Just a Note

5.12.2015 It is the motivation of Love to lift the burden of those who hoist the white flag of surrender, and persuade those who have not yet abdicated their fortifications to come home singing the songs of returning to God.

8.4.2015 It is the truth, there is no point in going to a funeral until someone has died, even so, there is nothing wrong with rallying the wagons to circle BEFORE the Indian’s show up.

8.22.2015 There is no dying without death, just like there is no living without life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Without Christ is dead, with Christ is alive. We need the living to step into their place, for as long as we allow the dead to govern, we are all doomed.

8.31.2015 “2Cor3:5, She started rubbing her two fingers in front of my face…i wondered what in the world? Then she sez, “The Holy Spirit is SOOOO close to us, He gives us ideas and we think we thought of it.” Evelyn Whitaker

09.05.2015 Jesus is the answer, He is always the answer, and there’s never a time He’s not the answer, which is why all things come to rest at the feet of the Son. The love of God, as demonstrated by Jesus, is the crown of everything. His love is universe changing, demon defeating, earth re-polarizing, disease healing, and relationship repairing, Jesus is love and love is the answer of all answers, Both noun and verb altogether.

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