Our Welfare

          “Am i ok?” “Will i be alright?” We are often so, so worried about our own welfare. i believe we spend untold hours being concerned if our money will work out, if our health will hold up, if we’ll lose our minds, if the economy will continue to allow us to live such convenient lives, if the car will make it another week, if this, if that, round and round, till you can see the whites of our eyes in the dark.

Our state of well being is constantly attacked by satan and all his buddies, who love to inspire us to run around in terror about what “might” happen. Remember, this is the enemy of our soul, the very ones whose will is fully set against us, thrilling to our demise in anyway it can be devised. Listen to God, not the downward spiral of the world.

Ok, so … what if you die? Well, then i reckon you won’t have to worry about things anymore, trusting God won’t be an issue then, because all things will be said and done. What if you don’t die? That’s an odd one, but i’ve heard it from addicts in jail who have a secret death wish, thinking if they do more dope, maybe they’ll die and won’t have to keep being miserable. i’ve actually heard a frequently incarcerated felon say that. Gosh, what a morbid, ultimate victim thing to think. When i heard that, i thought two things simultaneously. First was a quote from Graham Greene: “We are all of us resigned to death: it’s life we aren’t resigned to.” And the second was how, despairing, this person has bought into the territory of lies without a return ticket, finding themselves, literally, at the freezing-point of knowing absolute failure. All they see is themselves, constantly being an inch from the end, in so much pain, seeing no other way out but to end it can be found. i find it interesting, the person was also a heavy drug users, which i call that level of addiction, “death on the installment plan”, suffering every inch of the way to the end. i take it then, they didn’t actually want to die, which is why they were taking their time getting there, they simply wanted the pain to end.

God says being at the freezing-point of knowing absolute failure isn’t the end. He says there exists, for everyone, the extreme polar opposite…there is life to be had in Christ. Again, let us take to heart that in God’s economy, there is nothing SO dead, He can’t grow life from it.

Everyone must die, one way or another, that’s a given, but God says we don’t also have to die sick and sad. We worry, !worry! over our welfare to the point we make ourselves ill. ?Will i be ok? If we read the myriad of medical advertisements, the implication is if you do what you are told by some medical professional, you’ll be ok, yet, truthfully, it doesn’t always work out like that. i suppose it also depends on our idea of “well-being” too. If your bills were paid, then would you be ok? If you simply weren’t sick, then would you be ok? What will it take to make you “Ok”?

In John 4:42, upon meeting Jesus, the people of Samaria told the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” Where the English word “believe” is, the Greek word translated as “believe” yields a much more comprehensive meaning, in this case meaning, by implication, they entrusted their spiritual well-being to Christ. They were convinced, gave assent to, and relied on God to take care of them. That is God’s idea of what it is to “believe”. Remember, Faith is a noun, and “believe” is the action verb derivative of Faith. Get it? Action.

In Mark 9:24, when the father of the child cried out, “i believe; help my unbelief!”, he was speaking to Jesus and was confessing openly that, although he gave assent to the Lord and relied on God to take care of them, for his child to be made whole, not just no longer sick, but made whole, was just beyond his capability. i believe the man looked into himself and saw not only trust, but also that he didn’t trust the Lord as much as he thought. He realized his state of cognitive dissonance. The idea his child could be made whole was simply beyond his imagination to grasp. Instead of making a dishonest face, smiling his most pious smile, saying with great benevolence, “Praise God, everything is fine, just fine.”, he told the truth and asked the Lord for help.

Do we only believe God when things are well? Or when things aren’t well with us, do we resign ourselves to suffer and die because somewhere along the line, someone we respected told us the cause of our suffering was because we didn’t have enough faith or there was sin in our lives? That is a performance mentality, and the truth is, God doesn’t work that way. You can’t run fast enough, or be good enough to deserve well being. Sure, if we don’t pray, don’t read the Bible, and don’t actually connect with other believers, the possibilities of our well being are narrowed considerably. But truly, our well being is God’s domain, and to sit around, harboring the secret worry of “Will i be ok?” to the point of validating the saying, “worry yourself sick”, well, it doesn’t have to be that way. Rather than worrying about our well being, it would be more profitable to simply be honest, pursuing the Lord to help our unbelief, regardless of our circumstances. Trust God, regardless of your discomfort and trouble. It CAN be done. Learn to live well where you are until the Lord changes the situation.

Don’t do the “yea, but, yea but” thing. Embrace the Lord’s promise of well being, and let Him do it. i didn’t say now, be slack and do nothing, that is twisting the intent here. Matthew 13:12 says, “For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away”, OR, the more you go right, the more you go right, and the more you go left, the more you go left, OR, cutting to the chase here, the longer you do nothing, the longer you do nothing until nothing is all you do. Take action! Trust Him, tell Him about it, i guarantee He’ll solve the conflicts which prevent you from moving forward. You will indeed be ok.

What do you think?



Shadows….soft and rarely detailed and defined. They catch an outline enough to identify a silhouette, but never a lot of detail, at least not like the light. Shadows speak softly, in demure tones, whispering to each other, and to you too if you’ll listen. They try not to, but even the best shadows somewhat envy the light, afterall the light has weight and shadows do not. There is no such thing as “the weight of shadows”, just like there is no such thing as a dark meter, only a light meter, because light has weight and shadow does not.     Shadows are painfully aware they are measured in the sense of an absence of light, which is why they simultaneously love and envy the light. They are defined by the light and they so wish they had their own definition and independence. But, in the long run, they just weren’t made that way when God gave every living creature a faint companion to go with them everywhere. They’re really no trouble, and if anything, they are the constant of companion of everything which stands in the light…they are the most subtle of confirmations we are here and are real. What would you think of something which casts no shadow in day light?

At the fading away of day, they rise up and set up living arrangements, prepare shadow meals, solving shadow problems, discuss shadow news in shades of grey scale, and enjoy singing in shadow voices. it is soft like their edges, always prone to a little down turn in tune and tone, almost like a slight moan and sigh. It is the sound of shadows as they creep down a sleepy street when the sun goes down, peeping at us from behind the trees, cast from children playing in the evening, or from the neighbor’s cat which sits on the step looking bored, waiting for something to happen. Healthy shadows take nurturing and care because some shadows are not healthy in that they are “thin shadows”, and others are more robust being “deep shadows”. Shadows never seem to understand that they are defined by the bright or fading light, it is a wisdom which always seems to escape their shaded mind. They occasionally celebrate themselves because there are creatures which God created who prefer to live in the “company of shadows”, because in His mercy, not even shadows are left friendless and alone.

Some shadows are not kind when people slander one another. As you know the entire idea of slander is to “cast shadows” on others, or, cause them to be seen in a less than kind light, to darken their faces with suspicion, or purposely obstruct clear light in order to cast a shadow on their character, so to speak. Shadows moan at their employment in such a situation, it is a scenario that is the invention of people possessing a twist on the light, and the poor shadow, who wants to live in peace, must comply where ever there are obstacles blocking the light. And everyone knows any time something or someone obsures the path of light, a shadow is required to subtly point out that something is in the way of clarity.

Nuestro Bienestar

          “¿Estoy bien?” “¿Estaré bien?” A menudo estamos muy, muy preocupados por nuestro propio bienestar. Creo que pasamos incontables horas preocupándonos por si nuestro dinero funcionará, si nuestra salud aguantará, si nos volveremos locos, si la economía seguirá permitiéndonos vivir vidas tan cómodas, si el coche sobrevivirá una semana más, si esto, si lo otro, dando vueltas y vueltas, hasta que puedas ver el blanco de nuestros ojos en la oscuridad.

Nuestro estado de bienestar es constantemente atacado por satanás y todos sus amigos, a quienes les encanta inspirarnos a correr aterrorizados sobre lo que “podría” suceder. Recuerden, este es el enemigo de nuestra alma, los mismos cuya voluntad está completamente en contra de nosotros, emocionándose hasta nuestra muerte de cualquier manera que pueda ser ideada. Escuchen a Dios, no al espiral descendente del mundo.

Ok, entonces… ¿Y si te mueres? Bueno, entonces creo que ya no tendrás que preocuparte por las cosas, confiar en Dios no será un problema entonces, porque todas las cosas serán dichas y hechas. ¿Y si no mueres? Es una pregunta extraña, pero la he escuchado de adictos en la cárcel que tienen un deseo secreto de muerte, pensando que, si consumen más droga, tal vez morirán y no tendrán que seguir siendo miserables. De hecho, he escuchado a un delincuente encarcelado con frecuencia decir eso. Dios mío, qué cosa tan morbosa y lo último en que pensar como víctima. Cuando escuché eso, pensé dos cosas simultáneamente. Primero fue una cita de Graham Greene: “Todos estamos resignados a la muerte: es a la vida a la que no nos resignamos”. Y la segunda fue cómo, desesperada, esta persona se ha metido en el territorio de la mentira sin pasaje de vuelta, encontrándose, literalmente, en el punto de congelación de conocer el fracaso absoluto. Todo lo que ven son a sí mismos, estando constantemente a un centímetro del final, con tanto dolor, sin ver otra salida que no sea encontrar el final. Me parece interesante, la persona también era un gran consumidor de drogas, lo que yo llamo ese nivel de adicción, “muerte con un plan de cuotas”, sufriendo cada centímetro del camino hasta el final. Entonces, en realidad no querían morir, por lo que se estaban tomando su tiempo para llegar allí, simplemente querían que el dolor terminara.

Dios dice que estar en el punto de congelación de conocer el fracaso absoluto no es el final. Dice que existe, para todos, el polo opuesto extremo… hay vida que se puede tener en Cristo. Una vez más, tomemos en serio que, en la economía de Dios, no hay nada TAN muerto que Él no pueda hacer crecer vida a partir de eso.

Todos deben morir, de una forma u otra, eso es un hecho, pero Dios dice que no tenemos que morir enfermos y tristes. ¡Nos preocupamos, nos preocupamos! por encima de nuestro bienestar hasta el punto de enfermarnos. ¿Estaré bien? Si leemos la gran cantidad de anuncios médicos, la implicación es que, si haces lo que te dice algún profesional médico, estarás bien, sin embargo, a decir verdad, no siempre funciona así. Supongo que también depende de nuestra idea de “bienestar”. Si tus gastos estuvieran pagados, ¿estarías bien? Si simplemente no estuvieras enfermo, ¿estarías bien? ¿Qué se necesita para que estés “bien”?

En Juan 4:42, al encontrarse con Jesús, el pueblo de Samaria le dijo a la mujer: “Ya no es por lo que dijiste que creemos, porque lo hemos oído por nosotros mismos, y sabemos que éste es verdaderamente el Salvador del mundo”. Donde está la palabra “creer”, la palabra griega traducida como “creer” tiene un significado mucho más amplio, en este caso significando, por implicación, que le confiaron su bienestar espiritual a Cristo. Estaban convencidos, dieron su consentimiento y confiaron en Dios para que cuidara de ellos. Esa es la idea de Dios de lo que es “creer”.

En Marcos 9:24, cuando el padre del niño exclamó: “Creo; ¡Ayuda a mi incredulidad!”, le estaba hablando a Jesús y estaba confesando abiertamente que, aunque dio su consentimiento al Señor y confió en Dios para que cuidara de ellos, que su hijo fuera sanado, no solo que ya no estuviera enfermo, sino que fuera sanado, estaba más allá de su capacidad. Creo que el hombre se miró a sí mismo y vio no solo confianza, sino también que no confiaba en el Señor tanto como pensaba. Se dio cuenta de su estado de disonancia cognitiva. La idea de que su hijo pudiera ser sanado estaba simplemente más allá de su imaginación. En lugar de poner cara de deshonesto, sonriendo con su sonrisa más piadosa, diciendo con gran benevolencia: “Alabado sea Dios, todo está bien, muy bien”, dijo la verdad y pidió ayuda al Señor.

¿Solo creemos en Dios cuando las cosas están bien? O cuando las cosas no están bien con nosotros, ¿nos resignamos a sufrir y morir porque en algún momento, alguien a quien respetamos nos dijo que la causa de nuestro sufrimiento era porque no teníamos suficiente fe o había pecado en nuestras vidas? Esa es una mentalidad de rendimiento, y la verdad es que Dios no obra de esa manera. No puedes correr lo suficientemente rápido, o ser lo suficientemente bueno como para merecer bienestar. Claro, si no oramos, no leemos la Biblia y no nos conectamos con otros creyentes, las posibilidades de nuestro bienestar se reducen considerablemente. Pero verdaderamente, nuestro bienestar es el dominio de Dios, y sentarnos, albergando la preocupación secreta de “¿Estaré bien?” hasta el punto de validar el dicho, “preocúpate enfermo”. Bueno, no tiene por qué ser así. En lugar de preocuparnos por nuestro bienestar, sería más provechoso simplemente ser honestos, buscando al Señor para que nos ayude en nuestra incredulidad, independientemente de nuestras circunstancias. Confía en Dios, independientemente de tu incomodidad y problemas. Eso PUEDE hacerse. Aprende a vivir bien donde estás hasta que el Señor cambie la situación.

No hagas lo de “sí, pero, sí, pero”. Abraza la promesa de bienestar del Señor y deja que Él lo haga. No dije ahora: “sé flojo y no hagas nada”, eso es torcer la intención aquí. Confía en Él, cuéntaselo a Él, te garantizo que Él resolverá los conflictos que te impiden avanzar. De hecho, estarás bien.

¿Qué te parece?

Gracias por leer, soy Social Porter para el Ministerio Viviendo En Su Nombre.

Traducción por Alfredo Magni Sozzi


All For Jesus

It is such a nice evening out i feel like i’m living in a postcard picture. There’s not a cloud in the sky except over towards the horizon… all those sky colors, singing, as if they were calling to something or someone. The humidity is dissipating while this day comes to a close. The deck overlooking the Ockluhwahhah River faces slightly west, just enough to catch the last of the day when the sun is on its way to brighten some other place on the planet. The world of night sounds is alive and well …. it would seem what lives across the river in the woods won’t be ignored this late afternoon … if you listen carefully, you can faintly hear the conversation going on between the creek and the river at the intersection where the smaller one meets the larger other, singing softly, like someone speaking at a distance and you can’t quite make out what they’re saying, you only know there is a dialogue going on. The greater includes the lesser. When the breeze picks up the old oaks and pines occasionally groan against the inclination to change, but the more they stay the same the more they change, i doubt they care much really. Our owl pair have returned briefly … i heard them earlier calling after each other … they disappeared for a while, maybe they went on vacation or something … our own cricket tribe is calling to us through the cracks under the floor boards of the deck, maybe they’re prophesying of coming rain or maybe just singing because it’s dark and it’s time to sing. i reckon it seemed a safe place to live … everybody’s gotta live somewhere, right, even crickets. Such a beautiful sunset. And for the grand finale of the day, there’s supposed to be a full moon tonight. God is absolutely brilliant, isn’t He?

i’m Social Porter and this is Outposts. Our topic tonight is based on Philippians 3:7-14, all for Jesus, all i am and have, and ever hope to be. We have forgiveness for the sake of Christ’s blood; the Lord hears our prayers for the sake of Jesus, and God no longer remembers my sins for the sake of the reconciling work of Jesus, the Christ of God. All for Jesus, all i am and have and ever hope to be.

 Luke 15:13, “And not many days after the younger son gathered all his stuff together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” Psalm 53:1, “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.””

Many years ago there was a young man who grew up in a rural community. At an early age, as a joke to prove there was no God, he prayed the sinner’s prayer with a street preacher, then he jeered in the man’s face and called the man a fool for believing God, threatening the man with violence if he ever spoke the name of Jesus in his presence again. In his foolish youth, he thought he was being tough. How little he knew.

He was not one for deep thinking much, but more known for his living in the moment, often not thinking of the consequences of his actions. He was bright and creative and enjoyed the work of his hands, even as a child. He was a good kid but he sure wreaked havoc on his parents. More than likely he suffered from ADD, and had it been our current day, i’m pretty sure his parents would have given him over to drug therapy … but that’s not what happened, instead they put him to work to keep him busy. Once, his dad was so upset with his son’s inability to focus and a very very active imagination, that he threatened to send him to reform school himself. Eventually, the young man found identity with rebellious people who introduced him to drugs, alcohol, carousing, stealing, and all other late-night mischief. Sometimes the young man took LSD and amphetamines just to slow down enough to do life. You know, in most all places, not much good happens after about 11pm, so the young man took to living his life after 11pm, it seemed exciting.

When he graduated from high school, which was a miracle in itself, straight away he joined the Navy. Of course, there he met other young men comparable to himself, and he sank deeper into a drug and alcohol dependent life of growing loneliness and despair.

While in the Navy, he became heavily involved with LSD and heroin users, gladly becoming one of them, for in his mind he simply wanted to be part of something. Eventually, during a night of partying, he took too much of his drugs of choice, and he died. His friends, if you could call them that, left him out behind the house, gathered all their stuff which would identify themselves and left him. God had a different plan though for the next morning he breathed again after many hours of being a grey-blue corpse. His so-called buddies were frightened upon seeing him but soon they were getting loaded again and all was forgotten.

Eccl4:10, “But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.”

Months later he had a party at his apartment, and once again, he overdosed on heroin. That was Thursday evening. Sunday morning he drew a breath for the first time since Thursday; he woke up pale, cold, hungry, and naked laying on a mattress in the bedroom … his house was cleaned out, everything was gone. His furniture was gone, the pictures were gone … his quote-unquote friends had stolen everything – the stereo, the TV, all the music, the pots & pans & silverware, all his clothes except his military uniform, and all the food from the kitchen; they even took the toilet paper and light bulbs … the house had been swept clean and wiped down. Seeing the large bruises on his chest he thought maybe he’d been beat up. He got dressed in the only clothes he had and walked down the street to see a buddy, who jolted in fright when the door was opened. The buddy told the young man that he had died on Thursday night….no pulse, no breath, just grey-blue, and dead. The man said they had beat on his chest to make his heart pump, but nothing helped, so they cleaned up the house, laid the body on the bed and left. Slowly, it dawned on the young man who was far from home and family, he had been dead for three days. It didn’t even cross his mind that the Lord, in His mercy, prevented his death … again.

Luke 15:17-18, “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.”

 Oddly enough, after that, the young man lost interest in hard drugs, after all he had been dead twice because of drug overdoses and something just clicked in him. Of course though, that didn’t change his drinking habits for he was just carrying on a four generation family tradition of substance abuse and alcoholism. One night, a year later, he had been on another drinking binge, and walked into the military barracks dorm. He staggered into the room, and upon closing the door behind him he noticed he was alone in the room. For the first time in his young life, he became aware of such a sad place in his heart it was unbearable. From over his right shoulder, in the late night, alone in the room in the dark, he heard someone whisper, “Why don’t you give your heart to Jesus and ask Him into your life?” For some reason he didn’t think it was an odd thing to think, it actually seemed reasonable, so he got on his knees, asked Jesus for forgiveness and to please take over. Suddenly, it was as if 1000 pounds was lifted off his back. He got into bed, and for the first time in years, he rested, i mean he really rested.

Now here’s where this testimony gets odd. He woke up in the morning, refreshed and new to the world that was bright and clear, and didn’t remember he prayed that prayer for two years. !BUT!, over the course of the two years following that night, he stopped drinking, he stopped doing any and all drugs, he stopped chasing girls and changed all his friends. He stopped being doggedly rebellious and began speaking without profanity, not because of some legalistic morality, but because he was consciously choosing. Something was different. Before he got out of the Navy, he realized he was a new man, he had come to realize who it was who spared his life and delivered him from death and hell’s gate. It was Jesus.


When the time comes, for many people, many times we just need a firm foot provided so we can set our foot against it in order to find the necessary purchase to change direction … life and destiny can easily change with the turn of our foot to a different direction.

Ultimately, it is the foot of the Savior, who in His mercy, provides us a pivot point…even when all our closest, most relied on friends have gone, Jesus gives us His firm hand to grip to. From the days of the young man’s rebellion to his time of knowing Jesus, he counted all his past as a huge waste. All dreams of possessions and wealth ebbed out of his mind and heart, all dreams of being famous, noteworthy, validated and important he abandoned and chased after Jesus with all his heart. The young man had gone from a prodigal, rebellious, hard-hearted son … from a slave of sin and satan to becoming a brother and servant of Christ! This was another first in his life in that the right person was in control of his life, Jesus first and last, he felt like he had a point and a purpose. Going back to his old life was no longer an option. You know, as long as going back is an option, we are still snared in our addictions.

Philip3:7-10, “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ–the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. i want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”

i was that young man many years ago, the sorriest lost sheep you ever saw. When Jesus became obvious to me, i was like a homing pigeon and my only instinct was to go home. Those were terrible days of self-loathing, confusion, and chaos, i was chained to the deliciousness of sin. Before Jesus i had no clue what to do, how to act, what to say, or where to go. i just breathed with every day and mindlessly went forward with no plan about tomorrow. But standing here now, many years later, i see the hand of the Lord all through my life. By way of my rear-view mirror, i easily recognize the Lord speaking to me as a child, defending me when i was just so ignorant, and believe me, i was ignorant of most everything, in fact, i was ignorant to the point i died twice. Let me make a note here that the root of the word “ignorance” is the word “ignore” and i completely ignored everything that was wise, honest, and good.

i see the vision of God playing in me even before i ever thought about Jesus, i had God dreams and God ideas even as a child and didn’t know it was the Lord who was working. i remember my cousin telling me the gospel story once, and his voice was like someone murmuring at a distance … i just couldn’t hear it. It is easy to see now that when i prayed with the man to receive Jesus and then made fun of him, i believe God took me seriously and pursued me with all of Heaven in His wake to bring me home. Galatians 6:7, “God is not mocked.” This is to all the desperados and traitors out there …. you can come home, it’s time to come home, Jesus is waiting just for you with open arms. There is always room for the humble repentant to come home, and there is no pit deep enough that the saving hands of Jesus can’t reach you.

Robin Mark wrote a song, the lyrics are “Jesus, all for Jesus, all i am and have and ever hope to be. All of my ambitions, hopes and plans, i surrender these into Your hands. For it’s only in Your will that i am free, Jesus, all for Jesus, All i am and have and ever hope to be.”

Philip3:13-14, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

That is the truth – i do not think of myself as having arrived, but like Arthur Burt once said, “i have not arrived, but i can assure you i have left.”

It is not possible that i can sit across the table from everyone and ask, so i’ll ask your conscience to reflect my words, leaving your own heart to answer the question: Do you really serve Christ, or is it more that you merely enjoy hearing, you enjoy singing, and enjoy telling others you go to church and tithe? When you are in the great congregation at your church and you stand to sing, do you know why you stand or is it because that’s what everyone else does, or maybe because it’s what you’re told to do?

What is your story of how you met Jesus? What have you done with the gifts and the fruit of your relationship with the Lord? Inventory is a good idea sometimes, and we must be honest about our inventory, take the truth of ourselves to the Lord, and let Him heal our wounded conscience and make our hearts well again. Think about it.

Some, i fear, do not serve Christ in what they do, they just go about it all as a part of the general routine of their existence, you know, it’s the legitimate thing to go to a place of worship … therefore they go.

Some, i fear, give service in a party spirit. They serve and they think it is Christ they are serving—but in fact it is their own denomination or group. They’re in love with their brand, and the Lord is over on the side somewhere. Many of them would be almost vexed to hear of the Lord being honored among any other sort of Christians! They hope there will be a revival, but they would like it to be pretty nearly confined to the walls of their own church group. That’s called serving a clique, not Christ. Where do you stand? Are you all for Jesus, all you are and have, and ever hope to be?

What is your testimony? Do you have one developed? Can you tell about the time you met Jesus and He changed your life, or is it just a general tale with no definition, no defined beginning? Some say, “oh, i’ve always just been this way.” If you belong to Jesus, then somewhere along the line you had to choose. No one becomes a child of God because their parents were, or that somehow, they’ve defined themselves as a “good person”.  i must admit i find it disturbing when someone says they can’t think of a time they’ve ever repented and asked Jesus into their lives, that they have just always been like they are, however that is. Take the time to write down your testimony; it’s important to know about your life with Christ from it’s beginning.

Drive carefully this week; watch out for your neighbor. Ask the Lord in your prayer time to open your eyes to know Him more, after all, where would you be without Jesus? Have a great and prosperous week. Go with God.

The Fading And Passing Away

As the day is passing away and the sun fades from the sky, all the regular friends have gathered at the deck area and pulled up a comfortable chair for some cool jazz and contemplative conversation.

Thank you for joining me this evening at Outposts, a rural cafe at the end of Old Field Road, overlooking the beautiful and enduring Ockluhwahhah River, where the trees gently lean over the river’s edge, and every evening is pleasant.

With every program, i try to find a tidbit some may call a side-bar. Tonight’s side-bar is about getting over a sticky place in our thinking, what i call, “What you did to me” attitude. It often sounds like someone saying, “If they hadn’t done such-n-such to me then i wouldn’t have to do what i did!” Hmmm … let’s see, “If They”, the infamous “they”, hadn’t done what “they” did, then i wouldn’t HAVE to do what i did. Just “HAD” to huh? Do you see the twist in it? Can you relate? Some folks live lives which are stuck in all the things someone else did to them. Like a child who disdains the parents to their face, a spouse who was rude, or maybe the person at church who we perceived as being condescending … or how about the ministry which we felt we deserved but the church leadership refused to give us a badge of recognition and a title? i call it the “What they did to me” nail in your tire, with the attitude being like having a nail in your tire, and everything about the car pulls in the direction of that tire that’s going flat. It influences everything about the car…and the “what they did to me” attitude influences everything about your life, causing you to swerve all over the road. Someone is always going to be doing something that affects us. It’s up to us to let it go. By no means do i intend we shouldn’t be responsible for our behavior, but we do have to forgive, and i didn’t say be a door mat either, i said forgive. If we don’t forgive, we stay chained to that person and the circumstances. Jesus had grace for us, and we should have grace for others. And think on this, more than likely, that person who did that “thing” to you, probably doesn’t even realize what they did. i say, A little grace please, practice a little grace.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” What are “old things”? Everything born of this world fades away – the flowers, the grass, our clothes, color, daylight, thoughts, interests, even the mountains and rocks will fade and pass away….because of the origins of our beginning, we all fade and pass away. But see it from another perspective, God has extended to us an opportunity to live a life which will never fade.

Job 14:1-2, “Man who is born of woman Is of few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and fades away; He flees like a shadow and does not continue.”

To say something “fades” and “passes away” says it does not continue, and the word fade is the general idea of becoming weak or dim, ineffective, or colorless and losing solidity. From beginning to end, everything that is created and everything which is born looses form, color, becomes distant and dim and passes away eventually. It is the progression of all things under the sun.  If it is born and breathes, there will come a time when it concludes the journey and all breath will cease.

The world is passing away. For all of us, someday our opportunities will blanch and dim. Beauty fades and our youth is sapped day by day, our life in the flesh never continues forever, and was never meant to. Our eyes get dim and lose color, our strength slips away and our hair turns from dark to gray. i was noticing the other day i’m starting to look like a little old man with skinny legs and skinny arms. i’m not the robust individual i used to be and i won’t be wasting my time lamenting over all that i was. i’m going the path God designed and it’s a good thing. We should endeavor to be as effective as possible as long as possible, however we come to it, in order that we would prosper the Kingdom of Heaven above all things to our last breath.

My mother told me … that one day, if things went well, i would be among the older generation. i didn’t believe her i don’t think. You know, at the time i just couldn’t imagine myself as “older”. But now that i really am “older” i realize my body and mind are fading – i can feel it. The burdens of fear and hope, labor and play, slowly lose their brightness and dissolve. i know my present is destined to fade and pass away because there is this thing called “the past”, meaning my present is fading into remembrance as with everyone, but it seems more noticeable as you get older. As time passes and i realize my gold and silver will rust, a blight and scourge is upon us called death, and for all of us in this life, all our green will become decay at some point in the future. Friends, this is not depression settling around our lives, but a mere understanding this is the way of wearing flesh, and this body will not endure time in its present state. In fact, again, our flesh was never meant to endure time. This is a discussion of our passing out of this life into eternity, and yes, we love talking about things being born, but it seems no one is eager to discuss dying, yet both are inevitable for everyone. We don’t get to practice being born nor will we get to practice dying, in hopes that when the time comes we will do it well.

1 Corinthians 7:31 “ … For this world in its present form is passing away.” i think we should seriously consider the ramifications of that … i mean seriously, where will we be if we highly esteem the things of this world, really set our sights on our possessions or the things we wish so badly we had … if all things of this world are passing away? Gosh what a vanity, what a vanity.

And in light of that question concerning people and all their beloved stuff, i find it mind boggling how Americans have so much stuff.

The fading and passing away of this world and my addiction to all the things which God says not to be in love with really came home to me when i tried to describe to a man in a third world nation how in America we have so much stuff we have to rent storage units to store all our possessions which won’t fit in our houses. The look on his face was one of incredulousness. He thought our addiction to possessions was horrible. He asked me, “If you know this world is passing away, and nothing but what is done in Christ will stand, why do you all devote so much time to owning so much stuff born of this world?” Ummm, well, i had no good answer, after all, i am an American. i have a pocket full of plastic to get more stuff if i want to. And if that wasn’t enough, i can just go to a bank and sign my life away, making payments on stuff, just so i can have more. Then there are the people who keep their stuff, years and years past it’s state of usefulness, and would rather it lay in the barn and rot as to allow anyone in need to have it. Many folks have so much stuff, their houses are piled full, full of all their valuable stuff, so much so, you have to walk through the narrow passages between the piled treasure to get to the next room. It’s an “obsession with possession”, and we can’t take any of it with us. One fellow tried to tell me God intended each of us to be wealthy, having lots of stuff and many possessions. i remember thinking, “why oh why do we need more stuff?” We’ve already got so much of everything, it’s almost as if nothing is special anymore. Indeed, we have “an obsession with possession”, and the Lord wants to change our hearts about that.

1 John 2:8, “Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.”

Regardless of what the world’s activities look like on any given day, no matter what the stock market does, or the promises of our government, according to the work of Christ on the cross and 1John 2:8, the teeth have been pulled out of the jaws of hell, and darkness has lost it’s grip! The light of the world is shining, and shining brightly in a dark place … furthermore, He is getting brighter and getting closer to everything in this sin laden, fallen universe. The universe is groaning under the weight of His growing glory, for the closer Jesus gets to all things the more all things become like Him, therefore the darkness yields all its positions and holdings to the Son of God.

The evening news reports God is fading out and the dominion of darkness is fading in, at least that’s what they’d like us to think; the media service network makes sure all we hear is a biased opinion of the state of the universe, saying “everything is fine, just fine. People have never been happier and we have never been so well off” … and it’s simply not true. Regardless, the fact remains evil has lost it’s mooring and anchor, it is passing away. Darkness acts like it still has strength and the ability to run with the ball, but the truth is Jesus has shoved it back from the line of scrimmage all the way into its own goal line, and then it was the end of the game. The Son of God won it all and there is no more opportunity for darkness to repolarize the universe in sin, ever again. Darkness has lost its loud voice and is only left to manipulating those who are available to be manipulated.

Still, there are things which fade and pass away, and as long as we wear flesh and there is a devil, it’s always going to be a fight. Eventually, all that is made, all things, people and memories will pale and dissolve away over the edge of remembrance into eternity.

Ships fade into the distance as they sail away, the light passes away into the late afternoon – soon fading into the evening. Sooner or later, even the memory of the ship which sailed away into the distance will fade away. We think our friends will remember us when we die, but when the friends who remembers us die, that only leaves the friends of the friends who remember and eventually, no one but God will remember. Flowers fade, and the grass of the field passes into winter. Seasons fade in and out, times come and go, but God, God is the same and is ever enduring, unwavering, and always stable. He never fades or passes away. Ever. The older i get, the more my younger years fade into the dimness of the past. Funny how not only does the Lord never fade, but with time He actually becomes more visible, and comes more sharply into view.

How do you want people to remember you? Many years ago, a young man i knew was pondering the end of life and asked me how i wanted to be remembered. Upon asking him to be more specific in what he meant, the young man went on to ask, “Do you want to be remembered for the big house you built, or the garden you grew, or the mile long wall you built to commemorate the time you were on earth? Or maybe for some great athletic feat, or amazing intellectualism.”

i’d never considered what he was asking, so as i thought about his question, into my mind came a multiplicity of several visions all at once, like one little video after another. i first saw a vision of a great house of massive stones firmly built on great rocks in the earth, all eventually crumbling onto the ground and becoming dust again. Then i saw, in high speed motion, a beautiful garden with flowers and vegetables wither and fade, become overgrown with weeds, then saplings sprouted and became trees and shortly no one ever knew there was ever a garden there. And again, i watched as all things built of men, again in hi-speed motion, were built up, fell apart eventually and came down. i saw myself running as the fastest man on earth and jumping higher than all others until i became old with faded strength, years had gone by and then there was a new fastest man on earth, a new high jumper, and no man remembered my name; at the last of the visions, i saw myself with a bulging forehead, smarter than anyone anywhere, and in a flash i saw all my brilliance fading away into history books, and eventually my name, even in history books, would be replaced with someone else’s, someone younger, someone smarter than i ever thought of being.

i believe God gave me a good reply that day when i answered the question with, “I’d like to be remembered for my kindness, my devotion to God, my honesty and diligence. i’d like to be remembered when i fade and pass away as a Godly man of great integrity, and character. i think i’d like my headstone to say, “Here lies a man who loved Jesus and tried really hard.” i continued saying, “But all that, even the remembrance, will fade and pass away. So, above all, i want to know, when my eyes finally fade to black and all my strength is gone, that God knows my name, for men will soon forget other men and even memories fade regardless of our deeds, but God is the only one who remembers us for who we are in Christ.” What do you say? How do you want to be known?

 In this life, all things fade and pass away, that is how things are ordered in God’s providence. We typically don’t want to think about that and we somehow expect to know in advance when life, times, and people, are going to fade and pass away. We want a predictable decline, a calculatable crisis so we have time enough to gather our wits and change the set of our sails. Fading and passing away is, typically, a one-time event, we don’t get to practice for the end of the line so we look good, or so we’ll have all the witty and deep things to say in those last moments.

We think to ourselves that it is still “early”, there is still time, that seasons will wait for us and won’t change until we are prepared. Ha! Think my friend, think. Out of the millions who have left this place before us, have the seasons ever, ever waited for anyone to “get it right” before the final chapter of their life somehow, closes like they want? Who gets to elect to leave here with a fairy-tale ending? You’re right! Nobody.

Most of the time we don’t notice the fading and passing of this world, but let’s not dwell on the old, but focus on the new. Galatians 6:15, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.” Ephesians 4:22-23, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds”.

2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, ALL things have become new!” The new has come, and “new” means never been done before, freshness with respect to age. If you and i, through Christ, have become new, repolarized from unrighteousness to righteousness, by the blood of the crucified, resurrected Son of God, and the Lord says we are made a “new creation”, what part of all new do we not get?

The standard of existing under the rules of this fallen world no longer apply to those who are believers in Christ. We are “other”, meaning not like we were before, and the old standard is no longer suitable. The old “standard” meant as under the rules of death, and the new standard meaning, in Christ, under the rules of life.

The Lord made opportunity for reconciliation and redemption, and we have the power to not remain the same. Remaining the same is not an option; change without transformation is entirely unsatisfactory. Some seem to think they can stay the same, but you know, all untilled soil grows briars and weeds quite well…anything can roll downhill, it may appear to be the simplest thing in the world to just keep going the way were, but truthfully, if we don’t get better, we will get worse, for there is no standing still in the presence of God. The word of the Lord says, we are new, meaning we are not the same anymore … no longer slaves to fear, sin, and death.

Peter says in 1 Peter 5:14, “Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to you all who are in Christ Jesus.” “In Christ” is “in Christ”…. “in” is “in” and we can’t be anymore “in” than “in”. i like these words, “in Christ”, “new creation”, “old things passed away”. We are a new creation, the old you is gone and Jesus is establishing the new, righteous you who will live forever and has access to all the attributes of the Living God, Almighty. i like that. We are new, and even if this world fades and passes away, who we are, and what we have done in Christ will remain forever, God will remember and will not forget. In Christ, you will never fade and pass away. Ever. And that is worth taking to the bank, amen? Think about it.

 Outwardly, indifference and trusting God can look the same, but at their foundation they are eternally different. Indifference says, “i really don’t care what happens.” It means being unconcerned and having a lack of interest. On the other hand, trusting God says, “i care what’s happening, but i believe God has got this, He will resolve things in His time, and i’m not going to worry anymore.” ‘If any man be in Christ he is a new creature,’ Jesus has put all life under the influence of “new life”. We may have lingering hankerings from the old which fades and passes away, but as the new sap rises in us, it pushes off the old leaves to break out the new for bearing much fruit.

i’m Social Porter and thank you for joining me here at Outposts.

This world has lost it’s grip on us who are in Christ. This world is fading and passing away, satan and hell have been defeated and have no authority over us who are God’s people. When Jesus said, “It is finished”, He meant “finished”, done, accomplished. From that point on, sin, death and dying are fading and passing away and the light is getting brighter and brighter.

Stand up this week, hoist your colors up the flag pole, nail God’s declaration of Hope upon the mast pole of life and let the world hear of His goodness in your life. Pray for your neighbors, be kind to yourself and those around you. Drive carefully, and i hope to talk with you next time.

God Is Not Hidden

Romans 1:18-21, “For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”

God is not hidden and we are still hiding. From the days of Genesis when Adam and Eve hid themselves in the garden because of sin, even though man was hiding from God, God was not hiding from man. His works are visible for anyone who is interested in seeing them, literally, His fingerprints are all over everything.

There is no excuse for not believing in God. He has clearly revealed Himself to the world and to each individual’s conscience, c’mon, His fingerprints are all over everything. Just looking up at the stars at night should convince anyone there is a Creator. In addition, i believe all people know deep inside themselves that there is a God, and everyone is born with a sense of right and wrong. Fly to the corners of the world, God-lovers and God-haters alike, agree stealing is wrong, lying is wrong, adultery is wrong, betrayal is wrong, and especially, when it happens to them. Where did they get that idea of right and wrong? We can’t know what a curved line is unless we first have an idea of a straight line. However, i seems people suppress the truth because they don’t want to believe. A man told me once that “for God to exist, He must meet standards.” (chuckle) He really felt his standards could be high enough to define God. i figure, essentially, what he was saying was, “He must prove Himself according to MY standards.” The Lord is everlasting, does not depend on anyone or thing, nor is He required to meet someone’s standards in order to exist. If the Lord were enslaved and duty-bound to meet with mankind’s requirements, then He wouldn’t hardly be all powerful, and independent, He would be just another god, little “G”, in a sea of man-made gods that would be subject and dependent upon the whim of man to exist. ….and to me, that would be just stupid. So why not believe in God, it’s certainly easier than believing in whirling atoms coming to agreement to, not only get together and create something, but to be intelligent and wise enough to add infinitely deep concepts like, love, hate, responsibility, friendship, blue skies, rain, and all the myriad of physical and non-physical things of existence. Why not believe in God?

i believe a generalized “Don’t want to” is at the core of the matter, a heart full of “don’t want to”. Believing would put unbelievers face-to-face with themselves, their wrongness-of-character, rebellion, and their need to come back to God could be more than most are willing to bear. It appears it’s just too close, and too honest. Maybe the need for Christ isn’t acute enough ….yet.

Therefore, they deny the facts of God’s existence and play little mental games, trying to rationalize away the truth. Because of this, God’s solid boundary against all ungodliness and unrighteousness is revealed from Heaven and is set with unmoveable determination by the hand of God Himself. To unbelief, He said, “thus far and no more….you will not bring sin, evil, and unbelief into my house.”

The Lord is the God of truth. The God of the Bible is not a god of myth or legend. Jesus Christ is The Truth. He is the ultimate reality; He is what is really real in the universe, in a world full of deception and lies. Likewise, the Bible is not just some made-up book of religious fantasy; rather it is true spiritually, historically, and scientifically.

God is not hidden. We are. We were hiding in the garden of Eden, and we are still hiding today. The Lord is bidding us to come out of hiding, to humble ourselves and be honest, to throw open the doors of our heart and tear down our fences. What is up with all our resentment and jealousy anyway? Christ is visible and willing to forgive us all our darkest secrets, we’ve simply go to be willing to come out of our hiding places. Come out, come out, where ever you are. God is calling you to come home!

God Intervenes

Jesus, You did it! You changed my regret and overwhelming sorrow, You ripped off my black mourning band.

You didn’t leave.

You gave me room to breathe.

Jesus pulled me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud and sent me leaping and whirling, abandoning myself to His love. When i was mobbed by my sins and they were piled up, stinking, and defiling, far past counting, when i was living on a diet of tears, God intervened and made me a poem to Himself.

Who is God? Let’s speak of His invisible attributes: God does not procrastinate; not statistical numbers or written words can properly account for Him. God intervenes. He is really really good at being God and does not quit. His love is absolutely relentless. God is gracious and kind, He loves us all day and sings us songs all night; He clears the name of those who believe in Him. He gives those who love Him His lantern and compass, He makes us a map then gives us wisdom and understanding to follow it with. God’s promises are always, always, always, and yes, yes, yes.

Many years ago, when i was in deep trouble, i k new there was only one place to go: to God. What is it worth to us to be right with God? When all my friends who had promised no matter what, they would be there for me, when they were gone, and i wished i was gone too, God intervened. When i was out of ideas, when i was out of imagination, when i was out of dreams and had come to my end, God intervened. At that time of my life i had no clue where to go, what to do, what to say, or how to act anymore. i had not an inkling of an idea of what to expect or what should happen next. Then Jesus stepped in! When i was in a head-lock of sin, then Jesus tagged in, cut the legs out from under my bondage, and took it down for the pin. i thought it was the end of the line for me, but God stepped in, once again, to resolve my internal and spiritual conflict.

So, does God intervene in the affairs of the world? If so, are there any undeniable examples of this divine intervention? Has God left any fingerprints on His handiwork?

i believe we can confidently point to many examples of God’s intervention. Everything from the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the existence of modern-day Israel as proof that God has intervened in history. Of course, there are also the miracles of the Bible, recorded by eyewitnesses to the events, and creation itself. Of course, on the hyper-spiritualized side of this, there are believers who think everything is God’s intervention, like a good parking spot being open is seen clearly as a miracle from God. A sudden gust of wind or the chance meeting of a friend is clearly a sign from God to move in a different direction. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. While this mindset is more biblical than the approach a determined nay-sayer might take, it does pose some potentially serious problems. Interpreting virtually everything as divine intervention can lead to very subjective conclusions. Many times, when we’re at the end of our rope, you’ve gotta admit, we do tend to read into things what we want. It is tempting to study cloud shapes to find “proof” for what we want God’s will to be instead of truly seeking God’s will in a biblical manner

But back to the topic, i believe God intervenes in the lives of every living thing on earth, whether they believe it or not, or appreciate it or not. If God did not intervene in some fashion, i believe life would immediately digress to destruction, and come to a state of nil in a heartbeat. Genesis 20:1-18 is a good example where Abraham was disobedient and God intervened on his behalf when he sought the Lord for help. God intervenes on behalf of even unbelievers, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…even when mankind didn’t believe in God or hold His love as valuable, God intervened and made salvation available for any who would repent and call on His Name.

God intervenes! He is the Chief Interventionist and is willing to cancel your death sentence. Consider His love carefully, your very life is at stake.

i’m Social Porter for Living In His Name Ministries.