Making Insight A Priority

Many years ago i entered into a business relationship with two other people. We created LLC rules, wrote checks to the business, and it seemed all things were good. i had been warned about being in business with one of the men, but i thought i was wiser than they, and, of course, i didn’t listen to the wisdom of my fellows who had history with him. Eventually, one partner, who was supposed to be a firm believer, took the business property, refused to respond anymore, and the entire venture became such a bitter pill, i just wanted out, even if at a loss.

i have learned from history and have vowed to never repeat it as best i can, with all my heart. History is radically important to be remembered, and those who don’t know or remember history are doomed to probably repeat it. But, there is something greater to have than just a memory or history, and that is insight about that history. Insight is knowledge, knowing, learning, discernment, and notion, but more predominately insight is thought of as discernment. Oh, if when i was much younger than today, oh how i wish i would have had discernment, and i’m pretty sure that good discernment is probably gotten by having had bad discernment and then learning from it. It is true, we need hindsight, and clear hindsight is good, but more than just hindsight we need insight into our hindsight. Just having hindsight without wisdom concerning what it is we are viewing in the rearview mirror, doesn’t improve our chances for not repeating history.

Insight should be at the top of our priority list. Proverbs 2:2 “Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom; set your heart on a life of Understanding.” (Msg) Having wisdom and insight changes our values and interests, and today’s society drastically needs a change in values and interests. In this present world those who do not know the Lord function from a very different set of values and interests and they are as far away from God’s heart as the east is from the west. To get understanding and wisdom often includes some squeezing and re-shaping, but in the end, it is the Lord who makes us better and better. John 1:4 says of Jesus “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men”, and Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Making insight and wisdom a life priority for ourselves is regaining life and our relationship with God which was lost in the Garden of Eden.

A wise man probably won’t tell you he’s wise, he’ll probably say he has realized he doesn’t know anything and there is truly only one who is the sole possessor of wisdom and knowledge. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,….

Making insight and wisdom a priority in our lives puts us in touch with the Knowledge and Understanding of God. Considering the way history has gone, we can say with surety that without God, our own wisdom and insight has brought the nation to ruin. God alone has what we need. God alone has wisdom and insight, and our having God’s Knowledge and Understanding is something we so desperately need. Hindsight is good, but more than hindsight we need insight, and that righteous insight is the property of God. He will give it to us if we ask. It is His good pleasure to share His wisdom, insight, knowledge, and understanding with us if we are willing to humble ourselves, believe on Him, and simply ask Him.

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