We Are Free

Nahum 1: “Look! Striding across the mountains— a messenger bringing the latest good news: peace! Celebrate, worship and recommit to God! No more worries about this enemy. This one is history. Close the books.”

Psalms 35: “But let me run loose and free, celebrating God’s great work,  Every bone in my body laughing, singing, “God, there’s no one like you. You put the down-and-out on their feet and protect the unprotected from bullies!”

Psalms 37: “The spacious, free life is from God, it’s also protected and safe. God-strengthened, we’re delivered from evil— when we run to him, He saves us.”

Psalms 124: “….we’ll discover we’ve flown free from their fangs, free of their traps, free as a bird. Their grip is broken; God’s strong name is our help, the same God who made heaven and earth.”

Nahum 1: “The Lord says, I’ve afflicted you, Judah, true, but I won’t afflict you again. From now on I’m taking the yoke from your neck and splitting it up for kindling. I’m cutting you free from the ropes of your bondage.”

Are you free? You say you are, but what is your evidence? i believe we confuse agreement with commitment. People agree that God is right and true, but there is often not much of a commitment to actually DO it. Just because we agree doesn’t mean we intend or commit to DO anything.

Jesus said, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

So if Jesus Christ, the Son of God, says we are free, and we agree with Him that we are free, as He said, why are we willing to wear even a small yoke of the enemy? Many seem willing to continue bearing the burdens of their own past, unwilling to truly lay them down, even though the Lord says He has cast our sins as far as east is from west. Sometimes we’re even willing to bear the burdens of someone else’s past, whether they are biological relatives or not.

Why are we so willing to blame our problems on someone in our history, when we are the ones, through our own choosing and poor decision making, we are the ones who have generated vicious circumstances and cruel, self-imposed rules? It wasn’t them, it was us.

Why do we have such a hard time letting God be good to us? Listen to the question here: Why do we have such a hard time letting God be good to us? He said we are free, so how free is free enough for you? Can you imagine being free, and what does that look like to you? Are you willing to be “pretty much free”, or “mostly free”? How free is free enough?

We take God’s ultimate words of Freedom, and reduce the weight of what He said to align with unworthiness in our own eyes. We try and re-create the yoke of bondage for people who Jesus has set free, telling them that even though Jesus set them free from sin and ALL their history, there is still a curse  which hangs over them as a result of their great-grand father, or mother, or someone in their history who is long dead? Those people have nothing to do with us, they are no longer among the living, so i’m wondering, how did some curse survive the washing of the Blood of Christ? By us telling them they are still under a curse after accepting Christ is like saying the Blood of Jesus wasn’t sufficient to cleanse us from all sin.

Are you, who do deliverance telling people they have generational curses, are you saying the Blood of Jesus isn’t quite effective enough to really do the job, that you, yes you, being the only one who knows of this extra-special condition which was somehow beyond the vision of Almighty God, are you saying only you can bring relief to the poor undelivered soul, which even God Himself was not able to do?

For what reason do you bring into bondage again those whom have accepted Christ as Savior? Having confessed their sins, and asked for His forgiveness for any and all transgressions, why do you offer for them to come back into bondage by trying to influence them into believing they are still under some curse? Is that the work of the cross of Christ? Whose burden have you decided they should carry after Jesus set them free from the burdens and weights of sin and darkness?

Proverbs 26:2 “Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight.” Have you ever read that? Think about it. If there’s not a cause for the curse to come, then it doesn’t stick, and i don’t care who the spell caster was that made it…it doesn’t stick. If we are under the blood of Jesus, then how does a curse stick?

The word used for “unleavened” is Greek “ad’-zoo-mos”, metaphorically meaning free from the “leaven of iniquity”. You are not responsible for the leaven of my iniquity, nor anyone else’s either. i am not by brother’s keeper, i am my brother’s brother. It’s not my job to make sure my brother gets life right and keeps the rules in order to be OK. God never asked any of us to play Holy Ghost Jr., policing people’s lives. i didn’t say don’t care, i said my problems are not your cross to bear. No one is obligated to carry someone else’s cross. You have your own burden and don’t need mine too.

Those who do deliverance, do you hammer on sin until the person admits they are guilty? If they don’t see it, then all that hammering may actually cause them to comply, but probably, nothing of the heart has changed. i do believe that’s called “gas lighting”. It is manipulating someone into confessing to something which may not have actually occurred. When i was a new Christian i was told i was and always would be a terrible sinner so i’d just better get used to it. In my desperation, i confessed to the Lord every problem i could think of, and even sins i’d never been guilty of … constantly confessing day and night. i was desperately trying TO BE free as opposed to believing God who said i AM free. By the blood of Christ, we ARE free. The Lord is telling the truth, we – are – free. We don’t have to get saved and constantly repent to become free, we ARE free in Christ. Oh yes we are! God said it, so it MUST be true.

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