The One King And Ever Lord

His name is Jesus. He is the tree planted in living water, He is the one who yields fruit in season and out and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does … prospers. Can there be any seed God plants which does not grow? Can there be any dream He gives which He does not frame, build, and bears much fruit? He is the completetion of redemption and the balance of reconciliation.

He is the One who gives us images to familiarize us with Himself. He is God who whispers us to sleep when we are restless, then stirs His God-fingers against the earth until it rains love in our lives, making wet parched hearts to sing again, even in the moments when we would have preferred to stop living.

Jesus is the one who knows your stories before you were born, who draws you into the truth to meet your self, to resolve your self, and to love Him without fear. He is God who walks without moving, He dreams without sleeping and calls us, each to Himself without speaking. Psalm32:8 says He guides us with His eyes. He is the One who has been speaking to you before you knew it was Him speaking to you, long before you knew Him as you know Him now. Remember. His intent was calling you, even when you were a child. He is there. It was Jesus all along.

Every time we bump the life of another, Christ is spoken in our moment of connection, He is the One who overcomes our inertia , our “indisposition to change”, our resistance to a change in direction. He is the picture that is beyond the frame – He knows no limitations of righteousness and is the unfailing brightness of reality which no eye can hear and more than words can see.

i am like a blank page, and He is the letters, like blue water touching white shores by the Tree of Life at the Crystal Sea. He is like a shining hand writing shimmering words upon my heart, writing emerald and sapphire thoughts, God thoughts shining. He is God who sparks ideas in me, and God who dreams His dreams upon creation like an open hand offering His hope and salvation. Jesus is the All in All, abundant, and beyond our beyond – The One King and Ever Lord.

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