic” is from the word group in Matt 4:24 meaning “moonstruck”, because at that time, there were people who thought moon light and/or star light could influence someone so much they could possibly go crazy. Reading further in Matt4, we see that Jesus healed all those people, and it wasn’t the light of the moon or stars which made them ill after all.

Think about it… when you lie on your back and stare up into the night sky, you can’t help but be amazed.  Hundreds of thousands of tiny pinpricks of light that are millions of miles away speckle the fabric of the canopy of Heaven over our heads. Each one placed in a precise spot by the hand of God… like a field of fragrant flowers given to the one He loves, God gave us the stars. The Big Dipper, The Little Dipper, Pleiades, The Southern Cross, each one at the precise location of His ordaining. The Lord put them there and said “this is your place, stay here until otherwise”, and they did. On the day God made the stars, He flicked His fingers and shook His hair, fire and sparks flew from Him to make the stars and planets… the smoke from His nostrils, more dense than the sun, ignited to help hide new born stars in a stellar nursery, cloaking parts of the Milky Way and Orion’s Belt.

Psalm 8:3-4, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him….?” Let’s not forget the wonders above us. Scripture gives us a vision of the vastness, variety, and mystery of the universe and the Lord. One writer said the stars and night sky bear down upon our heads with power, calling the stars “God’s faithful splendors at midnight.”

In the book of Sirach, written by a Jewish scribe, Yeshua Ben Eliezer Ben Sira, describing the beauty of the Heavens, he wrote, “Great indeed is the LORD who made it, at whose orders it urges on its steeds. It is the moon that marks the changing seasons, governing the times, their lasting sign. By it we know the sacred seasons and pilgrimage feasts, a light which wanes in its course: The new moon like its name renews itself; how wondrous it is when it changes: A military signal for the waterskins on high, it paves the firmament with its brilliance, The beauty of the heavens and the glory of the stars, a shining ornament in the heights of God. By the LORD’s command the moon keeps its appointed place, and does not fade as the stars keep watch.”

God put the stars in the sky to be beautiful and to please us, his beloved children. In His wisdom, He saw the need in the heart of man for beauty and wonder…. marvelous things He created… imparting Himself into all of them for us to discover. i can’t imagine, nor has God revealed to me the secrets of the Aurora Borealis, but if He appointed me to know and i could get close enough, He would reveal to me the unimaginable wonders of His heart hidden there. i believe He hides His character and intentions in all things He has created. Why? Because the true heart of love desires to be involved with the object of its affection. Many of the hidden things of the Lord aren’t hidden because we’re too small to know, but because it is the hope of the Lord that we will go and search for them, to know Him.

Psalm 19:1-4, “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world.”

Here is the word of the Lord, listen: He says, I love you on days when you are perfect in My eyes, and on days when you wonder why you do the things you do. I love you when you are the strong center that calms others, and when you want to rest in the comfort of My embrace. I love you when you are confident and proud of everything you stand for, and when you need Me to remind you how far you’ve come, and that there’s no limit to how far you can go. I love you now and forever, come what may, just as you are.

i am forever amazed at anyone who says there is no God in Heaven. Every night, the Lord hands us an amazing masterpiece called the night sky. It’s dotted with winking stars, glimmering planets, dark clouds moving silently and ominously across the sky, declaring the glory of the Lord… a testimony of not only His existence, but a testimony to us, the object of His affection. Anywhere on earth, we can stare upward into the night sky and see the evidence. i think our personal agendas, bitterness, disappointment, broken promises and crumbled dreams cloud our view, but it doesn’t detract from the evidence.

When i was young, my dad pointed to a deer standing in the edge of the woods. He told me it was there and i believed him. No matter how long my eyes searched those woods though, i could not see the deer. The longer i looked without seeing, the less i believed what i was told was true. In my sheer arrogance, believing only my eyes, i declared there was no deer there and that he was playing a joke on me. As the last words left my lips, the deer walked off… and i saw. Just because we don’t see the Lord in our lives doesn’t mean He isn’t there, and because nothing has changed with our situation yet, doesn’t mean God isn’t working behind the scenes.

Sometimes we need to just wait, “put a pin in it” so to speak, maybe even unplug from the roar in our heads, look up and listen to the voice of God which comes on the whisper of the wind in the tree tops proclaiming the wonder of the night sky.

When the Lord created everything we know of as creation, He imparted His attributes into those things… which says to me that the heart of God is discoverable in all things on this planet and of the universe….in His heart they were all conceived, implemented, and made sure in their place. Sure, sin has corrupted creation and possibly cloaked things, but that doesn’t mean the Lord’s attributes are not findable if we’ll look for Him. The goodness of God cuts through sin like a knife. It is the Lord’s heart that we would know Him and He would be known.

When Jesus came, God gave us His face for the first time, He got eye to eye with the object of His affection. Everything He has done has been for our benefit, the sun, the moon, the stars and all the canopy of Heaven over the earth, which we call the sky….it is for our benefit.

The first letter of Genesis is about God’s house and the family, and the word for stars ends with a reference to His house and family… from the beginning to the end, the Heart of God is about His people. Ancient scholars considered the sky to be like the Palms of God over us, like a cap… Friends, He seeks our heart more than gold and incense.

On a more technical side, stars is a simple word but is created from two other words, one which paints a picture of rolling or heaping up and the other the sense of blazing… when they are put together it brings to mind the idea of rolling fire… or a star. The heavens are like the closed Palms of God which hold the beauty, and when the stars twinkle and spark, they are like the open Palms of God releasing the flashes of His treasures.

Stars are a blaze of glory in the night sky, and if we look to His heart deeply, the gleaming glory in the infinite deep dark blue of the night sky uncovers his face. If we look for Him, He will find us. When the moon and stars are bright after the sun has done its work, the heavenly lights are a brilliant shining sea where living wonders find their footing. My eyes see star after star, some steady, others slowly pulse, holding their ground as our perspective changes on a turning earth.

The same hands that hold those stars in their exact place stretched out on a cross to take your place because he knows your worth. Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead that you would have life, and have it more abundantly.

Amos 5:8, “He who made the Pleiades and Orion, and turns deep darkness into the morning and darkens the day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the surface of the earth, the LORD is his name;” Pleiades is a cluster of stars to our scientific minds, but the Hebrew paints a picture of the the heaped up rolling blaze in the Palms of God connected to waves of purposeful grace, and Orion is the Palms of God leaning on His authority over creation… Orion is “the burly one”.

Exodus 28:2, “And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty.”

That is the scripture of first mention where glory and beauty are used in the same sentence, it’s important and we need to pay attention to such things. The Lord wants us all to search out His secrets. There is a difference between the two words, and i’m only making mention of that because in some places translators called beauty… glory and inversely so. God makes the distinction of many things which appear similar but truly are different, and many times the distinction is lost in translation. Glory is like the weight of splendor, and we usually associate glory with the presence of God….glory comes with His presence and His presence comes with glory… beauty is a gleaming embellishment, like a well-lit ornament. Glory is a masculine noun and beauty is a feminine noun, and when God uses them together in scripture, i think of them as going together like a husband and wife… they complement each other. The Lord is beautiful and He is glorious… as His glory is revealed the weight and beauty of His presence sets the universe on its knees.

Psalm 29:2, “Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.”

His name is due the full weight of honor, and we wear holiness as a gleaming embellishment in our worship of the Lord.

In the same sense, stars and all the heavenly host are beautiful and reflect the glory of God, the weight of His presence and the gleaming brightness of righteousness.

Our galaxy contains over 100 billion stars; the Bible says in Psalms147:4 that God calls them all by their names. Isaiah 40:26, “Lift up your eyes on high, And see who has created these things, Who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, By the greatness of His might And the strength of His power; Not one is missing.”

After thinking of that, i’m inclined to look again at how scripture describes the creation of all that’s in the universe. Genesis 1:16 states almost casually, God “also made the stars.” It is astonishing to me that the creation of the entire universe beyond earth is described by such a simple statement. The biblical description makes it sound like the creation of all the hundreds of billions of galaxies was so easy for God that it seems almost like an “oh by the way”. Truly, God is beyond my imagination, and if He did not open my eyes to see Him and what He has done, i would not see.

One time the Lord said to me, “Creating all there is, is one thing, but to change the heart of a man, ahhh, now THAT’S a big deal.”

Who would have thought from a casual glance at the night sky that all that is above the earth would be so majestic and enormous? The Lord our God infused Himself into all He created, not only was it good, but it was God. Take an “o” out of good and you get “God”. Assuredly, the night sky is incredibly beautiful, even to the naked eye. Who could have known that it would contain hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with millions to trillions of stars, along with countless clusters and nebulae of immense size and breathtaking beauty? Stars don’t have weight, they are measured in density.

God has constructed the universe to reflect His character. Romans 1:20 states, “… His invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made, so they are without excuse.” It shouldn’t surprise us that the universe is so incredible. Truly the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands! Think about it.

When i was much younger, in ignorance, i assumed the world around me was no more than it was, just the physical earth, trees, mountains, rivers, animals, and people… just being what they were, doing what they do. Then one day, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see Jesus, glorious, beautiful Jesus… Jesus who ransomed me from death, Jesus, who paid the price for my sin, Jesus who gave me new thinking to strengthen righteous reasoning, Jesus who restored the tenderness of my conscience, Jesus who used death to defeat death that the power of my flesh would no longer rule over my spirit… giving me life, that i would no longer be a slave. In the days to follow, an idea crept into my head… all which my eyes beheld was more than what i saw. It wasn’t a world which only served to entertain me, in all my self-centered ways, but it all reflected the Heart of Love for whom so ever would know Him. He saw in the heart of man the need for beauty, and part of that are the stars and all the heavenly bodies in the night sky. It was for love the Lord made the universe, and we are the object of His never-ending affection.

This production has been brought to you by Living In His Name Ministries, The Mebane Freedom League with Alan, Kevin, and Tommy, the 20/20 Men’s Group for you fellas out there who can’t go to church anywhere else, and Trinity Bakers where there’s always something good in the oven.

You know, the days are going by. That may seem like a silly thing to say, but it means if you don’t take the time to see the beauty God has built into the world around you today, the moments will pass you by, gone forever and you didn’t see it. Take the time to look up, see the stars and dazzling lights in the heavens which the Lord has made, just for you, that you would think on His great name and know His great heart for you. The stars sang together before, and it is a distinct potential they’ll sing again… just imagine it all… we’ll get to sing praise and glory to our wonderful Jesus the Lord and God our Father together.

Be at peace as you go your way, turn your eyes to Heaven and your feet homeward. Be strong and courageous… and i’ll talk to you next time. Amen.

Be Authentic

Be authentic, credible, genuine and true.

Titus 2:1 “But as for you, teach what is fitting and becoming to sound wholesome doctrine, possessing the character and right living which identifies true believers.”

Paul instructed Titus to teach good sound doctrine and to teach people to live right, according to God’s Word, that they might be identified as true believers in Christ. One of the greatest needs of the church today is credibility. We, as believers, are most often known by the world more for what we are against than what we are for. i went downtown and did a small survey among young people and was shocked to find that many perceived the church of today as sidewinders, swindlers, liars, manipulators, adulterers, etc, etc.. Yes, those are the words many used. Are we doing “the law” or are we living “on earth as it is in Heaven”? We must each choose an excellent lifestyle that displays the character and attributes of Jesus Christ.

When we put a Christian bumper sticker on our car, wear jewelry with a cross on it, or t-shirts with scriptures, we can rest assured people are watching … they are looking for authenticity.  We need to “be the people” of God, not just “look like” the people of God, we need to reflect Jesus Christ, and BE the people the world wishes so badly that we were.  Let us live a life which makes beautiful the doctrine of the faith.  Maybe we should study to learn what the attributes of God are, then plot a course to make adjustments in our lives which reflect that radiant goodness of God. Let us realize it may take a while of being authentic and transparent before others begin to believe our claim of faith, taking us seriously. It’s not enough to just walk around quoting scripture, the world wants to see results which match our claims.

A beautiful picture in scripture is given in Titus 2:1, where i believe one view of the passage is a picture of a garland around the neck of each believer in Christ Jesus. That garland can represent many things, but for this discussion, let’s call it sound doctrine. The idea of a garland is a wreath, or crown, but is also one of “a beautiful decoration around a window with a view”. Each believer is like a window with a view, and the fruit of the spirit, holiness, and godliness decorate that window, like a garland of grace.  That garland is for every believer, and there is no sideline bench for the incompetent players. Everybody is on the playing field, even if you don’t think you are, listen to the Lord….you are. What does your garland look like?

What good does it do to have a “Jesus Loves You” sticker on your car and practice road rage, or to be foul mouthed with a bad attitude toward people in front of your co-workers, or even when you’re out of sight, around a corner? Our attitudes are contagious, so it would seem to me a couple good questions we should ask ourselves is… what do other people catch from us, and who’s life are we reflecting when we display those sorts of attitudes? The Bible is our bottom line concerning our Conduct, Character, and Conversation. 1 Tim 3:15 “… I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” How we are IN the house is how we should be OUTSIDE the house. It is a gross misunderstanding of the Love of God when we “go to Heaven on Sunday”, then “live like hell” the rest of the week. In your mind, what does it look like if you were to be the sort of person who is holy and godly in your conduct? Do you see yourself walking around with a glowing hallow, wearing long robes, acting all pious and always looking up? Or maybe just a regular sort of human being who practices > simply being honest and authentic? The Hebrew word used for “holiness” strongly implies being “set apart”, or fitted for a peculiar purpose. Let us not be untrue to God’s design.

i encourage us all to examine our lives and make sure the way we live, as best we can, represents the Lord, and what we say we believe. Be authentic.

Thanks for joining me, i’m Social Porter with Living In His Name Ministries.

La Plenitud del Espacio

          Vivir nuestras vidas en la plenitud del espacio en el que vivimos, a nuestro máximo potencial debería ser una de nuestras aspiraciones, no meramente sobrevivir, sino realmente prosperar. Ah, y ¿no sabes?, la idea de Dios de la prosperidad y nuestra idea de ella puede ser un contraste muy diferente.

Parece que todos nosotros, en un momento u otro, dudamos en aceptar el hecho de que todas las cosas que respiran, en algún momento, dejan de respirar. Sí, estoy hablando de morir. Es algo que no llegamos a practicar para que, llegado el momento, podamos hacerlo bien. Muchos de nosotros no estamos para nada preparados para vivir, y mucho menos para morir, es decir, no es hasta que nos desvanecemos en la eternidad que consideramos seriamente todas las cosas que desearíamos haber hecho o dicho. Cuando las personas asisten a un funeral, se ponen melancólicas, filosóficas y expresan las razones de por qué este evento le sucedió a alguien como él o ella. La muerte nos llega a todos, y de hecho, es un tema deprimente en sí mismo, y es cierto, ¿quién quiere estar deprimido?

En realidad, creo que toda nuestra nación está un poco deprimida, cargando una mochila con bolsas de tristeza pensativa oculta sobre la forma en que nuestras vidas han ido. Ya sabes, realmente no tiene por qué ser de esa forma. Dios tiene una idea mejor.

¿Estás aprovechando cada oportunidad que Dios te brinda para que vivas la vida al máximo en el espacio que el Señor te dio? Creo que muchas veces nos quedamos tan atrapados en los detalles de nuestro mundo de trabajo diario, que simplemente no reconocemos el momento que tenemos delante. Todo el mundo tiene temporadas de vencimientos de plazos, problemas, distracciones y obstáculos, y todos queremos sacarle más a la vida que lo que tenemos la mayor parte del tiempo, sin embargo, a menudo, simplemente no parece estar cerca de nuestra mano para agarrarlo. No creo que nadie quiera ser simplemente promedio. No creo que nadie sueñe con llevar una existencia aburrida, ganar un sueldo, comer lo suficiente para vivir, básicamente decir que probablemente vivirá hasta morir, y eso es todo. Todos queremos más que eso. Los medios de comunicación y los anunciantes lo saben y nos incitan al deslumbramiento hipnótico de las luces brillantes y la alta vida, diciendo: “Puedes tenerlo todo” y “la vida es un viaje, disfruta del viaje”, llamándonos con un canto de sirena para que compremos su producto, garantizándonos que la vida será más plena si hacemos esto, “una cosa simple”. En cierto modo, en verdad, es así de simple, “simplemente hazlo”, pero en otro sentido es mucho más grande de lo que imaginamos.

Escuché una gran historia de un compañero que dijo: Un joven soldado y su oficial al mando se subieron juntos a un tren. Los únicos asientos disponibles estaban frente a una atractiva joven que viajaba con su abuela. Mientras entablaban una agradable conversación, el soldado y la joven no dejaban de mirarse; La atracción era obviamente mutua. De repente, el tren entró en un túnel y el vagón se quedó completamente a oscuras.

Inmediatamente se escucharon dos sonidos: el “golpe” de un beso y el “golpe” de una bofetada en la cara. La abuela pensó: “No puedo creer que haya besado a mi nieta, pero me alegro de que le haya dado la bofetada que se merecía”.

El oficial al mando pensó: “No culpo al chico por besar a la chica, pero es una pena que ella no le haya visto la cara y me haya golpeado a mí”.

La joven pensó: “Me alegro de que me haya besado, pero desearía que mi abuela no lo hubiera abofeteado por hacerlo”.

Y cuando el tren irrumpió a la luz del sol, el soldado no pudo borrar la sonrisa de su rostro. ¡Acababa de aprovechar la oportunidad para besar a una chica bonita, abofetear a su oficial al mando y se había salido con la suya!

No sugeriría a nadie que hiciera lo que hizo el joven de esa historia, pero el punto es… él aprovechó el momento, y creo que el Señor nos presenta muchos momentos cargados del Espíritu Santo si estamos interesados y tenemos ojos para ver. O.S. Marden escribió: “No hay mayor espectáculo en el mundo que el de una persona encendida con un gran propósito, dominada por un objetivo inquebrantable”.

En Filipenses 3:12-16, Pablo está hablando de ganar a Cristo y el poder de su resurrección, “No es que ya lo haya obtenido o que ya sea perfecto, sino que sigo adelante para hacerlo mío, porque Cristo Jesús me ha hecho suyo. Hermanos, no considero que lo haya hecho mío. Pero una cosa hago: olvidando lo que queda atrás y esforzándome hacia lo que está delante, prosigo hacia la meta, hacia el premio del supremo llamamiento de Dios en Cristo Jesús. Que aquellos de nosotros que somos maduros pensemos de esta manera, y si en algo piensas lo contrario, Dios te lo revelará también a ti. Sólo mantengámonos fieles a lo que hemos logrado.” Ganar terreno y mantener el terreno que hemos logrado son dos cosas diferentes. Está diciendo, no he llegado, pero te puedo asegurar que me he ido”.

Todos los hombres morirán, pero la verdadera pregunta es: “¿Realmente viviste?” ¿Estás viviendo bien donde estás, en la plenitud de tu espacio, o simplemente sobreviviendo? ¿Estás viendo los momentos inspirados por Dios que están frente a ti todos los días, o estás caminando junto a ellos, completamente preocupado por el deslumbramiento de este mundo? Permítanme también agregar que no hay espacio para siquiera comenzar a abordar a aquellos que sienten que no merecen tener una vida plena, lo cual es ridículo y que prospera en las sombras de la duda y la auto-condena.

¿Qué piensas tu?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter con el Ministerio Viviendo en su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

Who Is This King?

Ps147:3 “Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.”  Ps68:4 “Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name Yah!”   Who is this King?  Isaiah (12:2) said, “I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.”

Who is Jesus to you? What say you?

In Matthew 16:15, Jesus said, “But who do you say that I am?”  By evidence of all which is made, He is The Lord, He is God, the ultimate reality, The Life who is not the result of another, does not rely on another, nor is determined by another; He is the form and foundation of all manifestations of virtue; the essential nature who makes grass green, the sun to shine, clouds to move, and rain to fall. He is the salve who heals our wounds and rescues us from the chains of chaos which bind us in darkness. He is all-wise, all wisdom, and all-knowing, the fountain and foundation of righteous understanding. Who is this King? Who is this person who is everywhere at once, in the past, the present, and the future, whose eye sees the actions and intentions of every heart and soul?

1John1:5, “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”  More than just a light, He is THE light, meaning He is the source and origin. The Lord is The Light Being… Divinity, the one and only who supersedes and eclipses the speed of light, originating and surpassing the theory of relativity, able to be in all places at once without breaking a sweat. He can do anything and everything we can do in righteousness, and anything and everything we cannot. He is everything holy and good and lives forever. The Lord is so big He can hold the speck of eternity in His hand, drop it in His eye and never blink!

He is God who gave us His Son, Jesus, the Christ of God, the everlasting Savior, the Lamb who took the full wrath of God upon Himself on our behalf; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and these three are one. He is The One King and Ever Lord who has put all things under His feet and God who has made all things in Psalm8. In Matthew He is the King, the promised Savior, in Mark He is the servant and powerful Savior, in Luke He is the perfect Savior, and Son of Man, and in John He is personal Savior, and Son of God.

Paul declares Jesus as “from Him, of Him, through Him and to Him are all things”. Who is this King the world asks? God is Love,  not love “what”, but love “who” bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

God is self-evident, self-revelational, self-inspirational, self-sustaining, self-disclosing; He is ever-living and ever-lasting, infinite in that He has no left – right, front – back, nor top and bottom; He is the only person who is self-aware, totally self-assertive, and totally moral, The One who causes everything to be – because He Is, and He calls Himself “I AM.”

The list of who God is, is only limited by our imagination as we try to give identity to the Lord of Hosts who loves us, died for us, and lives forever that we who believe may have life more abundantly… He is our God, an Amazing God who is infinite and walks the paths of infinity, who stands on the horizon of destiny and creates a place for us in eternity. By the Blood of Jesus, He bridged the gap between the finite and infinite; God The King, The One and Only who exists outside the world and the entire celestial cosmos yet is present throughout the universe as Lord, Captain, and King.

Who do you say He is? Do you know about Him or do you know Him? Do you give Him “mental ascent” or is He “Jesus who is always on your mind”, every moment, every hour, every day, even when you sleep? Who do you say He is? Who is this King? What say you?

There Is Hope

I’ve asked myself the question, “If I could relay one thing to people, what would I tell them?” I have considered this a good while now, I have walked far, met a lot of people, and witnessed many things, and I think God has finally settled a statement in my heart. The one thing I would tell them is –

There Is Hope

There” is Hope

There “Is” Hope

There Is “Hope”

For those who despair that their lives are without

meaning and without purpose;

For those who dwell in a loneliness so terrible that

It has withered their hearts and bowed them to

The ground;

For those who hate because they have no recognition

Of the destiny available to all humanity;

For those who would squander their lives in self-pity,

And self-destruction because they have worn the

Disguise of this world so long they have become their disguise;

For those who don’t have a reason enough to comb their

Hair and can’t look themselves in the eye in the mirror;

There” is Hope

There “Is” Hope

There Is “Hope”

Today –

I bring tidings of comfort and joy!

There Is Hope!

With my finger which aims, i point towards Jesus, saying “there”, meaning in Christ alone is hope and that He alone is the personification of hope. “Is” … always present tense, used in the sense that there is one and only one. It has a certain amount of direction to it, implying something or someone exists. Jesus IS. “Is” as in a statement of fact. Hope, the anticipation of becoming and overcoming, as in everyone everywhere anticipates that something is going to happen which will change their situation for the better. Christ alone is the true source and power of becoming and overcoming.

In Psalm13, David paints us a picture of the pain he was in. We all endure pain of one sort or another. i’ve never met someone who was NOT in pain, whether it is a prognosis of illness, a crashed relationship, or the loss of something or someone from their lives… these conditions easily cause us to feel lost and alone. In the moment, God can appear to be very distant.

As an example to us from Psalm 13, David calls out to God, saying, “Turn and answer me, O Lord my God!” He prays out of desperation, knowing that only the Lord can “restore the sparkle to [his] eyes” and hope to his heart. David points out the source of all hope. Somehow, mysteriously, talking to God plants a seed of hope, and we all know, these days people really, really need hope. Though it isn’t evident David’s circumstances have changed, in the midst of it all he calls to God and trusts who the Lord says He is. Somehow, mysteriously, the psalmists heart is lifted and his lips find praise and singing to break out of his downward spiral. God sent Moses repetitively before Pharaoh to do the impossible that Egypt and the world would know that the Lord is God and He is who He says He is, and sometimes i think maybe that is the basic problem of humanity… we don’t really believe God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He’ll do.

Today, many stand at a tipping point. We can walk the downward road of despair, or we can go the upper road to the high places by turning to God. He is there, there is hope.

If you have survived but you’ve left your self-esteem behind you

And you have lost the road map back to where you should be;

If you feel frayed and torn, wounded and beaten, waylaid and destroyed by the intrusion of vicious circumstances;

If the twin sisters Mourning and Depression have come to visit at your house and now they won’t leave…

There Is Hope!

“If I could relay one thing to people, what would I tell them?” Yes… that’s what I would say. There Is Hope!