
                    ¡Ting! ¿Escuchaste eso? Escucha de nuevo, “¡Ting!” Ese es el sonido en el Espíritu cuando el Señor nos da ideas. “¡Ting!” Ah, ahí está de nuevo. No es grande, no es una roca en tu sala de estar, sino el sonido del Señor que nos pasa sueños y visiones, como semillas plantadas en nosotros que crecerán hasta convertirse en cosas fructíferas en su tiempo. (¡Ting!)

Cuando era un niño pequeño, un niño muy pequeño, mi papá decidió que sería bueno para mí comenzar a aprender a jugar con la pelota de beisbol. Me consiguió el guante más pequeño que pudo encontrar y salimos al patio trasero, él a un lado y yo al otro. No tenía ni idea de lo que se suponía que debía hacer, ya estaba encantado de estar afuera con mi padre, pero no tenía idea de lo que vendría después.

Lo recuerdo como si fuera ayer. Me dijo algunas palabras extrañas, como: “Te voy a tirar la pelota y tú tratas de atraparla”. No tenía ni idea de lo que quería decir con “tirarte la pelota” y no tenía ni idea de cómo iba a hacer una cosa extraña llamada “atrapar”, ni estaba lo suficientemente coordinado como para atrapar nada. Me lanzó la pelota con cuidado y, por supuesto, la pelota me golpeó el pecho y cayó al suelo. Luego me dijo algunas otras palabras en otro idioma extranjero como: “ahora tíramela a mi”. Esto siguió y siguió hasta que comencé a tener la idea de algo tan simple como “jugar a la pelota”. Con el tiempo, aprendí a tirársela y jugar con él, y creo que tenemos que aprender a jugar con Dios. ¡Ting! Ahí está de nuevo, ese sonido de Dios lanzándonos la pelota.

Sabes, si el Señor no se revela a Sí mismo a nosotros, simplemente no lo veremos, después de todo, ¿cómo te relacionas TÚ con Dios? Digamos. ¿Cómo te relacionas con Él? Dios nos da ideas de sí mismo para que podamos identificar. A menudo son pequeñas, como una hoja que flota en el viento frente a nosotros, ideas que Él sopla a través de nuestra mente. Sigue pasando las ideas frente a nosotros, hasta que un día, ¡Ting!, comenzamos a tener la imagen. A veces tengo que reírme para mis adentros cuando escucho a otro creyente decir: “Oye, se me acaba de ocurrir esta gran idea”. Se te ocurrió, ¿eh? ¿Todo por ti mismo? ¿Realmente?

El Señor nos habla en lugares inverosímiles y en momentos inverosímiles, y tenemos que mejorar en el juego de la pelota. (¡Ting!) Tiene la extraña habilidad de inspirarnos con ideas que utilizan nuestros talentos sin importar dónde estemos.

George Friedrich Händel fue un músico y compositor alemán, y personas poderosas le pagaron para que compusiera música para celebraciones, producciones musicales y adoración. Una de las obras más famosas de Händel, El Mesías, trata sobre la vida de Cristo e incluye orquesta, coro y solos. Händel escribió El Mesías en solo 24 días durante el verano de 1741, solo en una habitación. Un sirviente escuchó a Händel decir: “Pensé que veía todo el cielo delante de mí y al gran Dios mismo”. Cuando escuchamos el “Coro del Aleluya”, también podemos sentir que estamos vislumbrando el cielo. Apostaría cualquier cosa, todo comenzó con una pequeña melodía, en algún lugar de su cabeza, y se hizo más fuerte, y sintió una pequeña motivación creciente, y más clara, hasta que fue predominante y presente. Después, un día, tuvo otra gran idea: escribir la música. ¡Ting!

¡Presta más atención al Señor que a Facebook o Instagram! Para mí, Dios tiene mucho que decir y realmente me gustaría escucharlo. ¿Recuerdas aquella vez que tuviste la pequeña idea de llamar a fulano de tal, y cuando lo hiciste, se sintieron realmente animados? (¡Ting!) Así es, fue Dios quien te lanzó la pelota. ¿Qué tal esa vez que tuviste la idea de sentarte al lado de ese niño en el autobús, y fuiste amable y estabas genuinamente interesado a pesar del viaje corto? (¡Ting!) Así es, era el Señor el que te lanzaba la pelota. ¿Recuerdas aquella vez que tuviste la idea de llevar a unos amigos al cine y fue un gran momento? Sí, (¡Ting!), es muy probable que haya sido Dios quien te haya dado la idea. Hubo un momento en que de repente tuviste la idea de enviarle a alguien una tarjeta de felicitación y escribir algunas cosas bonitas en su interior, y mucho más tarde descubriste que la estaban pasando mal y ese poco de amabilidad pudo alegrar su día. (¡Ting!)

Ahora bien, no TODAS las ideas son ideas de Dios y, es la verdad, necesitamos practicar un poco de discernimiento. Solo estoy diciendo, oye amigo, Dios se está comunicando con nosotros, ¿estamos prestando atención? No todas sus comunicaciones suceden en la escala de un gran letrero publicitario con luces brillantes. Si fuéramos honestos, ¿no le hemos pedido todos al Señor que nos hable, tal vez incluso admitiéndole que no entendemos, así que ¿podría Él hacer que las palabras o la visión sean más claras? ¡Seguro! Creo que hay otro lado de eso que dice que también tenemos que estar más interesados en prestar atención y mirar un poco mejor a nuestro alrededor. Sus oportunidades abundan. ¿Estás escuchando y con los ojos mirando? (¡Ting!)

En una nota de despedida, enviar mensajes de texto, redes sociales, ver televisión o jugar juegos de computadora pueden robarnos Sus oportunidades y robar mucho tiempo, y ¿no sabes que al enemigo le encanta que estemos tan ocupados con todo lo que no sea el Señor, que perdemos oportunidad tras oportunidad? Estar en posición de jugar pelota con Dios (¡Ting!) es un regalo, y si pierdes la pelota, no dejes que te afecte, “Supongo que, ahora que he perdido las oportunidades de Dios, Él ya no vendrá a tocar a mi puerta. Bueno. Supongo que iré a pararme bajo la lluvia”. Vamos, hombre, inténtalo de nuevo, inténtalo e inténtalo y inténtalo, porque eventualmente, te volverás bueno atrapando la pelota e incluso podrás devolverla. Dios no es frágil y no podemos huir de él. Nadie tiene ese poder. ¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi


          ¡Bienvenidos al Punto de Inspiración! Es una mirada desde un lugar alto, examinando el corazón del Señor.

Tuve un sueño en el que fui a la casa de un amigo. Cuando estacioné en la entrada de su casa, lo primero que noté fue que su casa estaba rodeada por una cerca alta de madera, lo suficientemente alta como para que no se pudiera ver nada ni siquiera del techo, excepto la punta del techo. Fui a la puerta, que tenía timbre e intercomunicador, presioné el timbre y le dije que estaba allí. En un momento, la puerta se abrió. Cuando crucé la puerta, dentro había otra puerta con timbre e intercomunicador. Había muchas puertas en un corto espacio antes de llegar a la puerta principal. Cuando finalmente abrió la puerta principal, miró a su alrededor como si estuviera comprobando si alguien más estaba mirando y me dejó entrar. En el sueño, desde las ventanas delanteras y traseras pude ver que su patio era una serie de cercas y puertas. Pensé ¿por qué, oh, por qué hay tanta cerca, y cerca dentro de la cerca, en su mayoría sin ocultar nada? Cuando le pregunté por qué tanto extremo con la cerca, me dijo que no era asunto de nadie lo que había dentro. Pensé para mis adentros: “Pero no hay nada que ocultar más que esconderse a sí mismo”. Cuando desperté, el Señor me dio una revelación. Me di cuenta de que su ardiente cerca estaba construida por miedo, miedo a que si alguien viera dentro de su patio pudiera usarla en su contra, miedo a la vergüenza, miedo a que alguien pudiera “saber” algo. Pensé para mis adentros que, a decir verdad, no había nada que saber, y que el miedo impulsaba toda su constante vigilancia.

Sabes, he descubierto por las malas que podemos ser amigos de alguien, incluso si no te dejan entrar, pero es bastante imposible tener una relación con ellos. Mientras se sientan dentro de su valla o muro altamente vigilado y casi infranqueable, sí, podemos hablarles a través del limite, pasar notas de un lado a otro, e incluso pasarles comida y agua por encima, pero al final, es muy, muy limitado, y controla totalmente cualquier conexión real, si es que hay alguna. Nosotros necesitamos conectarnos, lo que significa que debemos dejar que Dios derribe los muros y cercas de nuestra propia construcción. NO dije que los límites NO fueran buenos, porque lo son, son invención de Dios e incluso Dios tiene límites, obviamente. Pero nuestra constante muralla con el Señor y con las mismas personas que necesitamos para prosperar en nuestros esfuerzos por asegurar la vida, y tenerla más abundantemente, es impulsada por heridas y temores de todo tipo. Mientras tanto, nos sentamos en una soledad sostenida y opuesta, mientras nos sentimos falsamente seguros detrás de nuestra cerca, deseando en secreto poder ser libres. Necesitamos conectarnos. Algunos están tan dedicados a sus cercas que les viene a la mente el término amurallado. El encierro significa literalmente “amurallar”, y es una forma de encarcelamiento, en la que una persona es colocada dentro de un espacio cerrado sin salidas, y si se permite que persista, el prisionero simplemente morirá de hambre o deshidratación. Puede ser tanto espiritual como físico.

Ir a la iglesia es bueno, pero ¿es realmente, verdaderamente, una conexión suficiente? Cuando las Escrituras dicen: No dejéis de congregaros en Hebreos 10:25, no significa simplemente “vayan a la iglesia”, como se nos ha enseñado… Significa conectarse, y me refiero a más de 10 minutos antes y después. El Señor no hizo una ley de ir a la iglesia en esa escritura, nosotros lo hicimos. Somos los que hicimos una ley de todo esto, pero no hacemos espacio para las conexiones reales que necesitamos… Y conectarse requiere tiempo y tal vez incluso coraje. Dios nos está diciendo que nos acerquemos a un grupo de personas de ideas afines donde podamos expresarnos libremente, ser abiertos y reveladores, y conectarnos. Mantener un complejo sistema de cercas nos niega las conexiones que tan desesperadamente necesitamos, y no importa cuán fuerte pienses que eres, no puedes hacer vida con éxito para el Señor, escondido detrás de tus cercas.

¿Y qué pasa si hemos sido heridos por la religiosidad insensible de alguien? Permítanme decirles que es inevitable que suceda. Algunas personas sienten que es su trabajo asegurarse de que otros cumplan con las reglas, y les encanta contarle a la gente sobre todas sus infracciones. A la luz de eso, aquí viene la idea de “superioridad moral” que inspira a otros a poner más cercas. “Han” estado en la iglesia cada vez que las puertas están abiertas y Ellos realmente sienten la necesidad de preguntar: “Me he dado cuenta de que no has estado aquí mucho. ¿Por qué no has estado aquí? “He notado que bebes una cerveza de vez en cuando, ¿no sabes que es un pe-ca-do beber?” “Me he dado cuenta de que tienes música mundana en tu coche. ¿Dónde está Dios en tu vida?” “Me he dado cuenta de que a veces no traes tu Biblia. Pensé que eras cristiano”.

Independientemente de aquellos que se sienten obligados a asegurarse de que los demás estén “arreglados y cumpliendo” con algunas reglas tácitas, nosotros podemos mirar más allá de ellos y abordar lo que está sucediendo con nosotros mismos. Necesitamos conectarnos. ¿Alguna vez has oído hablar de la obstrucción? Es una negativa persistente a comunicarse o a expresar emociones. Es común durante los conflictos, o cuando las personas intentan evitar conversaciones incómodas por temor a que participar resulte en una pelea, o que alguien Sepa algo y pueda usarlo en tu contra. Cuando permitimos que nuestras cercas no solo mantengan alejadas a otras personas aterradoras, sino que también sirven para mantenernos adentro. Cada cerca tiene dos lados, ya sabes. Sal de tu área cercada que has construido. Dios te está llamando a conectarte. ¿Crees que eres superdotado? Probablemente lo seas, pero, amigo mío, no puedes regalar lo que tienes a menos que estés allí para regalarlo. Lo diré de nuevo, podemos ser amigos de alguien, incluso si no te dejan cruzar la cerca, pero es casi imposible tener una relación con ellos.

¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

Living A Circumspect Life

Ahhh, yea … it’s another of those hypnotic evenings with the sun having settled down to a rosey glow at the horizon and the clouds are parceled out across the sky, looking like the porches at the entrance to Heaven’s gate … This evening the lilacs from down the road a piece are so fragrant, i can smell them all the way over here at the deck, overlooking the Ockluhwahhah River.

The view from here reminds me of part of a poem by Francis Duggan that goes: “A beautiful evening the birds chirp and sing, The wonders of Nature is a magical thing. The sun going down red in the western sky, And the roost bound starlings wheel and turn as they fly.”

The idea of our dialogue here is to speak to our issues about three inches beneath the surface of where we really live, waking up reality and perseverance, encouraging us to stop being compelled by panic and fear, to trust God – to stop and think … think before you act as best you know how. i mean, take a moment and play the entire movie out before you jump off that high place.

i knew a man, many years ago, who, when he was very young and wild (meaning he didn’t think much), was out carousing with some other young buddies late one evening. They stopped at a high bridge and decided to do some bungy jumping … but they didn’t have any bungy cords. Off to the side of the bridge they found an old rope, and being young and foolish they really didn’t realize there is absolutely no bounce or give in a large diameter rope. Without considering the outcome of his actions, the unthinking young man tied the rope to his ankle and jumped … yea, you guessed it, he lost his foot that evening. If he and his pals had simply thought about it, taking a moment to think ahead just a little bit, he would still have his foot today. That certainly was a humiliating and permanent lesson of “look before you leap”, or “play the whole movie” before taking action.

Luke 14:28-30, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.‘”

A few weeks ago our program topic was “Foresight, Insight, Hindsight”, and tonight’s topic is sort of about those three elements of understanding, but more from another angle maybe. i think most people think of “foresight” in the context of a prophetic gift, by the Power of the Holy Spirit predicting a future outcome, or confirming the Word of the Lord that is already operating in someone’s heart …  but tonight’s focus is more on the practicality and employment of foresight, insight, and hindsight. When we have understanding, putting into motion the wisdom of “look before you leap”, that means we are taking a circumspect view of things to gain insight when the Lord gives it to us.

Dr. Henry Cloud wrote a book in 2004, “Nine Things You simply Must Do” in which he probes the mystery of why some lives really work and others don’t. One of the chapters is labeled, “Play The Movie”. A moment ago, i gave a quote of Luke14:28-30. In the idea presented in that scripture, “… sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it”, that means to “play the movie”, pencil things out to see where they go, find the hidden costs if any, see and perceive, asking ourselves the question, “Is this really what i imagined? Does it look like what i believe the Lord showed me?”

How often do you make a “knee jerk reaction” about something without considering the consequences? i mean, c’mon, we’ve all done crazy stuff in life at some point or another without considering the consequences of our actions; bought a car, spoken rashly, voted without weighing reality, drinking and driving, running with a crowd we know better than to hang with, etc.

A friend of mine and i were at coffee this morning and we were recounting past decisions that we made in a moment of haste without any thought as to the possible outcome … we also remembered the miracles in that we weren’t killed and how the Lord, in His everlasting mercy, protected us from ourselves. The Lord brought to my remembrance the time i needed to load a bull in a trailer, a really big bull, but he didn’t want to get in, of course. i had him corralled in a very small space and he just wouldn’t get in. In my frustration and anger, i grabbed a big stick and just jumped in the pen with the bull and whacked him round and round the little space until he got in the trailer. Only afterwards, only !afterwards! did it dawn on me the complete and utter foolishness of my actions. i didn’t play the movie, i didn’t look before i leapt … it never occurred to me that i was in close quarters with an aggressive animal weighing in excess of 2000Lbs who, at any moment, could have effortlessly crushed me. i think the Lord delivers us from ourselves more often than we comprehend. Ha! Ya’ think? Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy and kindness. Amen?

           Luke 14:31-32, “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.”

Within that scripture are the ear marks of someone who is looking ahead some, using a sharp pencil to find out the actual cost of performing their idea, has understood the potential outcome, and even made an alternate plan.

The word “circumspect” is an interesting word for us to get a good solid grasp on when employing the idea of “look before you leap”. Webster’s Dictionary simply says, basically, to take all things into account, but the word used for “circumspect” in Exodus 23:13, means so much more than that. The word says, “And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect.” The Lord means for us to not only take all things into account, but to look at the noted details narrowly, scrutinize the information, and above all, do what the Lord says. We weren’t born being circumspect, so, let me add that if we know Jesus, God !will! teach us to be circumspect.

God’s idea of being circumspect comes into play in other scenarios. How about “think before you speak”. How many times have you spoken quickly, and, OH, didn’t you wish you could just get those words back? It’s sort of like sending someone an unkind remark by email … once you hit “Send”, it is gone baby, gone, and you can’t unring that bell. There is no “unsend” for email, nor is there an “unsay” for words that have hastily come out of our mouths.

The concept of being “circumspectful” is what is meant when i say “play the whole movie”.

Take Judas as an example, who acted so dishonorably by betraying Jesus. i believe he wished so bad he could take back his words and actions. But, in arrogance and blindness, he acted rashly and spoke unwisely. Look at his words, and actions in Matthew 27:3-4, “When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied in a sneering tone looking down their long judgmental noses at him. “That’s your responsibility.” They got what they wanted, and their attitude towards Judas was like saying, “Too bad, too sad for you buddy!”

i’m not sure, but it appears to me Judas … possibly … thought if he gave the money back and confessed his wrong to the Pharisee’s, that maybe he could somehow undo what he had done. A paraphrase of Psalm32 is that confession is good for the soul, unless, it is confession to the wrong person or group. Judas not only didn’t play the whole movie concerning his actions but he also confessed his error to the wrong people. Need it be said, Judas did not take into account the life and miracles of Jesus, he did not carefully consider the details of what he had witnessed for the years he walked as one of the disciples … Judas was not a very circumspect man, he failed to play the movie beyond the part where he saw himself as having saved the day. There was no “unsend” button, nor was there any “unsay”, or “undo” option. And if anything, the Pharisee’s used his confession against him, were delighted at his brutal mistake, and i believe they were pleased he took his own life. i believe the Pharisee’s found it delicious to close the trap and watch him squirm. He couldn’t un-ring that bell.

How often have we made, on the spur of the moment, spiritually impacting decisions without considering the outcome? A man and his wife bought a car on the premise that if the loan was approved, it must be God. Well, of course the loan was approved. A bankrupt felon could have gotten approval. Six months later they went bust and wondered why God would do this to them. Was it really God who did this to them? Had they played the movie, and scrutinized the details, they would have never suffered the catastrophic outcome.

i knew a man who had a dream that went like this: in his dream he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He only saw the nose and mouth of someone who sort of looked like him, but it wasn’t him. He woke up the next morning sure God gave had given him a vision of his future wife. He went about his day as usual, and that evening he went to a Bible study. There at the Bible study was an attractive young woman whose lower half of her face appeared exactly like the face he saw in the dream in the mirror. Immediately he had the idea he was supposed to marry that woman. Afterall, he was in the market for a wife, she was pretty, and she seemed to like him. He set himself on marrying her. He told her his dream and his intentions of marrying her, she bought into it, and two weeks later they were married. It turned out, after years of misery and struggle, he had done a knee jerk reaction, failing to play the rest of the movie, failing miserably at being circumspect.

When we take what we see in our foresight and give ourselves time to consider the details of what we have observed, getting insight, we’re typically not so quick to readily jump on popular trends and don’t tend to accept common advice as necessarily God’s wisdom. Proverbs 19:21, “There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless it is the LORD’S counsel–that will stand.”

This is not about being cautious but about being wise – and understanding the ramifications of a proposed course of action. While others are ready to quickly decide an issue, looking before we leap often causes us to wait for a period of time, evaluating all sides of the issue, being neither proponents or opponents but simply keeping an open mind so that when a decision is made it is a wise decision. Playing the movie allows us to evaluate with objectivity rather than taking a position. i have a three day rule for buying a car, and what that means is that i figure Jesus rose from the dead in three days, and so in three days i can make a decision to buy or not. So far, it has worked out well. In those following three days, there is time to consider carefully and get a circumspect view.

How about the man and woman who were friends and went to a conference? While at the conference the speaker called them out of the crowd and prophesied that they should be married. They didn’t take into account the myriad of details that should have been carefully weighed before marriage, they didn’t count the cost … they failed to play the movie. They didn’t use a sharp pencil, scrutinizing the details, instead they took the conference speaker at his word, and got married straight away. It was a disaster which grew to super-volcano proportions quickly. How much different was that type of irresponsible behavior than the unthinking young man who went bungee jumping from a bridge with an unyielding rope tied to his foot?

          In a foreign country a priest, a lawyer and an engineer were about to be guillotined. The priest puts his head on the block, they pull the rope and nothing happens. He declared that he’d been saved by divine intervention, so they let him go. The lawyer was put on the block, and again the rope didn’t release the blade. He claimed he couldn’t be executed twice for the same crime and he was set free also. They grabbed the engineer and shoved his head into the guillotine. He looked up at the release mechanism and said, “Wait a minute, I see your problem … ”

Oh, gosh, he just had to open his mouth. Obviously, the engineer didn’t weigh and consider carefully before he spoke, and once his words were out there, he couldn’t unring that bell.

My mother used to tell me that it was better for me to be quiet and only be thought foolish, than it was for me to open my mouth and be known foolish. For much of my life … i didn’t listen.

Ephesians 5:14-17 “Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Mark 4:23-24 “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. Consider carefully what you hear.” God’s meaning of “consider carefully” means to take in all the details, scrutinize them, leaving nothing out. And as to the use of the word “consider” in Greek … it means to “ponder to conclusion”, play the whole movie, or “look before you leap”, and we should do it carefully. To summarize that scripture it reads, “after you have taken in the details and, so to speak, penciled it out and perceived, after you’ve been to the Lord about what is in your mind, come to a conclusion and take action.” That is considering your hindsight, getting insight from the Lord, taking note of your foresight, draw it all into a conclusion, and then setting out to accomplish your task.

That method is the way the Lord does things. He is our example of “play the movie”, or being circumspect.

Isaiah 46:9-10 9 “I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning.” Our God is circumspect. He knows the end from the beginning, and takes all facts and intents of the heart into account.

Imitating the Lord, we are called to be wise and to take into account the ramifications of our possible actions ! before ! we jump and run. i’ll ask again, How often do you make a “knee jerk reaction” about something without considering the consequences? Think about that, and after you’ve thought, then think about it all some more.

When we take God seriously and practice the conclusion of our foresight and insight, life gets radically better. We may not be too good at it now, but the more we practice “looking before we leap”, counting the cost before we go to war, the better we get at it. To “play the movie” is one of the things alcoholics learn to do in order to succeed. Like Dr. Henry Cloud said, “Going to the movies can save your life by preventing bad things from happening, and it also enables us to see the good things that can happen also.”

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts, a beautiful evening on the deck overlooking the Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over and every evening is pleasant.

Pick up your cross this week, afterall, no one can bear it but you. Look before you leap, see your options before hand and be circumspect about what you perceive. As you go your way, take the time to pray for someone with words that make a difference. Be strong and courageous, and i’ll talk to you next time.


          Por lo general, pensamos en conceptos, y un concepto clave en las escrituras de hoy es la idea de qué guardar y qué desechar. Eso puede parecer algo simple, pero considere cuidadosamente el mundo de un acumulador. Para ellos, sienten que necesitan guardarlo todo, tanto que, en su mundo, todas sus cosas preciosas que están tan obligados a guardar, les causan tanta miseria y, a veces, incluso la muerte. Incluso a la luz de eso, muchos de ellos todavía eligen guardar todo lo que han reunido para sí mismos, a pesar de que saben que los está matando.

¿Qué dice Dios que debemos guardar y qué debemos desechar? Una vez más, eso puede parecer simple, pero toda esa división puede ser un pensamiento muy tedioso. La idea de Dios de la palabra “GUARDAR” es agarrar y aferrarse con fuerza, y vigilar de cerca y velar. En oposición, la idea de “echar fuera” o “NO guardar” es como cuando Dios NO guardó a Caín, es decir, no retuvo ni guardó de cerca. NO guardar también puede implicar dejar de lado como en la jubilación. Del mismo modo, hay una diferencia básica entre los que trabajan por la salvación y los que creen en las promesas de Dios. Si queremos trabajar por nuestra salvación y lugar en el Reino, estaremos actuando por nuestras propias fuerzas, defendiéndonos, obteniendo la recompensa que creemos que debemos obtener, y a aquellos que creen en Sus promesas, Él los guarda con todo poder.
Una vez me mudé a una casa grande y antigua, guardando todas mis cosas tan valiosas en una habitación del piso de arriba.

Había viejas sonrisas enmarcadas en recuerdos de hace mucho tiempo, ya que habían crecido y se habían ido, y solo venían de visita de vez en cuando. Guardé cajas de ropa y libros, revistas de estilos y nuevos looks, cuidadosamente guardadas, inútiles, esto y aquello, y sobró más en bolsas selladas de chucherías, todo aparentemente muy importante que TENÍA que tenerlas.

Cinco años más tarde, ni siquiera había hurgado en esas cosas y quería usar la habitación como dormitorio libre. Me encontré afligido por la idea de “¿Qué pasa si necesito tal y tal cosa?” o, “Esa era mi vieja chaqueta de la escuela secundaria, podría usarla”. Mi hijo compartió su sabiduría conmigo en el momento, diciendo: “Papá, si no lo has necesitado o pensado en ello en 5 años, es muy probable que puedas deshacerte de eso y nunca lo vuelvas a extrañar”.

Hay cosas que son tentativas, y cosas a las que agarrarnos y aferrarnos con fuerza, cosas que hay que vigilar de cerca y velar, así como otras que hay que soltar de nuestro alcance y dejar que nos retiremos por completo. No voy a hacer una lista de cosas que hay que conservar y cosas que hay que jubilar, eso lo tienes que decidir tú. Pero lo que voy a hacer es hablar de lo que Dios dice que es valioso guardar.

Manténganse en el amor de Dios, y tengan misericordia de los que dudan. Es decir, mantener en el sentido de cercar y vigilar, proteger y atender, atender significa nutrir, como alguien que cultiva un jardín.

Guarda el mandamiento de Jehová, conduciéndote en sus caminos, guardando sus estatutos, sus mandamientos, sus reglas y sus testimonios, para que prosperes en todo lo que hagas y dondequiera que vayas. “Guardar” y “guardando”, como en observar y guardar activamente, con “sus caminos” como una palabra diferente a “sus estatutos”, como una palabra diferente a “sus mandamientos”, como una palabra diferente a “sus reglas” o “sus testimonios”. Significa preferir Sus preferencias y normas por encima de las nuestras. “Guardar el encargo” es ejercer gran cuidado y devoción a lo que el Señor te ha pedido, y dejar que otras cosas caigan a un nivel inferior de importancia.

Tenemos que mantener nuestro cuerpo o practicar algo de autocontrol. Mantengámonos en el paso, o marchemos al compás con el Espíritu Santo. Practica mantenerte despierto con toda perseverancia, es decir, no dejes que tus ojos se acostumbren a la oscuridad. Mantente o, en este caso, enfoca tus ojos en el Señor y en aquellos que son un buen ejemplo de cómo caminar rectamente. Deja que la paz de Cristo te guarde en perfecta sintonía con Dios. Mantente alejado, guárdate de no frecuentar los lugares y las personas que perturban la unidad del Cuerpo de Cristo, 2 Tesalonicenses 3:6. Mantén las preferencias y normas de Dios y camina de una manera que no te deshonre a ti mismo ni a tu testimonio. Mantén, guarda y defiende tu conversación y estilo del amor al dinero. Guarda la prescripción de Dios de Su idea de salud y prosperidad.

Hay muchas más cosas que guardar, ya que Dios las ve importantes. Lo que Dios dice que es importante excede con creces lo que dicen los hombres. Déjame animarte, ve a buscar y averigua qué conservar y qué dejar ir. Que podamos despejar nuestras vidas.

En un tiro de despedida, considera: En Mateo 19:17, Jesús dijo que “guardemos los mandamientos”. Debo admitir que la mayoría de la gente quiere imponer castigos severos contra otros si se descubre que no cumplen con la ley, pero la palabra que Jesús usó allí realmente significa “guardar”, pero con la implicación de no “algo para ser cercado” sino más bien “apuntar a algo” en lugar de “si no lo haces al pie de la letra, Dios te va a atrapar”. Significa más bien “guardar” en el sentido de un hombre que cultiva un jardín, lo cultiva, lo fertiliza y hace que sea fructífero. NO solo cumplas las reglas, sino que déjate persuadir y producir, y deja que el consejo de Dios te persuada y te haga fructífero. ¿Lo entendiste? Producir. Jesús dijo que su yugo es fácil y su carga ligera. ¿Creemos que nos está engañando o mintiendo de alguna manera? No… nunca. Él no nos pediría que hiciéramos esto si no fuera posible. Selah.

¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

More Than Conquerors

Even if it seems like the whole world is against us, even when our eyes see nothing but dark clouds all around, as believers, God is on our side, and we have the strength to come out winners. As believers, we have the King of the Universe in us, with us, and for us, we have the Holy Spirit before us like a radiant cloud and behind us like a pillar of fire, we have the written Word of God, we have fellowship with Jesus and the saints. In consideration of those glorious truths, i find no good reason why we should ever enter a battle and lose.

We are more than conquerors, more than just them who gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition. More. Not just conquerors, more than that. Jesus was more than a conqueror, thus we, His people, are more because He is more. Because He is, we are. Because He did, we can.

Rom 8:37 “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”  In that verse, “more than conquerors” is the Greek word “hypernikao”, “hyper” meaning “over and above”, and “nikao” meaning “to conquer”. God has made us to be the people who are over and above gaining a surpassing victory. More!

What sort of people do you think God thinks we are? In the Smithsonian museum, there’s an apron with a dirty brown mark on it. It looks like a chocolate stain and the apron isn’t worth much. When they were carrying the great emancipator, Lincoln, out of that theater, as they passed a little girl, his blood fell on her apron and immediately somebody said, “that is sacred for America, get hold of it.” There’s nothing which can buy that thing which is stamped with blood! And i want to tell you, in the face of the world, the flesh, and the devil and all hell that if the blood of Jesus Christ is on you, you’re worth more than all the wealth in Fort Knox or anything else in the world. You’re precious to Him. MORE!

Let’s look at the contrast of Romans 7 vs. Romans 8:

The 7th chapter is a chapter of gloom, the 8th chapter is a chapter of glory. The 7th chapter is a chapter of condemnation, the 8th chapter is a chapter of emancipation. The 7th chapter is a funeral march, the 8th chapter is a wedding march. The 7th chapter is on the tomb, the 8th chapter is a chapter on triumph. The 7th chapter is of paradise lost, the 8th chapter is a chapter of deliverance and delight. Chapter 7 is a chapter of misery and condemnation, the 8th chapter is a liberated soul. Chapter 7 is a chapter on a self-centered person, the 8th chapter is a chapter about the Christ-centered person.

Not just conquerors, but “More than conquerors”, and that phrase should become part of the identity and self-image of every Christian. We are not defeated people, failures, anxious, confused, dismayed, or under the dominion of darkness. In verse 37 it says, “In all these things…”, there is no area in your life where, as a Christian, you are expected to be defeated. All means all, and no part of all means anything other than all – the whole quantity or extent.  True, we do and will face challenges and difficulties, but in (v37) “all these things”, we are more than overcomers and victorious. More! We, God’s people, are people who have been literally energized by God’s explosive, dynamic power and who face life with a courageous heart, a people whose pitch and yaw reflect the Son of God “…with all your breathing, with all your thinking, and with all your feeling” (Matt 22:37). Light bearers! More!

We are the people who are not only conquerors, not only having overcome and are overcoming the bondages of sin, addiction, fear, and bad habits, but we also walk in the power and authority to bring God’s “dunamis” (where we get our word for dynamite) power to others, that they too would be free of the authority which binds mankind to chaos and death. We live our lives in “more”, not just being satisfied to get in the gate of Heaven, but to actually live the life as sons and daughters of God and to prosper in Christ through tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword. Super-conquerors. More! We are not adorned with dullness, mere grays and browns or grayed out off-colors … the muted colors of the world … through Jesus we are arrayed with MORE, the brilliant blues, glowing golds, dazzling reds, royal purples, and effervescent greens, adornment made of the Light of God. More! Through Christ He has given us eyes which see over the horizon, ears which hear into tomorrow and mouths which can speak God’s heart across continents and time to change the world.

In Jesus we are more than just widows, orphans, and beggars who barely scrape through life. We live a resurrected and empowered life through the faith of the Son of God, who died and gave Himself for us. We are more than conquerors!

i’m Social Porter for Living In His Name Ministries.

Where Two Ways Meet

          What do all the following words have in common? Crossroad, intersection, cloverleaf, crosswalk, crossway, exchange, grade crossing, gridiron, interchange, junction, traversal, underpass.  They are all places where paths or roads meet and a decision must be made. True, we can sit at that intersection and watch the train go by, seemingly till the cows come home, but rest assured, one way or another, at some point, we must choose.  Maybe some of us had something in mind before we got to the crossroads, a plan of action before we got there. Even at that, most of the time there’s at least a couple ways to get to most places, and so there’s still a decision to be made.

i’ve asked this before, what or who is at the foundation of your decision-making machine? What or who governs how you come to the conclusions in life, like when at an intersection in your heart? Many of us say Jesus is the deciding factor, but if we inspected our lives closely, is that the truth, how can you tell, and are you brave enough to call a spade a spade and do something about it?

We live in a world of crossroads and intersections, places where decisions must be made and life can change at the turn of our foot. Whether to have coffee or tea, to wear the blue or the green, to get up now or later, to speak to this person and not that one, those are all typical intersections, the crossroads of decision everyone, everyday must make. It may seem subtle, it all may be taken for granted, but the Lord designed the life we lead to be a constant decision-making process.

Jeremiah 6:16 “This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

When you stand at the intersection of the road near where you live, what do you see? Just watch and observe. Some people have a pattern they follow everyday and hardly notice the intersection, yet other people consistently find intersections difficult because a decisive decision may not come so easy to them.

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts. At the crossroads of life, often there’s just so much traffic, we can’t seem to get across. A sense of urgency begins to rise up in us; horns blare, the air grows with tension, we feel as if we’ve got to do something … just do something. Sometimes even if it’s not the direction we wanted to go, we took action … it may not be the right direction, but still…we’re not sitting at the intersection where we appeared to be paralyzed with indecision. Sometimes i think my mouth is a bottle neck, just too much traffic in my head, all headed to my mouth, all that thinking seems to hit all at once and i end up saying nothing out of sheer overload. Yea man, too much traffic in my head sometimes. You ever have that happen? Indecision at the crossroads can be a paralyzing event. Bide your time, relax and breathe, i’ll be right back.

In Genesis 13:9-11, Abram is having a conversation with Lot. Evidently there had risen a contention between Abram and Lot and the story continues along about how Abram was working to make peace, so, he offers to Lot an option. i believe Abrahm had thought about, and had consulted with the Lord concerning what he would say and do at the crossroad between he and Lot which they were fast approaching.

Abram was asking Lot to decide which way he wanted to go, and he even gave Lot the option to choose first. Abram says, “If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.”  Then it says, “The two men parted company.”

In our American, English speaking culture we think of a crossroads where two roads cross paths, the physical roads are primary and what to do there is secondary. With the Hebrew words used to describe a crossroads, the decision that must be made is primary, and the physical intersection itself is secondary. That says to me that how we come to our conclusions, how we decide our everyday actions is more primary to God than what we actually do.

Of course what we do is important to the Lord, but i believe He’s more interested in our decision making machine and what fuels it.

A young man asked me why was i being so scrutinizing of letters and words? Well… many years ago, the idea to understand the Bible in greater depth entered my mind, and as a result, i bought my first English-Greek Bible. i was astounded to learn many of our English words were truly insufficient translations many times for what God had in mind.

My goal was to know what Jesus said more than what men say. At that, i want to encourage everyone listening to never ever take someone else’s word for what the Bible says or what God means … you look it up, you find out for yourself, it is your responsibility to know for yourself. Look beyond the pastor, look beyond the pulpit in your church, and look far and above to hear the Lord above all. No man ever set you free. No man ever healed you. No man understands you like Jesus. He has the words of life, He is the origin and source of all you need, not some person who has set themselves up or has allowed themselves to be set up as a standard. And if that preacher is worth his or her salt, they will tell you the same thing.

In English we use the single word “love” for a multitude of things, but the Lord speaks of several different types of love – geographical love, friend love, intimate love, self-sacrificial love, etc, etc. Another good example is in English, we use the word “see”, that’s “s” “e” “e” for everything under the sun, like do you see, as in understand, do you see – as in a casual observance, do you see – as in a purposeful looking at, or do you see – as in looking at something amazing with eyes wide open. There are different words in Hebrew and Greek for all those variations, but in English we just say “do you see”.

This evening though, the important word of this conversation is the word, “crossroad”, or the phrase, “where two ways meet”. God is interested in which way you go, of course, but He’s more interested in how you came to that conclusion, and why you thought it was a good idea. It also may be possible it is very true that most of us don’t ever think about how we arrived at our present position until a-f-t-e-r the poo hits the fan, and it’s even more of a remote possibility that most of us rarely, if ever, consider why we thought the path we’re on was a good idea to begin with.

i find any place in the Bible where there are crossroads mentioned, they were places of the miraculous. Mark 11:4 “And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door outside in a place where two ways met; and they loosed him.” Jesus told them where to go and what to do, and exactly as the Lord had said, miraculously, it all happened as Jesus had said.

In our lives, at every crossroad, at every intersection where we must choose either the Lord or the world, the potential for divine intervention is astounding. As an example, in the Hebrew word for “purity” the letters themselves carry the idea of choosing, meaning purity is more about how you came to your decision to not wound your conscience, rather than just doing the right thing. Purity isn’t gained by doing the rules, as the Pharisee’s thought. They felt that if they, in all condescension, could prevent people who were impure or generally unclean from touching them, then they themselves would remain pure. i find it amazing they first considered themselves pure in order to strive to remain pure. But then, along came Jesus who told them, “You bunch of hopeless frauds you scribes and Pharisees, scoundrels and hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.” Purity comes from within and is never gained by excluding everyone you consider to be beneath your dignity.

Every time our lives intersect the lives of others, providing we’re interested in intersecting the world around us, there is the opportunity, at that crossroad, for the life of Christ in us to touch others.

The intersection of the Lord with ourselves is a powerful place of destiny and decision. Going with God is more important than getting what we want … it maybe, and likely is a path less traveled than others.

           There are many, many stories and characters in the Bible at crossroads, places of decision. Joel 3:14 speaks of the sea of mankind who are in a difficult place, desperately in need of a decision, “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.” When God came to speak with Adam in Genesis3:9 calling out, “Adam where are you?”, it wasn’t a request for his geographical location, it was a request for Adam to consider whose side he was on, the side of God or the side of the devil. We don’t have to be alone in coming to resolve over any issue. The Lord assures us that if we will prefer Him, if we will let Jesus teach us how to live, honesty and truth will be our preference. The Lord wants us to grow up and make godly decisions based on our living relationship with Christ, not “Jesus at a distance”, but “Jesus up close and personal”. We don’t have to be alone at the crossroads.

In Acts 16, Paul and his team were troubled by a slave girl who was possessed. Acts 16:17-18 reads, “This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her.”

There, in verse 18, do you see it? The crossroads. It says, “She kept this up for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed (or “so troubled”), turned and said…” That word “annoyed” or “troubled” in the Greek literally means “to toil through”, implying irritation in addition to enduring while concluding a conflict. Paul was finally at a place where he had to make a decision as to whether to address the situation or do something else, he was at a crossroads as to what to do. After many days, he made a decision, and when the time came he took action.  Scripture is silent about this point, but i’m also quite certain Paul conferred with the Lord about the course of action, Jesus was part of Paul’s process.

Don’t you know Jesus is also Lord of the crossroads too? He sits patiently at all your crossroads, waiting for you. Yes, that’s right, He’s already at your future place where two roads meet, poised to assist you in wise counsel.

Without the Lord sitting in the command position in the decision-making machine within us, we are subject to every whim and wind of this chaotic world, easily swept to sea on a rip tide of chance. Friends, i have ridden that rip tide of chance more often than i care to admit, but i’ve learned this, it rarely, rarely turns out as well as we hoped, and God’s counsel is always, always superior to the game of chance every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

           In 2Chron18 and 19 there is a story of when Hezekiah was king of Judah, and “san-khay-reeb’” King of Assyria came and laid siege to the cities. The Israelites were boxed in, obviously, it was a very bad time. Hezekiah had to come to a decision, he was at a terrible crossroads and desperately needed to know what the Lord had to say. At one point in 2Chron19, Hezekiah spreads the threatening letter from the king of Assyria out on the floor before the Lord, and to paraphrase, he says, “Can you see this? Please answer me. What are we going to do? This is terrible!” The right move would have gained Israel the favor of God leaving Israel intact, the wrong move would have cost them everything. i’d wager it was a very stressful time. Indeed, the Lord did answer, and in 2 Kings 19:35, it says, “That night the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning–there were all the dead bodies!

When the king of Judah was at the crossroads, he consulted the Lord and the Lord delivered them.

When Paul was at a crossroads in Acts 16:6-10, the Lord gave him wisdom about what to do. Notice how Paul and company tested the waters though, in search of the Holy Spirit’s direction. They were very sensitive to the leading of the Spirit in that they were seriously prevented from speaking the word in Asia, and they didn’t force their way forward. So they continued on to the next town but the Lord did not allow them there either. They didn’t just sit somewhere doing nothing, they were in motion, diligently searching as they went. They were “playing by ear” which is an old saying meaning they listened to the Holy Spirit to hear what God was saying. Do you notice their movements in their searching for the word of the Lord? Finally, God gave them a vision, and BAM! they were off in the direction the Lord gave them.  Verse 10 uses the word “immediately”, more exactly meaning they didn’t stop by the grocery store on the way or swing through and visit friends first. It means they went straight there, they broke camp and as quickly as they could get themselves together, they made a straight line to Macedonia. Notice also that they considered the vision a calling by God. Ah! This was no small event.

Psalm 50:15 says, “… and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” That is a promise.

At the cross, Jesus had a choice, it was the crossroads of all intersections. He was God and also man and He breathed air and lived just like you and me, He had a choice. He didn’t have to be condemned to die, He could have stayed home and capitulated. All He had to do was be a good little doggy, nod and smile doing whatever the religious authorities told Him to do. All He had to do was lie to the Pharisee’s telling them everything they wanted to hear so He wouldn’t have to suffer for the sins of the world. He could have moved away rather than suffer the humiliation of the cross. But God, that’s right … but God, chose to give Himself for us that we would be rescued from the grip of hell, breaking the chains of chaos which bound us in darkness. Isaiah 53:5, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”   Let’s bring it down closer to home … God could easily choose to ignore our prayers, He could easily just go off and do something else more convenient. But instead he chooses to work with us and pursue us. Because of love the Lord rose from the dead that we would have life and have it more abundantly. Righteousness was in the middle of the decision-making process of Jesus. Hope and peace, honesty and kindness are His foundation.

Jesus chose us over the entire universe. For God so loved the world He gave, he chose and “gave” His only Son, that who so ever would believe in Him would be saved. My friend, as God chooses, let us choose.

Who is at the root of your decision-making process? What is important to you, the drugs or your peace with God? When at the crossroads of “making a decision” to go drinking and living a life of violence or to keep your peace with Jesus, which will it be? These are the days that if you will ask God, He will answer. You may have to be patient and wait, but He WILL answer. i can assure you, the Lord stands ready at all our crossroads to help and bring us to where we need to be. An’ that’s a big think about it.

In Matt14 Peter was at a crossroads or a place where two ways met as to whether to try and walk on the water or not. In Acts 19 Paul decided to pay attention to a vision he had, and as a result, while at the crossroads of whether to press on the way they were going or to go the way the Lord had called him, he decided to go with God to Macedonia. In Colossians4 Demas is revealed as having made a decision to go with God, but in 2Tim it is revealed Demas re-decided his decision which and went his way back to the world. i’m going to conclude, Demas spent an inordinate amount of time at the crossroads of decision as to whom he wanted more, Jesus or the world.

Who is at the controls of your decision-making machine? To spend money or not; to be kind or not; to declare the name of Jesus or to be silent? Where are we, as the church, on this issue?

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts.

Let Jesus into your decision-making process, He stands ready to assist with the very best counsel when we are at the place where two roads meet, the crossroads, needing to make a decision for life.

Be strong and courageous, be brave and risk with God. It’s the best idea you’ll ever have. Amen.



¿Qué es el pecado? Usamos esa palabra de muchas maneras, pero creo que tenemos un pensamiento extraño sobre lo que es, cómo llegó a estar allí y por qué, oh por qué, ¿es un gran problema?

¿Es el pecado un evento de una sola vez? Decimos: “Oh, pequé” o “Cuando hice esto o aquello, estuve en pecado”. ¿Es un evento único que ocurre una y otra vez? Digo, tal vez, pero también digo que en realidad, según Dios, es más que un evento de una sola vez que sucede con frecuencia. Es una palabra que se puede usar como sustantivo o verbo, y no es lo mismo que iniquidad o transgresión. Significa perder el camino y, por supuesto, el siempre popular “quedarse corto”, pero “quedarse corto” es ver muy poco de nuestra parte al no ver la intención de Dios en el escenario más general. No se trata simplemente de “quedarse corto”, sino más bien de no alcanzar la integridad espiritual, de torcer el estándar de Dios, y conlleva un sentimiento de culpa. Como verbo, el pecado no es algo que hicimos, como comer esa galleta Oreo, sino más bien una condición que se permite persistir. No es la única galleta Oreo aquí y allá la que nos hace engordar, es el estilo de vida de las galletas Oreo lo que nos hace engordar. Por el hecho de que se permita persistir significa que se está haciendo una elección, y una vez más, nos enfrentamos al hecho de que estamos eligiendo, en oposición a algo que nos sucede que está fuera de nuestra esfera de control.

Una vez, cuando era joven, John Wesley le pidió a su madre que definiera el pecado. Su respuesta fue: todo lo que debilita tu razón, perjudica la ternura de tu conciencia, oscurece tu sentido de Dios o te quita el gusto por las cosas espirituales; En resumen, cualquier cosa que aumente la fuerza y la autoridad de tu cuerpo sobre tu mente, esa cosa es pecado para ti, por inocente que pueda ser en sí misma.

La cuestión no es tanto lo que hicimos, que es una evidencia dada por nuestras acciones, sino que creo que es más importante descubrir en nosotros mismos cómo y por qué nos sentimos atraídos por comportamientos que perjudican la ternura de nuestra conciencia y eliminan nuestro gusto por las cosas justas. ¿Cómo, oh, cómo llegamos allí? Ahí está la verdadera pregunta. Creo que es mucho más probable que el escenario estuviera preparado para entregar lentamente el poder a nuestra carne para enseñorearse de nuestro espíritu, mucho antes de que nos diéramos cuenta de que estábamos envueltos en una condición destructiva que persiste. Necesitamos a Jesús en nuestras vidas para que nos empodere para vencer una vida impulsada por hábitos destructivos, que eventualmente se convierte en un proceso persistente que se transforma en un fracaso que persiste. A la desesperación y a la pérdida de la esperanza se les llama falta de persistencia, y de hecho puedes morir a causa de ello.

La iniquidad, en mi resumen, es una equivocación de carácter y no sucedió de la noche a la mañana. Su palabra raíz significa doblarse, retorcerse lejos de la luz, distorsionar. La transgresión pinta el cuadro de la rebelión que apoya una ruptura de la relación, para desechar la lealtad y la fidelidad, y representa una disposición cada vez mayor a saltar por encima de los estándares de Dios. Alta fidelidad significa “ser leal a la fuente”. ¡Vaya! Me gusta.

Como puedes ver entonces, la idea del pecado es diferente a simplemente “una cosa que aparece de repente en nuestra vida un día, aunque los tres, iniquidad, transgresión y pecado son compañeros de viaje inseparables. Una da a luz a la otra en un espiral vicioso descendente.

Solía haber un paseo en la feria llamado “El Remolino”. Wikipedia lo describe como “una plataforma giratoria, donde partes de la plataforma se elevan y bajan, con las fuerzas centrífugas y gravitacionales resultantes en los vagones que hacen que giren en diferentes direcciones y a velocidades variables. El peso de los pasajeros en estos vagones (así como la distribución del peso) puede intensificar o amortiguar el movimiento giratorio de los vagones, lo que aumenta la naturaleza impredecible del movimiento”. Pienso en la iniquidad, la transgresión y el pecado de esa manera. Nos azotan de un lado a otro, usando nuestro peso contra nosotros, golpeándonos de un lado a otro hasta que nos arremolinamos en nuestra cabeza y corazón, incapaces de estar firmes en nuestros pies y nuestro equilibrio se desordena.

No seamos tan estrechos de mente que no pensemos más allá del diccionario Larousse. Dios tiene una visión mucho más amplia que explica con más detalle la importancia de la cruz y la resurrección de Jesús.

No tenemos que ser esclavos. No tiene por qué ser así. Romanos 6:16-18, “¿No sabéis que si os presentáis a alguien como esclavos obedientes, sois esclavos de aquel a quien obedecéis, ya sea del pecado, que lleva a la muerte, o de la obediencia, que lleva a la justicia? Pero gracias a Dios, que vosotros, que en otro tiempo fuisteis esclavos del pecado, os habéis hecho obedientes de corazón a la norma de enseñanza a la que estabais comprometidos, y, habiendo sido liberados del pecado, habéis llegado a ser esclavos de la justicia.”

Por la sangre de Jesús, no tenemos que permitir que la condición del pecado persista. El Señor presenta una lista en Filipenses 4:8-9 de cosas en las que pensar aparte de lo que facilita el oscurecimiento del Señor en nuestras vidas.

Para mí, estoy aprendiendo a preferir las preferencias de Dios sobre las mías. No siempre gano, pero por Su sangre y poder en el Espíritu Santo, estoy ganando cada hora, cada minuto de cada día, porque Jesús ha vencido al mundo. Él ha quitado mi deleite de iniquidad, ha hecho que mi corazón prefiera no transgredir y me ha dado el poder de nunca permitir que el pecado y la muerte persistan. Es verdad, somos más que vencedores, somos vencedores, y si vamos a ser vencedores, tenemos que HACER las cosas que vencen, tiene que haber algo de superación en marcha.

Piensa, ¿qué es lo que hay en ti, dónde está el punto de partida, que te permite cambiar lentamente para no tener realmente un problema con perder un poco de gusto por la rectitud de carácter? Nadie se despierta un día y en algún lugar de la noche el pecado se trepó por la ventana y saltó sobre ellos. No. Comienza mucho antes del reconocimiento de que el pecado está en la casa. Comienza con un poco de iniquidad, un poco de maldad de carácter que engendra una actitud de estar dispuestos a saltar por encima de las normas de Dios, la transgresión, y cuanto más saltamos por encima de Sus normas, más fácil se vuelve saltar por encima de Sus normas. ¿Lo ves? ¿Ves el alejamiento gradual del Señor? Es un proceso. ¿Qué es lo que hay en ti que te permite llevar gradualmente tu cinturón de la verdad lo suficientemente suelto como para que no te moleste demasiado el débil razonamiento con tanta frecuencia? Si pones tus ojos en Jesús, Él resolverá esas preguntas mientras está en el camino hacia donde te está llevando. En hebreo, el destino tiene una palabra raíz, y nuestro destino es Jesús, Él es el lugar y la persona de nuestro destino. Nuestro propósito no es descubrir nuestro propósito, sino conocer a Jesús por encima de todas las cosas. Creo que el Señor resolvió muchas cosas en el corazón del hijo pródigo cuando decidió irse del lugar donde solo había muerte. Puso sus ojos en casa, se concentró más en dónde iba que en dónde había estado. Creo que el Señor resolvió muchos problemas en su camino a casa.

¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi