God Has The Answers

Time slips away everyday for all of us. As we sit under the stars on the deck of a wonderful cafe at the end of Old Field Road, time is ticking, the sun rises and sets, the days come and go, moments and occasions click past us regardless of how much we all wish it would just stand still for a minute or three.

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the late evening, cascading banks of the Ockluhwahhah River. i’m excited because …. this is the fourth friday of the month, which means it is ACOUSTIC night, acoustic jazz as performed by some extraordinary artists accompanying some contemplative conversation, words to carry with you as you walk around in your work-a-day world. As we proceed in life as we do, it’s always nice to have something to chew on in the mean time.

What do we do with our time? How do we “spend” our moments? We all have time and moments to spend as we determine, they are valuable and whatever we choose to spend them on is a one time purchese, whether precious or frivolous, if you know what i mean. So, as i was asking, how do you spend your time and moments? Chasing our kids, making meals, praying, arguing, deciding, thinking or maybe trying not to think about things, wondering, wishing….hoping. Maybe you spend the bulk of your time wishing you were doing something other than what you’re doing. Time is ticking by us and i’ve wondered how many of us seem to be unfocused and flat-lining in the middle of life. In desperation we come to the surface for air just long enough to convulsively gasp for breath, wishing someone would throw us a life preserver or pull us into a rescue boat.

Are we investing only in ourselves or have some of us realized that if we invest our time in others we, indeed, HAVE invested in ourselves.

The idea here is not to present a huge list of ponderous questions…. truly, i think maybe most of us have a list of questions which completely out weigh our list of answers if we put some thought into it. i heard someone say the other day, is your problem actually your problem, or is your attitude ABOUT your problem really the problem? Consequently, is our list of answers r-e-a-l-l-y all that sufficient, or are they answers God has extended us except they are simply not the ones we want to hear?

Maybe we have more answers than we appreciate, but they just don’t fit our agenda. Time is ticking, the days are moving past us, and at some point we’re going to have to move out with God regardless of whether we have answers or not, taking Him to BE the answer, not just Him giving us answers which fit our agenda. Know what i mean?

Enjoy the rhythms, let yourself relax a bit and i’ll be right back.

What do we do when we seem to have no answers? Please take note that i used the word, “seem” there. It’s all well and good to say, “the just shall live by faith” from Romans 1:17, or 2Corinthians 5:7 “we live by faith and not by sight”, but when the poo really hits the fan and we’ve actually gotta DO those scriptures, it might be a very different story for many. Having wisdom and DOING wisdom are very different you know.

In 1987 a close friend of mine lost his job. He and his wife prayed, a lot, confessing they were people of faith and were standing firm. A short while later, they lost one car. They continued to pray and tell their friends they were people of faith and were standing firm. Then his wife lost her job, money was thin and getting oh so much thinner all the time, but they were standing firm, standing on the word of God, and rightly so … they were people of faith and were confident God would deliver them. “The just shall live by faith” they told themselves every day, knowing it to be true, so they clung to Jesus even more tightly.

Then the creme de la creme came, the house payments were so far behind, it appeared they would be losing their house. They prayed constantly for help from the Lord, they knew they were speaking to the one and only person who could help. They began to feel like they were in the “trials of Job”, worry nipped at their heels, gnawed at any surety, and doubt left them messages on their phone….and of course let’s not leave out the well meaning church folks who asked them if there was some unconfessed sin in their lives. Yea, that’s irritating isn’t it? Funny how church people think there’s likely something wrong with you before considering maybe the Lord was at the helm and it was simply a trial of faith.

It is hard to not be frustrated when there seems to be no answers.

One evening, the youngest son went to a youth rally and gave his life to the Lord. The boy began to pray for his family, a job for his dad, for his mother to sleep and be at peace, and for his older sibling to come home because they were hanging with a troubling crowd. Wouldn’t you know it, things started to turn around. His dad got a job, the mortgage company miraculously extended them forbearance, his mom stopped looking like worry was hanging on her shoulders like a weight, and in a couple months, the older brother decided the fast crowd he was hanging with just wasn’t a good idea. It all worked out well, but they knew something after the trial which they didn’t know before: it is the truth, the just really do live by faith, and when unfortunate circumstances hit the fan in our lives, we can really and truly trust God….even when we don’t have any answers. Most especially when we don’t have any answers.

Gosh do we need answers, and the world around us does indeed give us some answers, but in the end they aren’t the answers we really need. Here’s the problem with all the answers we are being given: If you don’t know or understand the questions, the answers don’t make any sense. If i were to look at you and say, “42”. You might ponder a moment, then hopefully ask, “42 what?” Ah-ha! Exactly. i just gave you an answer but seeing as how you had no context because you didn’t know the question, my answer didn’t make any sense. Now, not only do we need to know the question so we understand the answer, we also need to know HOW to apply the answer. Just because we know the question and possess the answer, doesn’t mean we know what to do with it. We need wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and there is only one source for the three. God. You may say, “My doctor has answers and i didn’t have to go to God.” True, but where did those medical professionals get the ideas to pose the questions which then led to their conclusions? No one is smart enough to do life by themselves, and we need God to spark our dormant flame for the “right” answers.

He really has given us many answers to our looming questions, but i think many folks see God’s answers as insufficient somehow. We DO have answers, but often the answers just don’t seem to fit our agenda as far as we can see. Here’s a better question then: Are His answers insufficient, or is it more that we simply don’t understand, and rather than be honest and say we don’t understand, we say His answer was insufficient? Oh it wasn’t me who didn’t understand, it was God who wouldn’t tell me, and that’s not true, at, all. That’s what i call the theory of shifting responsibility. i say it’s horrible weather. Is it horrible, or is it that i don’t prefer it. Weather is weather, and no one decided it was horrible but me. Actually, i’ve decided there isn’t any such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.

Sometimes, when the conflicts in life are so thick, all the paint on our picture seems to have been blasted away and we’re down to bare canvas, it does qualify as suffering. When we put our foot on the brake pedal and there’s the hideous sound of metal-on-metal, life isn’t simple. i don’t know much about suffering except these few things. One, suffering reduces everything to it’s lowest common denominator. Two, it adds meaning and dimension to even the smallest things. Three, suffering reduces culture to a classless society, it levels the playing field, meaning, when the country is out of food, everyone is suffering from hungry, rich, poor, big and small. And four, suffering teaches us to see the suffering around us, it is literally an eye opener to see beyond ourselves. The things we thought were important somehow lose their priority, the value of our social standing looses ground, priorities change quickly and suddenly God becomes VERY important…. faith is what you do when you have no answers.

Hebrews 11:6 “… without faith it is impossible to please God”.

Faith is not having conclusions. Faith is not being qualified. In our western version of Christianity we are basically fed a line of thinking which says “If you have faith, you will have answers and conclusions.” Ummm….no, that doesn’t hold water, if you know what i mean. Some think if you have faith you will prosper and never suffer, and if you are poor and are suffering, obviously you don’t possess the faith to rise above it all, as if you could run down to Walmart and by a couple cans of “Instant faith – just add water”. Some even say, ‘if you are sick or poor, it is your own miserable lack of faith which keeps you there.’ Friends, that is cruel and untrue.

Suffering is as much a part of Christian living as not suffering and we are always measuring each other as to who is more sinful, more blessed, closer to God (or not) than we are. Always measuring according to who has the most answers. “So-and-so must be more sinful than i am because they have way more problem’s than i ever thought of having. i don’t see what could be wrong with them, but look at them, things aren’t well with them, and things are well with me, therefore, i must have more faith and favor with God and less sin in my life than my neighbors.”    Astoundingly, many believe that……and it isn’t true …. at …. all.

The Jews of Luke 13 seemed to feel that bad things happened to bad

people of poor faith, and good things happen to good people who have lots of faith. This is called retributive theology, which says “If i am good to God He will be good to me, and if things don’t go well for me then surely i must have done something wrong.” Jesus said that is absolutely not true. Job was a righteous man according to God in Job 1:8 and there was not another man on earth like him, yet he suffered many things. Jesus was and is the most righteous man there ever has been, or ever will be, and He suffered many things. Was it that those people were sinful or due to their lack of faith there was suffering? Did Abraham leave not knowing where he was going or in what direction because he didn’t have his faith all worked up in order to get the level of answers and conclusions he thought he needed? Or was God just being ambivalent with him, jerking Abraham around? It wasn’t like that at all.

Faith is not having answers and just because you know stuff doesn’t mean you are someone of faith.

In Hebrews 11, did Sarah have to wait for 10 years after it was prophesied to her that she would have a child because she didn’t have any faith or because she was sinful? Was Watchman Nee poor and desperate because he didn’t have any faith? Did the early heroes of the faith become martyred because they didn’t have the faith to escape persecution and they somehow deserved to die because they were faithless and sinful? Do we not have answers to important questions because we don’t have faith? Maybe we do have answers, we just don’t like them. Or are we not able to come to some of life’s necessary conclusions or know what to do many times because we don’t have any faith? Many times we don’t know what God is doing, but we are required to trust Him until His purpose and direction comes clear.

Many times we don’t know the rules and are asked to trust God until the boundaries are made clear, and they will be made distinct. i don’t understand how God is right many times, but i’m willing to wait because i believe God is right in what so ever He does.

Faith is not having answers. Being willing to wait in the interim space of having no answer is faith, and in that space of waiting with no answers and no conclusions, God creates faith. Catch the vision here: sometimes, waiting is like exhaling and waiting too long to inhale, and there is a growing ache and urgency which begins in our body. Yes, i know this ache well, but the Lord will give us breath for the conclusions we need to resolve our dilemma.

The instruction of much of church-ianity tells us that if we have

faith we will have our certitudes if we use the standard religious

formulas. Faith is not a paint-by-number set. There are so many books which outline prosperity in a step-by-step, “How to live by faith” manual. It all maybe a great read, but when you’re the one on the boat with Jesus, there’s water coming over the sides, the wind is howling, the Master seems no where to be found, and in your most authoritative voice telling your neighbor to “just have faith” is almost cruel and cliché.

Jobs counselors were NOT willing to live in the space of no answers

and no conclusions, and as of today, many many people equate “having

answers” with “having faith”.

Jobs friends or counselors told Job in Job 8:20 that if he would “just

admit he was a corrupt and rotten guy that in no time God would give

him blessing on blessing and he’d be singing and smiling again.” But

Job refused to violate his integrity by admitting to something that

wasn’t true just so he wouldn’t have to suffer, just so he wouldn’t

have to keep trusting God even though he didn’t have any answers. We

will not gain faith or joy by compromising our integrity. i myself have, before the Lord, admitted to things i never did in hopes of stopping the storm i was in, yet the storm raged on.   and a fix based on my timetable, i wanted things to change, and i was more willing to focus on how horrible the situation was rather than focusing on the goodness of God. Even in the storm, set your eyes on Jesus, not the storm, because as long as you stare at the storm, the storm is all you’ll see, and the more you see it, the more it sweeps you out to sea. Even at that, God has not left you.

Having faith doesn’t mean having answers, but more being

willing to trust God and live in that space of time without answers

and without conclusions. It’s easy to glibbly say, “just have faith” until you’re the one in the hot seat.

In that space of waiting, between an exhale and an inhale, in the

space of no answers and no conclusions, it is always so very uncomfortable, and many times it feels like dying. But trust me, the sky will clear. Storms are only here for a short while and then they move on, the skies will clear and stars will come out again. You’ll see.

Let us trust God who is completely trustworthy. He is faithful and

righteous, and even when we don’t know the answers, God is still with

us who believe on Christ, and we can be assured that our answers will

come at the right time, the best time, in God-time, and it will be

enough. Think about it

Actually, we do have an answer: Jesus. He is THE answer….i wonder what it will take for the rest of our nation to confess He is Lord? Truly, i’m trying not to think about that….i suspect it will be a very unpleasant time in history before they bow their knees.

Thank you for listening in this evening. i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts, cool acoustic jazz and contemplative conversation, brought to you by Living In His Name Ministries, the always amazing Andrea at Viva coffee house in Tucson Arizona, Area 22 Guitars, [paul powers of WK Studios], the ever so talented Jerry at Werner Graphics, and Trinity Bakers where there’s always something good in the oven.

Be still in the time of waiting, take advantage of that time rather than resenting having to wait. Jesus really is the answer, everyday, from the beginning to the end, even when we’re down to brass tacks and bare metal, Jesus is the answer.

It is God’s timing that we are between an exhale and an inhale, trust him, He is building extraordinary faith in you! Step out in faith this week. Ask the Lord how to get closer to Him and to know Him better. Drive carefully, pray for your friends and neighbors, have faith and trust God. Meet me next time and we’ll pickup at the feet of Jesus where we left off. Amen.

Duplicidad y Doble Moral

La tragedia en el Futbol Americano, que involucró a los Kansas City Chiefs y al apoyador Jovan Belcher despertó una serie de emociones y pensamientos para mí.

Sabemos que después del tiroteo y asesinato de su novia, Kasandra Perkins, Belcher condujo a un lugar cerca del campus principal del equipo y se quitó la vida. Sentí una profunda tristeza por el equipo y otras personas cercanas a Belcher, como su madre y su hija; que ahora se queda sin padres. Luego me preocupaba cómo se contaría la historia en los medios de comunicación. Déjame explicarte.

Un retrato de Belcher que surgió después de su asesinato / suicidio fue como un hombre de 25 años que tenía un historial de tomar decisiones adultas como unirse a un grupo del campus llamado Atletas masculinos contra la violencia. Incluso más allá de eso, Belcher se especializó en desarrollo infantil y relaciones familiares en la Universidad de Maine.

Pero, según un informe, la pareja había discutido sobre problemas de relación y financieros durante meses antes de que se desarrollaran los trágicos eventos. Ese sábado, su madre escuchó a su hijo decir algo como “No puedes hablarme así” antes de apretar el gatillo.

Aquí está mi preocupación sobre la historia.

No hay duda de que Belcher tenía buenas cosas de comportamiento que se podían decir sobre él. Los medios de comunicación, la sociedad y los expertos van a querer enfatizar eso. Van a querer encontrar qué fue lo que lo hizo romper y pasar de un, entre comillas, “buen hombre” a un pensador criminal común que disparó a su novia y luego a sí mismo.

Algunos querrán enfatizar que, como atleta profesional, tuvo conflictos en cuanto a sus derechos. Al hacerlo, van a extrañar que siendo un atleta profesional no causó esto. Algunos querrán culpar a los Chiefs o al fútbol americano profesional de estar más interesados en su producción como jugador de fútbol americano que en él como persona. Si lo hacen, extrañarán que no tuvo nada que ver con su crimen. Para crédito de la NFL, apoyarán a la hija de Belcher y Kasandra Perkins hasta la universidad. Luego, hay algunos que querrán jugar la “carta de la lesión por conmoción cerebral” y buscar una fuente externa como la causa detrás de su comportamiento criminal.

¡Este crimen no sucedió repentinamente o de la noche a la mañana! No se despertó un día y, de la nada, decidió que sus acciones futuras eran una opción razonable. No me escuchen decir que Belcher planeó asesinar a Kasandra Perkins y luego a sí mismo como si fuera un asesino toda su vida, eso simplemente no es cierto. Además, no me escuchaste decir que este fue un momento en el que estaba fuera de sí y simplemente lo perdió.

Permítanme decir que, con el tiempo, el acto criminal de Belcher -entre otras cosas no tengo espacio para escribir sobre esto en el contexto de este programa – fue más sobre ocultar la forma en que pensaba sobre ser superior a los demás; algo que ya vimos antes de que matara a Kasandra Perkins cuando le dijo: “No puedes hablarme así”.

Creo profundamente que el enfoque no debería estar en los buenos comportamientos o que alguna fuente externa fue responsable de su horrible acto criminal. Lo que estaba mal estaba realmente en el interior de Belcher, que obviamente, mantuvo oculto de los demás. ¿Por qué la sociedad en la que vivimos nunca parece querer ir allí por la razón detrás de cualquier comportamiento criminal o irresponsable?

Creo que una razón es porque nos sentimos extremadamente incómodos al pensar que no podemos controlar lo que va a suceder. Entonces, si hablamos de las cosas buenas de un hombre o de que hay alguna causa “fuera del hombre” para lo que sucede, entonces algunas personas piensan que estarán bien. Eso es como vivir en un estado perpetuo de negación mientras las bombas caen sobre nosotros desde todas partes.

Aquí hay un pensamiento bíblico sobre esto. Proverbios 23:7, “Porque como piensa en su corazón, así es él. Como alguien que calcula, te dice, come y bebe, pero su corazón no está contigo [pero aún así está renegando por el costo]”.

Ese versículo muestra un espíritu de operación que está comprometido con la duplicidad y la doble moral, con un compromiso significativo de todo corazón que se siente dedicado y leal a una causa o idea.  La doble moral promueve la paranoia porque en lugar de hacer a los demás lo que quisiéramos que nos hicieran a nosotros, les hacemos a ellos primero nosotros, antes de que piensen que nos lo harán a nosotros. Esa es una historia que veo en esta tragedia. ¡Qué triste! ¿Nos daremos cuenta alguna vez (la sociedad) que la Duplicidad y la Doble Moral = Devastación? El Señor es nuestro standard moral, y Sus preferencias preparan el escenario para nuestras preferencias.

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter con el Ministerio Viviendo en su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi


Proverbs 4:5 “Get wisdom! Get understanding!”, and again in 7, “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”

The Lord calls us in the beginning and in the end to get from Him understanding. In all our amazing technological advances in medicine and science, i would suggest we, as general mankind, actually understand very little of the Everlasting, Glorious Who behind the what. i also think we are headed for a giant, incredible series of  “Ahh-HAH!” moments as the world gets darker and God becomes brighter, and more present in our understanding. Just like the disciples did in John 12, they had a huge, “Ahh-hah!” moment. John 12:16 “His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written about Him and understood they had done these things to Him.” When Jesus was glorified, they remembered and said, “Ahh hah”, they understood.

This is Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the late night, cascading banks of the Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the rivers edge, and every evening is pleasant. It’s a wonderful cafe at the end of Old Field Road where every Friday for 30 or more minutes is cool jazz and contemplative conversation. Actually, actually, this Friday is a very special Friday, this being Acoustic jazz night. i hope you’ll continue to lend us your ears; let’s go together and better understand what it is God is saying to us. Catch you on the bounce after the following brief interlude.

i went to the Firecracker 400 at the Daytona Speedway one year. All the people and all the cars all jammed together for a day of racing….there were SO many people. Great day in the morning! Part of that race event was something called “qualifying”, which is where each race team puts their car on the track and makes the fastest lap possible, with the race officials measuring the time it takes to go around the track in one complete lap. Qualifying places the drivers, from fastest to slowest, in the starting lineup…of course the faster the better, of course being at the front is better than being at the back.

How many of us are qualifying amongst our brethren in hopes of a better position as it relates to those around us? God never, ever asked us to qualify for His love or grace. It is not “if” we do such and such He will love us, nor is it “when” we do such and such He will love us more and extend us grace. Many believers have strayed a pretty good ways away from the basic gospel message that Jesus loves us….period….and we need understanding that we don’t have to qualify. We were born and breath, therefore we are qualified for the Love of God. Without understanding we are just part of the blind multitudes whose minds still wear the veil of “not understanding”, and not until we meet Jesus is that veil pulled away for a huge “Ahh-hah!” moment.

i’ll say it again, we don’t have to qualify for God’s love or favor, Jesus qualified us all at Calvary when He was crucified for our redemption and was raised from the dead that we would have life, and have it more abundantly. Let us understand and grasp this fully: we don’t have to qualify for God’s love, He does love you and is relentless in His pursuit of you, whether you hold your mouth right, say the right things, or make good decisions. It’s not God loves you “when” or God loves you “if”, it is simply………….God loves you. Got understanding?

Many years ago i needed to know what God wanted to do; i was at the end of the road in the place i was living. i had no understanding what to do next. i prayed, fasted, read my Bible, inquired from my well traveled friends as to the Word of the Lord … technically, i was doing everything right; still nothing, just silence as far as what God wanted to do. i would ask Him, “What do You want to do?” He would reply to me, “What do YOU want to do?” We went round and round, honestly, it was a bit maddening. i had no clue what i wanted to do but believed if i persisted and pursued Jesus, He would show me. i was determined, for possibly the first time in my life, i was determined, doggedly determined to not make a move until the Lord gave me clear direction. For four years i listened, wrote down my dreams, took notes, listened carefully to those i respected, listening for any Holy Spirit Resonance in their words. Also, i studied like a man crazy obsessed to understand. Metaphorically, i had my long distance field glasses out all day and night, watching the horizon for any sign of God’s word to me. Still there was silence. Don’t get me wrong, i did indeed have significant dreams and there were many times scripture came alive to me, but i knew i couldn’t make my dreams fit my agenda, nor make my agenda to fit my dreams and visions. i’ve done that before and it just doesn’t end well. i had to wait. i remember crying out to the Lord saying “Lord, please, we’re on the same team here! You and i talk all the time. i feel like sometimes the enemy knows more about what’s going on than i do. Why is that? i don’t understand!” In all the words i received, all the dreams and visions the Lord gave me, the truth was i didn’t understand what He was getting at. It was as if there was a veil across my spiritual eyes and my knowing and understanding had met a brick wall, not operating together like two people shaking hands in agreement. In complete desperation it seemed a tipping point came one morning when i truly fell apart before the Lord, “Why don’t You tell me what i want to do, then i can ask You for that and You can then give me understanding as to what to do?” i think that prayer was two things, it was the prayer of a righteous and desperate man, and it was from a heart which was abandoning all things in order to understand God’s direction. From then on, the Lord slowly began to unfold His plan, but even at that, most of the time i didn’t understand what i was hearing and seeing. But it did get better. Over time, i became interested in looking at property in a different part of America, west and north of the Mississippi. i didn’t know why i was interested, i just knew i was interested. Into my mind came the idea to get rid of my stuff, so much stuff. i had a dream of an airplane which couldn’t fly because there was too much ballast. In the dream the Lord said, “You weigh too much and you’re flying too low.” So i divested myself of all my stuff, reducing myself and my possessions down to next to nothing. Ahhh….i began to understand…the Lord gave it to me to put together the dots so to speak, exercising my mind. Then one day, i understood, (TING!)…i was going to move and i even knew where. Now i began to understand, to comprehend. i gave away my extra car, tools, and most everything else. One morning, as i was speaking with a friend, she pointed to the sky and said, “Look!”….there, in the sky, an airplane was sky-writing … it read, “Time to go”. Then i had a very vivid dream where i was standing on a large dock looking at an old sailing ship. As plainly as can be, i heard God say, “The wind and tide are with you, weigh anchor, set your sails, drop the tiller, get up and get gone.” (TING!) i understood. So i packed up all my stuff and drove 2700 miles to my new home. i didn’t understand what i was going to do there, but i understood what to do for the time.

If we ask the Lord, He will show us. God always confirms His word to us. Hold! Hold! Wait for it ….and position yourself. Get ready. Remember, there may be a lengthy character building exercise He does in order to prepare us for what’s next, so don’t get in a hurry if you can help it. If we ask God for understanding and are willing to pursue Him and wait, He will give us what we’re looking for. Do you get me?

Ephesians 1:17-18 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints”.

Understanding – it’s one of the benefits of knowing Jesus. Understanding is one of God’s attributes which He shares with me, and for me, i don’t know about you, but for me, i’m ever so glad God shares this quality of Himself with me. According to Ephesians 1:17 & 18, if God didn’t give us understanding we wouldn’t have it. Some of us may avoid that truth, but it is still the truth none-the-less. When we believe in Christ, confessing Him with our mouths and believing on Him in our hearts, there comes an unveiling. Unless the Lord unveils our hearts we will be like the people of 2 Corinthians 4: 4, “ whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.” But because we have believed on the only begotten Son of God, our eyes are opened and we are made alive. 2Cor4:6, “For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:7, “Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things.” In this case, the word understanding means a “mental putting together”, and in Hebrews 11:3, the idea of understanding means to exercise the mind, observe, connect the dots, and comprehend.

In John 8:27, when it says, “They didn’t understand that he spoke to them of the Father.” “Didn’t understand” in that verse is used in the sense of perception not linked to grasping what was said so we get the picture that to perceive, or know, is not always linked to understanding. There are many many things i know of but i have no clue as to understanding the application. In Luke 18:34, when scripture says they understood none of these things, it means they had not put together the dots mentally and comprehended what Jesus was saying. When we possess knowledge and God discloses the inside scoop to us, we call that “insight”. Luke18:34 reveals what Jesus was saying was hidden from them, hidden being the word “krypto”, and not until Jesus unveiled their eyes did they have any understanding. i can only conclude if God doesn’t give it, we don’t get it, and it is a kindness He extends mankind wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Consider Matt5:45 where Jesus says, “For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

It is not the old who are wise, nor the aged who understand what is right. But it is the spirit in man, meaning the breath and inspiration of the Almighty which makes him understand, according to Job32. Let us stand in faith that the Lord is faithful to give us comprehension in the time we need it, to possess a “mental putting together” in all things. The Lord is faithful, and it is the desire of His heart for us to understand.

i read somewhere that those with understanding are able to abstract the meaning out of information, meaning they “see through” the facts to the dynamics of what, how, and why. On a side note, there is truly a difference between the facts and the truth. Understanding is a lens which brings the facts into crisp focus. Understanding produces “rules of thumb” or principles. i have witnessed miracles in my life, but really didn’t know what i was observing until the Lord walked me through the reasoning which became knowledge. i’ve heard it said Knowledge is the facts and knowing the truth. Understanding is the ability to lift the meaning out of the facts, and Wisdom is knowing what to do next. i think that maybe a little narrow, but it’s pretty good. Knowledge is recognizing what we see, and understanding is connecting the dots to become an Ah-Ha moment.

Proverbs 23:23 “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.” i’m confident most of us want the wisdom and understanding but don’t want to sit through being instructed, yet the truth is, we’ll have to be willing to let the Lord instruct us. Think… if you’re not willing to sit with Him and let Him teach you, what makes you think you’re going to come to understanding without Him? We desperately need to seek the Lord for Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge. The truth is, the world is completely lost without the Love of God, for without God’s redemption, there are no alternatives except to be lost. There is no other door to Heaven than through Jesus Christ. The god of this world demands we prepare a table before him, but God in His generosity and kindness prepares a table before us. i am no one important with titles and accolades, but i can say this….i am a foot soldier in the army of the Living God, desperately trying to hear and understand what He’s saying.

Got understanding? Think about it.

There are things of God which are beyond our ability to understand, like His peace – Philippians 4: 7 “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” God is the perfect poet and He will never get tired of dreaming and imagining us. The Love of God is beyond me, i don’t understand, but yet there He is, guarding our hearts in His endless pursuit of us the object of His affections, regardless of ourselves.

Look to the Lord for your understanding. Go in peace this week, be strong and courageous.

Esconderse, Escondiéndose, Escondido

Nos escondemos, nos estamos escondiendo, y a menudo permanecemos escondidos. Esconderse, escondiéndose y escondido.

Creo que, en estos días, muchos de nosotros nos estamos escondiendo de Dios, pero, ya sabes, no es un juego de niños, y ya no hay risas ni carcajadas ni nada de todo esto.  Creo que lo que era lindo cuando teníamos dos años hará que nuestra piel se broncee cuando tengamos 10 años.

Génesis 3:8-10, “Y oyeron el sonido del Señor Dios caminando en el jardín en el fresco del día, y Adán y su esposa se escondieron de la presencia del Señor Dios entre los árboles del jardín. Entonces el Señor Dios llamó a Adán y le dijo: “¿Dónde estás?” Entonces él dijo: “Oí tu voz en el jardín, y tuve miedo porque estaba desnudo; y me escondí”.

Cuando nos estamos escondiendo, haremos casi cualquier cosa para evitar ser honestos. A menudo he pensado que el miedo y el temor eran los amigos cercanos del esconderse, especialmente cuando no estamos cercanos con Dios. Honestamente, la mayoría de las cosas que ocultamos, realmente son pequeñas, pero por cualesquiera que sean nuestras razones, con razón o no, estamos avergonzados.

Adán y Eva fueron los primeros en tener miedo y los primeros en esconderse de Dios, y nosotros, el pueblo, hemos estado teniendo miedo y escondiéndonos desde entonces. Escucharon a Dios, tuvieron miedo, reconocieron su condición y actuaron en consecuencia escondiéndose. Me pregunto cómo las cosas habrían sido diferentes para todos nosotros y para Dios si Adán y Eva simplemente hubieran confesado su error a Dios, en el acto.

¿Puedes imaginar la vergüenza y el arrepentimiento con los que vivieron Adán y Eva después de todo eso? Vivían en una creación perfecta que Dios había hecho, tenían mentes y cuerpos perfectos, y vivían en perfecta comunión con Dios. Y no solo lo estropearon todo para ellos sino también para todos los demás. Sus decisiones equivocadas también allanaron el camino para la enfermedad, la decadencia, la muerte y la separación de Dios. Mi conjetura es que nunca habían visto enfermedades, decadencias, y ni siquiera podían imaginar la separación de Dios, pero allí estaba, en sus caras. La vergüenza y el arrepentimiento deben haber sido enormes. Deben haber vivido el resto de sus vidas arrepentidos; después de todo, estoy bastante seguro de que recordaban el paraíso.

Muchos tienen miedo de ser vistos por lo que son, muy probablemente reconocemos nuestra condición en un grado u otro, y nos escondemos, jurando a todos que nada es lo que parece, … “todo es solo un malentendido”, “Nada es como piensas”, “No es realmente así”, o jugar nuestra carta de víctima y devolverlo todo a todos los demás, “Oh, eres tan malo y crítico, además ¿quién eres tú para decirme algo?”   Creo que nos escondemos por cualquier cantidad de temores y vergüenzas, como cuando sabemos que somos tragados por las preocupaciones y riquezas de este mundo, o somos dolorosamente conscientes del escándalo de nuestro mal ejemplo a los demás. Tal vez el Señor nos hace muy conscientes de los remolinos y corrientes de nuestros pensamientos que son hostiles a la santidad de Dios.

Probablemente, la razón más común para escondernos es nuestra falta de fe expresada como nuestra falta de voluntad para creer. Cuando soy honesto ante el Señor, debo admitir que la razón por la que estoy teniendo dificultades es por simple incredulidad, y me avergüenzo de eso, por lo tanto, pretendo que me estoy escondiendo de Su vista. Ten en cuenta que solo estoy pretendiendo, porque nada se esconde de la vista del Señor.

Decimos que estamos siendo honestos y transparentes, tal vez incluso jurando que lo que decimos es la verdad.  He pensado: “Un juramento es tan bueno como la persona detrás de él”. Simplemente no creo que la humanidad pudiera vivir unos con otros si no hubiera confianza mutua de que están siendo sinceros unos con otros.

A la mayoría de nosotros nos encanta decirles a los demás que vivimos en una cultura de honor, lo he dicho yo mismo. Pero entre Dios y yo, me he dado cuenta de que mi falta de honestidad realmente no apoya una cultura de honor. Proverbios 15:33 dice: “El temor del Señor es la  instrucción de la sabiduría, y antes del honor está la  humildad”.  ¿Es posible que nuestra falta de humildad evita la honestidad que tan desesperadamente necesitamos para vivir en una cultura de honor?

Me gustaría dejar mis formas de esconderme. Dios no está escondido, nosotros somos los que estamos escondidos. Pienso que a veces, nos hemos escondido tan bien que ni siquiera podemos encontrarnos.

Isaías 49:9 tiene una frase que realmente me llama la atención, él dice “muéstrense ustedes mismos”. Yo digo: “¡Sal, sal, de dondequiera que estés!”

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo en Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

Strong And Courageous

It’s acoustic jazz night, it being the fourth Friday of the month. Sit back, relax, let the smoky mood and soft rhythm settle into your ears. ?Can you see the vision as it’s cast in your mind? Trust God to open the eyes of your heart and soul to see what He sees. Just…..let His vision in you play.

Turn off the main highway at Old Field Road and go all the way to the end. I’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the late evening, cascading banks of the Okluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the rivers edge, and every evening is pleasant. And yes, the Okluhwahhah is a real place in a real town, no kidding.

So glad you are here this evening, we always enjoy spending some time with you in contemplative conversation. Speaking of contemplating, i’m still learning to sip life, taking time to taste, rather than gulp and swill. A few years ago i watched my son eat a hamburger…he totally inhaled it in about 4 bites, it was astounding. i don’t think he actually tasted it much. Internally, i asked the Lord where my son learned to eat that way, i heard Him say, “From you.” Oh. From that point on i determined i’d take the time to sip and taste life rather than gulp and swill.

Are we strong and courageous? How did we get that way? Were we born like that, or is real strength and courage as God has granted grace to men?

Let’s let the music play a moment, coffee refills are free after 7 here at Outposts, so as we say, tap your toe, dream a little, and i’ll be back in a moment.

Alright, moving along. i’m going to use a previous conversation between a boy and his father which goes like this: A little boy said to his dad: “Dad, how am I going to be brave if I’m always afraid?” The father replied: “Son, it’s the only time you can be brave.”  Is it possible to really know the value of a good thing unless you’ve had something which totally didn’t work? i may say “i’ve got the best hammer in the world.” But my wise friend might ask me, “How can you tell? Have you ever had a bad hammer?” If i’ve only had one hammer and never used any other nail driving device, truthfully, i have no concept of the contrast of good and not good.

i find God to be the Lord of contrasts. i believe it’s true, He’s constantly speaking in many ways, but among all that He’s always speaking to us in contrasts, like day and night, good and evil, hope and despair, honesty and dishonesty, plus and minus, up and down. And this evening it is the contrast of strength and courage vs. weak and afraid. i have held off speaking of the concept and value of being strong and courageous because i’ve realized that i can’t effectively know how to talk about “being strong and courageous” unless i understand the contrast of “being weak and fearful”. To be honest, i’ve realized the idea of “weak and fearful” has been far more prevalent in my life than “strong and courageous”. The Hebrew perspective of the word “weak” is one of wings too limp to catch enough air to lift off or the inability of a mist to move even the simplest things. And i’ll just say this about fear: Faith and fear are complete opposites, they cannot reign in the same heart. While fear cowers, faith stands. While fear frets, faith prays. While fear looks within, faith looks to Jesus. Fear despairs, faith hopes.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9 Paul says: “…And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” That word “weakness” means literally, without strength. In other words, God’s amazing favor and His dynamic explosive power are made perfect in the midst of our native feebleness and moral frailty.

Ambrose Redmoon said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” And Winston Churchill adds to that “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

Are you a courageous person? i think most of us have probably spent a lot of our lives being scared rather than courageous, and we’ve fixated on the outcome and opinions of others rather than sticking to our faith.

Courage seems elusive sometimes, especially with people who need to find courage to just leave the house or go to the grocery store. i say if God asks you to step out and you’re afraid, do it afraid, that is courage under fire. We all do things which require courage on a daily basis, and what is a conscious effort to be brave to some is merely second nature to others. i have been told i am very brave, but if the truth be known, at the time, i was more clueless as to the consequences of my actions, so it wasn’t conscious bravery, but more sheer ignorance which caused my appearance of courage. One time a buddy and i were throwing rocks at a hornets nest that was big as a watermelon. Another fellow nearby said we were brave. That wasn’t brave, that was colossal ignorance as to the potential consequences. Stupidity can masquerade as bravery, but the truth is, it’s just stupidity.

Ignorance and stupidity aside, sometimes it takes the third – or fourth – or fifth – or hundredth time of practicing courage before the intensity of fear dissipates, the idea is to persist until we overcome. Now there are two good words for the week, “persist and overcome”. The deep breath which precedes a jump into the ocean is the same as that which precedes a step into an unknown situation or a different space. How do we find that courage and strength we so desperately need? Most times courage isn’t shouting, being loud and defiant, but is seen in just saying at the end of the day, “I’ll try again tomorrow.” One of the greatest afflictions upon the Body of Christ today, is a loss of courage and being overwhelmed in our own systemic lack of strength.

Psalm 18:2 “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Oh, and i know well how easy it is to say “Just trust in God”, and it often irritates me when some well meaning person says, “If you’d just…” then they tell you a scripture to quote to yourself. “If you’d just…” is easy to advise others of, but when it’s only you looking in the frightened eyes of yourself in the mirror, “If you’d just…” doesn’t hold much water. We don’t find courage and strength by turning scripture into a mantra, but we do find courage and strength when we grip to Christ in faith. And for some, maybe even that seems sort of lame to say, but it is the truth. Somewhere there, we must find courage and strength to persist and overcome even if all circumstances say we should just quit as many others have done. The courage and strength we are looking for is in Christ and Christ alone, really and for reals.

i have searched high and low for another source of strength and courage and there is none other than Christ. i’ve tried to have strength and courage in and of myself, and that was worse than a dead end road for it was no road at all, it was just a big “no where”.

Admitting to God that we are weak and fearful is a good thing. James 5:16 “Make this your common practice: Confess your faults to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed.”

The sincere prayer of confession by anyone who is living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Courage is a thing of intention and leadership. It is like powerful waves washing upon the shore over and over, and is intrinsic of God who is the faithful one, and because He has courage, we have courage. In our leading a life of being strong there is exemplified grace of the crowned believer who carries the sword of the spirit, and in our transforming practice of strength comes a constant invitation for more transformation. Like saying the more i practice my strength in Christ, the more i am strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. The more we are courageous, the more we are courageous, and the more we are strong, the more we are strong. To those who have will be given, and those who have not will be taken away. On a side note…i believe honesty and transparency is systemic to courage and strength.   .

i must say though, it seems that admitting our faults, in the eyes of some people, appears to them as weakness, and it inspires their hyper-religiousness to kick in, motivating them to counseling rather than relating. To many, admitting to ANY difficulty or fault just looks like weakness, when really, it is strong and courageous to be honest and real, while employing tact and diplomacy. E.E. Cummings said, “It takes courage to grow up and be who you really are.”

Many people feel that to admit there are times when they are weak and fearful gives other people power over them. But regardless of the possible down side of admitting i am sometimes weak and fearful, in my confession, i am strong in Christ. Here’s another personal admission, in hopes others will relate rather than put on their religious suit of counsel: i’ll be honest – i don’t have what it takes. i don’t have it and that’s the truth. But Jesus does, and He lives in my heart, and in Christ i am strong and courageous, AND i am prosperous and highly favored! Not merely surviving, but prosperous and that so doesn’t mean having money and stuff either.

Personally, i’d like to NOT be SO acquainted with “weak and fearful”, but the facts are, there are times when I AM…. 2 Corinthians 12:10, “….. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” And Hebrews 11:34, “….out of weakness they were made strong, became valiant in battle, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” Coming to resolve about what exactly God is talking about in those scriptures has very little to do with lifting weights, boxing championships, or being tough. Admitting my own lack of courage and that i’m weak doesn’t mean i’m stupid, a failure, worthless, or a whining, spineless, sniveling, pasty, potbellied old man. Practicing spiritual, emotional, and intellectual honesty in today’s environment is truly an act of courage and bravery. And that’s not being honest on behalf of someone you think is not being honest. We can’t be honest for them according to our perception of what they aren’t being honest about. God never asked us to take a fearless moral inventory of our neighbor you know. That’s not our job. i’m speaking of honesty about ourselves, from God’s point of view, not capitalizing on all our badness, nor living out a fairytale of only seeing and hearing our sparkling moments with no responsibility for our secret actions.

i’ll be the first to say, most of us will never know how strong and courageous we are until it’s the only option left.

In 2Kings 18 when the King of Assyria came against little Judah, Hezekiah was the King at the time. The Assyrian generals called for surrender, speaking fear and defeat to the Jews, telling them all sorts of terrible things. In 2Kings 19 we see Hezekiah, in what i believe is a terrible and stressful situation, going before the Lord on his hands and knees, laying out the Assyrian letters of challenge, saying to God (my paraphrase here), “Can you see this? This is terrible! This is a black day, a terrible day—doomsday! Babies poised to be born, but no strength to birth them. What do You want to do?”

Hezekiah was desperate for courage and strength because he knew if God didn’t step in, they were goners, done for! Not only did Hezekiah step out in faith towards God, but i believe the Lord gave him courage to face down the Assyrians and not surrender. That night, the Lord sent an angel who destroyed the Assyrian army, leaving the invading army dispirited, slump shouldered, useless as weeds, fragile as grass, insubstantial as wind-blown chaff. Judah was saved. They were truly weak and fearful, and they knew it, but in the Lord their God, Yahweh, they found strength and courage to persist and overcome.

Jesus creates hope in the middle of discouragement and gives us endurance in the midst of trouble. Jesus inspires the depressed and motivates those who are feeling down and out. Jesus is the foundation for being courageous and the fuel for the engine of persistence. Friends, let’s put the pedal to the metal for courage and persistence and not be moved from our position of faith. Tell the truth even if your voice shakes.

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” Joel 3:10 “…. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ”  Say this with me. No, i’m serious, say this with me, “I am strong in Christ!” And again, “I am strong in Christ!” Tell that to yourself in the mirror every morning and night. Tell yourself that as often as necessary until you get it, and get it down in your heart of hearts! Let your ears hear what your mouth is saying…  say out loud, “I am strong in Christ!” Write it on the mirror in every bathroom in the house, so every time you look at yourself, the words go in your eyes to remind you.

Let us take the word of the Lord to heart, and stand on it, believing God more than men or the devil, being strong and courageous, persisting and overcoming through Christ our Lord! Think about it.

i’m not a fearful man, but i have been told that it’s not that i’m so courageous but more i’m not smart enough to know when to run away. Either way, in my heart of hearts, i see myself as a strong and courageous man, yet honest and vulnerable. How about you? How do you see yourself, the unvarnished truth?

This has been Outposts, cool jazz and contemplative conversation, a fine establishment in the crook of the river, at the end of Old Field Road. i’m Social Porter and this program has been brought to you by Living In His Name Ministries, Harley Stepp, Ed Zangerle at Zangerle’s Farrier service, Rev. Ralph Banning, Charlie and Jenny McDonald – 2 of the finest people i’ve ever known, old dancing fingers himself – Eddie over at Area 22 Guitars, and Trinity Bakers, where there’s always something good in the oven.

Music was by the Hadouk Trio, Antoine Dufour, Darol Anger, Billy McLaughlin, and Didier Malherbe. All music use is licensed by BMI.

As we go our way this week, present to the world God’s character in you, it’s the fruit of rubbing shoulders with God, not the performance identity of a job, or the presentation identity that we display to others. Every day with Jesus is a day of defining, moments which bring us solid, consistent definition in a very fluid, mobile, and inconsistent world.


Everyone in the world, and….i suppose every living thing in the world, is always choosing, as was mentioned in a previous program. But our ability to choose is based on our ability to discern the differences between our choices. That discerned difference is based on some standard in us which we got from somewhere and someone.

i heard a talk given at a conference a while back in which the speaker was saying they did a study of the ability of women to tell the difference between nail polish colors. They picked 3 different colors of pink, that difference was based on the manufacturers labeling, they removed the labels, and asked a panel of women if there was a difference. All the women said there was no difference in the three samples. When the experimenters placed the labels on the appropriate bottles, suddenly, the women re-decided, saying, “Oh yes, i can really see the difference now.” Clearly, the ability to choose depends on our ability to discern differences, and they didn’t see the difference until someone told them there was a difference.

By what standard do we base our discernment on? And my standard is not necessarily your standard. In Judges 17:6, the idea is that everyone did according to their own standards of what they consider right and wrong, good and bad. It says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

It’s a beautiful evening, so enjoy the cool jazz and ponder our contemplative conversation concerning “Standards: Where do you get yours?”, and we shall return after a moment of repose.

Mankind has decided on so many variations of standards. It’s becoming increasingly more evident the top thinkers of this world system want everyone and everything to become stable, predictable and measurable, but according to what standard of stability, predictability, and measureability? Hmmm…top thinkers according to who and by what standard are they “top thinkers”? Doctors tell us that the “standard of care” for cancer or some other affliction is the accepted and approved way of dealing with our issues. But more often than not, the side effects far out way the benefits, but yet the “standard of care” is still pushed as the accepted and approved medical procedure…..which speaks to me that the purported standard is not the real standard. i believe when we’re told, “Oh this is the standard of care”, it really means, “This is what we always do, whether it works or not.”

In our society we have devices which give us standards and as example, thermometers, tape measures, volt meters, clocks, and even some baby bottles which measure in Imperial, U.S. customary, and metric, all on the same bottle. There are economic standards, measuring standards, surveying standards, weight standards like  Avoirdupois based on 16 ounces in a pound, Troy based on 12 ounces in a pound, standards of grammar, and on and on, ad naseum.

There are measuring systems or standards in the world of all sorts… but the truth is, here it is: units of measurement are essentially arbitrary; in other words, people make them up and then agree to use them. There is almost, and note the use of the word “almost”, almost nothing inherent in the universe which dictates that an inch has to be a certain length, or that a mile is a better measure of distance than a kilometre. Over the course of human history, however, first for convenience and then for necessity, standards have evolved so that communities would have certain common benchmarks.

In our striving for standards to live by we’ve even come up with government run institutions which are responsible for being the bottom line for standards, like the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

A musical group tunes to the same standard, if they didn’t, everything would be chaos. A lot of folks really resent rules and standards, but if there were no particular standards, we would still be in the stone age. But in a way, our society has become so inundated with standards about standards with standards about how to keep the standards, a lot of folks have simply begun doing what Israel did…..and every person went into their own house and did what they felt was right in their own eyes. Some have actually declared there is no real truth except for what they want it to be. Honestly, that sounds more like an attempt to justify any crime or cruel thing someone may want to do.

If i took a fearless moral inventory of my neighbor, i would be passing and failing them according to my idea of what is right and wrong. They may not appreciate my standards at all. Besides, it’s not my job to make sure other people get it right, it’s their job to take their own inventory and take action to be straight with the Lord. Romans 14:4-5, “Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.”

And then…. there are our personal standards, and boy howdy, now the idea of standards gets very hazy, totally subjective, and extremely difficult to see.

What are your standards? Where did you get them? We’ll be right back.

        All the standards in this world are indeed dizzying. Everyone trying to find a means of agreement, but yet it seems we all so consistently disagree, in general. We’re so easily offended, which drives us to being naturally defensive, making the entire human race roughly a bunch of very contrary people. In the words of a well known author, It would seem the stupid ones are overly confident in their own mind, and the brilliant seem so full of doubts.

i believe we all want harmony but can’t seem to agree on our means of unity. Oh my, what will we do, what will we do? Maybe the question, What CAN we do? could be a good place to start.

Isaiah 59:19 “So shall they fear The name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard….”

i’m confident in today’s world we need a better standard of how to live and act, other than the standards and definitions according to the whim of men, bureaucrats, and twisted thinkers. Today’s world certainly has very fluid standards and mobile boundaries, so we absolutely shouldn’t be willing to define right and wrong by such worldly subjective standards –We need a more sure standard who does not change, is reliable, consistent and repeatable, does not lie, and loves us enough to not only help us, but He IS our help, hope and redemption.

Contrary to confused objectors, the media, and the voice of a self-defining, self-declaring world, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and King Jesus himself ARE the standard. Rest assured Jesus is the RIGHT standard, the standard of all standards by which the universe is measured. Isaiah 11:10 (NKJV) “And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, Who shall stand as a standard and a banner to the people; For the Gentiles shall seek Him, And His resting place shall be glorious.”

For many the media has become the great discipler, and the news service is often taken as the truth, and truly sometimes it is, ?but how can we tell what is true and what is not, when so much of the same media service is NOT true too? We need something, someone more believable. We say it is God, but is it really? If we really really believe the Lord is truly who He says He is, it should be a radical game changer. Is God your bottom line? Think about it and be honest, brutally, the unvarnished truth please. We can’t keep lying to ourselves and be surprised when we eventually don’t know which way is up anymore. If we can’t be honest with God and ourselves above all else, how do we expect to be honest with the rest of the world?

Jesus Christ is the standard and example, the pinnacle of all things a human should be. He is the standard – not in size, not in age – but in moral, ethical and principle character. Many preachers, and multitudes of professing people, are engaged in a relentless pursuit to find out just how many imperfections and infidelities, and how much inward wrongness is allowable with a quote/unquote “safe state” in Christianity…how bad can it be before they’re not ok anymore…..oh but how few, very few, are bringing out the fair Gospel standard.

“Our Standard is Christ” because Christ is the only standard …and listen now, this is not a marketing slogan— it is a commitment. Jesus set the standard for how we are to live with others, how we deal with ideas and concepts, understand the world, love and forgive, set personal goals and boundaries, and focus on what matters in life. Any other standard would be secondary to this high calling for every believer. Philippians 3:14 “ I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” In attempting this discussion about what standards are important to us, i think we should also be willing to explore another question: what other standards could there be?  Any other standard we might consider is insignificant in comparison to “Our Standard is Christ.”

As believers in Christ and those who live in His Name, we hold the Bible to be the truth; we believe Jesus is who He says He is; we believe God and the Bible are the bottom line for our morals, principles, ethics, conduct, and character, cover-to-cover, from beginning to end. We have met the Lord and by our profession, we accept Jesus Christ as our standard.

Everything Jesus did with others reflected the nature of God – from the work He did alongside Joseph as a carpenter’s apprentice – to preaching the Sermon on the Mount.  From conversation over a meal, to struggling with fatigue from the business of the day, to the way He developed relationships – it was all about showing and living the nature and love of God.

Every outward action in the life of Jesus grew from an inward spiritual strength, and so, for Him and for us, we can’t focus on the outcome without linking it to the indwelling of God in our heart, soul, and mind.

Psalm 118:8-9 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.”

Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil.”

With Christ, not wise men or this world, but Jesus as our standard, and our allowing God to direct our path, rest assured He will bring us to our best … and then propel us beyond what we think is achievable or possible. J.C. Ryle said, “The standard of the world, and the standard of the Lord Jesus, are indeed widely different. They are more than different. They are flatly contradictory one to the other.”

And dear family, nobody cheats and succeeds by trying to possess worldly standards and God Standards both. You cannot play both sides. You cannot love, like Jesus said in Luke 16:13, both God and the world.

Jesus Himself is our standard, the bread and butter of our faith. i think i’m encouraging everyone to consider carefully by what standards you live, not to breed a war, for that’s not the attitude of a soldier in the army of the Living God, but to encourage us all to take God seriously in all accounts and by all means. i suppose for those who would ask, “What exactly is your point”, i would ask the question, “Is He God or not? And if He is, then act like it!” That’s pretty pointed, but at the same time it’s a very relative question for the days we live in where we’re overwhelmed with choices and most of us can’t hardly tell the differences between one option and the other. Christ is a distinct and obvious standard, and the gospel is really simple. Is He God or not? And if He is, let’s act like it.

Think about it!

Thank you for listening! i hope you’ve enjoyed the contemplative conversation and cool jazz in the middle of a chaotic world.

This has been Outposts, a fine establishment in the crook of the river, at the end of Old Field Road. i’m Social Porter and this program has been brought to you by Living In His Name Ministries, Hill Top Garage, Ed Zangerle at Zangerle’s Farrier service, Rev. Mark Fox in Mars Hill, Kevin, Perry and Tommy of the Mebane Freedom League, Williams Painting, and Trinity Bakers, where there’s always something good in the oven.

Music was by the Pete Minger Quartet, Michael Blake, Paul McCandless, Didier Malherbe, and Terence Blanchard. All music use is licensed by BMI.

By what standard do we base our discernment on? M y standard is not necessarily your standard. Let us have our harmony within the Body of Christ by choosing Christ as our standard of unity. Give God all the Glory,
“You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.”

And at that, i’ll say good night and be blessed, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Mi Ganancia, tu Juego de Dolor

            ¿Alguna vez has estado en una relación con alguien en la que sentías que, si aparecía un nuevo modelo, con gusto te cambiarían por uno nuevo? A menudo escucho de parejas casadas cómo uno u otro compañero piensa y siente que su cónyuge no lo respalda. Si no han logrado la tarea de dejar a su padre y a su madre y aferrarse el uno al otro, eso me llama especialmente la atención.

Todo este pensamiento sobre la obligación con alguien versus ser obligado por alguien es fundamental para el juego Mi Ganancia – Tu Dolor. La persona que juega este juego se asegura de que la regla de obligar a otros a ellos, en lugar de estar obligado a otros se mantenga en curso para obtener la victoria. Deben ser el “hombre principal”.

Conocí a un hombre en la cárcel que había sido encarcelado por 40 o más cargos de robo, carterista, allanamiento de morada, junto con la venta de bienes robados. Era un buen tipo, pero estaba tan confiado que era solo arrogancia cara a cara. Él me dijo, con una sonrisa, cómo se había metido en las casas de la gente, había abierto cerraduras, había sacado billeteras de los bolsillos de las personas, todo sin que nadie supiera que había estado allí y había robado sus cosas, o sabiendo que sus billeteras acababan de ser robadas. Parecía orgulloso de sus logros. Le pregunté qué pensaba que estaba en el centro de su infame carrera de robo. Dijo que pensaba que era la sensación de creer ser más inteligente, lo que quería decir era no solo más inteligente, sino más inteligente que tú porque eres muy estúpido. Sí, el omitió esa parte. Luego me preguntó qué pensaba yo que era el motivo. Dije “arrogancia”. El preguntó ¿cómo eso? Le dije: “Apuesto a que crees que eres tan hábil que podrías robarme las gafas de la cara y ni siquiera sabría que se han ido”. Él se rió y dijo: “Tienes razón. Yo creo.” Le dije, “Ahí lo tienes, probado el punto.”, y su rostro cayó al darse cuenta de que había sido atrapado.  Le encantaba tener influencia sobre los demás, obligándolos a sí mismo, de una manera que les hacía pensar que “le debían, y mucho”. No le preocupaba el dolor de la pérdida que causaba a otras personas. Encontró la emoción de ser estimulantemente indomable, y ser capaz de mentir tan bien que nadie podía atraparlo intoxicado.   Estaba dispuesto a hacer lo que fuera necesario, con el fin de superar la estafa sobre los demás.  Era un caso clásico de “corre, corre, rápido como puedas, no puedes atraparme, soy el Superman.  Mi ganancia, tu dolor. ”

Cualquier cosa que haga este jugador del juego es imprudente. Harán cosas peligrosas incluso si saben que otros podrían ser lastimados. Saben cómo  no hacer las  cosas y empujar a las personas a hacer lo que ellos no harán.  He leído que la  mejor estafa es cuando alguien presenta un problema, luego espera a que la otra persona se ofrezca a resolver su problema. De esa manera, el estafador puede decir: “Nunca pedí tu ayuda. Te ofreciste y  te acepté. No es mi culpa que las cosas no te hayan ido bien”.

Así es como los niños juegan el juego con sus padres. “Papá, ¿está bien si me quedo a pasar la noche con mi mejor amigo?” Papá dice “No”. Luego, el niño comienza a actuar como si hubiera sido víctima de los padres, tal vez incluso traumatizado por que se le haya negado su solicitud. Llegando a descubrir, que ese trato de la noche a la mañana ya fue establecido por el niño y el mejor amigo como algo seguro, pero papá se interpuso en el camino de su objetivo. ¡El resultado! El padre siente el dolor. Si no se concede permiso, el niño está fuera de allí con una amargura egoísta que dice que si no puedo ir, entonces tú tampoco puedes ser feliz. Cosas bastante emocionantes, ¿eh?

Jesús nunca jugó ese juego. Cuando se trataba de ser responsable, incluso si era poco emocionante e insatisfactorio, estaba comprometido con la relación a largo plazo.

Por amor, en realidad se comprometió con nosotros. Fue su dolor, nuestra ganancia; Un riesgo de su parte, porque no podía garantizar que sería amado de vuelta. Nadie lo controlaba ni lo victimizaba. Él tenía el control de su elección.

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo en Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi