“Impact And Influence”

We’ve been pursuing a better view of the King of Kings whom we love and serve, to understand His character which would be to know His values, that we would be like Him, from beginning to end in honor of the Lamb with every step and breath.

Joseph Ivimey in 1821commented on a section of John Bunyan’s book, Pilgrim’s Progress written in 1678: he wrote, “Our author intimates that God sometimes communicates spiritual knowledge and heavenly joy by “dreams and visions of the night.” The Holy One “works all things after the counsel of His own will,” and employs whatever methods He pleases to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. The effect produced by dreams must be brought to a test. Here is a good, short statement expressing a rule to test concepts and dreams by, that what leads to God, must have come from God, if God has sent us, He will go with us.”

Right there is an observation and insight worthy of a lot of contemplation, “That what leads to God, must have come from God.”  It is a good test of what we believe, hear, and dream. Ask yourself, and be honest, Does what i hear, think, and believe lead to Christ? If indeed it does, then, friend, it must have come from God, for the Lord is the only One who can lead us to Himself. Let us think and explore these things not fearing our doctrines will fall apart. And if, upon investigation, our doctrines do come to pieces in our hands under the inspection of scripture, then they weren’t worthy of being held as the truth.

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, cool jazz and contemplative conversation, broadcast semi-live from the late evening cascading banks of the Ockluhwahhah River. Go out Hwy 25, turn right onto Old Field Road, make a left at the old stone bridge, actually, it’s the only way you can go, travel all the way to the end. When you’ve come to the end of yourself, there you’ll find a rural cafe of divine vision, righteously situated above a long green field by an impeccable tree line which borders things greater than themselves.

Beautiful words that roll, tumble and soar like a bird in the late afternoon, catching it’s daily bread.

There is an underlying attitude in the church which seems to feel that the truth will somehow suffer and die if we do a closer inspection of it, and nothing could be further from the truth. Augustine said “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself.”

A lot of folks love to use phrases like, “in the sphere of our influence”, and it’s a good phrase which describes having the power to affect the development of hope and faith in people around us, although it has no formal authority. It’s also a phrase we use to make ourselves sound r-e-a-l-l-y spiritual and oh-so-well informed, giving us the appearance of high standing, having high dignity and being very influential.

Regardless of the influence we think we have, there is only one path to the Father and that is through Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY path to God. That which leads to God must have been sent by God. John 10:1 says, “the sheep enter by the door and if anyone climbs in any other way they are criminals and will be treated as such”. In vs7 Jesus said again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.” and vs9, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” Jesus is the path to the Kingdom of God and he offers to each person an opportunity to return to their true roots of relationship with God.

After setting the stage, let’s get closer to our topic, and in order to do that let’s give the concept of “doctrine” a definition. A doctrine is “a belief or set of beliefs held and taught, it is our internal descriptive theology and ideology from which we operate and continue on” (my summary). On December 16, 1855, in his sermon titled “Heaven”, Charles Spurgeon spoke of four subtle doctrines which i think are worthy of discussion. The doctrines of influence, impulse, direction, and of instruction by the Holy Spirit. Four very important elements of how and why we do what we do that we would see Christ in us more clearly. This evening’s program is concerning the doctrine of influence. A bit brainy, but i think it’s a worthy discussion to have. Why? Because i don’t think, we the church, know why we do most of what we do nor why we think it’s a good idea. We generally have a fractured world view, and for many, the road ends with get saved and do right. We’re so busy accomplishing this or that, we’ve not explored God’s character in us or how He operates, nor are we very aware of how the gears of the Holy Spirit mesh in our heart.

i don’t want to focus on the people who use the doctrine of influence for the wrong reasons, although i must admit it’s difficult to speak of up without speaking of down, or right without speaking of wrong. i believe we need the contrast in order to understand better. Honestly, it’s just too easy to speak of all those who use their influence for evil, but i believe it’s better to look at those who use their influence for righteousness, how God raised them and used them so we may be better at positioning ourselves to walk the same path. i want to catch people doing good, not purposely set out to catch them doing evil. Remember: If God has sent us, He will go with us.

Here is a fact we should all remember, or as others would call it, a “sticky statement”: You are the company you keep. If we truly are the people who keep company with God, then we become like Him – moral, righteous, responsible, healed and whole. The more we abide in Him, the more we abide in Him. If we keep company with the world, its influence helps us become immoral, unrighteous, irresponsible, sick, sore, and divided, and that’s pretty unattractive once you’ve tasted what is good.

The influence of others on our lives is powerful. Don’t kid yourself, the constant downward pull of the worldly posture of those we keep company with is contagious. The number one reason for felons returning to prison is the influence of their circle of acquaintances, or friends, if you can even call someone who inspires you to more perfected criminal thinking a friend. It’s a big enough deal that even the parole office and the dept. of corrections insists newly released felons not associate with other known felons.

We all change, little by little, with every person we meet, and every season we live through. Although i don’t know how to measure the impact of this, i highly suspect that everyone i meet leaves some sort of mark on me. We may say it was just a short conversation filled only with words, but there is more to it than words, there is influence. We influence others with our faith, it may not seem like we have had an impact, but in the sense of sowing seed, every attitude lived and word expressed is a seed sown. There are people whom we do not allow in our lives because we know to allow them in would be to allow their influence on us, and we understand it would not be healthy for us or our families.

The value of influence on others is easily seen in long term friendships or marriages. When people have close and frequent conversations, the influence of one person on the other can actually be seen as, recognizable bits of one soul beginning to show in the other person’s nature. Look at the influence of a man and woman who have been married a long time, they sort of act like each other with similar ways of expressing themselves and even how they conclude decisions. Sometimes, the influence is so great, and this is just what i think, the influence is so great they even begin to look a little bit like each other. We see what was once two different individuals who have now become more a composite of both.

Who we admire and hold up as a hero has influence with us, so it’s not unreasonable to me to think we need to be careful who we allow to hold our places of admiration. Who are your hero’s?

When i was much, much younger i completely admired some icons in the music business. i read all the articles about them, had posters of them, listened exclusively to their music, and even tried to fashion my own music after their style of doing things. i eventually began to act like i thought they acted, to wear the clothes i thought they would wear, talk like i thought they would talk, and live like i thought they would live. i even drank and did drugs like i thought they did. Many of my life’s hero’s died, and thank you Lord, i didn’t feel compelled to follow after them even in death, they were important, but weren’t all THAT important.

There was a flavor of David in Jonathan, and a flavor of Jonathan in David. It was inevitable considering we tend to take on the attributes of those we keep company with.

Hope and faith keep their distance from selfish motives because they know that the company they keep influences their actions. Even when Mr. selfish-motivation openly cries, accusing hope and faith of not taking him seriously hoping to manipulate them, hope and faith know better than to allow such influence upon them.

To reiterate, another place i see incredible weight and impact on our lives is, i believe it’s the family unit, human or animal, the influence of close family and relatives is huge, for better or worse. By far and large family has a huge influence on us all, even when the family unit is divided, i believe we are simply left with people who have the nature of division living in them, brought about by what was modeled to them as children. Friends, we need Jesus to glue our hearts and souls back together.

C.J. Heck, published poet and writer said, ““We are all products of our environment; every person we meet, every new experience or adventure, every book we read, touches and changes us, making us the unique being we are.” Superseding the influence of the world, is the influence of God’s hand in our lives. If we are, indeed, those who keep company with God, then because He is the greater and the universe is the lesser, He is the greatest influence upon us.

Please consider this: What or who do you allow as your greatest influence, who or what do you give that kind of power to, that would change your life and character?

When Jesus walked the earth with the disciples, true, He was an incredible influence on everything around Him. But when He was crucified and rose from the dead, ahh … now He was and is at His greatest influence on everything, everyone, everywhere. If we imitate God it can simply be mechanical, being an imitator only requires that we change, but when we reflect Him, now it is something organic, born from our character, and our character is expressed in our habits. i believe in order to reflect the Lord, who is the ultimate influence upon us, we can’t just act similar. To reflect Him requires that He has imprinted Himself on us, and suddenly the highway to His city runs through our heart. Remember, that which leads to God must have been sent by God. Imitation is flattery and implies change, but true reflection is transformation, it is evidence of His signature upon us. 2 Corinthians 3:18, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

Those who surround themselves with the highest, will be those who transform into the highest, suddenly finding new music in their hearts. If the Lord is diluted a million times in the hearts of men and still has this kind of everlasting influence on us, how much more when we are fully in His presence before the great throne of God?

In the first chapter of John, Jesus encounters the first disciples, and i bet they were, initially, some pretty unspiritual, rough, guys. As the gospel story is told, if we follow the lives of the twelve who were called into the inner circle with Jesus, they spent time with Him, hour after hour, day after day. You can see their demeanor soften, they were changed by the One with the greatest influence on them, Jesus.

In Luke 9 they are wanting to call down fire from Heaven, but by the end of Luke’s report of the gospel story they are graceful and kind. Reading their story is like seeing buds open when winter becomes spring and the flowers come out. i can’t say they realized the change was happening, but over time they became different men. Even the world around them saw they were different.

Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”

Peter and John weren’t simply being imitators, it was who they were because they were reflecting the signature of Christ which was upon them. They probably didn’t know how they had become who they were, transformed from rough men, to those who went around doing good. The transformation was obvious and unexplainable all together.

Here’s a sticky statement: it is impossible to allow ourselves to come into the consistent influence of Jesus Christ, and remain the same. i say, you’ll not leave here as you came, in Jesus name. Bound demented, depressed, sick or lame. For the Holy Ghost of Acts is still the same, you’ll not leave here as you came in Jesus name. i believe John found the influence of Jesus so astounding, He couldn’t even conceive of sin existing in the same place as the presence of God.

1 John 3:9,“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”

We are powerful in Christ, and through prayer and our continual relationship with Jesus, we are changed and our transformation, not just imitation but transformation, influences the world around us to also be transformed. We have influence because He is the ultimate influence in the universe.

You may secretly think to yourself that you have no impact on anything. You may think that because you see no change in anyone or anything, you don’t make a difference. Who told you that you don’t make a difference, where did you get that? If your information doesn’t lead to God it probably wasn’t sent by God. If Jesus is in your life, you make a difference. Imagine, is it possible that you are all God says you are? Is it possible? Can you envision that? How does that look to you? Who are you going to believe, Jesus or your own dismal forebodings?

Have you ever gotten an email or a letter from someone or some company that just set your jaw tight? Your nostrils instantly flared, and your face felt like it flushed? You went to type a reply and you were so angry you spent as much time backspacing and re-writing as you did actually writing. But by the end of your scorching reply with it’s most vicious adjectives, you had softened a little, and you decided a simple, plain, non-volatile reply was actually the best thing, if you even dignified their message with a reply at all. Something or someone in your heart changed your mind. THAT is the influence of the Holy Spirit. By the time the day had gone by, and you have held the provoking message up to the Lord in prayer, mountains were moved in your heart and instead of blasting them, you found grace for them. For part of today you were only thinking of your offense, but the rest of the day God’s influence in you persuaded you toward a more righteous reply, and His wisdom stuck to you to not only not reply vicious-for-vicious, but to even play the rest of the movie as to how you were going to conduct yourself next time you see that person.

That influence is the evidence of His signature in you. We must be under His influence more than any other influence.

2 Corinthians 4:18, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

How do we, who live on this earth and see with earth eyes and have earth thoughts, how do we look at the things not seen. How do i see what i cannot see? Many scholarly individuals have some great explanations i suppose, but for me, He has opened my eyes to see what i cannot see, the patterns of the outlay and providence of His hands. If He did not open our eyes, they simply would not be opened. If He did not give us “wisdom that makes a difference”, we simply would not have any The Lord points out to us patterns of His grace where no eye would normally see it; patterns of His mercy in places where it is not obvious; patterns of His influence which are not noticeable except by the Holy Ghost vision within us. In His vision, things which are not seen are visible. Through faith we see in a divine mirror set at the right angle which opens our eyes to a life of higher vision.

Now back to the inflammatory message you received. At the time of the reading of the offensive message, all you could think about was yourself, your insult, and how wrong they were. But as the day wore on, something changed. A Godly attitude was overcoming selfish motivations, until all the defensiveness was won over by the goodness of God.

In those types of moments, in my heart there drips on me the drops of influence from the face of God, influencing me to right thought, right reply, and right action. His influence inspires me to bring into subjection my passions, to put my foot on the neck of pride, and to stop, in it’s tracks, the power of self-motivation, selfish ambition, and self-preservation. i can say my best ideas, my best visions and dreams, my best models, and the gifting to influence the world around me has totally come from Jesus more than any human character what-so-ever. We are truly influential because He is the ultimate influence.

In my heart of hearts i have a constant conscious awareness that from Christ i have adopted and reflect the thoughts and intentions which make the Kingdom of God a reality to me. Every thought which paves that road which is laid between God and myself has been sent by God to draw me closer to God. All the steps made, foreseen and unforeseen, lead to divine life in Christ. “In Christ” is a phrase powerful to own for ourselves. How did we get where we are? By what means did we see the unseen, and hear the unheard?

Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ is alive in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

All the righteous insight and understanding of our past and future are derived from the Savior. He’s not just some “higher power”, or reducing God to merely “the universe”, which is an unclear, vague, and poorly defined “something” out there. You know, just a “something but i don’t know what exactly” that is beyond our knowing. Jesus is not just “A” higher power” but “THE” highest power. My higher power, my great influence has a name, has specific ideas for specific reasons. He’s not a “that” but a “Him” and His name is Jesus. He is confident, confident in the power of His love to persuade and enable, to influence, every living thing to come into right relationship with Him. He is confident in the power of His love. All my concepts of the increase and momentum of grace came from Jesus, who is the path TO God and was sent BY God. He is that which leads to God, and only God can make a pathway to Himself.

Paul used all the influence in himself to persuade others to believe Jesus really, really, actually, actually is the Christ, the way, the truth, and life. He used everything he had and left nothing on the table. He grabbed “the Truth” with both hands and refused to let go even to his own death. The influence of Christ is powerful in us to influence the world around us. You are NOT powerless, a nothing, or a nobody.

When the discomfort of change washes over us and the afflictions of this life bludgeon their way into our lives, the influence of the Lord inspires us to have faith and trust in God to such a degree we can lie down and sleep through the hurricane that thunders in our ears. Maybe the overwhelming and continuous discomfort and grief we suffer due to loss points to the idea that maybe we had more trust and comfort in people and physical things than we did in Christ, and there’s a big “think about it” tagged on the end of that.

Psalm 46:2, “Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, the Lord is our refuge and strength.” The blood of Jesus is more powerful in us than our inclination to run away.

Even though we may be gripped by fear, the righteous stop their feet from running because they know there are things more important than fear and self-preservation. Life slaps us down but we reply “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” Through murderous thieves and famine in the land, through the persistent grief of what did NOT happen to us, the power of God’s influence causes us to say, “…though the labor of the olive shall fail, and the field shall yield no increase, yet will I trust in the Lord, and stay myself on the God of Jacob.” When persecution surrounds us, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, the righteous remain resolved and unmoved which are evidence of the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives.

You and i can use our influence for good or evil. Korah, the master of public opinion along with Dathan, and Abiram, used their influence to persuade Israel against God and Moses in Numbers 16. Needless to say, it didn’t go well with them, they became a sign to us even to today. They all, their families, servants, pets, and all their belongings perished in their sin. They become an example to everyone, forever, to be very careful about how we use our God given influence. Our impact and significance, our influence, isn’t amazing because we are so influential but because Christ is the power and authority of our ability to influence the world around us.

You are influential. Within the “sphere of your influence”, which God has given to you, within you is the power to exercise the Love of God to others. We are not free to do whatever we like, we are free to do the right thing, and it is always the right time to do the right thing. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…” Think about it.

Dinesh D’Souza points out: “This is our culture’s powerful emphasis on compassion, on helping the needy, and on alleviating distress even in distant places. If there is a huge famine or reports of genocide in Africa, most people in other cultures are unconcerned. They see ‘the tears of strangers only as water.’ But here in the West we rush to help. Part of the reason why we do this is because of our Christian assumptions. The ancient Greeks and Romans did not believe this. They held a view quite commonly held in other cultures today which is, yes, that is a problem, but it is not our problem. However paradoxical it seems, people who believed most strongly in Christ did the most to improve the situation of people living this life.”

As a believer, your influence impacts all human life in that our concept of universal human rights and equality comes exclusively from the biblical idea that all people are created in the image of God, but only those who believe in the resurrected Christ also have His reflection. In Genesis 1:26 scripture says He made us with His image AND His likeness or reflection, with “image” being an outer similarity, and “likeness” being an inner similarity, or reflection. A Christian document called the Didache, meaning the Teaching of the Twelve Disciples which is dated from the late first century or early second century, contained instructions against abortion, instructed others concerning marriage, and Godly ethics. Your Godly influence inspires a pro-life view, and teaches that slavery is wrong. Our education today stands on the shoulders of early Christians, not to mention that the same influence is visible in our work ethic, and especially in art, music, and literature. Friends, the Lord has given us the power of His influence and we are powerful to affect every facet of our society.

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts. This program is brought to you semi-live from the late evening, cascading banks of the Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the river’s edge, and every evening is pleasant.

Godly influence, it’s real and alive in you, it’s time to change the planet. Volunteer at a food bank or help the hungry, naked, clueless and blind and shine like the sun in Jesus name, today, just like you did yesterday.

Pray for your neighbors, and read your Bible, it’s time to change the planet. Amen? Yea, and amen!

Trouble And My MO

          Transitions can be very tough and if they’re not made in today’s world, it’s called an adjustment disorder.

James writes as a Jewish man who knows something about transitions. There he was, a half-brother of Jesus, learning to get over any stereotypes he may have had of Jesus and surrendering to Him, as Lord. Although scripture doesn’t say, i would guess he had to also resist the urge to a possible claim to fame by telling people he was the half brother to the Lord, surrendering to God any possible insistent petitions for prestige. Of course, on the other hand, to make the “claim to fame” for himself, eventually would cost him his life, but all for the wrong reasons. Knowing God was more important than a claim of prestige to get a title and a platform for himself.

It’s always tough to accept changes within a family when one member rises to an unexpected position. But James’ whole method of operation changed after the resurrection of Jesus. As one example, we can see his thinking change concerning his trials in life.

James 1:2-4, “Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.”

Right off the bat, this alone is enough to sour people on the book of James. But it gets even worse! He says the rocky road we travel on our journey to maturity is to be one of joy. Somehow then, we are supposed to be glad to be on a path just filled with sharp corners which gouge at our skin, while stepping high over “stub your toe” rocks.

Now, i’m not sure about you, but I don’t necessarily have a great deal of joy when I’m going through difficult times. A well-known preacher said once, you can either be pitiful or powerful, but you can’t be both. This whole idea of joy when facing trouble sounds a little crazy. I can understand the idea of not letting troubles destroy us, but to consider it pure joy!? That can seem like a little much.

It’s not natural to think this way. But James isn’t saying we should have some kind of superficial party when adversity comes, or that we should plaster a fake smile on our faces and look religious to the world when we’re hurting deeply inside.

But he does encourage us to consider letting it be an opportunity for joy, because something very important is taking place for our benefit. God is leading us through these places and we need to see the upside of it all.

Recently, a man and i sat together and i wondered where he was in his process of dealing with some very difficult things. He then told me that he knew he had a choice to either be a victim and resent his circumstances and the people involved, or he could see it as an opportunity for the Lord to change his life, and he was consciously choosing. If someone steals your coat, instead of being mad about the theft, maybe we could exercise the other choice to see it as an opportunity to upgrade to something better.

The phrase, “…whenever trouble comes your way…” was used of a young bird, whose wings were being tested: like an Eaglet being pushed out of its nest.

I’m sure the eaglet would love watching a video about flying, or learning about the details of swooping down on fish, or gathering information about lift and trajectory; all from the safety of the nest. But real life doesn’t work that way. When the hard times hit us, it can feel a lot like a helpless eaglet that’s been kicked out of the nest by its mother.

But trials, James says, are not to make us fall but to make us fly; not to make us stumble but to make us stand and not to defeat us, causing us to rise to victory. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.

If we don’t mind this gap and change our method of operation over to James’ view of trouble, what could happen? What do you think?

i’m Social Porter for Living In His Name.

If – If Only

If – If Only (or Might Have Been),

in the world of “If Only” and “What might have been”.

Almost, pretty much, just about, for the most part, if, maybe,

might have been…yea but, yea but if…


…if only

Might have been

Might have been if only

Might have been

How much of my time do i spend living in the circular thinking of those

words? Round and round and round.  i doubt i could measure the hours and days. my mouth reflects my heart so i must take the words of my mouth seriously in reflection of what the inventory of my heart is. I heard someone say once that mistakes rarely come in the singular, they are often in litters. In light of that, i’ve decided i should pay better attention to what, and how i sow.

In the principle of Reaping and Sowing, often in life, among the good seeds we sow, there are the sowings of things that, never in this life, would we wish to grow at our feet. But yet, more and more often, i see the seeds of regret that grow around our feet like vines that tangle us and cause our attention to shift from important matters to spending more and more time untangling ourselves from these “vines”, strangling vines, ropes impeding forward momentum, vines of distraction and the more we are distracted the more we are distracted.

Many people like to wander in the cemetery of past errors and old wrongs, rereading old headstones and epitaphs of the things we think we have “reckoned dead”, moaning over old wrongs saying over and over, “Oh, i so wish i hadn’t done that.” but never really letting it all go. Regret often paralysis hope, corrodes the connection between vision and purpose, and becomes a dead weight to our forward momentum.  This is not healthy; it is a chronic gastrointestinal turbulence of the soul. We spend so much time bringing the past to be alive in the present that “what was” dominates the “what is”, and heavily influences “what will be”. Regret is surrender to the dominion of the past that should not be.

In the silence of late night, the gray place between awake and asleep, we play the video of what “might have been”. True, there are times when it is wise, in small amounts, to consider “might have been” and “if only”, but when it plays in a constant loop it makes us weak because it over-emphasizes the past at the expense of the present.

The constant playing of “might have been”, becomes an anchor around our necks, becoming weights, not wings.  “It might have been” sings softly to us, lulls us to doze off while regret grows gently around our feet, binding up our courage and growing roots through the foundations of our confidence.

It is like a seed that has fallen into the crevice of a rock wall, finds a little water, sprouts to life, then grows roots that eventually turn a crevice into a crack, and the wall falls broken to the ground.

Consider the effort we spend trying to reconstruct our lives from some date in the past, when we might have taken a different path or gone another way. We go back in our memory to some fork in the road in life and think how amazingly better life would have been  “If i had never taken…”, “If i had only bought the land when…”, “If i had only married the other one…”, “If i had only graduated high school”,  “If i had prayed the right thing at the right time”, “If i had been more persistent”, “If i had not fallen asleep while…”, “i wish i had never said…”, “If i had only just stayed home”,  “If God had only…”

A man said to me while weeping over his life, “Sometimes, i seem to spend the bulk of my time wishing God would do something other than what He is doing.”


If. If only.

If. It might have been if…

Oh my, that little “if” is as slippery as black ice…it seems so right until suddenly your feet are over your head. And it would seem to probably be true, things may have been better, but it is certainly more presently true… that was then and this is now, today is upon us, and this is where we are and this is what we’re doing. The past is done. Fini! Over! Forever done, for good or bad. Backing up is not allowed. There is no regret which will allow itself to ever be relived in order that it would become something other than what it is.

Don’t you know that looking back at “what might have been” always looks sweeter in the rear view mirror.

The colors, the colors of “might have been” are always so brilliant! The reds, and blues, the crimson and purples, the yellows & pales. The white sails of distant ships are always full and whiter than our own, and the green of far away hills are always greener. Might have been always looks SOOO good from a distance.

It seems to always be the attraction of “the other road”, and hell works to keep us circling in the dream world of “what might have been” on “the other road” without visualizing the cost. “The other road” might have brought us crowds chanting our name gloriously, but we would have lost someone very close to our heart. “The other road” may have made us ridiculously rich, but maybe we would have had to live with shame, forfeiting dignity and honor. The cost of “the other road” is rarely discussed in the video loop of “might have been”.

As long as we wear flesh we will always make mistakes, it is, evidently, something we, as humans, do very well. i heard someone say once that the present is the making of soon-to-be-history. If we don’t like what we reap, then i suggest we change what we sow, for in our obsession with our mistakes there is fertile ground for regret.

Let us leave of the graveyard of “might have been” and “if only” to go forward. We are not people of our history, but people of our destiny.  As best we can let us take seriously what we sow, leaving the graveyard of old things where regret grows around our feet … let it go. Let the dead be dead and let us catch our breath in a new direction. Don’t just change your mind, better yet, come home!

i’m Social Porter for Living In His Name.


A few years ago, there were several declarations saying God was going to increase the harvest and His people in an unprecedented way. There was coming increase in answered prayer as had never been charted in the history of Christianity; that God was going to increase the prophetic utterance throughout all the earth by raising an army of prophets and pour out upon His people. If they wanted Holiness, they got it, if they wanted Righteousness, they got it, and yes, the Lord has been pouring out upon us, many of us feel as though something really significant is about to happen, even to the level of anxiety for some. Another aspect which we should be aware of is the increased pouring out from hell. If people want sex, they get it. If people want drugs, they get it. Whatever keeps people from the Lord, whatever rebellious, self-serving thing we can imagine, the enemy will make sure to try and give it. But as it was then and is now, the enemy has absolutely no match for the outpouring of the Lord for our King in Heaven is matchless, it causes hell to wince and grind their teeth, and that suits me just fine.

We have been moving forward not at warp speed but at God Speed. I believe the Heart of the Lord is that He is going to increase us AGAIN! He is going to pick up the pace, faster. I have a vision of two on a road, running, racing, but the Light keeps a pace that the arrogant darkness is sweating hard to keep up with, when suddenly the Light picks up the pace again, and then again . . . and the darkness just doesn’t get it, wondering how can this be? Remember that scripture in John5:9 which says, “and the Light shown upon the darkness and the darkness didn’t comprehend”? That means the world and darkness could not seize to hold Him nor could grasp the vastness of the Light…the darkness just doesn’t get it!

For those that come to Christ or are already believers, He is going to increase our understanding of Him. He is going to increase power to do the work except He wants us to understand that it isn’t so much about power but about dominion.  The Lord is going to increase prophetic utterance with signs and wonders that will stretch our imagination, He is going to increase the speed with which we are approaching the days to come, He is going to pour out supernatural upon the already supernatural, He is going to increase our seeing. He will give, to those who are serious and ask Him, sanctification of their minds in order to increase insight, and long distance viewing.  God’s wave of measureless proportion is building in the near distance. He is going to increase the release of extraordinary faith in order to meet extraordinary circumstances for extraordinary people to hold up the Name of our Extraordinary God that is beyond time and space and eternity. He wants to teach us to live in Him, which is without measure and without limits of time and space. He wants to give us Breath, Hearing, and Vision and that those three He will weave together in us, His people, like a blue thread through a white cloth. He is going to bring us from where we are to where He is in order for Him to do the work He has begun in us.  He is going to increase everything… the pace towards the end is increased also. The Lord says “It Has Begun Again, The Increase Of The Increase.”

The thunder of His coming rages on the edge of the horizon for He is coming back for what is His, and there will be a major “Call To The Blood” for the fields are white for the harvest. He will increase His presence among us and any and all who will live in the “City of His Presence”, God will increase their understanding in order for them to comprehend the magnitude of peace that He has given. The increase of His peace among believers will be overflowing and marvelous. He is going to increase us again. There will be also an increase in corruption, violence, pestilence (physical and spiritual), famines, wars and rumors of wars as a counter to what the Lord does, but once again hell is no match for our matchless God and hell will wince with great frustration and grind their teeth at God, and that suits me just fine.


La pro-visión va de la mano con la visión de la misma manera que una tesis es un proceso de descubrimiento temprano para un propósito, siendo pro-tesis el griego para propósito, cuya palabra raíz es tesis. “Pro” significa “mirar hacia adelante”, y “provisión” significa la “vista de mirar hacia adelante que proporciona todas las cosas que hacen avanzar la visión”. Es una palabra que Dios usa en el sentido de traer algo a la existencia con la consecuencia de que su existencia es una certeza. Su provisión es la garantía de establecer su visión

Creo sin embargo que a menudo confundimos la visión de Dios con una idea de cómo nos va a prosperar a nosotros mismos, y tomamos Su provisión como las cosas que nos está dando para hacernos ricos, cómodos, viviendo una vida de conveniencia. Eso NO es lo que Él quiere decir. A él le encanta que nos vaya bien, por supuesto, pero su idea de “próspero” y la nuestra de “prósperos” son bastante diferentes. La visión del Señor para nosotros es que nos reconciliemos con Él, que estemos sanos y completos, que seamos maduros y que estemos llenos del Espíritu, produciendo todos los frutos y dones del Espíritu…Esa es la Visión. Su Provisión se refiere a lo que Él nos proporciona para que prosperemos Su visión. Tomamos la riqueza de la provisión de Dios y nos decimos a nosotros mismos que todo es para mí, construyéndonos grandes casas, comprando grandes cantidades de propiedades, autos lujosos, ropa llamativa, cuando en verdad, todo el tiempo, a veces, si no a menudo, todo equivale a una apropiación indebida de Su provisión. El Señor nos hace prósperos, no para prosperarnos a nosotros mismos, sino para avanzar en el Cuerpo de Cristo, sin embargo, creo que muchos de nosotros nos hemos perdido en nuestros propios caminos egocéntricos, con el significado egocéntrico de estar centrados y enfocados en nosotros mismos. excluyendo a Dios. Nuestra inclinación se desplaza mucho más hacia nosotros mismos que hacia los propósitos del Reino. Cambia tu inclinación amigo.

Los ojos ven y el alma anima a los ojitos a volver a mirar de nuevo. La mente quiere, y cuanto más ve, más quiere, hasta que el corazón hace lo mismo y entonces…gradualmente, imperceptiblemente, hemos perdido nuestro placer por las cosas justas, y nuestras relaciones con otras personas se han dejado a la deriva debido a la trayectoria destructiva que comenzó en un lugar muy sutil. Muchos de nuestros errores comienzan en sutilezas, tales como “Cosas pequeñas que parecen no ser nada“. Eso no parece hacer una diferencia en el ahora, en el punto cero, pero a la distancia y con el tiempo, el error es asombroso. Es como el adolescente que finalmente decide tomar una dosis de metanfetamina para probarla por primera vez. La primera experiencia es tan increíble que simplemente deciden que van a tener que intentarlo de nuevo. Por otro lado, en poco tiempo, están enganchados, siempre tratando de revivir el éxtasis original que nunca volverá a suceder, nunca. Casi todos los adictos pasan todo su tiempo persiguiendo ese primer éxtasis. Todo comenzó con el giro de un pensamiento en su cabeza de que ELLOS no serían como ESOS otros, que ELLOS serían capaces de intentarlo una vez y parar, que ciertamente sus vidas nunca resultarían horribles.

A la luz de todo eso, es una Provisión…está bien, pero la pregunta es… ¿Quién creó la Provisión? No fue el Señor. A la luz de eso, podemos decir con seguridad que la visión detrás de la provisión era de odio hacia Dios con un corazón lleno de destrucción por la humanidad.

Arthur Bert solía decir: “Donde está el destino de Dios, allí está la provisión”. Antes de que el Señor hiciera una cita en su destino para ti, Él ya poseía una visión de lo que quería que sucediera. Con Su visión de tu destino, en Su “mirada hacia adelante”, Él preparó de antemano lo que necesitarías para lograr lo que era necesario. Esta es la razón por la que es fácil decir que mientras estás en tu viaje, Dios ya está adelante esperándote, justo a la vuelta de la esquina. Es por eso que es fácil decir “el Señor ha preparado una mesa para nosotros”, porque en la palabra hebrea para provisión, viene con la idea de “preparar”. Como “de su provisión preparamos una comida”. A partir de Su provisión, los ejércitos de los llamados se preparan para la intercesión y la acción. De Su provisión, preparamos una palabra oportuna para el cuerpo de Cristo. De Su provisión, nos preparamos para alimentar a las multitudes de personas hambrientas y excluidas. Él nos extiende la visión de llevar ayuda médica a lugares remotos, Él hace la provisión de suministros, médicos, enfermeras, vehículos, combustible, alimentos, boletos de avión, pasos fronterizos e instalaciones necesarias para avanzar en la visión, para que cuando finalmente lleguemos a nuestro destino, usemos Su provisión y nos preparemos para servir con todo nuestro corazón. David se refería a algo mucho, mucho más grande que simplemente comer una gran comida cuando dijo: “Preparas una mesa delante de mí”. Con la provisión viene la preparación.

En Romanos 13:14, Pablo escribe que “no hagamos provisión” para la carne. En otras palabras, no uses ni un gramo de tu “mirada hacia adelante, para las cosas que adelantan la visión del pecado” que tan fácilmente nos asedia. La provisión del Señor siempre está ligada a Su providencia, y usar nuestros dones para avanzar en la visión de nosotros mismos, nuevamente, es una apropiación indebida de la provisión de Dios. No quiero ser un exprimidor de las riquezas del Reino. Usemos su provisión, como un sustantivo, dejémonos guiar por sus propósitos que están puestos frente a nosotros, y preparemos, como verbo de acción, preparando el camino del Señor, enderezando sus sendas.

¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi.

Full Of Goodness

          Romans 15:14, “Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren, that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.”

The Lord is the personification of perfect choosing, and His heart is always, always, always inclined to goodness, without even an inkling, a thin shade of anything less. In Exodus 34:6 goodness is a noun which goes with the verb, truth as a married pair, meaning the verb truth frames the noun goodness, they go together, are abundant, and make us beautiful in Christ.

Paul urged believers to be “full of goodness”. The word goodness meaning “the manifestation of kindness, equipped for action”, or “an abundant inclination to will and do what is merciful with hands of compassion”. God is a good God, and we, who are believers, are to be as He is. It is more than merely saying, “I’m a good person”, meaning we pay our bills, keep a job, care for our family, etc, etc….Paul’s intent was a call to be like the Lord, not just keep the rules which fetch us the approval of others. There is real power that comes from being good for the Lord’s goodness is precedence setting power. As Paul means it, it is an attribute of God, Himself, and is a quality we possess also because He lives in us, through Christ we have a bond to goodness that is everlasting. Be strong and courageous!

With the Lord compassion is a continual spring of water, a flowing stream making Him a pillar of support from beginning to end. The call of God bids us to be as He is. Within compassion is impartible hidden goodness, but it’s the kind of goodness that is concealed and also revealed. A little of God’s goodness in us goes a long way, or it could be said it is the “little which holds much”. A Godly attitude will overcome selfish motivations, until all our offense and defensiveness is won over by the goodness of God.

Psalm 86:5 “For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.” The Lord our God is shown, consistently throughout scripture as being abundant in goodness. The Hebrew perspective is that not only is the Lord good, but he IS goodness, or kindness, He instructs men in kindness, and mankind can only obtain kindness from God, who is the sole possessor of kindness. In the Lord’s lovingkindness, or His goodness and favor, i hide myself from darkness. i make Him as my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I take refuge.

In this life, as hard as i’ve tried, i can testify and be firm, there is not another place or person like our God. His goodness covers us, and He acts towards us like the gentle Shepherd He is, mercifully treating our afflictions with everlasting kindness. Were it not for the goodness or kindness of God towards men, once again, there would be no hope of salvation. But God, gosh i love saying that, but God in His infinite goodness towards us, didn’t leave us to die in our estrangement and sin, instead gave to us a path out of the wilderness of sin and the growing distance between man and Himself.

When i was down a dead-end road of my own design and implementation, with no idea how to get home again. In His practice of compassion towards me, God’s goodness covered me like a morning cloud; He had pity on me. He extends His goodness to the lowly, needy, and miserable, and even extended it to me.

We should trust in, hope in, and rejoice in the goodness of God, for He has been liberal with favor towards us. He is abundant and rich in kindness, His goodness is endless. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives.

i’m Social Porter for Living in His Name Ministries

The Phone Is Ringing!

Hey! The phone is ringing! Aren’t you going to answer it? i’d recognize that ring tone anywhere, i guarantee you it’s Jesus calling and He wants to talk to you. That phone has rung everyday of your life, just answer the phone. What’s that? Oh, you’re sort of embarrassed because you figure you’ve not been living life up to even your own standards? (chuckle) Well, i have to tell you, i thought that too about my life, but one day i steeled myself and answered the phone. No, no, no, He didn’t want to blast me reciting all my should have’s and could have’s, He’s not like that. Nah, He just wanted to talk; He told me He loved me, that He even liked me and wanted to come by sometime. Trust me, He doesn’t want to whack you, He wants to hang out. Take a chance and answer the phone, Jesus is calling, just answer the phone!

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the deck overlooking the beautiful banks of the Ockluhwahhah River. There is an urgency upon the world, in every corner, and it seems to be the Lord of the Universe is pressing closer to mankind with a pensive waiting for us to respond. The phone is ringing all over the world and i believe it’s time we answer the phone. There is someone at the door knocking, don’t you think we should answer the door? Yea, it is up to you to take the initiative and open the door, and no, you can’t speak to Him through the door or pass notes back and forth. You know who it is, what is the problem?

Have you ever been at church, someone is speaking, or it’s a time of prayer and the room is very quiet maybe, when suddenly someone’s phone rings? It doesn’t seem to matter if the ring is pleasant or not, instantly the entire room diverts its’ attention towards the sound of the ringing phone, all concentration takes a sharp turn in a different direction. The same thing happens anywhere, in a classroom, a doctors’ office, or in meetings of any sort where there’s a group of people gathered. When the phone rings it seems as if everyone gets this urgency about them to see who is calling, some even check their own phones to see if it’s them. The same thing happens if someone knocks on the door, all at once the attention of everyone in the room is completely diverted to the door with questions on their faces like, “who is here?”, “what do they want?”, or “is it someone i know?”. And then there’s the very inconsiderate person who, right in the middle of a meeting or church, not only did they forget to turn their phone off, they actually decide to answer! Ugh! And they always say, “Oh, I’ve gotta take this!” Now the attention of the room is totally diverted even more and everyone is abruptly involved in the other person’s conversation, trying not to “listen in”, but just can’t help themselves to know what was SO important, the person just HAD to answer the phone in the middle of the meeting.

Statistically speaking, at any given time in church, out of 100% of the people in the room, in their heads, 40% are thinking about yesterday, 40% are thinking about tomorrow, and only 20% are actually present and in the moment. But when someone’s phone rings, nearly all of the people, suddenly, are instantly brought into the present, accept now their attention is diverted from devoting their attention to the Lord to devoting their attention to that ringing phone. I want you to enjoy Lord. Some of us have a profound relationship with Him and have enjoyed His fellowship for many years. Others of us, well…you know about him. You know some of his rules. You know Christian activities like Bible reading, and praying, and church life. But God is not a precious personal, cherished treasure to you, and i think we can all do our relationship with God a good bit better.

God is not sitting at the gate of your heart and life as if in casual repose, He’s standing, which means His attention is towards you, His focus is on you; His posture denotes His readiness to assist, and there isn’t, not one diversionary tactic in the universe that’ll take His attention off of you. The fact that He is standing says you’ve got His attention. He wants to be involved with you. i think that’s so excellent that God wants to be involved with us and doesn’t just sit at a distance, checking His fingernails or His hair, pondering when we’re going to get it together, or dreaming of that great lunch He’ll get later. Wonderful and scary at the same time isn’t it? The phone is ringing, someone is at the door knocking, isn’t it time to see what God wants?

i had a dream where a friend of mine and i were in his house, in the living room talking and lounging. The dream went like this:

It was evening when suddenly there came a knock at the front door. i looked at my friend, who seemed a little paralyzed, and said the obvious, “Someone is knocking at the door.” But he just kept sitting there with this really worried look on his face. i said again, “Someone is knocking on the door. Aren’t you going to answer it?” For some reason he sat paralyzed just staring at the door. There came another knock, there was a pause and then the doorbell rang. With mild insistence, i suggested, “Just answer the door!” Finally, after many moments, with what seemed like trembling and trepidation, he got up and went to not open the door, but to look out the side window to see who it was, as if he didn’t know. He turned to me and said, “It’s the Lord! Oh man, what am i gonna do?” i replied that he should open the door. Instead of opening the door, he got a little note pad and pencil out and wrote on it one word, “Hi.” Then he folded the paper and slid it through the little crack between the door and the door jamb next to the door knob. The little note was pulled through from the other side, a moment went by, then the little note slide back to him through the same crack. My friend opened the note and it read, “Just thought I would stop by to say hello. Open the door.” My friends face blanched and he obviously took a fit of trembling. But still, instead of opening the door, he took another little piece of paper and wrote on it, “I’m not feeling well, and my house is a mess. Is this really a good time? Aren’t You busy or something? This seems very inconvenient”.

In the dream i marveled at my friends use of the word “inconvenient”. i was shocked at his thought of God’s visit being an “inconvenience”. Nevertheless, my friend folded the note and slide it back through the door, wherewith the note was pulled through from the other side. i thought i heard a chuckle from outside, then the note appeared on our side again. This time, it said, “Of course I’m busy, but I am the Lord, so I’m never too busy for you. Just open the door.” Then came a light knock again. i asked my friend, “Would you really tell God His visit is inconvenient on the day of your visitation?” That was the end of the dream.

Some visitations of the Lord are truly hard to miss, but by far and large, we are often like Israel in Exodus 19. The trumpet blew loudly, it couldn’t be missed. And when Moses came down from the mountain and beckoned the people to go with God, but as one person, they preferred to have Moses meet with God and simply tell them what He said. Their opportunity for a personal relationship with God was passed by and they were satisfied to stand at a distance.

So i’m asking you, if the phone rings, and you know it is God calling, why wouldn’t you pick up the phone? If He’s at your door, knocking, are you going to pass notes back and forth with God or do the simple thing and open the door? Would you really tell God His visit is inconvenient on the day of your visitation? Inconvenient? C’mon, really?

Luke12:35-36, “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning,  like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.” Jesus is at the door knocking and He’d like very much to talk to you. He is calling you on the phone and maybe you haven’t found the courage to answer it yet. Seeing as how you didn’t answer the phone, knowing it was Jesus calling, He did the next thing, like any good friend, and that was He’s come to your house and He’s knocking on the door. Just open the door.

2 Peter1:3, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

The love of God is calling you, sometimes softly, sometimes right in your ear. His goodness and mercy have been pursuing you all the days of your life. God has called you and is still calling you, the phone is still ringing, and the door is still being knocked on, isn’t it time to see what the Lord wants?  Stop running, turn and embrace His life changing love. God isn’t interested in depriving you of any good thing. We may ask, “Goodness and mercy are after me?” i suppose the debate in your head is, “yea, but good according to who?” Do you really think the Lord is going to give you ugly things or is going to brutally take your precious stuff away? Where did we, as a people, get the idea our God is mean and vindictive? Think about it, does that sound like the actions of Heaven or hell?

Luke11:11-13, “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though predisposed to calamitous living, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!

Listen, all that drinking, doping, running and gunning in the streets and carrying on, knock it off, grow up and be conscious. We’ve gotta wake up. Time is short, the day is far spent, God isn’t going to quit calling and knocking. My friend, you, yes you have a call on your life and it’s time to respond. 1Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called…” The call is there if we have ears to hear.

In Luke19:37-40, as Jesus was coming from the Mt. of Olives, the entire multitude of His disciples were praising the Lord, openly and loudly, because they had seen the Lord moving in power. They were saying, out loud, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest”. Evidently this really irked the Pharisee’s who purposely made a request of Jesus to, “…tell those guys to shut up!” Can you imagine yourself in this procession? Take a moment and try and see yourself there. What do you think it all looked like, and where are you in the picture? Are you one of those praising the Lord in a loud voice? Are you one of the silent bystanders, observing but not participating? Or, are you one of the Pharisee’s ordering everyone to be quiet in their day of visitation? How would you react if you were at church and spoke praise out loud with everyone turning to look at you? Then later on someone pulls you aside (‘cause you know there’s always someone who feels the need to “counsel” you after such an intrusive outburst like that…and yes, i’m being a bit sarcastic. There will always be someone to complain about you), they pull you aside to advise you to “try and keep yourself under more control in the future because you’re disturbing other people?”

When Jesus comes in the house, i guarantee our eyes will abruptly come clear, luminous and shining creativity will spring up around us filled with gospel grace as the Light finds grip in us. In Luke 12:40, Jesus said, “…don’t be slovenly and careless. Just when you don’t expect him, the Son of Man will show up.”

The phone is ringing, He’s at your door knocking, it’s time to take-action. Answer the phone, open the door and let the Son of Glory in.

And of course, we all knew i couldn’t resist this scripture, so i’ll just go ahead and say it, Revelation 3:20-22, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” He was speaking to the church there, and that includes you and i.

In 2 Chronicles 20:17, the Lord uses the phrase, “Position yourselves”. In other words get ready, wash your face, put on your good clothes, and take up a stance that is ready to spring into action when the phone rings or when Jesus is at the door knocking. God does not take pleasure with those who sit in their easy chairs, drink their comfort drinks and wait for others to dig the well for them. It is our job to dig our own well and we each must have our own connection with God. We can’t have a relationship with God by way of someone else’s relationship. Life is completely imaginary when someone else is doing the stuff and we just dream of ourselves as being the hero, champion, or person of special note. i want to hear God for myself, and the Lord wants me to hear for myself, not that i don’t certainly enjoy hearing someone else’s wisdom, because i absolutely do, i just want my own encounter with God and i’m not satisfied to live through the life of another. Letting the pastor do all the work of looking up scriptures and expounding on things is not enough. We must be the ones to walk and talk with the Lord, each of us must answer the call of God, and no one can answer it for us.

Another angle to consider is this: look back on all the amazing mercies of God in your life, and then, and in the hope of more mercy, at this point you decide to make a new resolution to obey God better. Hey, don’t get discouraged, we all decide that at one time or another. But, the odds are not very good after our history of failure, that things are actually going to go better. Years of having few consistent successes, and now, today is the day where the failure stops? The odds of that happening are not good and therefore the hope is not great. Where it does improve is in our continual fostering of our relationship with the Lord. When He says, “Let’s talk”, we say, “Absolutely Lord! Let’s sit here because i want to hear all you’ve got to say!” as opposed to suggesting He wait till later because you’ve got more important stuff to do. You know, i think, and this is just what i think, that when someone tells me they’re too busy to reply, in my small opinion that really means “it isn’t important enough” and it’s just an excuse to say, “i’m busy”.

It’s nice to listen to name-brand people and quote other people’s hard-earned wisdom, but above all, what does God say to you? It’s glorious to hear of the extraordinary stories told of how this or that person answered the call and God led them into amazing situations, but more importantly, again, what does the Lord say to you? Great testimonies don’t exist merely so we can hear a great story. The testimonies and stories exist so we can come into a greater relationship with God.

Let’s allow the Lord inspire us to have our own words and stories instead of always copying someone else. We need our own. Listen, i would rather have a well that only yields a little bit that is mine, than to always be drawing from someone else’s well. The well that Jesus and i dug is mine, it’s what God gave to me. In the day of trouble, and trouble WILL come, we each need to have our own connection. Having a connection with God by way of someone else’s connection is really no connection at all. In Matt 25 there is the story of the ten virgins. They all had lamps, five had oil and the others did not. Now, i can’t tell you all the different metaphors and facets of God’s intent in this story, and there are many, but one possibility which does stand out to me is that the five who didn’t have oil might have very well been waiting for someone else to supply oil for them. Maybe they felt it was inconvenient for them to get their own. Quite possibly, in the past, they had relied on the other five who were diligent, then later on asked to borrow some oil for when they ran low. They seem to have set back in leisure because it was too inconvenient to draw their own oil. Maybe they claimed they were “too busy” to be bothered with getting their own oil, or maybe they felt themselves to be superior somehow, and told themselves they were delegating the task of getting lamp oil. All in all though, they didn’t do the work on their own behalf and came up wanting.

Jesus is calling, the phone is ringing, answer the phone. Jesus is at your door knocking, He’s interested in getting your attention, answer the door. Who cares if your house is a mess, it’s the day of your visitation and it’s high time to rise up, meet with God and see what He wants. Think about it.

Amos 6:1, “Woe to you who are at ease in Zion…”

It just seems so careless and indifferent to be caught with no bread and oil, all because it was too much trouble to answer the door or pick up the phone. i have my concerns about people who run from conference to conference, or from book to book, always quoting some name-brand-person who is the popular, or the relevant speaker of the day, but yet they themselves don’t really have much to say about what God says to them. i have this thought in my head, what if you were in a prison somewhere, isolated, with no access to big time conferences, popular audio works, or name-brand books, where would you be if all these years God has been knocking on your door or calling your phone, and it was too much trouble, or terrifying to hear what God’s got to say to you? Will we, as a nation, decide it is too inconvenient to open the door to Jesus on the day of our visitation? Your pastor is not the answer. Your church is not the answer. Going to church or having a pastor doesn’t make you a believer anymore than carrying a hubcap makes you a car. Jesus is the answer, He’s always the answer, and there’s never a time when He’s not the answer.

i’m Social Porter and this has been Outposts, cool jazz and contemplative conversation. This broadcast is supported by Living In His Name Ministries, Tony at McDowell Electric, Paul at International Tile, Jaan at Ojala Machine Works, the Mebane Freedom League, and Trinity Bakers on main street, where there’s always something good in the oven.

The phone is ringing, Jesus is knocking, answer the door, pick up the phone, Jesus has come calling on you. When Jesus comes in the house, all things get better. It’s time to attend to Kingdom business. Be strong and courageous this week, pray for your neighbors and i hope to talk with you next time. Amen.