Si – Si Sólo (o Podría Haber Sido)

Si – Si Sólo (o Podría Haber Sido)

En el mundo de “Si Solo” y “Que hubiera sido”.

Casi, más o menos, casi, en su mayor parte, si, tal vez,

podría haber sido… Sí pero, sí pero si…

… si

… si sólo

Podría haber sido

Podría haber sido si sólo

Podría haber sido

¿Cuánto de mi tiempo paso viviendo en el pensamiento circular de aquellas palabras? Vueltas y vueltas y vueltas.  Dudo que pudiera medir las horas y los días. Mi boca refleja mi corazón, así que debo tomar en serio las palabras de mi boca en reflejo de lo que es el inventario de mi corazón. Escuché a alguien decir una vez que los errores rara vez vienen en singular, a menudo están en camadas. A la luz de eso, he decidido que debería prestar más atención a qué y cómo siembro.

En el principio de Cosechar y Sembrar, a menudo en la vida, entre las buenas semillas que sembramos, están las siembras de cosas que, nunca en esta vida, desearíamos que crecieran a nuestros pies. Pero, sin embargo, cada vez más a menudo, veo las semillas del arrepentimiento que crecen alrededor de nuestros pies como enredaderas que nos enredan y hacen que nuestra atención cambie de asuntos importantes a pasar más y más tiempo desenredándonos de estas “enredaderas”, enredaderas estranguladas, cuerdas que impiden el impulso hacia adelante, enredaderas de distracción y cuanto más nos distraemos, más estamos distraídos.

A muchas personas les gusta vagar por el cementerio de errores pasados y viejos errores, releyendo viejas lápidas y epitafios de las cosas que creemos que hemos “considerado muertas”, gimiendo sobre viejos errores diciendo una y otra vez: “Oh, desearía no haber hecho eso”, pero nunca lo dejé todo. El lamento a menudo paraliza la esperanza, corroe la conexión entre la visión y el propósito, y se convierte en un peso muerto para nuestro impulso hacia adelante.  Esto no es saludable; es una turbulencia gastrointestinal crónica del alma. Pasamos tanto tiempo trayendo el pasado para estar vivos en el presente que “lo que fue” domina el “lo que es”, e influye fuertemente en “lo que será”. El lamento es rendirse al dominio del pasado que no debería ser.

En el silencio de la noche, el lugar gris entre despierto y dormido, reproducimos el video de lo que “podría haber sido”. Es cierto que hay momentos en que es prudente, en pequeñas cantidades, considerar “podría haber sido” y “si sólo”, pero cuando juega en un círculo constante nos hace débiles porque enfatiza demasiado el pasado a expensas del presente.

El juego constante de “podría haber sido”, se convierte en un ancla alrededor de nuestros cuellos, convirtiéndose en pesos, no en alas.  “Podría haber sido” nos canta suavemente, nos adormece para que nos quedemos dormidos mientras el lamento crece suavemente alrededor de nuestros pies, atando nuestro coraje y haciendo crecer raíces a través de los cimientos de nuestra confianza.

Es como una semilla que ha caído en la grieta de una pared de roca, encuentra un poco de agua, brota a la vida, luego crecen raíces que eventualmente convierten una grieta en una grieta, y la pared cae rota al suelo.

Considere el esfuerzo que dedicamos a tratar de reconstruir nuestras vidas a partir de alguna fecha en el pasado, cuando podríamos haber tomado un camino diferente o haber tomado otro camino. Volvemos en nuestra memoria a alguna bifurcación en el camino de la vida y pensamos cuán increíblemente mejor habría sido la vida “Si nunca hubiera tomado…”, “Si solo hubiera comprado la tierra cuando…”, “Si solo me hubiera casado con la otra…”, “Si solo me hubiera graduado de la escuela secundaria”, “Si hubiera rezado lo correcto en el momento adecuado”,  “Si hubiera sido más persistente”, “Si no me hubiera quedado dormido mientras…”, “ojalá nunca hubiera dicho…”, “Si me hubiera quedado en casa”, “Si Dios sólo hubiera dicho…”

Un hombre me dijo mientras lloraba por su vida: “A veces, parece que paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo deseando que Dios haga algo diferente de lo que está haciendo”.


Si. Si sólo.

Si. Podría haber sido si…

Wow, ese pequeño “si” es tan resbaladizo como el hielo negro … parece tan correcto hasta que de repente tus pies están sobre tu cabeza. Y parecería probablemente ser cierto, las cosas pueden haber sido mejores, pero ciertamente es más cierto en la actualidad … eso fue entonces y esto es ahora, hoy está sobre nosotros, y aquí es donde estamos y esto es lo que estamos haciendo. El pasado está hecho. ¡Fini! ¡Terminó! Hecho para siempre, para bien o para mal. No se permite realizar copias de seguridad. No hay lamento que permita ser revivido para que se convierta en algo distinto de lo que es.

¿No sabes que mirar hacia atrás a “lo que podría haber sido” siempre se ve más dulce en el espejo retrovisor?

Los colores…. ¡los colores de “podría haber sido” son siempre tan brillantes! Los rojos, y los azules, los carmesí y morados, los amarillos y los pálidos… las velas blancas de barcos distantes siempre están llenas y más blancas que las nuestras, y el verde de las colinas lejanas siempre es más verde. Podría haber sido siempre se ve MUUUUY bien desde la distancia.

Parece ser siempre la atracción de “el otro camino”, y el infierno trabaja para mantenernos dando vueltas en el mundo soñado de “lo que podría haber sido” en “el otro camino” sin visualizar el costo. “El otro camino” podría habernos traído multitudes cantando nuestro nombre gloriosamente, pero habríamos perdido a alguien muy cercano a nuestro corazón. “El otro camino” puede habernos hecho ridículamente ricos, pero tal vez hubiéramos tenido que vivir con vergüenza, perdiendo dignidad y honor. El costo de “el otro camino” rara vez se discute en el círculo del video de “podría haber sido”.

Mientras estemos vestidos de carne siempre cometeremos errores, es, evidentemente, algo que nosotros, como humanos, hacemos muy bien. Escuché a alguien decir una vez que el presente es la creación de la próxima historia. Si no nos gusta lo que cosechamos, entonces sugiero que cambiemos lo que sembramos, porque en nuestra obsesión con nuestros errores hay un terreno fértil para el lamento.

Dejemos el cementerio de “podría haber sido” y “si sólo” para seguir adelante. No somos personas de nuestra historia, sino personas de nuestro destino.  Lo mejor que podemos hacer es tomarnos en serio lo que sembramos, dejando el cementerio de cosas viejas donde el lamento crece alrededor de nuestros pies… déjalo ir; que los muertos estén muertos y recuperemos el aliento en una nueva dirección. No solo cambies de opinión, mejor, ¡vuelve a casa!

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo en Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

Under Siege

Good evening and welcome back to another, hot off the digital press, Outposts, a semi-live broadcast from the late night, cascading banks of the Ockluhwahhah River. The stars are out in full force tonight, singing glorious melodies to God …. there’s a slight breeze out of the south west with a forecast for the rest of the week of cold, dry, but clear and crisp.

I’m Social Porter and i’ll be your host this evening, taking up an unusual topic of terrorism and what it means to be “under siege”, of course from a biblical perspective, and of course in a spiritual sense.

In this present day and age, i have come to the conclusion that our Christian faith is under siege. And if that is true, what are we going to do about it? Maybe a better question is what CAN we do about it and are we willing to take action, bravely hoisting our colors up the flag pole.

i’m not saying this to propagate some conspiracy theory, by any means, but i must say, there is a growing mound of evidence that hell is unleashing wave after wave of assault on the Body of Christ in an attempt to spite God to His glorious face, right to the bitter end. The enemy knows he is doomed and beaten at the cross on Calvary, but it appears he’s not going quietly. Our spiritual person is under siege, our immune systems are under siege, our finances are under siege, our ability to speak the truth is absolutely under siege, our hope and faith is under siege, and maybe even most evident – marriage, love, covenant, and peace are under siege….marriage and covenant being reduced to an agreement and a contract, treated as something voidable at anytime at the whim of the participants…and that’s just wrong, and cruel creating contusions of the soul which are deep and long lasting.

Hell knows that if any goodness gets a foothold, if any righteousness gets a grip, if honor and being honest really stands up and writes the truth on the wall – not just “a” truth is it seems best to someone who doesn’t want the entire truth, but the whole truth according to God who, Himself, IS the standard of what is true, if honor and honesty actually stand up and write the truth of the Lord on the wall, then admission of defeat by darkness will be undeniably evident. Interestingly, hell knows it has been beaten, darkness knows it has failed and it’s end is eminent, but even in light of the fact Jesus Christ defeated evil forever, the devil and his buddies carry spite and hatred to the bitter end.

It should be an interesting topic, with what is an amazing array of responses, everything from “Amen!” to people saying i’m crazy. Stay tuned, enjoy the cool jazz, turn the lights down low, and lend me your ears for a short while.

Part of the idea of being a terrorist and practicing “terrorism” is getting people to participate in the fear that an attack is imminent while the “where” and “when” are always a mystery. For terrorism to work, people must buy into the fear, they must be willing to participate in some fashion or another.

My friends, we give the devil too much press, actually i think ANY press is too much press for him. Also, we give evil and fear too much power whether real or virtual… it’s the fertile ground where terrorism thrives, THRIVES on the power of holding their victims in limbo, in fear until they, the terrorist shows up, all in their good time, to work “well deserved judgment” on their victims, and of course that judgment is according to the one doing the terrorizing.

This may be a bold statement for some, but i say:

At this time in history, “Loss of heart” is one of the most formidable weapons against us today.

In light of that statement, i think it would be good to understand what being “under siege” looks like. 2 Kings 24:10 “At that time the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against Jerusalem, and the city came under siege.” More than a few times Samaria and Jerusalem came under siege.

Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times and besieged 23 times.  Another author suggests that it has been the subject of at least 118 conflicts. Jerusalem has been a city of conflict for thousands of years – and to me i think its an ironic twist given that Jerusalem means “city of peace”?

After pondering the idea of “being under siege”, i’m wondering, what does an invading army do in order to be able to say they “set the city under siege”?

i believe the first order is to terrify the people, cause them to be afraid, get them to buy into the idea that they could be injured somehow, and their way of life and culture are threatened. Influence the people to believe they aren’t safe unless the government provides some kind of “safety”. I heard a woman in the grocery store telling her neighbor, “i just don’t feel safe anymore.” I thought to myself, “the truth is, you’ve never actually been safe. Safety has been an illusion. The truth is… badness could happen to anyone at any time, and to think “we are safe” is truly an illusion.” Keeping people terrified means to get them always looking over their shoulder, wondering when bad things will happen, thwart their trust of their leaders and even of their own decision making abilities. Fear is always first and last in their mind, keep them watching the evening horror stories called the news. Tell them the media services always gives the truth, and people should be afraid, very afraid. Fear is the main ingredient. Get them thinking and obsessing over what terrible thing will happen to them next.

Terrorists work to whip people into a fear-frenzy using one of their biggest weapons: people against other people.

Listen to this and hear: If hell can’t get a foot hold in a gathering of believers, they’ll send a disgruntled, dissonant (harmonically unresolved) Christian in to plant discord, backbiting, dissatisfaction, finger pointing (an aiming gun or judgment), and a splintered posture of discouragement. That sower of discord will likely be somewhat correct about the failings of leadership, and will appear to have the “inside scoop” on sound doctrine. .  It is part of being under siege. It is terrorism, born at the gates of hell. Remember, the first thing to do when under siege is 1) keep your head. Don’t let yourself get rattled. Remember God’s promises and don’t be driven by panic and reckless emotion. Keep your head.

2 Kings 25:1 “Now it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem and encamped against it; and they built a siege wall against it all around.”

What in the world is a siege wall or a bulwark? In my life i can’t say i’ve ever actually seen a “siege wall”. As best i can tell, it is a high mound laid up against the city, all around. Historically, there are reports of attackers building up mounds around fortified cities higher than the cities walls, hemming the people in, thereby controlling all the going out and coming in, able to cut off all the food in or out…. i reckon control is the key word.

Another thing to do when laying siege to a people or city is to try and cut off their water supply, or devaluing their currency, causing the currency to become worthless. Many towns were situated so they had water inside the city walls, like a good running spring in town maybe, but some towns had a creek or a river which ran through them, which made a nice layout until the town came under attack. The fact that the water supply was outside the city made them vulnerable. If an enemy were to lay siege to their town, the enemy would simply divert the water from the town and wait for the towns people to dry up and die, thereby the attackers would win the fight without loosing a single person or even firing a shot.

And here is another powerful tactic for laying a city to siege: propaganda. It is huge. Spreading lies about the worthlessness of the people and how much better everyone else is. Lie to them about their faith, mix truth with lies, so often, the people can’t tell what is real or not real, breed confusion, influencing them to not trust anyone except those closest to them, and even those alliances can be influenced to become even narrower. Think, the enemy of Heaven is constantly working to divide the Body of Christ, get us squabbling of petty issues which some people think are so important. “He wore sunglasses in the sanctuary! God won’t bless us!” “She was dressed in a jacket and street pants, doesn’t she know God won’t bless her looking like that!?” We aim our fingers at people for the dumbest things and then act like God has given us the INSIDE SCOOP and we just need, we NEEEEED to make sure they, the infamous “they” know of the pending wrath of God they are bringing upon us all with them and their nefarious and iniquitous behavior. Do we think God is really that brittle and we can run Him off so easily? We are under siege.

When we read in 2 Kings 18 about how the king of Assyria came against all the fortified cities of Judah, propaganda was huge…. and it’s always so smooth and reasonable sounding. A general shouted up to the watchers on the wall in 2 Kings 18:19-20 “19….”Tell Hezekiah: “‘This is what the great king, the king of Assyria, says: On what are you basing this confidence of yours? You say you have strategy and military strength–but you speak only empty words. On whom are you depending, that you rebel against me?”

They went on with their propaganda by telling the people to not listen to their king, especially when he says God will help, or God will deliver them. Ohh, whatever you do, don’t listen to that foolishness!
Does any of this sound familiar? This day and time we’re being told, albeit indirectly most of the time, don’t trust God. Why listen to Him? He’s not going to help you? You’ve gone too far this time, He can’t even hear you? Nobody cares about you, you should just go home, sit in the dark and wait to die, God isn’t coming.

Ever heard that stuff? Yea, most of us have and it….is…..a…. lie. It’s part of being under siege!

i believe hell has issued the orders against God’s people similar to what is written in Ezekiel 4:2… “Lay siege against them, build a siege wall against them, and heap up a mound against them; set camps against them also, and place battering rams against them all around.” Do you hear all the “against them” words? And what’s worse, many delusional believers seem to have joined the ranks of the enemy, self-assured they’re doing the right thing, to help build the walls blocking our hearing and seeing Jesus. We must remember that the will of our enemy is fully set against us, with all power, all day, all night, unceasing, giving no quarter.

The pestilence which creeps by darkness, seeing our demise, works  …to “cut off our water supplies”, or our relationship with God, …to make us “lose heart”, or create distance between ourselves and Jesus, coupled with our own obsession with shame. They magnify our personal sense of failure and rejection, in hopes to propagandize us into surrender. Think! If you can get a man convinced that he is worthless and makes no difference in anything, that he’s a failure, his kids are going to failures, and everyone thinks him a fool, then one by one, the strong men will just go waste away, convinced they are worthless, never exercising their valor, strength, and faith in God.

The enemy works to “build bulwarks against us” or inspire, real or virtual rejection and abandonment by family, friends, or our church family. They position themselves to “prophesy against us”, sending disgruntled fellows to inform us we are irredeemable, “you’ve gone too far for God to ever use you again”, that you are unsuitable, that we are “bad”, giving us a continuous stream of words facilitating our own extreme self-loathing. We are constantly manipulated in order to “cut off our Leadership and Captains”, using our own rejection from friends who speak into our lives. The enemy is busy planting seeds which sever relationships, encouraging us to lead isolated and detached lives, singled out and alone…isn’t that a picture of the term, “easy prey”?

i’ll say it again, i believe, and this is just what i think:  “Loss of heart” is one of the most formidable weapons against us today.

Many people have become convinced and grow fearful that it’s true that “it’s gone too far and we probably can’t …”. Yes, their are are so easily filled by the news services that doom is just around the corner, so just sit down and wait for the inevitable.

Maybe the “spirit of Eyore”, right out of “Winnie The Pooh”, is really a real thing, huh?!!   Another fellow and i used to joke about “the spirit of Eyore”, but i believe it is a valid “spirit type” that brings with it a down turned mouth, weights not wings, feelings of pointlessness, and despair (to name a few), so much so that we’ll run into the desert and lay under a tree and weep to God that we are the only one left and what’s the point of going on.

There seems to be so many little “word tangles” going on everywhere, and i mean everywhere…people finding a reason to not speak because one person looked a little narrow-eyed at the other, or didn’t exactly talk right, or was too honest, or not honest enough in the other person’s opinion, and on and on. They prayed too loud, not loud enough, with too much authority or not enough, laughed too strangely, didn’t laugh at the pastors jokes, dress to short of too long, wrong shoes, hat too big…..our reasons to reject other people are just absurd, preposterous and nonsensical. The word fatuous comes to mind, which implies being not only foolish, dull, and vacant in mind, but complacent and highly self-satisfied with their own aiming finger as well. It’s often like a world of little judgments all stacked up in a summation of failures. Living in the shadow of that stuff makes you feel like you’re constantly looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. Ah yes, the aiming gun of judgment, judgments all stacked up and steaming. This maybe a bit crass, but when we stack up the judgments against each other it’s kind of like watching horses or cows in a barn…if they just pooped once and left, that would be one thing, but they poop on top of poop on top of poop and it just piles up and piles up, and then it gets all in their feet and they get foot problems that make leg problems, and then they’re just generally sick…all from standing around day after day knee deep in their own waste, wondering what that “smell” is, and “why do i not feel well?”

We are under siege and our only way out is Jesus! He alone is the only hope!

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”

Ephesians 6:14-15 “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”

i say “Hold The LINE!!” Don’t budge or give an inch to hell! Our ground that God has given to us belongs to us, it is Kingdom property, Stand Firm and HOLD THE LINE!

We must be diligent to not allow things to stand that have been allowed to stand, have courage to ask what we think are unaskable questions, have a humble heart to pursue resolve. Did you hear that? Pursue conflict resolution, not “who is most right”, but resolve the conflict if you can. Be persistent in your pursuit of resolve, put your self-importance and inclinations toward elitism on the altar and set fire to them. Burn your self-importance, title grabbing needs, put them on the altar of sacrifice and light that junk on fire. Yea, you’ve got you and office now, people call you pastor this and apostle that, and yea, you wear a nice suit and the church pays for your conference attendance and business trips, but in your heart of heart you feel like something is missing, like you left something behind when you moved into the swanky neighborhood and started posturing for the camera. The enemy will use these sorts of things, prying us one against another to tear the house down with our own hands. Be strong and courageous!!  We will not back down from the face of terrorism.

i’m calling us back to humbling ourselves before the Lord, lifting one another up before the Lord for blessing not cursing, and when all else fails, HOLD THE LINE and keep on keeping on, don’t stop! Bless your enemies, pray for them, speak hope and encouragement to them, and declare righteousness and holiness over them in the Name of Jesus. Even to the curse-makers, spell-casters, witches and warlocks! We want to leave behind the gathering darkness and yield to Jesus. I don’t want them hurt, i want to bring them with us to Heaven and that hell wouldn’t win not one of those.

Jesus is our defense and provision, and even under siege, i can assure you Jesus has already won it all and hell has no foothold of a chance to ever return to power and authority. Ever. We are not slaves, we are freemen and will NEVER come under the authority of darkness again.

Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Think about it.

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.”

i’m not angry, i’m passionate. Go to those who are having a hard time, shield their eyes from the sun, give them a drink of water – i don’t care if they are grouchy, you be bigger than that. Here is how we continue in victory, even when under siege: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22 “And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.”

i’m Social Porter, thank you for joining me this evening for Outposts, cool jazz and contemplative conversation. All music was provided by the Pete Minger Quartet, the Allan Broadbent Trio, Darol Anger, Gary Willis, Plas Johnson, and Larry Carlton. All music use is licensed by BMI.

Support was by Living In His Name Ministries, my beautiful brother at Area 22 Guitars, Allan, Kevin, and Tommy at the Mebane Freedom League, Tony and Danielle of McDowell Electric, Paul at International Tile, Shepherd Funeral Home serving down home potato salad and fried chicken while you’re waiting for your loved ones to be processed, and Jeff and Karen of Trinity Bakers on main street where there’s always something good in the oven.

Be strong and courageous this week, do the right thing, tell the truth, and hold the line of God’s righteousness up to the world, nail your colors to the mast for all to see. Be encouraged, Jesus is coming back and, be at peace.





Impresionantes gestos de amor

Impresionantes gestos de amor

        La canción de Tina Turner What’s Love Got To Do With It (Que tiene que ver el amor con eso) dice que el amor no es más que una dulce noción pasada de moda, porque ¿quién necesita un corazón cuando un corazón puede ser roto? Hay tanta autoprotección en este mundo. ¿Dónde está el espacio para un gesto impresionante de amor con ese tipo de pensamiento?  ¿Nada más que una noción? ¿Sufrió Jesús bajo Poncio Pilato, fue crucificado y resucitó de entre los muertos por una mera noción? Qué decepción.

Luego está el pensamiento de los “Melodians”, una banda de rock de 1965, que cantó “el amor es lo que hace que el mundo gire.  ” Al escuchar el resto de las letras, eso fue calificado para significar – sólo que mientras te sientas de la misma manera que yo, entonces…  sabes que el amor es de verdad. ¿Realmente? ¿Dónde está el espacio para un impresionante gesto de amor con ese tipo de pensamiento?

Hace muchos meses escuché a un hombre en una reunión preguntar sobre las altitudes frente a nuestras actitudes. Todo su objetivo era rechazar ser un respetuoso de las personas. Para argumentar, el libro de Santiago en la Biblia, dedica una buena parte del capítulo dos en llamar nuestra atención sobre el tema de la pobreza y las riquezas.  En nuestras mentes, la idea se planta a una edad temprana de que si “tienes” entonces estás haciendo algo bien, y si “no lo tienes”, entonces seguramente debes estar haciendo algo mal.

Proverbios 30, vs 8 dice: “…no me des ni pobreza ni riquezas”. ¿Has notado que a lo largo de las Escrituras parece haber una guerra contra cualquiera de las dos? Levítico 19:15 interviene en el asunto, hablando a la nación de Israel diciendo: “No harás ninguna injusticia al juzgar un caso; no serás parcial con los pobres ni mostrarás preferencia por los poderosos, sino que en rectitud y de acuerdo con los méritos del caso juzga a tu prójimo”.

Como se ve en Isaias 59:14-15, el profeta vivió en un tiempo en que Judá estaba luchando bajo el peso de la injusticia: “La justicia es rechazada, y la justicia está a distancia; la verdad ha tropezado en las calles, la honestidad no puede entrar. La verdad no se encuentra en ninguna parte, y quien rehúye el mal se convierte en una presa. El Señor miró y se disgustó porque no había justicia”. La sabiduría y el consejo de Dios  para ellos era simple: “Aprende a hacer lo correcto; buscar justicia. Defiende a los oprimidos. Asume la causa de los huérfanos; aboga por el caso de la viuda”. Más tarde, Dios les dice que “suelten las cadenas de la injusticia”, indicando que la injusticia es una forma de esclavitud y opresión.

Dios no es mezquino ni obsesivo. El no valora la justicia simplemente por el hecho de tener orden y mantener a las personas obedientes y en línea. Hay cuestiones más profundas en juego. En el libro de Santiago, el escritor se dirigió a un grupo de creyentes que habían estado juzgando a las personas en su reunión de acuerdo con su estatus social.   Para toda la humanidad, en el corazón humano, la injusticia es un signo de parcialidad, juicio y falta de amor, exigiendo una opinión personal de nuestra propia idea del bien y del mal sobre otras personas. Cuando nos esforzamos por ser justos por nuestras propias medidas, invariablemente, hemos olvidado la medida de Dios, que es la perfección. Cualquier cosa menos que la perfección es, para Dios, una escala fuera de equilibrio.

Preocuparse más por el dinero o la posición de poder de una persona y no verlos como hechos del mismo barro que los demás, incluidas las personas menos afortunadas, ayuda a establecer una conciencia herida, haciendo distancia entre nosotros y Dios- Eso es pecado. Francamente, podemos cambiar eso, la vida no tiene que ser así. Preocuparse más por las personas menos afortunadas y ver a las personas ricas como el “Malo” es algo favorito o popular en estos días. Ninguno de los dos impresiona a Dios. Se trata de la comunidad y de mostrar el amor desde arriba, impresionantes gestos de amor.

Vi que eso sucedió en una reunión de la capilla de la prisión una vez. Cuatro hombres lloraban, orando apasionadamente a mi lado: “Dios se misericordioso conmigo pecador, por el amor de Jesús“. En mi otro lado, escuché otra voz rezando la misma oración. Era la voz de un guardia de la prisión. ¡Asombroso! El evangelio de Cristo nos impresiona con el amor de Dios.

A través de Jesucristo podemos amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos, en lugar de dividirnos sobre la raza, las riquezas o los derechos percibidos. ¡Ahora hay un gesto impresionante del amor de Dios!

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo en Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi.

The Date Is Today

Have you ever heard God say something to you that seemed to make no sense? And you knew it was something excellent but His words didn’t seem to connect to anything you understood? That happened to me many years ago, and has happened many times since, but at that time i didn’t get it so i put His words on the back burner for another day. Why? Because i know this to be true ….God never tells us something for no reason, nor does He tell us stuff just so we can say, “I know.” He tells us things to build us up, and for the benefit of the Body, to make us and others more fruitful. Everything He says is for a reason and purpose and just because it doesn’t seem to go anywhere in the moment, we can rest assured, one day, God will connect the rest of the dots, so to speak, and it will be an amazing “ah ha” moment, if you know what i mean.

Many years ago the Lord said to me, “The date is today, the time is now. This is what we’re doing and forward is the way we’re going.” i struggled trying to understand it, but what He was getting at seemed very elusive. Of course i understood the words, but they just seemed to go in a circle a little. It was sort of like saying, “If you do, you do, and if you don’t, you don’t”. At the moment you’re left thinking to yourself, “Say what?” Anyway,  you get my point i’m sure.

Reiterating a little, at the time it was almost an obscure thing to say, a silly sounding sentence of nothingness, but in the last years i’ve realized there really was something to it. What he said addresses … a specific part of a season – today, the specific moment of the season – now, He’s addressing what is being done – as in doing what is in front of us to do. He’s pointing out the direction of His actions in us – which is forward, all while being in our season of where God has us. Yet it’s still a little general sounding … or is it?

What is your heading? Are you more concerned about your ministry launch date than your relationship with Jesus? Which is more important?

So, so many people are incredibly concerned about not knowing their God-designated direction, but i must add, i believe many have far more direction than they realize…maybe becoming awake in Christ is more God’s point than actually having a blueprint of “your calling”.

This is Outposts, a live broadcast from the late night, cascading banks of the Ockluhwahhah River. When you turn off the main road and go all the way to the end, at the bend of the river up against the old growth tree line is a fine cafe called Outposts; a place of contemplative conversation and cool jazz.

As we make our way into our time this evening, i’ll be your host and hope you enjoy the virtuoso performances along with tonight’s topic: What’s your heading, your direction? Are you waiting on the call of God to make a move, maybe He’s waiting on you to make a move, and what does the call of God look like anyway? i’ll be right back.

Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” i think that is what is meant by “The date is today”. In other words, be where you are today and don’t sweat tomorrow so much that you become riddled with anxiety over what might or might not happen. It’s all too easy to get lost in the whirlpool of yesterday, or get caught up in the swirl of tomorrow and not be in the room for today.

The Lord spoke something to me, He said, “Most people spend an inordinate amount of time in yesterday or tomorrow, lost in the serpentine, twisting mists of fading yesterday, what was, and are bewildered at the possibilities of tomorrow, or what will be.

We worry so much about everything and even when we think we are trusting God and not worrying, often at our foundation we are still wrestling with tomorrow. “The date is today”. We are here and now, today is the specific part of the season you are in. It maybe you are in a desert place and have been for a while, or maybe it’s a season of favor and prosperity, or a time of storms where you are growing by leaps and bounds but so uncomfortable. Regardless of the season, which could be in days or years, today is the specific date of that season. In other words, whatever God brings to your hand today – that is what you do. Don’t focus on the storm clouds or the howling wind, and i know, when it seems the storm is howling and the water is flooding your boat it’s really hard not to focus on what might happen, but Jesus is saying focus on Me, today, not yesterday which is gone, or tomorrow which isn’t here yet, the date is today and the time is now.

God beckons us to be in today, this time, and in the moment, divided time, with Him, working in today in His purposes, speaking His peace today for those who’s yesterday was so terrible they feel they have no tomorrow. Today and now. Listen to what God says and consider, think about it and roll it around in your thinking until you understand His intent for today and now.

Psalm 50:15, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”

Straightaway, the sense of “the time is now” means …at the present time or moment, and in this case there is an adverb of date, the word “now”, and a noun, the word “time”… as in “when”. Let us not only view the idea of “time” as something passing and we are slowly passing away with it, but more  seeing it as a sign and opportunity of grace, with the Greek idea of “opportunity” as ….a starting point. The word “Now” is an opportunity, or starting point, to have great grace in the face of an unmerciful world in it’s last harsh breaths, and our presenting it with the opportunity for salvation by the hand of Christ.

i believe the Lord means more than just chronos time with respect to a clock, but in the sense of God’s Now which is kairos time, as in a decisive moment, precisely at the most opportune minute, the exact time a decision must be made concerning a “critical situation”. “God time” is not a perchance time, or something that happens merely considered as “fortunate”, but God-time is an exact and conscious definitive action. Additionally, God’s “now” includes kaironomia, which is a very interesting word meaning, “in the moment there is the will to create”. Those are moments of indeterminate time in which something special happens, powered by the Holy Spirit. The date is today, the time is now, not later, not a historical time, but “now” time as a conscious definitive action.

In the Old Testament, God made Himself known as “God of the now”. In the New Testament He continued to make Himself known as “God of the now”, and today, He is still our very present help in our time of need by making Himself known as our “God of the Now”. The Lord said in Exodus 3:14 “Tell them I AM has sent you.” “I AM” is present tense, He is the God of now. The date is today,and the time is NOW.

Consider then, God is busy bringing things to pass.  Now, He comforts, encourages, teaches, and equips. Jesus said, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day;” The date is today and the Lord is also God of the Now.  Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for the past, it can be full of good memories, and it can be used as a learning experience. But Now, the present is good for making the most of life… whether you are in a position to make lemonade or are empowered to do great things.

Many people in church are living in the past. They look to the cross and only see a suffering Savior. They keep him on the cross because they can manage him there. He forgives them their sins when they need Him to and he doesn’t get in the way of their lives. To them, He’s more a resource held only to the outer edge revolving around themselves, than He is the center of their lives and they revolve around Him. Many read only the comfortable verses. In their minds, it sets the grace in which we hope in some future “revelation” of Jesus. For them, God is either back there, or somewhere up ahead. But I don’t think the revelation is just future. God will not be nailed up to some cross and forgotten by His people. He is the God of now.

The date is today, the time is now. This is what we’re doing.” What is “this”? Many times, for me at least, “this” is a vague word in my vocabulary and i often get called on it because i reference something which is specific by calling it “this” or “that”, and usually no one knows what i’m talking about….. but here, it means the thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought. To say, “This is what we’re doing” means we do what God has brought to our hands to do, taking action, in the present, and we won’t deviate from our task…keeping our focus until we are released to do something else.

In other words, as in Colossians 3:23-24  …whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”

These words speak of the very attitude by which we live and how we approach any task in life. The phrase “this is what we’re doing” is action.

Living and doing life as unto the Lord, in all we do, in all we say is largely about attitude….and that’s attitude as in the “pitch and yaw of our heart”, or how we lean in our hearts toward God, which starts with intent. A bit of trivia, the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, and along with one of several literal meanings, it means the sound you make before you make a sound…..which would be intent. According to Revelation 2:23 God knows our most subtle intentions. He said, “…I am He Who searches the minds (the thoughts, feelings, and purposes) and the [inmost] hearts…”

With all my heart, as best as i can muster strength, i work to do what God brings to my hand. Sometimes what He brings to my hand can take several years, other times it is only minutes. Regardless it is all a valuable work unto the Lord, large or small.

i used to be concerned with “what MY ministry was”, but as the years have gone by, my ministry consists more of what so ever God brings to me today, my ministry begins when i wake up and ends when i go to sleep, and honestly, i don’t concern myself much anymore with “wishing i knew what my ministry was.” First in my heart is a continuous upward pointing to God and His sovereignty, and everything else is secondary. i serve the Lord, first, foremost, and last.

FORWARD – moving toward what is ahead or in front. Philippians 3:13-14, ”Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” The date is today, the time is now. This is where we are, this is what we’re doing. Forward is the way we’re going. As for yesterday, that was then and this is now.

Paul encourages us to live as Christians in the same manner: throwing away our old way of living and moving ahead into our new life of obedience to God and faith in Jesus Christ. Like the Israelites moving into the Promised Land, we can actively come into the likeness of Jesus for the purpose to destroy the wickedness in our life, or we can simply settle down and live with it. “Oh well, i might as well get used to the darkness. That’s just the way it is.” No…. it’s not. To move in and possess the new life, we must drive out the old thoughts and practices to make room for the new. It requires persistence, and a willingness to pursue a growing abhorrence of evil. God is dynamic, He is always moving forward, and i think that if anyone seems to believe they are standing still, in reality they are going backwards because God is always moving forward.

All this time later, i realize i am living in God’s statement to me of 18 years ago, “The date is today, the time is now, this is what we’re doing, and forward is the way we’re going.” That was then, and this is now. i suppose it wasn’t nearly as non-sensical as i thought at the time.

Has God spoken to you, and what exactly did He say? Are you living in today, the now of life? Are you taking action putting your hand to the plow of what God has brought to you? And are you moving forward? If we can’t answer a solid “yes” to those questions, then we need to be asking the Lord, “What can You and i do to change my situation?” Then listen, please listen, the answer is there. Guaranteed. Think about it.

It has been another wonderful evening here at Outposts, enjoying acoustic night which only happens on every fourth friday of the month.

Be encouraged, Yahweh is for us, He’s on our side! Gather your thoughts, let yesterday become the past and trust God for tomorrow. Be in today, in the now with our Lord and God of Now, and set your feet moving forward, hidden in every moment is the opportunity where change is possible.

Tonight’s program of Outposts has been also sponsored by God Almighty as Himself and the Kingdom of Heaven, Living In His Name Ministries, Area 22 Guitars, Werner Graphics where the Kingdom of God is artistically brought to life, and Trinity Bakers, where there’s always something good in the oven.

Music was by Alex de Grassi, Jeff Titus, Al DiMeola, Keith Jarrett, Michael Hedges, the Acoustic Jazz Quartet, and W.G. Snuffy Walden. All music us is licensed by BMI.

The date is today, the time is now. This is what we’re doing and forward is the way we’re going! Thanks for joining us and we’ll meet again next week!



Calvin Coolidge said: “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.”
When we use the term, “Press On”, as it’s used in Philippians3:12, it means to be diligent and keep on keeping on, don’t stop, don’t deviate, focus and keep on straight ahead. Persistence has won battles, it has been an undeniable aid in everything from restoring marriages to scientific discoveries to overcoming drug and alcohol addiction.
Galatians6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Persistence. The Greek word for “abide” occurs 127 times in the N.T., 35 times in it’s variations in the gospel of John alone. A major concept in abiding is persistence, continuing on, to tarry, and carry on. Considering how often the Lord uses the word in scripture, i figure He sees persistence important for us to practice.
“Cave baestiam”, Latin for “beware the beast”. One of satan’s favorite things to do is to try and get us to give up! However, God tells us to endure, persist, continue, and finish. Let me say those four again …. endure, persist, continue, and finish.
Persistence is one of God’s more subtle attributes, but an attribute of the Lord nonetheless and we should be aware if God was not persistent and did not share His persistence with us, we would yield to the world and capitulate easily in the wave of wrongness of character, which daily, if not hourly, washes over the world around us. Evil may be persistent, but God is more relentless in His pursuit of us than we have enough imagination to grasp.
Thank you for joining me this evening, i’ll be your host here at Outposts, a late evening broadcast from the cafe at the end of the road which overlooks the gently flowing Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the river’s edge and every evening is pleasant.
This evening’s topic is one of God’s attributes: Persistence. The Lord has pursued us with His enduring, everlasting love, He persists in His relentless reaching and seeking of those who are His to bring us home to Himself.
Consider for a moment if you are a persistent person and in what way. i’ll take a typical break and be right back.

i want to re-tell a story, a sad story, of someone i met at a nursing home. i’ll call her Gladys. When we first walked into her room to visit, she was laying on her bed, covered by a crisp, freshly creased sheet and thin faded blanket, staring at the wall. She was bone thin with very fine gray hair pulled tight across and behind her head, withered facial features, and was pale, nearly translucent pale, her skin so thin you could see the veins just below the surface. She was so frail and still we thought she was dead were it not for the faint rise and fall of her chest barely perceptible only if we stood silently and watched for a moment. Holding our breath with intense focus, we paused for a moment hoping she would turn her head and speak, but when that didn’t happen, i ventured forward and asked how she was today. In a voice as thin as the rustle of dry leaves, while still staring at the wall she replied that she was just laying there waiting to die, tired of being in this world and was done with breathing. Finally, she slowly turned her head to look at us, and from very thin pale lips, told us she didn’t understand why she was still alive. With perplexity in her voice she continued on saying her heart just kept beating and beating, and she had decided to just wait on it to quit. So, everyday, all day, every week she waited.
The next week we came back and there was Gladys, laying in her bed, almost exactly as she was the first time we met. Hands folded across her chest on top of the sheet and blanket, skin thin as wet paper and her eyes were closed. i spoke softly to her a little above a whisper and asked if she was awake. With her eyes still shut, she said “Yes”. i told her it was a beautiful day, it was warm, and the flowers were blooming everywhere….then i asked her why her eyes were closed. She said she was tired of looking at the walls and didn’t want to see the world outside. She insisted she was still waiting to die.
A month or so later, Gladys really did die. She died from a failure to persist….she didn’t want to be here anymore so badly, her body just simply stopped. It took her over two years to will herself to die, but it appeared she had accomplished her goal.
Sadly, we came to find out, two years prior to that, someone had prophesied to Gladys she only had a couple years left and God was going to take her home, and in light of that foolish and cruel prophesy to a healthy woman with children and grandchildren, Gladys decided that if that was the way it was going to be, then she’d just lay down and wait. She waited for over two years, failing to persist everyday a little more and a little more, until one day, she indeed left the land of the living.
Gladys was a good example about where we go when we cease our persistence of the Lord, life, love, goodness, hope, peace or any other good thing God has sowed into our lives. After meeting Gladys, i realized that it’s the truth. Any of us, if we allow it, can become so sad, so resigned to ceasing to breath, we will, at some point, stop. God has another plan though.

After that dreadful story, i much prefer a “positive perspective of persistence”….that phrase has a nice rhythm doesn’t it? “Positive perspective of persistence.
Persistence is the ability to maintain action regardless of your feelings. In other words, we press on even when we feel like quitting. Standing firm to the end is not a way to be saved but is the evidence that a person is committed to Jesus. Persistence is not a means to earn salvation; it is the by-product of a truly devoted life.
Joyce Meyer said, “Typically, i have to do the right thing with a right attitude for a long time before i start getting right results, that’s persistence.” i believe she was right. In my experience, though limited, i too have realized i often have to treat people right for a long time before they begin to treat me the same way. Persist in treating people right is the key phrase there. That means even when they don’t treat us well, we repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. Just as natural seed finally takes root and the beginning of a plant breaks through the ground, we also will see breakthrough if we continue to do the right thing, regardless of what others do. Again, the sticky words are “continue to do the right thing”, persistence.
People frequently give up too easily. When their feelings quit on them, they quit too. There is what i call, “The spirit of Eyore”, which sounds just like Eyore on Winnie the Poo. Eyore’s attitude says, “What does it matter? No one cares anyway.” OR “It’s ok. i’ll learn to live without it.” OR “It figures, might as well go home.” OR “Nope, just got lonely being so popular. i figured being boring old me was better’n being something i ain’t. Hope you’re not too disappointed.”
When we give up, or cease to persist, despair and hopelessness is just a breath away. Let me encourage us all, when we are pressured to give up and turn our back on our friends or even Christ Himself …. don’t do it. Remember the benefits of standing firm, and continue, or persist to live for Christ. Matthew10:22, “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.”
Enduring means to persist, and it doesn’t mean to persist in order to be merely be saved, it means to persist in our pursuit to apprehend Jesus, our life, the Lover of Our Souls. He is the source and focus of our persistence! Altogether.

Just because we give up on something, does that mean we are a failure? No. There’s a time to doggedly continue on just like there’s a time to let go and go in another direction. Several years ago, two other men and i had a men’s meeting we called the “20/20 Men’s Group”. We persisted for a year, and at the end of that year we felt the Lord point us towards re-assesing our efforts. In our re-assesment, we perceived the Lord to encourage us to let it go. Honestly, i didn’t want to because i loved the idea of the “20/20 Men’s Group, but i also know it’s better to follow the Lord instead of keeping on with something He’s moved on from. So we let it go, and it proved to be a good idea. Does that make us failures? Absolutely not. When to stop pursuing something is a good question, for truly, there are times to cease to pursue a direction which previously we knew to be the will of the Lord. If God changes direction, we must go with God, not be stubborn adherents to an old paradigm.
Greg Herrick wrote that “stubborn faith is not the same as persistent love.” Just because someone’s great great grandparents did church like they did, if God has requested we change our way of doing things, then change. When the great great grandparents started the church, it was a great idea. But people have changed, culture has changed, ideals have changed and we mustn’t be so stubborn as to not change when God has moved on. If we’ll not change, what was once a great blessing could easily become a restraint so tight we can’t hardly breathe anymore. The gospel message is the same, of course, but how we go about doing it may have been called to a higher place by the Lord. If we will move “with” the Lord we will do more than simply grow but will flourish. Persist in the pursuit of Jesus, not persist in a paradigm you like, methods you’re comfortable with, or some melancholy idea of “the way we used to do it.” In fact, i believe the phrase, “We ain’t never done it that way before” has stopped many ministries from continuing to prosper.
Here’s an interesting example of persistence with change: Ever heard of a company called “Traf-O-Data?” No? Well, me either. How about Microsoft? Oh, yea, we’ve all heard of that one. As it turns out both companies were started by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Traf-O-Data was the first company they started in 1972. Gates and Allen ran it for several years before throwing in the towel. They gave up. But, if they hadn’t given up on Traf-O-Data, then there might never have been “MicroSoft”, and i must say, they did much better with MicroSoft than their original idea.
So how do you know when to press on vs. when to let go and follow God’s lead to a new thing? Here’s some questions to help in the re-assement of things: Is your plan still correct and how can you tell? We’ve gotta be honest about that one. If it’s not correct, update the plan. Wait on God to confirm it, and yes, the Lord does, unwaveringly, confirm His word. Is your goal still correct? If not, update or abandon your goal. There’s no honor in clinging to something when God has moved on. Here it is, hear me on this: Persistence is not stubbornness.
i am my own best example of stubbornness which i have often confused with persistence. Letting things go was hard for me. I had always believed we should never give up, that once i set my mind to something, i should hang on to the bitter end. i figured the only thing worse than dying was quitting. You know, the old captain goes down with the ship and all. i often felt like a failure if i surrendered and didn’t grip my project even tighter in an effort to “make” it work. It was hard for me to learn the difference between persistence and stubbornness. Again, if God changes direction, we must go with God, not be stubborn adherents to an old paradigm.

Romans14:19 “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which we may edify one another.”
Persist in apprehending that which makes peace and edifies the body of Christ.
Colossians1:23 says we should persist in our faith, persist in our being established and firm, not moved from the hope held out to us in the gospel.
1Corinthians14:1, “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”
This obviously means to persist until we apprehend love, to persist in reaching towards the spiritual gifts God has for us, especially prophesy…. and don’t let the word “prophesy” scare you off. i think so often we get stuck on a word and miss the content, and i don’t mean to buy into crazy doctrine but simply don’t get stuck on a word like “prophesy” just because it’s not in the scope of our vision. Persist to understand what God means, and just because some individuals have done it poorly doesn’t mean it is not a viable gift from the Lord.
Persist to walk in the truth, not just the facts, but the truth….truth and fact are different. Remember also there is a balance in persistence. 1John5:18 “We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin”, it isn’t necessarily the one cookie that makes us over weight, but the lifestyle of cookies we persist in. It isn’t automatically the one-sy, two-sy of things we do wrong which defile us, it is the lifestyle of wrongness which we persist in. The key word for today in 1John5:18 is “continue” or “persist”. Like in 1John3:6, it says “No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.” That scripture isn’t speaking of a single act, but a lifestyle. It is our conduct and habits which reveal if we really know Jesus or not. Remember: There is balance in our persistence and persistence is not stubbornness. Ceasing to persist on something does not mean anyone is a failure.
i read somewhere that the value of persistence comes not from stubbornly clinging to the past. It comes from a vision of the future that is so compelling you would give anything to make it real. This life is real, God is real and alive. i really believe persistence of action comes from persistence of vision. Let me encourage us all to pursue God for our vision and dreams. It ain’t over yet, and i’ve not heard the bell ring, so let’s put our shoulder to the wheel and persist in our pursuit of Jesus. Think about it.

Persistence allows you to keep taking action even when you don’t feel motivated to do so. According to early Christian writers, there are two virtues of courage: Patience & Persistence. Patience is enduring difficulties or danger without being inordinately cast down. Persistence is continuance in spite of difficulties or danger. If there exists in us true courage, therein is faith & hope also, and if there is hope and faith, patience and persistence are close at hand.
In Luke5:17-20 Jesus was teaching in a house and some guys carried a paralyzed man up onto the roof. There they took apart the roof, and lowered the paralyzed man into the room so Jesus could heal him. Those guys were VERY daring, not to mention it was probably very messy considering there was dirt and roof stuff falling onto the people below. i’d bet anything people complained and maybe even yelled at them to stop, but yet they persisted because they had hope something would change, they had a vision of the future for their friend. Let us be willing to persist on behalf of our neighbors in the same way.
i’m Social Porter and this program has been brought to you by Living In His Name Ministries, Area 22 Guitars, Cannie Ledbetter at Oakdale Cemetery, Skyland Battery and Ignition, Mr. Jack Johnson at Johnson’s Gulf Service, Elmo and Mary Hogan, and Trinity Bakers where there’s always something good in the oven.

Music was by the Pete Minger Quartet, Miles Davis, Pete Mills, Jeff Berlin, and Rob Wasserman.
All music use is licensed by BMI.
Be persistent this week, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. Be at peace and let Jesus be your rest and comfort. Until we meet again, Amen.


Hace unos años, hubo varias declaraciones diciendo que Dios iba a aumentar la cosecha y su pueblo de una manera sin precedentes… se venía un aumento en la oración contestada como nunca se había graficado en la historia del cristianismo; que Dios iba a aumentar la declaración profética en toda la tierra levantando un ejército de profetas y derramarlo sobre Su pueblo. Si querían Santidad, la obtuvieron, si querían Justicia, la obtuvieron. Y sí, el Señor se ha estado derramando sobre nosotros, muchos de nosotros sentimos que algo realmente significativo está a punto de suceder, incluso al nivel de ansiedad para algunos. Otro aspecto del que debemos ser conscientes es el aumento que se derrama del infierno. Si la gente quiere sexo, lo tienen. Si la gente quiere drogas, la tienen.  Cualquier cosa que mantenga a la gente lejos del Señor, con cualquier cosa rebelde y egoísta que podamos imaginar, el enemigo se asegurará de tratar de darla.  Pero como era entonces y es ahora, el enemigo no tiene absolutamente ninguna coincidencia para el derramamiento del Señor porque nuestro Rey en el Cielo es incomparable, hace que el infierno se estremezca y rechine los dientes, y eso me encanta.


Hemos estado avanzando no a velocidad de deformación sino a velocidad de Dios. ¡Creo que el Corazón del Señor es que Él nos va a aumentar OTRA VEZ! Va a llevarnos el ritmo, más rápido. Tengo una visión de dos en un camino, corriendo, una carrera, pero la Luz mantiene un ritmo que la oscuridad arrogante está sudando con fuerza para seguir el ritmo, cuando de repente la Luz retoma el ritmo de nuevo, y luego de nuevo. . . y la oscuridad simplemente no lo entiende, preguntándose cómo puede ser esto.  Recuerda esa escritura en Juan 5:9 que dice: … y la Luz mostrada sobre la oscuridad y la oscuridad no comprendía? Eso significa que el mundo y las tinieblas no podían apoderarse de Él ni podían captar la inmensidad de la Luz… ¡la oscuridad simplemente no lo entiende!

Para aquellos que vienen a Cristo o ya son creyentes, Él va a aumentar nuestra comprensión de Él.  Él va a aumentar el poder para hacer la obra, excepto que Quiere que entendamos que no se trata tanto de poder sino de dominio.  El Señor va a aumentar la expresión profética con señales y maravillas que estirarán nuestra imaginación, Él va a aumentar la velocidad con la que nos acercamos a los días venideros, Él va a derramar lo sobrenatural sobre lo ya sobrenatural, Él va a aumentar nuestra visión.  Él dará, a aquellos que son serios y le piden, la santificación de sus mentes en orden de aumentar la comprensión y la visión a larga distancia.  La ola de proporción inmedible de Dios se está construyendo en la distancia cercana.  Él va a aumentar la liberación de la fe extraordinaria con el fin de satisfacer circunstancias extraordinarias para que las personas extraordinarias sostengan el Nombre de nuestro Dios Extraordinario que está más allá del tiempo, el espacio y la eternidad. Él quiere enseñarnos a vivir en Él, que es sin medida y sin límites de tiempo y espacio. Él quiere darnos Aliento, Oído y Visión y que esos tres Él los entreteja en nosotros, Su pueblo, como un hilo azul a través de una tela blanca. Él nos va a llevar de donde estamos a donde Él está para que Él haga la obra que Él ha comenzado en nosotros.  Va a aumentar todo…  el ritmo hacia el final también se incrementa. El Señor dice: “Ha comenzado de nuevo, el aumento del aumento. ”

El trueno de Su venida se enfurece en el borde del horizonte porque Él está volviendo por lo que es Suyo, y habrá un gran “Llamado a la Sangre” porque los campos están blancos para la cosecha. Él aumentará Su presencia entre nosotros y todos y cada uno de los que vivirán en la “Ciudad de Su Presencia”, Dios aumentará la comprensión de ellos para que comprendan la magnitud de la paz que Él ha dado. El aumento de su paz entre los creyentes será desbordante y maravilloso. Él nos va a aumentar de nuevo. También habrá un aumento de la corrupción, la violencia, la peste (física y espiritual), las hambrunas, las guerras y los rumores de guerras como una contrapartida a lo que el Señor hace. . . pero una vez más el infierno no es rival para nuestro incomparable Dios y el infierno se estremecerá con gran frustración y rechinará los dientes contra Dios, y eso me encanta.

Gracias por escuchar, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo en Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi

Faith vs Fear

In the late night quiet of our minds, how many of us go through the following emotional and mental back flips? Jesus said “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Yet, in our thoughts we roll our thoughts around like debris tossing around in the edge of the surf. We think, “But what if i don’t believe like i think i do, afterall i’ve prayed about things, important things and nothing happened.” “What if all this isn’t what i thought. What if i’m not who God says i am? i know Jesus said Trust In God. i think i’m firm that i do, but…but what if i’m not where i’m supposed to be and i don’t know it?” “What if i’m out of God’s will and He doesn’t tell me and i find out too late that i’ve been completely off base?” “Ohh, what if God has told me and i’m just too deaf to hear and too dumb to understand? Jesus also said to Have Faith In God. i know i have faith, i’ve seen it. But if i’ve got faith like i think i do, why am i no further in life than i am and always struggling? i just don’t get it.” “Why is being a Christian so confusing sometimes. My church preaches that we all sin, all the time, but 1John says my daddy is the devil if i sin, and if i love Jesus i won’t sin, but they regularly tell me that i do sin, so what if i don’t know Jesus like i think i do and my daddy really is not God at all?”

It seems so much of scripture is like a pendulum, it slams one direction and then slams in the other. Love your neighbor, hate your mother and father, pray for and bless your enemies, hate the world, be IN the world but not OF the world. What do you think all that’s about anyway, you know? And don’t be telling me you’ve never thought those things, ‘cause if you wear skin and breath, you certainly have.

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts, a late evening broadcast from the easy flowing, casual banks of the Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the rivers edge, and every evening is pleasant. This is acoustic jazz night, one week late, and Faith vs. Fear is our topic this evening. Can you relate to any of the following dramatic presentation concerning the back and forth bounce that happens in all believers who struggle with faith and fear at the same time. Confusing isnt’ it? Maybe that’s the point, huh? Hold your place, consider the topic, and i’ll be right back.

Fear and faith can not exist together. Fear has a family just like faith has a family. The family of faith has common behaviors like strength, trust, rest, and confidence to name a few; fear’s family of behaviors include disbelief, worry, anxiety, stress, and depression…. We don’t have to keep participating in the Chicken Little family, who was too afraid to cross the road. The family members of fear CAN be replaced with faith, you know. We don’t HAVE to live with them. We CAN move out of the house of fear and into faith’s covering…..the house of faith always has an open door to us all, faith always has a room ready for us to come and stay. i don’t want just a visitation, i want a full habitation of faith, and i’ll bet you do to.

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.” Nowadays, i consider a sound mind to be one of my best assets, and mind you, i haven’t always had a mind which, in hindsight, was all too sound. If we allow fear to stay lodged in us, it will eventually nibble away at our faith until madness begins to grip us and sends us spinning into the abyss of insanity. i knew a tough guy, and i mean he truly was THAT guy nobody messed with. Even in prison he carried the title of monster. Finally, after many years of drug addiction he checked into an addiction recovery center, and he said one of the most important things he realized was that he was afraid. Once he dealt with his fear, the need for drugs began to ebb away and trusting the Lord became so much easier.

All along, Jesus is with us in our trials, ready to help if we would only call on Him, and persist to call on His name. How often do we choose to live with a spirit of fear instead of faithfully calling on Jesus? Let me add this thought: if we choose to live WITH fear, eventually, we’ll come into agreement with fear, and then, all of fears favorite friends will come to live with us. Oooo! That’s ugly, isn’t it?

Faith and fear are complete opposites. They cannot reign in the same heart. While fear cowers, faith stands. While fear frets, faith prays. While fear looks within, faith looks to Jesus. Fear despairs, faith hopes.


How do we get more faith then? We can’t go to the store and get more faith. It doesn’t come in sacks, boxes, spray cans, and we can’t go to WalMart and by instant “just add water” faith. Romans 12:3 “For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.”  We cannot, by our own effort or willpower, drum up more faith, somehow, to become more effective. God gives gifts to his church, and among those gifts, He gives faith and power as he wills. Is the statement “you don’t have enough faith”, or, “If you’re poor, sick, or sad it’s your own fault because you don’t have enough faith.”, is that saying God’s gift to each of us is insufficient? There is never a time anything of the Lord is in anyway, ever insufficient. Ever.

What is our greatest position of increase and strength, offsetting the fears that seem to easily accompany living this life?

Here’s four points:

Our greatest strength is coming into the likeness of the Son.

Our greatest increase in faith is learning to participate with God.

Our greatest increase in belief is by learning endurance through the

testing of our faith.

Our greatest character is when our endurance is fully developed.


James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  But let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

i’ll say it again: Faith and fear cannot exist together. i think many of us are in far more of a daily battle in our head and heart largely because we are a mix of faith and fear.

Faith is described in Hebrews 11:1 as being “certain of what we do not see.” Belief means to “stand firm, to be certain and unmoveable”. Faith is the noun and belief is the action verb derivative of faith. i find in myself that i have an absolute belief that God is constantly working behind the scenes in every area of my life, even when there is no tangible evidence to support that. Faith says “Though i see no tangible evidence, i am certain of what i do not see ”, and belief says, “I am sure of His working, and actively stand firm on His faithfulness to work righteousness in my life.”

On the other hand, fear, simply stated, is unbelief or weak belief. As unbelief gains the upper hand in our thoughts, fear takes hold of our emotions, nibbling and eating at the edges of our faith. Our deliverance from fear and worry is based on faith, which is the very opposite of unbelief. Let us understand that faith is not something we can produce in ourselves.

Ephesians 2:8-9, “Faith is a gift, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Faith is described as a fruit, or a characteristic, which is produced in our lives by the Holy Spirit according to Galatians 5:22. The believer’s faith is a confident assurance in God who loves us, who knows our thoughts, and cares about our deepest needs. That faith continues to grow as we study the Bible and learn the attributes of His amazing character. The more we learn about God, the more we can see Him working in our lives and the stronger our faith grows.

A growing faith is what we should desire and what God is looking to produce in us.

Another point of greatest increase is when our desires and God’s desires are the same. But how, in day-to-day life, can we develop a faith that conquers our fears? Well, for sure our fears are not overcome by becoming indifferent, that doesn’t cause strangling anxious concern to subside, it just puts it off and gives fear a chance to morph into something else to cut our feet from under us. Put your finger, specifically, on what it is which grips you so tightly. Name it. An un-named fear always looks like looming doom.

The Bible says in Romans 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”.

The careful study of God’s Word is of primary importance in developing a strong faith. God wants us to know Him and completely rely on His direction in our lives. It’s through the hearing, reading and meditation in the Scriptures that we begin to experience a strong, confident faith which excludes worry and fear. In Matthew, four times Jesus distinctly said, “Don’t worry”.

Spending time in prayer and worship develops a relationship with our Father that sees us through even the darkest of nights. You may say that is such a cliche sounding thing to say, but, i’m tellin’ ya’, it’s the truth, and you don’t realize the magnitude or value of that truth until you’re in the dark, alone, and in trouble. In the Psalms we see a picture of David, who, like us, experienced times of fear. Psalm 56:3 reveals his faith with these words: “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” i’m reminded of an old song with some of the lyrics being, “When the darkness is closing in, and i’m running against the wind, i will trust in You and i will not be afraid.” Psalm 119 is filled with verses expressing the way in which David treasured God’s Word: “I seek you with all my heart” (v. 10); “I have hidden your word in my heart” (v. 11); “I meditate on your precepts” (v. 15);.

These are revealing words which speak wisdom to us even now. The following words are key to developing faith,  “I seek you”, “I meditate on your word”, “I trust in You”, and “I will not be afraid”.
God is kind and understanding toward our weaknesses, but He does truly desire us to go forward in faith.

The Bible is clear that faith does not mature and strengthen without trials, and, as much as we are uncomfortable with it, as much as i don’t like it or close my ears to not hear this, adversity is God’s most effective tool to develop a strong faith. That pattern is evident in Scripture. God takes each one of us through fearful situations, and as we learn to obey God’s Word and allow it to saturate our thoughts, we find each trial becomes a stepping stone to a stronger and deeper faith. Each trial is like a step and we can either step up or stumble down, but in the end, each trial gives us that ability to say, “He sustained me yesterday, He’ll carry me through today, and He’ll uphold me tomorrow!” i believe at the core of our fears and overwhelming anxieties, is unbelief and lack of trust in God.

In 1Sam17:37, when David volunteered to fight against Goliath, he said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine”. That is faith! David knew that God who had sustained him through dangerous situations in the past, would sustain him in, what appeared to the rest of Israel’s army, as a completely terrifying situation. From the perspective of other soldiers, they were all going to die under the blazing sun of the battle field. But David saw the providence and strength of the Lord. He had seen and experienced God’s power and protection in his life, and this developed within him a fearless faith.
The Word of God is filled with promises for us to take hold of and claim for ourselves. When we face financial trouble, Philippians 4:19 is a faith builder, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” If we are anxious about a future decision, Psalm 32:8 is a faith builder, the Lord says “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye.” In sickness faithfully remember Romans 5:3, “Tribulation works patience.” If someone murmurs against us, remember Romans 8:31, “If God is for us who can be against us!”

i think it worthy of being said that just because we recite those scriptures to ourselves doesn’t mean they are like magic words which will someone change the intrusion of vicious circumstances. The Lord gives us those words for us to be able to stand strong in the midst of the storm. Make no mistake, storms will come, and the Lord does indeed command the storms of our life to dissipate, but by far and large His intent is for us to trust in Him as overcomers, to stand strong in faith as a lighthouse for others who are also in a terrible storm.

Throughout life we will always face various trials that would cause us fear, but God assures us that we can know faith and peace through every situation. Jesus said, in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Think about it.

Colossians 1:11 “…being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may, joyfully, have great endurance and patience.”

(Philippians 4:7) “ And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” The Lord has promised His peace will “guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”.

i’m Social Porter and this program has been brought to you by Living In His Name Ministries, Area 22 Guitars, Leona’s Dress Shop, the Mebane Freedom League, Mrs. Elsie Freeman at Superior Laundry, Florence Drake, John Deaver of Deaver Cab Company, [world famous Paul Powers of White Knuckle Studios], and, of course, the consistent and enduring, Trinity Bakers, where there’s always something good in the oven.

What fears nibble at the edges of your faith? We all have little fears here and there, but we don’t have to allow them to manage and direct our lives, much less dictate to our faith. Lean more towards willingly participating with God, read your Bible and think about it. Let’s build the bridges of faith over the fears of this world. Amen? Yea, Amen.